Genshin Impact Viki
Genshin Impact Viki
Genshin Impact Viki
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Elektrik yedi elementten biridir.

Inazuma'yı yöneten elektrik hükümdarBeelzebul'dur.

Element Rezonansı[]

Grupta iki elektrik karakterin olması Element Rezonansı ile sonuçlanır:

  • High Voltage: Affected by Hydro for 40% less time. Superconduct, Overloaded, Electro-Charged, Quicken, Aggravate, or Hyperbloom have a 100% chance to generate an Electro Elemental Particle (CD: 5s).

Element Tepkimeleri[]

Elektrik ile Element Tepkimesi oluşturanlar listelenmiştir:

  • Ateş Overloaded: Causes an explosion that deals AoE Pyro DMG with high knockback.
  • Su Electro-Charged: Deals Electro DMG and high Poise Damage over time to all nearby targets with the Wet status.
  • Buz Superconduct: Deals AoE Cryo DMG and reduces the Physical RES of enemies caught in the AoE by 40%.
  • Rüzgar Swirl: Deals AoE Electro DMG while spreading the Electro status to nearby enemies.
  • Toprak Crystallize: Creates an Electro shard. Picking it up creates an Electro shield around the character.
  • Doğa Quicken: Applies a Quicken aura.
    • Elektrik Aggravate: Triggered when applying Elektrik to an entity with the Quicken aura. Adds Additive Base DMG Bonus to the attack that triggers this reaction.
    • Doğa Spread: Triggered when applying Doğa to an entity with the Quicken aura. Adds Additive Base DMG Bonus to the attack that triggers this reaction.
  • DoğaSu Hyperbloom: Transforms a Dendro Core produced by the Bloom reaction into a homing Sprawling Shot that deals increased AoE Dendro DMG in a small radius.

Elektrik etkisi[]

Elektrik'ten etkilenmenin kendi başına bir etkisi yoktur. Ancak, Elektrik'ten etkilenmek Elektrik Element Tepkimeleri oluşturur. Certain mechanics in Inazuma, such as the Lightning Strike Probe, will respond to characters or monsters affected by Electro.

Any source of Electro DMG, including Electro Crystals, will apply the Elektrik status. Getting struck by lightning or entering a body of water struck by lightning during a thunderstorm will also apply Elektrik.

Öz Elektrik etkisi[]

Listelenen yetenekler aktif karaktere Elektrik etkisi uygular:

There are no Talents that match the category selection.

Elektrik karakterleri[]

Oynanabilir karakterler[]

14 karakter bulunmaktadır:

İkon İsim Nadirlik Silah Bölge Model
Beidou Icon Beidou 4 Stars Weapon-class-claymore-icon Çift elli Emblem Liyue Liyue Uzun Kadın
Clorinde Icon Clorinde 5 Stars Weapon-class-sword-icon Kılıç Emblem Nation Unknown Fontaine Uzun Kadın
Cyno Icon Cyno 5 Stars Weapon-class-polearm-icon Mızrak Emblem Sumeru Sumeru Orta Erkek
Dori Icon Dori 4 Stars Weapon-class-claymore-icon Çift elli Emblem Sumeru Sumeru Kısa Kadın
Fischl Icon Fischl 4 Stars Weapon-class-bow-icon Yay Emblem Mondstadt Mondstadt Orta Kadın
Keqing Icon Keqing 5 Stars Weapon-class-sword-icon Kılıç Emblem Liyue Liyue Orta Kadın
Kujou Sara Icon Kujou Sara 4 Stars Weapon-class-bow-icon Yay Emblem Inazuma Inazuma Uzun Kadın
Kuki Shinobu Icon Kuki Shinobu 4 Stars Weapon-class-sword-icon Kılıç Emblem Inazuma Inazuma Orta Kadın
Lisa Icon Lisa 4 Stars Weapon-class-catalyst-icon Katalizör Emblem Mondstadt Mondstadt Uzun Kadın
Ororon Icon Ororon 4 Stars Weapon-class-bow-icon Yay Emblem Nation Unknown Natlan Uzun Erkek
Razor Icon Razor 4 Stars Weapon-class-claymore-icon Çift elli Emblem Mondstadt Mondstadt Orta Erkek
Sethos Icon Sethos 4 Stars Weapon-class-bow-icon Yay Emblem Sumeru Sumeru Orta Erkek
Yae Miko Icon Yae Miko 5 Stars Weapon-class-catalyst-icon Katalizör Emblem Inazuma Inazuma Uzun Kadın
Raiden Shogun Icon Şogun Raiden 5 Stars Weapon-class-polearm-icon Mızrak Emblem Inazuma Inazuma Uzun Kadın

Gelecek karakterler[]

Kategori seçimine uyan karakter bulunmamaktadır..


Normal Bosslar


Bazı çevresel öğeler veya engeller Elektrik nesnesi olarak kabul edilir:

  • Electro Crystal Electro Crystal (aktif karaktere Electro DMG verir)
  • Electro Current Puzzle
  • Electro Rock Piles
  • Electro Lanterns (aktif karaktere Electro uygular)

Elektrik hasar bonusu[]

Elektrik direnci[]

Eğlenceli bilgiler[]

  • Elektrik elementinin sembolü muhtemelen geleneksel Japon hanedanlık armalarında sıklıkla bulunan Mitsudomoe sembolüne dayanmaktadır.
  • In Genshin Impact's story, Elektrik is likely the third element that the Traveler resonates with, and they are shown using Electro in cinematic cutscenes in Amidst Stormy Judgment and The Omnipresent God during Chapter II of the Archon Quests.
    • In Genshin Impact's gameplay, players are never forced to resonate their Traveler characters with or to even unlock any Statues of The Seven in Inazuma. It is therefore possible to play the entire game thus far without ever resonating the Traveler character with Electro or even unlocking any Statues of The Seven in Inazuma.
  • While uncommon in Teyvat, Electro energy can be observed in a yellow color.


  • The name Electro comes from the prefix for words related to electricity, "electro-," which derives from the Ancient Greek word for amber (Antik Yunanca: ἤλεκτρον ḗlektron) (a natural resin, which — when rubbed — produces static electricity).


Diğer diller[]

DilResmî Adlandırma
Emoji TR Flag  TürkçeElektrik
Emoji EN Flag  İngilizceElectro
Emoji ZHS Flag  Çince

Emoji ZHT Flag  Çince

Emoji JA Flag  Japoncaかみなり
Emoji KO Flag  Korece번개
Emoji ES Flag  İspanyolcaElectro
Emoji FR Flag  FransızcaÉlectro
Emoji RU Flag  RusçaЭлектро
Emoji TH Flag  Taycaไฟฟ้า
Fai fa
Emoji VI Flag  VietnamcaLôiLôi
Emoji DE Flag  AlmancaElektro
Emoji ID Flag  EndonesyacaElectro
Emoji PT Flag  PortekizceElectro
Emoji IT Flag  İtalyancaElectro

Güncelleme geçmişi[]


