firecat: t-shirt with the word "Gender" and two items to check, "Male" and "Female". "Male" and "Female" are crossed out, "Other" is written in underneath and checked off. (gender other)
[personal profile] firecat
As my readers might know, I'm nonbinary transmasc, around two years on T. My body shape usually gets me clocked as female, and I'm growing a beard but it's still pretty sparse.

I recently had to have a routine colonoscopy done in the hospital because I have sleep apnea. My medical forms included an option for specifying my gender identity and pronouns. I put nonbinary and "they/he."

So I'm in the prep ward, wearing a KN95 mask, and several nurses are doing things like putting in an IV and asking me questions about my meds and medical history. They are all using "she" to refer to me. I don't correct them because I just want the procedure over with.

Then another nurse comes in, I think the one who is going to be assisting during the procedure. She calls me Mr [Lastname]. Then she notices the other nurses using "she," so she also starts using "she".

After the procedure I'm being taken care of by a different set of nurses. My mask is gone. They are all using "he" to refer to me. I don't know if this is because they read my chart more carefully or if my scraggly facial hair tips me over to the other side of the binary appearance-wise.

Anyway, I found it amusing and interesting.

Date: 28 Nov 2024 06:43 pm (UTC)
minoanmiss: Detail of a Minoan statuette of a worshipping youth (Statuette Youth)
From: [personal profile] minoanmiss

As one of the people who enters this information into the charts I am professionally annoyed at the nurses who misgendndered you. I'm sorry.

Date: 28 Nov 2024 07:48 pm (UTC)
silveradept: A kodama with a trombone. The trombone is playing music, even though it is held in a rest position (Default)
From: [personal profile] silveradept
Amazing how many medical professionals ask for things they don't intend to use, and your many of them go by sight instead.

Date: 29 Nov 2024 10:36 pm (UTC)
silveradept: A kodama with a trombone. The trombone is playing music, even though it is held in a rest position (Default)
From: [personal profile] silveradept
Of course not. To do that would mean having to take time, and there's not enough profit for the shareholders in giving time and accurate medicine, or in necessary accommodation.

Date: 1 Dec 2024 03:17 pm (UTC)
silveradept: A kodama with a trombone. The trombone is playing music, even though it is held in a rest position (Default)
From: [personal profile] silveradept
Well, it would certainly help all of us if those contract parts weren't there, but to get rid of them, we'd have to get rid of the jobs whose purpose is to screw everyone over for maximum profit.

Date: 29 Nov 2024 01:11 am (UTC)
stonepicnicking_okapi: carrots (carrots)
From: [personal profile] stonepicnicking_okapi
Interesting. It does make you wonder why they bother to ask on forms if the information isn't used. Hope the test turns out ok.

Date: 29 Nov 2024 03:07 am (UTC)
lilacsigil: 12 Apostles rocks, text "Rock On" (12 Apostles)
From: [personal profile] lilacsigil
I'm glad the procedure went ok despite the sudden gender presentation change in the middle!

Date: 30 Nov 2024 08:42 pm (UTC)
heartonsnow: (Default)
From: [personal profile] heartonsnow
I have always said that gender is on a spectrum and there are more than 2 but it seems that the forms have changed but people have not got the memo yet.

The situation affects me emotionally because altho I present as female I am nonbinary inside.


firecat: damiel from wings of desire tasting blood on his fingers. text "i has a flavor!" (Default)
firecat (attention machine in need of calibration)

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