Global Analysis from the European Perspective. Preparing for the world of tomorrow

Warmongering and Fear-Mongering

Women empowerment, indeed! Ursula von der Leyen and one Kaja Kallas are in the forefront of rearmament and aggressive policy of the European Union. Prime Minister of the European Union’s government has called on huge almost war-time expenditure – some 800 billion euros – on the military, while Kaja Kallas from teeny-weeny Estonia, vice-prime minister of the same supranational, Paneuropean government, flexes her? European? muscles in an effort not only to overcome Russia but also to take on… China! Wow! Really, women empowerment in action! The two women even look alike. Who said that men are aggressive and women are not? Whoever did, he had better reconsider.

Ursula von der Leyen’s idea goes by the name of Re-Arm Europe Plan. Faced with American disengagement from the war in Ukraine, European demagogues, apparatchiks and chickenhawks are throwing temper tantrums. You may bet that neither Ursula von der Leyen’s family nor the family of Kaja Kallas are or ever will be exposed to danger in case war with Russia breaks out. What they are preparing is for us alone. They and their company will only draw benefits from war mongering or from war.

Their hatred of Russia in general and of Putin in particular is passionate and implacable. Their greed is insatiable. Their drive for dominance is unparalleled just as unparalleled is their insolence and mendacity. Fear of Russia – a new treat for the Europeans after the notorious virus scare. Just as at the time of the so-called pandemic we were supposed to be wiped out from the face of the earth by the chemical compound attacking us surreptitiously, so now we are going to be invaded and enslaved by… Russians! And you know what? Europeans are going to buy into it lock, stock and barrel. They already bought into all this clap-trap about Russian threat many years before. This fire only needs fuelling, from time to time. This fire only needs to be fed on the black-and-white fairy tale according to which we, the Europeans are the good guys, they, the Russians, are the bad guys. It only needs Orwellian two-minutes of hate now and again, with the face of the dictator from the east to be spat on and screamed at. No big deal for European propaganda managers.

Once Ukrainians fell for this trap. They flexed their muscles in the belief that the whole West flexed its muscles with them. As a result, Ukrainians were oh so confident about their prevalence over Russia in everything. Yet, when push came to shove, they saw that they were left to their own devices. That is, yes, the West provided them with arms and intel, the West kept pummelling Russia with “sanctions” (while purchasing Russian gas via go-betweens), and the West saluted to Zelensky and pandered to his whims and wishes, but all proved to be of no avail. Worse, recently the United States – the West’s overlord – rode roughshod over Ukrainian president, over Ukraine as such, over all that heretofore was held oh so dear and sacrosanct.

Implacable hatred towards Putin on the part of Ursula von der Leyen and Kaja Kallas can surely be explained in a Freudian manner: the two women with their brains invaded by feminist ideas (think of Annalena Baerbock and her feminist diplomacy!) just cannot come to terms with the fact that a male, a white male, a white representative of patriarchy dares to oppose them and seems to be getting the upper hand! Indeed, it must be a nightmare with which Ursula von der Leyen and Kaja Kallas keep waking up in the dead of night, sweat on their bodies. Why, Ursula von der Leyen has become empress of Europe the likes of which history has never seen and – lo and behold – a Russian muzhik has thrown down the gauntlet and has questioned the moral and political preponderance of the progressive ideas made by the EU.

This sweaty nightmare that the two women experience must be compounded by the fact that another white, dominant male across the Atlantic took power and seems to be intent on establishing a friendly relationship with – who could have thought it possible a couple of months earlier! – Moscow. It is not Kamala Harris but Donald Trump on the Hill! How wholeheartedly would Ursula von der Leyen and Kaja Kallas embrace Kamala Harris at a meeting in Paris or London, or in Washington! Tough luck, though. Again two dominant males on the political stage, and – to make things even worse – a third one on the horizon: Xi Jinping in China! What the two women must experience would make a very interesting case for Sigismund Freud or for that matter Carl Gustav Jung.

There certainly is more to all this than meets the eye. Threat alleged threat from Russia is the declared problem, but what is the genuine aim? The genuine aim is concealed from us. Do you remember the public outrage when it turned out that Ursula von der Leyen ordered hundreds of millions of vaccines in a company where her husband was employed? Europe loves finger-pointing at Russia when it comes to corruption, when it comes to bribery, yet in this case everything has been swept under the carpet. The pandemic designed or exploited or both by the managers of the world enriched the same managers of the world, the same designers, the same exploiters. Millions for vaccine manufacturers and more power for politicians under the guise of the public good. It was as simple as that. Now what do you think what purpose the Re-Arm Europe Plan is going to serve? Yes, you guessed it right. The managers of Europe will line their pockets. Simultaneously they will be free and justified to blame all failures in economy and social policy on the war expenditure, on Russia, ultimately on Putin! Indeed, if there were no Putin, the European Union would have to invent one. More to it, the apparatchiks and demagogues of the European Union will feel justified in curtailing free speech under the disguise of preventing Russian propaganda! They could cancel election after election (think of Romania) because of Russian interference. What a godsend this Putin is, really!

And you may rest assured that although money will be needed for rearmament, there will be no slowing down of the policy of importing people from outside Europe. Miraculously, there will always be money for accommodating them. It is the indigenous Europeans who will pay the price for the war between Ursula von der Leyen and Kaja Kallas on the one hand, and Vladimir Putin on the other.

Coming back to Sigismund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung. The case of Kaja Kallas from Estonia is really fascinating and intgriguing. Her lilliputian home country borders on the gargantuan Russian Federation, and still she indulges herself in war mongering. There must be something the matter with her brain. A list of European cities that number more inhabitants than the whole population of Estonia would be longer than a hundred… or maybe I have exaggerated, but you get the point. Estonia has 1.3 million inhabitants of which Estonian as a mother tongue is spoken by merely 67%. So, a third of the population are not even ethnic Estonians. Guess who they are! Yes, you guessed it right: for the most part they are Russians. Is Estonia going to shell them like Ukrainians did the Russian minority in the Donbass? Is Estonia going to pick up a fight with Russia? Does Estonia count on the effectiveness of sanctions that the European Union will impose on Russia in case of aggression? Does Kaja Kallas really think NATO will go to war over one million Estonians somewhere on the east Baltic coast? If she believes it, then she needs to consult a specialist. If she does not, then why is she pursuing this policy of antagonizing Russia?

Consider also, that Estonia’s population was the largest when the country was occupied and exploited as it is fashionable to say today by the Soviet Union. In 1990, shortly before independence from the Soviet Union, Estonia numbered a bit more than 1.5 million citizens. Since that time the population trend is only downwards. Is it because of the many benefits that the membership in the European Union has blessed Estonia with?

Let us take on Ursula von der Leyen for a change. What she might have at the back of her weird mind is perhaps ultimately a war with Russia. That’s at least the impression that one gets while consuming this war mongering and fear mongering propaganda. Now, I would very much like to ask the European Prime Minister a simple question: does she think all those Third World people who have become Europeans at the stroke of a pen will rally around the star-spangled blue banner of the European Union and fight for it? Does she think the Nigerians and the Afghanis, the Syrians and the Libyans have left their war-torn countries and come to Europe for the purpose of… dying or becoming maimed in a war? Give me a break!

So, it is going to be the white, indigenous Europeans who will be made to fight in the name of Ursula von der Leyen and Kaja Kallas, that is, in the name of Europe, in the name of democracy and “values”. Yet, how many Europeans identify with Europe, with the alphabet sexuality, with diversity- equality-inclusion, with women empowerment, with, with, with? Are they going to defend these “values” and lose their limbs? I’m eager to see it happen!

Millions of Ukrainians have fled their country, reluctant to take up arms. Lots of them do not feel Ukrainians in the first place. To defend a nation you need to feel strongly about it. Now Europeans have been taught for decades that patriotism and national sentiment are evil, that masculinity is evil. How then can Ursula von der Leyen and Kaja Kallas count on European effeminate males who have unlearned manliness and forgotten patriotism to take up arms? I bet the two women can’t even grasp what fix they are in. They can’t grasp it not only because their mental faculties are not sufficient, but also because they have mingled with the EU apparatchiks and demagogues for so long that they have lost all and any contact with reality. Here think of Annalena Baerbock, Germany’s foreign minister, who boasted about her “feminist diplomacy” and you get the whole picture. These three women – von der Leyen, Kallas, Baerbock (soon to part with her ministerial position, what a loss for Europe!) – might act in the opening scene of Shakespeare’s Macbeth, bent over the cauldron in which they are boiling the hated Putin alive, while muttering war-mongering and fear-mongering curses. 

The Revolution of Commonsense

President Donald Trump’s inaugural speech which he delivered to Congress was as revolutionary as the speech delivered by US Defence Secretary Pete Hegseth in Brussels or the one given by JD Vance in Munich. It was revolutionary or – better put – counterrevolutionary. President Donald Trump’s second-term presidency reminds one of the rule by Napoleon Bonaparte or Joseph Stalin, with no malicious hint being meant in either of the two adduced cases. Both Napoleon Bonaparte and Joseph Stalin took power after a period of revolutionary changes – in France and in Russia – changes that had sought to turn everything upside down in terms of morals, in terms of societal norms, changes that had declared war on commonsense. Indeed, both Napoleon and Stalin stopped the pernicious process and reverted it to a greater degree. Prior to the emergence of these two historical figures France commencing from 1789 and Russia starting from 1917 were on a suicidal course. The likes of Maximilien Robespierre in France and Leo Trotsky in Russia were hellbent on reconstructing and de-constructing society and, indeed, the whole world. Nothing was regarded as sacred, as sacrosanct. Everything was subjected to change while opponents were severely punished.

Much the same has been happening in the United States for the last three or so decades and especially during the presidential office of Joe Biden. The only – and indeed significant – difference between the events in France and Russia was that – as yet – the revolutionary changes were not bloody. All the rest is very much alike. What President Donald Trump is attempting to do is best expressed in the term commonsense revolution, a term that he himself employed in his inaugural address. In a nutshell: no more sexes (or genders) than two, no more wokeism, no more diversity-equity-inclusion madness, no more rampant crime, no more impunity on the part of illegal immigrants, no more craze of gender reassignment, and so on, and so forth. Napoleon and Stalin took similar measures in that they reversed lots of pernicious processes and resumed the pre-revolutionary normalcy to a greater extent. Yes, the latter has very bad press in the world, but the alternative to Stalin – the said Trotsky – was much, much worse.

Americans, just as the French and the Russians of the periods mentioned above, are a split nation. One part of them clings to commonsense, to traditional values, while the other despises everything that has created and shaped America and, indeed, the Western civilization. Why do we get such two opposing sectors of society? God only knows. Sociologists, historians, and economists will readily come up with varied explanations of the phenomenon and they all may be partly right. The most probable cause is – as it seems – a psychological i.e. biological phenomenon concerning the human psyche. Man can choose to dress neatly or to defile his skin with tattoos. As it is, social standing, profession, level of education have little or nothing to do with such personal choices. The divide runs across families, runs among siblings, hence it must be something biological, something we might say – genetic. Now, if such an unfavourable phenomenon afflicts and infects a sufficient number of individuals, and consequently if such individuals manage to attain power – it matters little if they attain power by peaceful or by violent means – then a revolution in morals is set in motion. It is as a rule a minority that is capable of violating the morals of the majority of society. Be it the Russian Bolsheviks or French Jacobins, the German National-Socialists or the Chinese followers of Mao Zedong, the numbers of the political seducers and ultimately ruthless tyrants were always relatively very small. It is not the numbers that decide the course of history: it is the decisiveness, determination, fanaticism and ruthlessness on the part of the social annihilators, accompanied by the meekness, submission, self-effacement, and docility on the part of the vast majority of the rest of society.

The revolution of common sense. These are apt words with which one can describe what is happening now in the United States. The Trotskyites of all epochs and latitudes create secular religions out of thin air (though many a time they claim to have science or God on their part) and seek to rebuild reality. Since they usually appeal to moral values of justice, equality, inclusion, aid, charity, and the like, they can always attract relatively many people, especially young, impressionable, especially intellectually weak (though with university degrees) and inexperienced. In the seventies of the previous century, many people who lived in affluent Western nations adored Che Guevara, Mao Zedong, Ho Chi Minh, Lenin and Castro but – and this is a big but – they never ever thought of relocating and living in a political system created by those heroes of theirs or a country run by them or their followers! More to it, the admirers of Che Guevara, Mao Zedong, Ho Chi Minh, Lenin and Castro did not even notice that people – common people i.e. workers mean peasants – from the countries under the rule of those Che Guevara, Mao Zedong, Ho Chi Minh, Lenin and Castro types would regularly leave their social paradise and preferred to be exploited by the system of capitalism, patriarchy, racism and what not which the impressionable Western minds used to criticize so much. So let us say it one more time to bring it home: the idolizers of all those seemingly wonderful social solutions wanted neither to experience them first hand nor did they notice that common people kept fleeing from the likes of Che Guevara, Mao Zedong, Ho Chi Minh, Lenin and Castro in flocks. Were the adorers and admirers of social experimentation feeble minded en bloc?

Much the same is observable nowadays. The activists who want to import people from the Third World hardly ever mingle with the immigrants, hardly ever live among them or close to the neighbourhoods settled by Third World individuals. The activists who try to intimidate the rest of society into accepting gimmegrants and who accuse the societies they live in of racism and capitalist exploitation do not seem to notice that millions of Third World people flock to allegedly racist and exploitative nations of the Western world. The activists who are oh so fond of demolishing traditional morality do not seem to notice that the people from the Third World despise the ideas of having the many sexes or genders and, what follows, of surgical gender reassignment operations, or irreligiousness of the Western world. The activists who act against commonsense and seek to destroy masculinity (necessarily with the adjective toxic) do not seem to notice that the Third World males are very much masculine and hardly likely to be turned into effeminate pseudo-males of the Western type.

The activists who pursue a revolution in morals do not seem to have the powers of observation. They import people from other countries and claim that by doing it they enrich the West (as if the West were not regarded as the richest part of the globe!) and cannot for the lives of them notice that by enriching their societies they necessarily impoverish the societies from which the enrichment is derived! Indeed, commonsense is not what the Che Guevara, Mao Zedong, Ho Chi Minh, Lenin and Castro types have. They accuse their own nations of being exploitative towards the third world countries and in the same breath they… praise the exploitation of those third world countries by depriving them of the human resources with which those countries or nations could enrich themselves.

In his inaugural speech President Donald Trump enumerated a long (by no means exhaustive) list of the financial expenditures of the previous administration, millions and millions of dollars spent on improving democracy or enabling gender reassignment or similar things in all corners of the world. This procedure shows the craziness of the Trotskyist type that took hold of the Western world. This procedure also enabled a couple of millions of political and social activists to enrich themselves. Political and social activists are as a rule individuals who do not have skills or knowledge that is in demand. These are individuals who have a degree in critical race theory or gender inequality or climate change or, or, or, so participation in government-paid projects such as bringing about or supporting women empowerment somewhere in Africa is the only way for them to assert themselves socially and to have subsistence. Being engaged in such projects one does not need to have any skills or any knowledge: one simply gets money and travels the world with the blessing of a charitable or governmental organization, and can claim to have gained moral high ground.

Because apart from money grants – huge money grants – moral high ground is something that social and political activists of all shades are also very much after. Such is human psyche. A human desperately needs to be regarded as ‘good’. Being ‘good’ is the easiest thing there is in the world. If you cannot master a skill or a branch of knowledge, if you cannot be a good sportsman or artists, you can always gain esteem and achieve a kind of dominance in society by the pretense of being morally good, morally superior. It is especially easy when you do not give away a penny from your own pocket to prove your goodness. The pennies and the pounds come from other sources. It is the others that pay for “women empowerment” somewhere in Africa, and it is the others who pay for your travel there and for your remuneration. It is the tax payers, the people who have skills or that kind of knowledge that is in demand. It is such others who work long hours and pay taxes with which the activity of social do-gooders is paid for, with which the do-gooders can be good.

For we are all driven by the drive of dominance. Dominance is not reducible to material riches or political power. If you cannot assert yourself in either, you can always opt for dominance in the realm of (perceived) morality, you can always strive to become a Gandhi or a Mandela type. This kind of societal dominance can prove better, way better, than material riches or political power. This kind of dominance carries with itself admiration and recognizability, and makes the world adore you. A powerful incentive.

The French revolutionaries and the revolutionaries in Russia, the Chinese Red Guards or the followers of Che Guevara, the followers of John Calvin or Girolamo Savonarola, they all acted for the good of the people. They had no skills nor did they dispose of sound knowledge, but they were spurred on by the dominance drive in that they all wanted to improve society, to improve reality itself, and to present themselves as good men, as good women. What is comforting in all this is the fact that after a period of madness of social engineering there always followed a period of a comeback to commonsense led by the likes of Napoleon in post-Robespierre France, Stalin in post-Trotsky Russia, Deng Xiaoping in post Mao-Zedong China, Konrad Adenauer in post-Hitler Germany, Donald Trump in post-Biden United States, and so on, and so forth. The discomforting element in all this is that periods of societal madness – like this in France or Germany, like those in Russia or China, like those elsewhere in the world throughout history – sadly, keep recurring. Humanity moves along the sinusoidal wave, hitting now troughs, now peaks. Fortunately, we are experiencing a period of relief as the Biden trough is now being counterbalanced by the Trump peak. Sooner or later another trough will come, though. Inevitably. 

Military (mis)calculation

Recently, Poland’s Prime Minister Donald Tusk quoted the International Institute for Strategic Studies according to which Europe together with Ukraine has a strength of 2.6 million troops, the United States has 1.3 million troops, while China – 2 million and Russia barely 1.1 million. Then the Polish prime minister pathetically suggested that Russia should be crushed under such a force and should fear the West. Wow!

You know, Donald Tusk was a student of history. He must have been absent-minded during the lectures or he may have forgotten every bit of what he may have learnt. When throughout the history of humankind has it ever been a rule that sheer numbers always prevail in conflicts? An example from European history.

The Kingdom of Prussia comprised basically two relatively small territories, one around Berlin and on both sides of the Oder estuary, and the other on the Baltic Sea (present-day north-eastern Poland plus the Kaliningrad province that since World War Two belongs to Russia). These two territories were even not connected by land: they were flat, with no resources, and scarcely populated This small Kingdom of Prussia threw down the gauntlet to a huge Habsburg Monarchy (yesterday’s European Union in the centre of the Old Continent, made up of present-day Austria, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, and a huge part of Romania) and won the wars of 1740-42 and 1744-45, tearing away from the Habsburg monarchy Silesia (today’s south-western Poland). In an attempt to regain the lost province, yesterday’s European Union, i.e. the Habsburg Empire, allied itself with Russia and France – two superpowers of that day – and again went to war against the little Kingdom of Prussia – the Seven Years’ War of 1756-63 – and… lost it a third time. The numerical advantage of the anti-Prussian coalition was enormous (the Habsburg Monarchy, France and Russia along with Saxony, not to mention many other German principalities) and yet it turned out the be of no use. Towards the end of that costly and protracted war Russia decided to withdraw its troops (just like today the United States is disengaging from the crusade in Ukraine), and since Russia left the battlefield, the alliance was soon dissolved.

Another example, an example from today, an example that everybody, not even one interested in politics, is aware of. The tiny state of Israel that is located in the sea of – nay – in the ocean of the hostile Arab, Islamic world. The state of Israel stands its ground, and has stood its ground since its inception. True, it has been supported by the United States, but even then: Israel is a tiny country surrounded by usually unfriendly, much more densely populated Arab states. Egypt alone has some 100 million inhabitants, while Israel merely 10 million of which 2 million are Arabs!

That’s the numerical part of the problem. The Polish prime minister did not take into consideration other factors, especially the factor of motivation. Why should the Portuguese or the Norwegians, the Greeks or the Swiss go to war with Russia over Ukraine? Why should they sacrifice anything for this war? Why should they compromise the quality of their life because of Ukraine of which they know next to nothing, of which the older generations did not even learn at school as a separate state because thirty years ago there was no Ukraine on the political map of Europe? Even if forced, Portuguese, Greek or Norwegian soldiers are not likely to really fight somewhere in the East, somewhere in Ukraine. Do you remember the Italian, Hungarian and Romanian soldiers that fought hand in hand with Germans on the eastern front during World War Two? They were usually more of a burden rather than real aid. Was it not the same with Napoleon’s incursion into Russia? The French emperor led troops from almost all of Europe. His numerical advantage was more than obvious. How did he fare?

What do numbers mean? Numbers only have their abstract value in abstract mathematical considerations. It is only in maths that every one and every other one is always the same two. In real life these two soldiers are by no means the same as those two soldiers, the military value of these two tanks and their crews is not comparable to the military value of those two tanks and their crews, and so on, and so forth. There are so many factors that matter that it is almost impossible to take them all into account. Numbers only win when other major factors are more or less comparable. Numbers in themselves are just stats, abstract metrics. Europe and the United States – to quote again Donald Tusk or the International Institute for Strategic Studies – have altogether 3.9 million of professional troops, Russia – 1.1: a proportion of roughly 4 to 1. What is reality? Reality demonstrates that Russia is holding a quarter of Ukrainian territory while Europe is flexing its flaccid muscles and issuing threatening statements – now from Paris, now from London – and becomes ever more livid with its helpless – childlike – hatred of Russia.

Affluence hand in hand with poverty

Isn’t it counterintuitive to learn that in an otherwise affluent society there are tens of millions who need support in the form of food? More than 42 million people in the United States live on welfare. That’s a population of Spain. What we mean by welfare is the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or SNAP. The United States is said to number some 300.000.000 inhabitants, of which the mentioned 42 million live on this kind of welfare. i.e. approximately one-seventh/one-eighth of the population. This welfare – commonly referred to as food stamps – makes one think about the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire, where huge numbers of the Romans were kept pacified through free bread and entertainment.

A household is entitled to receive SNAP if its gross monthly income is equal to or smaller than 130% of the federal poverty level or if its net monthly income is equal to or smaller than 100% of the federal poverty level. To qualify, a citizen must accept a suitable job if one is offered to him by a SNAP agency or employment office and work at least 30 hours a week or else he is disqualified from getting SNAP benefits.

The distribution of SNAP across the three main racial groups is approximately as follows:

Sources: [1] [2].

These people could have good-paying jobs had the entrepreneurs not outsourced the manufacturing overseas. But who pays for the food stamps? It’s either the entrepreneurs through their taxes who have outsourced the businesses (and it is all the same better so for them) or the middle class, also through their taxes. The middle class is shrinking, so…? The government can always issue money out of thin air, which in turn brings about inflation, but since the dollar is the currency of global trade, the cost of inflation is sustained by the whole globe. This inflation is, so to say, cushioned or slowed down.

Be it as it may, it is hard to square the image of the United States of America as a superpower and an affluent country with the fact that over 40 million of its inhabitants (and rising) are on the drop or else they would have hard time making ends meet.

Americans count dollars, Europeans cling to ideologies

Good managers, politicians – just anybody savvy about life and business – seeks to achieve the best results at the lowest costs. That might appear to be sound common sense. Alas, not in the case of the EU individuals who act as ministers, prime ministers and presidents under the guise of the term EU commissioners. Alas, not in the case of the Ukrainian political elites. Do they have insufficient access to historical publications, to historical knowledge? Yet, even if they have limited access to the annals of events, these are usually individuals who are old enough to have gathered personal experience, to have been witnesses to momentous events during their lifetime, events from which they could draw lessons. Why then do they display such gross political impotence?

Of course we mean the current hostilities in Ukraine. The collective West was very much excited about the localized conflict because – that’s at least what they had hoped for – its outcome would provide European economy with much-needed resources from both subjugated Ukraine and defeated and hence subservient Russia, a Russia taken over by the Gorbachev and Yeltsin type of leaders. In all these political calculations the EU ministers aka commissioners making up the EU supranational government aka commission relied heavily on American support. The Ukrainian elites relied on American support even more! They all had hoped to score an easy and quick victory over Russia. To this end they did not even shy away from employing deception. As the reader will have remembered they did not intend to honour the Minsk I and Minsk II Accords as Chancellor Merkel and President Hollande confessed openly. Thus, with American commitment the collective West made a crusade against the East.

But something went wrong.

The expected easy victory could not somehow be scorned, the political, economic and military support bolstered for Ukraine did not seem to make things better, while hated Russia was slowly but surely gaining clear military superiority. It was not the Russian bear that showed military unpreparedness but rather the EU along with its Big Brother from across the Atlantic. All the steps taken by the Union’s government – providing Ukraine with military hard and software and bludgeoning Russia economic sanctions – rather than spearheading a successful offensive wrecked the political balance in Europe, strained European and American finances and put the EU – especially Germany – on the brink of economic collapse. Soon it transpired that the Union was not unified as regards its eastern policy: Hungary and Slovakia were overwrought about the war in Ukraine and began to act accordingly.

With the third year of the war being completed, all the circumstances and results have only exposed the utter incompetence and diplomatic inability of the European superstate to confront Russia. And just as the European enthusiasts of war, of fighting to the last Ukrainian and the last US dollar, were about to force another showdown somewhere east of the Dnieper, power in Washington changed hands and as a result the United States and the European Union began to work at cross purposes. While EU warmongers still obstinately seek to keep the Ukrainian pot boiling, Americans clearly want to place Ukraine on the back-burner. They want to put an end to this madness.

Could the managers of the European supranational juggernaut not have seen the writing on the wall just by looking back into the past? Americans did care two hoots about losing face when they decided to withdraw from Vietnam or Afghanistan, when they decided to make a deal over Korea and give away half of the peninsula to the communists. Americans – unlike their European vassals – are not followers of ideologies: Americans are accountants. Yes, they spark a war in the name of democracy or human rights – it makes the war noble and right – but the moment they see that the costs are rising while the victory is nowhere close to be seen, they take a swift decision to withdraw from a failed project. Americans prefer to ease themselves out of the financial straight jacket caused by wartime expenditure rather than continuing senseless, costly, hopeless hostilities. Americans count dollars, Europeans cling to ideologies. 

Democracy made in the EU

As is already known, the latest parliamentary elections have demonstrated that AfD has become the second largest party in the German legislative. And, as is commonly known and expected, no other German party that has won seats is going to form a coalition with AfD. The same political story as the one in France. That’s democracy made in the European Union. AfD is supported by 20% of the population but never mind such a detail. They are not to be admitted anywhere near the reins of power because… well, because they are allegedly far-right (whatever the term means) and pariahs. Now, this is this famed Western democracy. Every fifth citizen opts for a political grouping and consequently every fifth citizen is spurned, condemned, scorned, mocked – you name it. That’s democracy. You can vote within a certain prescribed spectrum or you are not considered worthy of the attention of the state, the government, the authorities, etc.

Indeed, the Western democracies pride themselves on respecting the rights of minorities: especially of sexual minorities and ethnic minorities. The sexual minorities are very small and yet they have all rights imaginable, and they are respected and protected by the law. The ethnic minorities are so much protected that – as it has again and again transpired – criminal gangs grooming and sexually exploiting white British girls were not prosecuted for fear of inciting inter-ethnic relations. Those Pakistani gangs are not called names – God forbid! But just don’t dare you to vote for AfD in Germany or the National Rally in France! If you do, you are immediately called names: far-right, fascist, Nazi, hater, bigot, nationalist – we know the usual string of appellatives.

Yet, it is a huge chunk of the nation either in France or Germany that votes that way. They do not want to be ruled by the establishment: they want change. Why is every fourth or every fifth German or Frenchman viewed as a pariah? Why is every fourth or every fifth German or Frenchman purposefully denied a share in the respective governments? Why is that scheme called democracy? Why is Belarus or Russia reprimanded for alleged lack or distortion of democracy? As usual, double standards, as usual a speech of a forked tongue.

It is of interest to notice that die Deutsche Demokratische Republik or the German Democratic Republic is still alive. It is enough to have a look at the map of united Germany showing how people voted in particular provinces and all of a sudden the contours of the former DDR emerge in front of your eyes. Yes, AfD is predominantly supported by East Germany, the same East Germany that was a part of the Eastern political bloc and the Warsaw Pact. The fact that the political choice of East Germans has always been and is going to be disregarded speaks volumes. The two Germanies have not been united; rather, West Germany has swallowed East Germany. Rather, the bigger and richer Western big brother usurps the right to dictate to the smaller and poorer brother how he should behave and what he should think. That’s democracy made in the European Union, again. Something that East Germans longed for. Something that East Germans have been blessed with for four decades now. How about that? 

How can East Germans be far-right if they – their fathers and mothers – were politically brought up by the left for four decades? How can the sons and daughters of former East Germans be far-right if their parents were politically educated by the Soviet international communist leftist movement? How can East Germans be far-right if their forefathers soaked in all the Marxist and Leninist ideas that the Western elites are saturated with so much? Something just does not add up here.

As noted, AfD has won a significant chunk of the vote, so it will find its way to the German parliament. This fact alone is going to be exploited as proof that democracy is alive and well in the European Union. But hang on for a moment. In the former socialist countries of the Soviet political bloc there, too, were small parties or semi-parties or political groupings allowed to have a number of representatives in the respective parliaments. That was precisely the same kind of proof that democracy was well and alive in the Soviet block. The parliaments in the Soviet bloc had such representatives precisely because…. they had no influence on the policy making. The then West condemned these practices and rightly so, but today it is the West itself that pursues the policies once pursued by the East. Yes, AfD or the National Rally can eventually have a couple of seats in parliament but that’s about it.

Gefira 91: Neque vivere, neque mori possunt

The echo chamber in which the European Union officials, commissioners, journalists, propagandists, ideologues, politicians and all that syndicate operates has been recently smashed to smithereens three times. The echo chamber of the said unspectacular personages, political celebrities that lack democratic literacy, the echo chamber of the EU big wigs has been struck by three rolls of thunder. First, President Donald Trump said there were two sexes only; second, Secretary of Defence Pete Hegseth announced negotiations with Russia without the European Union; third, Vice President JD Vance told the EU self-righteous celebrities straight in the face that Europe – not Russia, not China – is a threat to itself. The echo chamber – a place where freedom of speech means freedom to say and hear what has been imposed by the powers-that-be – turned into a chamber of howling disappointed brats throwing temper tantrums. How dare the United States of America put everything upside down? How dare Washington rebuke the European Union for its oh so noble ideas! How dare the American establishment let go of all those precious values like ethnic replacement, the myriad of sexes renamed genders, alphabet sexuality, the crusade against intensely hated Russia, the fight against the so-called far-right, how dare they let go of it all? The echo chamber was filled with disbelief, and then resonated with horror.

Yes, Europe in its incarnation of the European Union is undoing itself. Indeed, it is undoing itself and fast. Oddly, the EU’s big guns behave like they are loved and respected by the masses of Europeans. They remind us of the top party ranks from the former Soviet bloc where the comrades in East Germany or Poland, in Czechoslovakia or Hungary and elsewhere kept believing till the last day that they were genuine representatives of their people and that they were not only respected but also… liked. Those East European comrades – leftist activists – had lived in a similar echo chamber like today’s European comrades, also leftist: they would suppress dissent and free speech, which eventually led to their believing in the unreal reality that they had conjured up. They, too, had mighty propaganda and all the media under control. They, too, put a lot of effort to convince the people that their leaders were on the right side of history, introducing progress and a bright future for all mankind. They, too, were internationalists and they, too, were busy playing havoc with traditional moral and other values. To the bitter end.

Now that the echo chamber took a pounding, now that the EU’s shameful and reprehensible practices have been exposed by the top representative of the superpower, the EU propagandists will have a hard time trying to tell Europeans and those millions they have settled on the Old Continent that what they have heard from the American vice president are conspiracy theories or a far-right threat or whatever. Europeans have heard words of truth and commonsense. They have heard those words not from a vlogger or a blogger who can easily be shut down and incarcerated by the EU democrats – champions of human rights. Europeans have heard the words of truth from the American overlords of that deplorable European Union, from the mouth of Europe’s Big Brother from across the Atlantic who laid bare the insanity of the European commissioners, presidents and prime ministers. President Donald Trump and Vice President JD Vance have said what tens of millions of Europeans dare to say but in a circle of close friends, oftentimes in a whisper.

Are we witnessing the downfall of the EU as such? The commissioners are not going to lay down their arms. Their world has been shattered, that’s for sure, but they are going to remain adamant. The problem is that they genuinely believe in ethnic replacement, climate change and the myriad of sexes. They really do! Yes, the pounding has begun, but a lot more is needed to crush the bunker of EU insanity where EU gauleiters have entrenched themselves firmly.


Gefira Financial Bulletin #91 is available now

  • United States has a problem with the dollar
  • Which nation is going to be Ukraine in America’s war against China?
  • Disruptive Innovations
  • Trump and commodities

All the spotlights on Chinese science!

No, you are mistaken if you believe that a country’s military strength makes it a superpower. It is much more innovation, education and science that will determine who will lead the world in the future. Yes, it wasn’t long ago that the Asian tigers Japan and South Korea gave Europeans and Americans a tough nut to crack – with their cars and electronics. Japan was at the top for a very long time when it came to the number of patents registered. Guess which country is in first place today? It’s China, of course. The Australian Institute for Strategic Policy has confirmed that the Middle Kingdom dominates in 37 out of 44 key technologies. In 2024, the number of Chinese patents rose by 13.5 percent and the number of new trademarks was 9.1 percent. According to the Global Innovation Index, the country ranks 11th and remains the leader in upper middle-income economies. Just a decade earlier, it was in 29th place. In comparison, the USA is in 3rd place in this index, and ten years ago it was in 6th place.

In 2024, Chinese scientific and technological clusters were the most strongly represented in the WIPO ranking for the second time in a row. Chinese researchers announced in January 2025 that their DeepSeek-R1 had beaten the American Open AI o1 in three out of five tests. Following the success of the Chang’e-6 probe, Beijing has launched a space science development program until 2050.

China has been at the top of the Nature Index rankings for two years and is extending its lead over the USA. Even The Economist described the country as a scientific superpower. However, Beijing is not resting on its laurels and is increasingly investing in science, which it rightly sees as the key to world domination. Effectively, because most doctoral theses are published in China. For ten years, the Double First-Class Initiative has been in place, which aims to create a world class of universities and disciplines. This is a continuation of the college-level boost projects although it differs from them in some ways. Universities selected for the program receive additional funding, but must demonstrate good scientific results, measured mainly by publications in prestigious international journals, to remain on the list of beneficiaries. Since 2019, there is an action plan within the framework of the China Journal Excellence, which aims to make Chinese journals world-leading publishers. There are already several similar programs, but these are the most efficient. Being included in the plan means meeting strict requirements, including indexing the journal in the Web of Science.

The driving force behind the development of science and innovation is people and money. Therefore, China is not cutting back on either of them. They are currently second ($723 billion) after the US ($784 billion) in spending on research and development. Preliminary data from China’s National Bureau of Statistics shows that nearly $495 billion was allocated for this purpose in 2024. According to the XIV Five-Year Plan, Beijing aims to increase these amounts by at least 7% per year. Over the past ten years, this expenditure has tripled and its share of GDP has increased almost 1.5 times. 

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