Software is becoming more and more a fabric which permeates our society. We are more and more unaware of the ways in which it influences, sometimes forces our decisions. That's why software freedom concerns fundamentally and very concretely our society. That's why I am convinced that groups like the FSFE are vital for the evolution of a free society.
Free Software Foundation Europe
Free Software Foundation Europe er en græsrodsorganisation der hjælper brugerne med at tage kontrol over teknologien.
Software er dybt involveret i alle aspekter af vores liv. Fri software giver alle retten til at bruge, forstå, ændre og dele software. Disse rettigheder er grundlaget for andre fundamentale rettigheder som ytringsfrihed, pressefrihed og retten til privatliv. Lær mere...
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In a world where software influences virtually every single aspect of our lives, Free Software is a precondition for a free society.
I became a supporter of the FSFE because I'm seeing more and more that writing free code is ultimately not enough to foster a culture where Free Software is seen as an integral part of society. Free software should not be a fringe topic supported solely by geeks.