


Our mission: make clean energy investment accessible and affordable to Hawaii’s underserved ratepayers; stimulate private investments; and leverage innovative financing tools to mitigate risks and reach new markets in support of Hawaii’s goal of 100% clean energy in the electricity sector by 2045.
Our programs:
Our programs:

Homeowners and Renters


State Agencies

HI-CAP Programs for Small Businesses and Nonprofits

Commercial Programs

C-PACER Financing
Programs in development:

Solar For All

Solar Hui Investment Fund

Contact us for more information!
Do you need help in another language? Interpretation services may be available.

廣東話/广东话: Chinese: Cantonese國語/普通话: Chinese: MandarinKapasen Chuuk: ChuukeseʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi: HawaiianIlokano: Ilocano日本語: Japanese한국어: Korean
Kajin Majôl: MarshalleseGagana Samoa: SamoanEspañol: SpanishTagalog: Tagalogภาษาไทย: ThaiTiếng Việt: VietnameseCebuano: Visayan