Workflow for DevOps.
Automate cloud operations. Coordinate people and pipelines. Build workflows as code.
Fall in love with our huge plugin library, and stay for our incredible community!
  • Hey Team ... Special thanks to @Ved for helping with multiple connection setup. Kudos to the team for amazing work. 👏 🎉
    Profile pic
    Sandeep Kumar Patro
    Slack Community Member
  • Developers, maintainers, and even the CEO are all more than willing to dive into any issue or problem.
    Profile pic
    Graza Andersson
    Open Source Contributor
  • Hi Team. just want to tell you guys that you are doing good work. I really like the dashboard and the compliance package.
    Profile pic
    Rasyid Dahbul
    Slack Community Member
  • 👏 This is beyond amazing!
    Profile pic
    Slack Community Member
  • Hi, sorry for the late response but I finally figured out the what the issues was... thank you very much for your awesome support as usual
    Profile pic
    Dominik Bermühler
    Slack Community Member
  • Everyone is so friendly and helpful, I love being part of this community.
    Profile pic
    Ellis Valentiner
    Lead Data Scientist - Virtual Facility
  • We are actively involved (and happy to publish and share plugins) due to the excellent support and engagement from the community.
    Profile pic
    APS Group
    Open Source Contributors


Built for DevOps Professionals

Connect people and tools

Connect your cloud data to people and systems using email, chat & APIs. Workflow steps can even run containers, custom functions, and more.

Orchestrate your cloud

Build simple steps into complex workflows. Run and test locally. Compose solutions across clouds using open source mods.

Respond to events

Run workflows manually or on a schedule. Trigger pipelines from webhooks or changes in data.

Code, not clicks

Build and deploy DevOps workflows like infrastructure. Code in HCL and deploy from version control.


How It Works

Get started building workflows in <60sec.

Take your first step
Compose pipelines from individual steps declaratively defined using HCL. (just like Terraform).
Connect your data
Pipelines can connect and process data from any database, API or structured file.
Respond to events
Trigger your pipeline manually, on a schedule, based on changes in data or via a webhook.
Humanize your pipeline
Workflow steps can notify, and interact with you and your team using email, Slack, Teams, etc.
Deploy and monitor
Run pipelines from your local machine, deploy to cloud VMs or run inside container clusters.
Check your pipelines into code repos to share what you're building with your teams and our growing community.


See Flowpipe in Action

Flowpipe logoGitHub Flowpipe

Workflow for DevOps.

Automate cloud operations. Coordinate people and pipelines. Build workflows as code.
Steampipe logoGitHub Steampipe

select * from cloud;

Drill deep into the table schemas and discover helpful example queries for 140 plugins.
Tailpipe logoGitHub Tailpipe

select * from logs;

Open source SIEM for instant log insights, powered by DuckDB. Analyze millions of events in seconds, right from your terminal.
Powerpipe logoGitHub Powerpipe

Dashboards for DevOps.

Visualize cloud configurations. Assess security posture against a massive library of benchmarks. Build custom dashboards with code.