View allAll Photos Tagged dog



This is my granddog Charlie, a rescue. It was his first camping trip and he slept in a tent!


Thank you all for your visits, favs and comments. I greatly appreciate it.

My lovely dog Spike

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© Do not use my images without my permission .


Grazie mille a tutti per le vostre visite e commenti !

Thank you all for your visites and comments !

The African wild dog (lycaon pictus), also called the painted dog or Cape hunting dog, is a wild canine which is a native species to sub-Saharan Africa. It is estimated that about 6,600 adults live in 39 subpopulations that are all threatened by habitat fragmentation, human persecution, and outbreaks of disease. As the largest subpopulation probably comprises fewer than 250 individuals, the African wild dog has been listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List since 1990.

Kruger National Park is a South African National Park and one of the largest game reserves in Africa. It covers an area of 19,623 km2 in the provinces of Limpopo and Mpumalanga in northeastern South Africa, and extends 360 km from north to south and 65 km from east to west.


South Africa, Kruger National Park


Please don't use my images without my permission. All images © Aivar Mikko.


Some dogs have more opinions than others

This is Cal, my sister-in-law's Aussie, and Jasper's nephew by blood. He has very interesting heterochromatic eyes. He's a wonderful, gregarious goofball.

Bixby says Happy Easter everybody.

One of our awesome family members.

I spotted this Sun Dog through a break in the lower level clouds.

Have a terrific weekend


Tweede Hugo de Grootstraat



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and someone asked me to paint a picture of a dog, it would probably look like this.


** I've been taking a little break from Flickr and will try to get back into the swing of things on Wednesday when I hopefully will have a bit more time.

Sled dog race


Alaskan Malamutes at Retordica, Plateau de Retord, Cuvéry, Ain, France


For more than 25 years, an international dog sled race has been taking place in the wilderness of Plateau de Retord. Many mushers love this site to train their teams throughout the winter.

The sled dog racing is subdivided into several categories according to the number of dogs harnessed and in three subcategories according to the breed of dogs harnessed.

Indeed, the faster Siberian Husky compete in a separate category, the other three breeds : Alaskan Malamute, Samoyed and Greenland dog run in the same category, while the so-called "Nordic type" dogs participate in their own category.



Rommerskirchen, Germany

A surreal walk in Epping Forest.

Crazy Tuesday. Frozen in Time

Now that most tourist have left, Freya is allowed on “her” beach again during the day time. When there’s not too much sun, she enjoys sitting there watching people and fogs going by.

This sweet little Papillon wanted to have nothing to do with other dogs. But whenever a cat came around, it was like she found kindred spirits. When an orange and white neighbour's cat curled up beside her, she was in Dog (or should I say, Cat?) Heaven!!!


Here she is washing her face like cats do. At some point Papillons must have observed cats doing this, and decided, "What a good idea!" and continued on the tradition with each new generation of Papillons!

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Merci et à bientôt.

when you have a dog to cuddle, no matter how rough the day is, they make it better

A little wild flower that some call Trout Liliies..

He who laughs last....

This is a Christmas print for a friend who lost her dog this year,

These two guys where chasing each other and enjoying themselves on the beach.


Vous pouvez tous rejoindre mon groupe "Juste du talent" pour publier vos plus belles photos !!!


Merci et à bientôt.

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