Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

"A Seat in the Wilderness" is a Furnishing item that can be used in the Serenitea Pot.

It can be purchased from the Realm Depot for Realm Currency Realm Currency ×80.

Furnishing Sets[]

No Furnishing Sets use "A Seat in the Wilderness" as a component.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
English"A Seat in the Wilderness"
"Lǜyě de Zuòxí"
"Banquet Seat of the Verdant Wilds"
"Lǜyě de Zuòxí"
"Ryokuya no Zaseki"
"Seat of the Verdant Field"
Korean「녹야의 좌석」
"Nokya-ui Jwaseok"
"Seat of the Verdant Field"
SpanishArbusto cómodo verdosoComfortable Verdant Shrub
French« Coussin champêtre »"Rustic Cushion"
Russian«Дикорастущее сидение»
"Dikorastushcheye sideniye"
"Wildly-Growing Seat"
"Kong Ya Nai Pa Khiao"
"Haystack in the Green Forest"
VietnameseGhế Cánh Đồng Xanh
GermanEin Platz auf der Wiese"A Place in the Meadow"
Indonesian"Kursi di Alam Liar""Chair in the Wilderness"
Portuguese"Um Assento na Floresta""A Seat in the Forest"
Turkish"Yaban Koltuğu""Wilderness Seat"
ItalianUn posto in naturaA Seat in Nature

Change History[]

Version 4.4
  • Updated subcategory from Shrub to Large Shrub.

Version 1.5

  • "A Seat in the Wilderness" was released.

