View allAll Photos Tagged christmas

I'll never forget my first visit to a Second Life Christmas Tree Farm, last year. It was magical. Being here in beautiful Crisp Kringle@Frogmore, reminded me of that time.


Your sled to beautiful:

Crisp Kringle, a Frogmore Christmas Region in Second Life.


Flickr: Frogmore


Charisma's Designs ~ Lumi Snowfall Special Edition & Something New ~ Winter City Prop @ 11th Anniversary of the The SL Christmas Expo held in support of the Childhood Cancer initiatives of the American Cancer Society , open Decemer 3rd to 14th : Christmas Expo

Webpage : Christmas Expo

Flickr : Christmas Expo Flickr

Facebook : Christmas Expo FB

Main Store : Charisma's Designs Store

Market Place : Charisma's Designs MP

Flickr : Charisma's Designs Flickr

Flickr Group : Charisma's Designs Flickr Group

Main Store : Something New Store

Market Place : Something New MP

Flickr : Something New Flickr

Facebook : Something New FB



Have you been Naughty...or Nice? That's what everyone asks you on Christmas Eve. What will Santa leave you under the tree? A little present..big present..or Me?? ;) ❤️️



Head: LeLUTKA Lilly Head 2.5


Beloved Jewelry : Jalissa Set (Texture Change) :

Beloved Jewelry : Jalissa Earring V3 (Small) L

Beloved Jewelry : Jalissa Earring V3 (Small) R

Beloved Jewelry : Jalissa Necklace (Maitreya)


Blueberry - HBIC - Shoes & Socks -


RAMA.SALON - Angie Hair 'Naturals Pack'


10. Ho ho ho mug RARE :

MVT - Ho ho ho mug


Addams // Naima Fuzzy Knit Cardigan with Poms // N*2


=Zenith=Esme Bow Headband (White)


Focus. Be Merry


Focus. Winter Window Seat Backdrop

Focus. Christmas Mug / pose 5


*Add HUD* CHEZ MOI White Xmas Tree (PG)


tarte. twig star light


Belle Epoque - Christine - BE6A


♫♬♪♩Best Christmas Songs Of All Time ~ Christmas songs playlist 2021 ~ Merry Christmas 2022


This lovely plant used to flower just before Christmas but for the last 2 years it flowers much earlier many thanks for all views, faves and comments

Onto a wet Pavement in Hull City Centre ..

Helleborus niger - Schneerose, Christrose


Sony Alpha 1 with FE 90mm F2.8 Macro

This abandoned interurban station gets turned into this wonderful Christmas display, normally it just sits there but once a year they change it over to this beautiful holiday presentation.

Aus diesem Flanellstoff mit Weihnachtsmuster nähte ich vor Jahren Hemden fürs Weihnachtsfest für meine Buben, dazu Samthosen und Gilets.


Years ago, I used this flannel fabric with a Christmas pattern to make Christmas shirts for my boys, as well as velvet trousers and gilets.


Smile on Saturday: FANCY FABRICS

Foto copertina del gruppo " All Memories are welcome !"



.:.Pariah.:. Ho Ho, No - The Darkness Event


CKEY Poses - Pablo series1 - TMD Event


[ ERAUQS ] - Henry Puffer Jacket - TMD Event


Snowy Monverdun - Maps





Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone - stay safe in your Christmas bubble.

Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year


"Almighty God, grant that the new birth of your Son in the flesh redeems us from the old slavery under the yoke of sin, so we may receive him with joy as our Redeemer, and that when when he comes to judge we may see Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen."

— Wilhelm Loehe

♫ My Favorite Things ♫


What a wonderful Christmas we had at our house! I hope yours was just as special. And now what, well after Christmas sales right?!! lol Yeah my RL sister and I have hit a few places.

By the way, if you're out there shopping be careful y'all.


We're still in the holiday season and as Christmas is just too important to last for such a short time I'll sign off with a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year before I'm off to Best Buy!


Taken at Cherishville Winter

Once again, thank you Lam Erin and all the staff at Cherishville for the hard work and allowing us a wonderful place to take our pics.

Thank you for visits, comments and favs!


Vielen Dank für Eure Besuche, Kommentare und Sternchen!

… Temperate House in seasonal garb.



Smile on Saturday - Baubles

Rod made these lovely tea light holders!


Taken and posted for Smile on Saturday theme Curious Candles.


Merry Christmas and HSoS :-)

Christmas comes and I start to slide down my naughty lists chimney then I get stuck at the bottom. I try to climb back up but my stockings slide down,,Ohhh lucky I was wearing my Christmas sock. Maybe no one will notice just an extra stocking hanging from the fire place.


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year All



"The Christmas Factory", the biggest and most magical Christmas factory returns for the third consecutive year in the city center , in the splendid setting of the City of Athens Technopolis.....

Thousands of floating cranberries, apples, and gilded walnuts create an intricate mosaic in the grand tradition of a French parterre garden.

An oldie from the archives.


Many thanks for all the kind comments and faves on my images; they are very much appreciated :)

Merry Christmas to all my friends!

I should have realized riding my new slimy friend Santa Jingletrails to deliver gifts was going to take longer than I thought! You can pick Mr Santa Jingletrails up in the November round of ACCESS by MadPea, He just happens to be the Rare in this fun Gacha, he also has 10 friends you can get as well!


Drop by today before its too late! Christmas can't be that late with them! giggles


MadPea Slimy Snail Speeders - Santa Jingletrails RARE (add)

Dear Flickr friends, we made it to another Christmas together! I am thankful for everyone that has been a part of my amazing journey on here. I am glad we are all (mostly) still in one piece in this world that seems to get crazier by the day. Let's always try to keep our heads up as we navigate the trials of this one life we have with faith, dignity and grace.


Merry Christmas to you and yours!!

Christmas is not far away ..and I am already celebrating it piece by piece.


Happy MM!

We have two plants in a kitchen window. One blossoms in late October the other late March, never at Christmas.

I wish all Flickr friends and visitors to my stream a happy and peaceful Christmas.


Ich wünsche allen Flickr-Freunden und Besuchern meines Streams ein frohes und friedliches Weihnachtsfest.


Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays to all my flickr friends around the world.

The cabin Lake St. Clare - Tasmania - Australia.


Texture by iPiccy.

Please view large.

I wish you a merry christmas

Je vous souhaite un Joyeux Noël

Les deseo una Feliz Navidad

Vi auguro un buon Natale

Σας εύχομαι Καλά Χριστούγεννα

Ich wünsche Euch Frohe weihnachten


Merry Christmas to all who celebrate!

Also, wishing everyone a very healthy and happy 2020 – may it be the first good year of a great decade.

The Trier Christmas market has ended, while Christmas is just beginning. I wish you all a merry and peaceful Christmas and hope that you can celebrate without worries or fear!


Captured with Minolta MD 135mm f2.0 vintage lens.

🎄🎅 My best wishes to you and your family for this Christmas season 🎅🎄



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