1. Johnsson & Augustsson, Chalmers Inst Tech. Intermediate language used by the G-machine, an implementation of graph reduction based on supercombinators. "Efficient Compilation of Lazy Evaluation", T. Johnsson, SIGPLAN Notices 19(6):58-69 (June 1984). 2. A machine-like language for the representation and interpretation of attributed grammars. Used as an intermediate language by the Coco compiler generator. "A Compiler Generator for Microcomputers", P. Rechenberg et al, P-H 1989.Nearby terms:
GCAL ♦ GCC ♦ GCL ♦ G-Code ♦ GCOS ♦ GCOS Macro Assembler Program ♦ GCR ♦ GCT
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