View allAll Photos Tagged macro

Según Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: "Parece que la perfección se alcanza, no cuando no hay nada más que añadir, sino cuando no queda nada que restar.


Bonne année 2019. Je remercie toutes les personnes qui me suivent et je leurs souhaite tous mes vœux de bonheurs...

Shooting with DSLR Canon 70D.

Taken a little while ago. A tulip in my garden.

water + brilliant blue FCF + oil + dishwashing liquid

Gracias por vuestras visitas, favoritos y comentarios! HMM!!!

Macro Mondays : PPEP

Happy Macro Mondays / Theme Edge

MacroMondays Red Macro

60mm Macro - 1/100s - f/11.0 - ISO 100

1 TTL speedlight + 18X15 softbox, wireless


Feel free to see my photo on the following social networks: Facebook | Instagram | 500px


Bambou nain bicolore.

I would ride your bed

and leave the yellow bark dust

on your pillow.


Michael Ondaatje, The Cinnamon Peeler, 1989

Thanks for your visit and comments I appreciate that very much.

Macro Mondays - Multicolor

For Macro Monday's theme of the week : Heart.

Happy Macro Mondays everyone !

self-timer of an old camera

I love the colours


thanks for every one for views, faves & comments.

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