This category is for discussion of specific features that can potentially be added to Everdo. We are thinking about a process to track your feature suggestions and make the product roadmap more transparent.
Sharing the advice and best practices for using Everdo. If you have questions about utilizing all the features optimally to implement your workflow, then this is the right category. Don’t forget to read the Documentation.
This category is for general discussion about productivity techniques and workflows.
When something doesn’t work as expected, post here. If possible, please provide specific steps required to reproduce the issue and also describe clearly what is the expected result. A great bug report helps quick resolution.
When you can’t figure out what to do and need help. Please note that the Documentation site covers many common configuration difficulties, in particular Sync Setup.
This category automatically creates topics for discussion about Everdo blog entries. Replies to in this category will appear as comments on the blog.
Discussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it.