FIU College of Architecture + The Arts | Miami Beach Urban Studio



2015 Symposium Theme:

The second bi-annual Interior Design Emerging symposium will be held April 10th, 2015 in Miami Beach, Florida. The theme, “Blurred Lines”, refers to those narrow and vacillating borders between the designs of interior spaces and the objects, forms, and technologies that interact in and out of those spaces. “Blurred Lines” investigates the ever-evolving role of the Interior Architect or Interior Designer as one that creatively touches every part of the built landscape.

This symposium promotes interdisciplinary communication between interior design academics and those practitioners working in all facets of the design field. Influential designers and revolutionary thinkers who blur the lines every day as interior architects and interior designers will share space, ideas, and research findings. The ensuing discussions and debates will help shape the education and practice of design for years to come by projecting future objects, furniture, lighting, surface design, and brands. Attendees will benefit from new possibilities and re-invented spaces and objects that blur the lines of convention and shape an unbounded future.

We invite you to participate in this exciting symposium. The day-long event will feature a keynote address from Karmin Rashid along with presentations by leading design academics and practitioners. An interactive poster session and lively afternoon Pecha Kucha presentation will fully engage all symposium attendees.


FIU’s 2015 Interior Design Emerging Symposium Partner:

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