View allAll Photos Tagged colours
Earlier this year I planted some wild flower seeds in my tiny garden. I now have a lovely little patch for the bees, other insects , and some amazing colour too.
Taken yesterday at Hampton Court Flower Show. Taken with my phone, too hot to carry a camera. Zoom in for details!
True Hydrangea flower blooming, taken at Fitzroy Gardens Conservatory.
Hope you like listening to Cyndi Lauper singing " True Colours"
Many thanks for your visit, comments, invites and is always appreciated...
Peaceful Saturday
being a temperate and retiring, as well as a most beautiful and cheerful colour :-)
W. J. & G. A. Audsley, Taste versus Fashionable Colours: A Manual for Ladies on Colour in Dress, 1863
j c raulston arboretum, ncsu, raleigh, north carolina
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🍁 Autumn is a fascinating and melancholic Season that, with the delicate shades of colours with which it is able to dress Nature, almost seems to give shape and colour to sweet and nostalgic memories, which sometimes fill our hearts……. while we go towards Winter …. ¨*•.¸¸ 🍂
L' Autunno è una stagione affascinante e malinconica che, con le delicate sfumature di colori con cui essa è capace di vestire la Natura, sembra quasi voler dare forma e colore ai ricordi dolci e nostalgici che a volte riempiono il nostro cuore……. mentre andiamo incontro all'Inverno…… ¨*•.¸¸ 🍂
¸.•´ ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ 🍂 ¸¸.•*¨*•.¸¸ 🍂 ♬♫ Autumn Leaves ♬♫ 🍂
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Hydrangea blooms taken at the Fitzroy Garden Conservatory last Spring.
I am not sure of the name of this variety as there are no labels next to the display.
Many thanks for your visit, comments, invites and is always appreciated..
Peaceful Bokeh Wednesday
A light breeze brushes the water as the evening sun shows off the colours of the buildings and fishing boats in one of the many inlets and bays in Twillingate, Newfoundland.