Women empowerment, indeed! Ursula von der Leyen and one Kaja Kallas are in the forefront of rearmament and aggressive policy of the European Union. Prime Minister of the European Union’s government has called on huge almost war-time expenditure – some 800 billion euros – on the military, while Kaja Kallas from teeny-weeny Estonia, vice-prime minister of the same supranational, Paneuropean government, flexes her? European? muscles in an effort not only to overcome Russia but also to take on… China! Wow! Really, women empowerment in action! The two women even look alike. Who said that men are aggressive and women are not? Whoever did, he had better reconsider.
Ursula von der Leyen’s idea goes by the name of Re-Arm Europe Plan. Faced with American disengagement from the war in Ukraine, European demagogues, apparatchiks and chickenhawks are throwing temper tantrums. You may bet that neither Ursula von der Leyen’s family nor the family of Kaja Kallas are or ever will be exposed to danger in case war with Russia breaks out. What they are preparing is for us alone. They and their company will only draw benefits from war mongering or from war.
Their hatred of Russia in general and of Putin in particular is passionate and implacable. Their greed is insatiable. Their drive for dominance is unparalleled just as unparalleled is their insolence and mendacity. Fear of Russia – a new treat for the Europeans after the notorious virus scare. Just as at the time of the so-called pandemic we were supposed to be wiped out from the face of the earth by the chemical compound attacking us surreptitiously, so now we are going to be invaded and enslaved by… Russians! And you know what? Europeans are going to buy into it lock, stock and barrel. They already bought into all this clap-trap about Russian threat many years before. This fire only needs fuelling, from time to time. This fire only needs to be fed on the black-and-white fairy tale according to which we, the Europeans are the good guys, they, the Russians, are the bad guys. It only needs Orwellian two-minutes of hate now and again, with the face of the dictator from the east to be spat on and screamed at. No big deal for European propaganda managers.
Once Ukrainians fell for this trap. They flexed their muscles in the belief that the whole West flexed its muscles with them. As a result, Ukrainians were oh so confident about their prevalence over Russia in everything. Yet, when push came to shove, they saw that they were left to their own devices. That is, yes, the West provided them with arms and intel, the West kept pummelling Russia with “sanctions” (while purchasing Russian gas via go-betweens), and the West saluted to Zelensky and pandered to his whims and wishes, but all proved to be of no avail. Worse, recently the United States – the West’s overlord – rode roughshod over Ukrainian president, over Ukraine as such, over all that heretofore was held oh so dear and sacrosanct.
Implacable hatred towards Putin on the part of Ursula von der Leyen and Kaja Kallas can surely be explained in a Freudian manner: the two women with their brains invaded by feminist ideas (think of Annalena Baerbock and her feminist diplomacy!) just cannot come to terms with the fact that a male, a white male, a white representative of patriarchy dares to oppose them and seems to be getting the upper hand! Indeed, it must be a nightmare with which Ursula von der Leyen and Kaja Kallas keep waking up in the dead of night, sweat on their bodies. Why, Ursula von der Leyen has become empress of Europe the likes of which history has never seen and – lo and behold – a Russian muzhik has thrown down the gauntlet and has questioned the moral and political preponderance of the progressive ideas made by the EU.
This sweaty nightmare that the two women experience must be compounded by the fact that another white, dominant male across the Atlantic took power and seems to be intent on establishing a friendly relationship with – who could have thought it possible a couple of months earlier! – Moscow. It is not Kamala Harris but Donald Trump on the Hill! How wholeheartedly would Ursula von der Leyen and Kaja Kallas embrace Kamala Harris at a meeting in Paris or London, or in Washington! Tough luck, though. Again two dominant males on the political stage, and – to make things even worse – a third one on the horizon: Xi Jinping in China! What the two women must experience would make a very interesting case for Sigismund Freud or for that matter Carl Gustav Jung.
There certainly is more to all this than meets the eye. Threat alleged threat from Russia is the declared problem, but what is the genuine aim? The genuine aim is concealed from us. Do you remember the public outrage when it turned out that Ursula von der Leyen ordered hundreds of millions of vaccines in a company where her husband was employed? Europe loves finger-pointing at Russia when it comes to corruption, when it comes to bribery, yet in this case everything has been swept under the carpet. The pandemic designed or exploited or both by the managers of the world enriched the same managers of the world, the same designers, the same exploiters. Millions for vaccine manufacturers and more power for politicians under the guise of the public good. It was as simple as that. Now what do you think what purpose the Re-Arm Europe Plan is going to serve? Yes, you guessed it right. The managers of Europe will line their pockets. Simultaneously they will be free and justified to blame all failures in economy and social policy on the war expenditure, on Russia, ultimately on Putin! Indeed, if there were no Putin, the European Union would have to invent one. More to it, the apparatchiks and demagogues of the European Union will feel justified in curtailing free speech under the disguise of preventing Russian propaganda! They could cancel election after election (think of Romania) because of Russian interference. What a godsend this Putin is, really!
And you may rest assured that although money will be needed for rearmament, there will be no slowing down of the policy of importing people from outside Europe. Miraculously, there will always be money for accommodating them. It is the indigenous Europeans who will pay the price for the war between Ursula von der Leyen and Kaja Kallas on the one hand, and Vladimir Putin on the other.
Coming back to Sigismund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung. The case of Kaja Kallas from Estonia is really fascinating and intgriguing. Her lilliputian home country borders on the gargantuan Russian Federation, and still she indulges herself in war mongering. There must be something the matter with her brain. A list of European cities that number more inhabitants than the whole population of Estonia would be longer than a hundred… or maybe I have exaggerated, but you get the point. Estonia has 1.3 million inhabitants of which Estonian as a mother tongue is spoken by merely 67%. So, a third of the population are not even ethnic Estonians. Guess who they are! Yes, you guessed it right: for the most part they are Russians. Is Estonia going to shell them like Ukrainians did the Russian minority in the Donbass? Is Estonia going to pick up a fight with Russia? Does Estonia count on the effectiveness of sanctions that the European Union will impose on Russia in case of aggression? Does Kaja Kallas really think NATO will go to war over one million Estonians somewhere on the east Baltic coast? If she believes it, then she needs to consult a specialist. If she does not, then why is she pursuing this policy of antagonizing Russia?
Consider also, that Estonia’s population was the largest when the country was occupied and exploited as it is fashionable to say today by the Soviet Union. In 1990, shortly before independence from the Soviet Union, Estonia numbered a bit more than 1.5 million citizens. Since that time the population trend is only downwards. Is it because of the many benefits that the membership in the European Union has blessed Estonia with?
Let us take on Ursula von der Leyen for a change. What she might have at the back of her weird mind is perhaps ultimately a war with Russia. That’s at least the impression that one gets while consuming this war mongering and fear mongering propaganda. Now, I would very much like to ask the European Prime Minister a simple question: does she think all those Third World people who have become Europeans at the stroke of a pen will rally around the star-spangled blue banner of the European Union and fight for it? Does she think the Nigerians and the Afghanis, the Syrians and the Libyans have left their war-torn countries and come to Europe for the purpose of… dying or becoming maimed in a war? Give me a break!
So, it is going to be the white, indigenous Europeans who will be made to fight in the name of Ursula von der Leyen and Kaja Kallas, that is, in the name of Europe, in the name of democracy and “values”. Yet, how many Europeans identify with Europe, with the alphabet sexuality, with diversity- equality-inclusion, with women empowerment, with, with, with? Are they going to defend these “values” and lose their limbs? I’m eager to see it happen!
Millions of Ukrainians have fled their country, reluctant to take up arms. Lots of them do not feel Ukrainians in the first place. To defend a nation you need to feel strongly about it. Now Europeans have been taught for decades that patriotism and national sentiment are evil, that masculinity is evil. How then can Ursula von der Leyen and Kaja Kallas count on European effeminate males who have unlearned manliness and forgotten patriotism to take up arms? I bet the two women can’t even grasp what fix they are in. They can’t grasp it not only because their mental faculties are not sufficient, but also because they have mingled with the EU apparatchiks and demagogues for so long that they have lost all and any contact with reality. Here think of Annalena Baerbock, Germany’s foreign minister, who boasted about her “feminist diplomacy” and you get the whole picture. These three women – von der Leyen, Kallas, Baerbock (soon to part with her ministerial position, what a loss for Europe!) – might act in the opening scene of Shakespeare’s Macbeth, bent over the cauldron in which they are boiling the hated Putin alive, while muttering war-mongering and fear-mongering curses.