FCR - free currency rates (244) ▼
- FCR - free currency rates (244)
- Yahoo! - Yahoo Finance (150)
- ECB - The European Central Bank (31)
- CBR - The Central Bank of the Russian Federation (43)
- BC - Bank of Canada (24)
- Bitcoin charts - Bitcoin charts (5)
- Blockchain - Blockchain (30)
- BOC - Bank of China (28)
- CBAR - Central Bank of Azerbaijan (40)
- CBM - Central Bank of Myanmar (39)
- CMC - Cryptocurrency Market Capitalizations (134)
- NBK - National Bank of Republic Kazakhstan (39)
- NBRB - National Bank of the Republic of Belarus (31)
- NBU - National Bank of Ukraine (33)
- NBA - National Bank of Austria (31)
- RBA - Reserve Bank of Australia (19)
- SNB - Swiss National Bank (5)
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