
abstract class MultiFactorResolver : Parcelable

Utility class that contains methods to resolve second factor requirements on users that have opted into two-factor authentication.


Public constructors

Public functions

abstract FirebaseAuth

Returns the FirebaseAuth reference for the current MultiFactorResolver.

abstract (Mutable)List<MultiFactorInfo!>

Returns a list of MultiFactorInfo which represents the available second factors that can be used to complete the sign-in for the current session.

abstract MultiFactorSession

Returns a MultiFactorSession, an opaque session identifier for the current sign-in flow.

abstract Task<AuthResult!>
resolveSignIn(multiFactorAssertion: MultiFactorAssertion)

Completes sign in with a second factor using an MultiFactorAssertion which confirms that the user has successfully completed the second factor challenge.

Inherited functions

From android.os.Parcelable
abstract Int
abstract Unit
writeToParcel(p: Parcel!, p1: Int)

Public constructors



Public functions


abstract fun getFirebaseAuth(): FirebaseAuth

Returns the FirebaseAuth reference for the current MultiFactorResolver.


abstract fun getHints(): (Mutable)List<MultiFactorInfo!>

Returns a list of MultiFactorInfo which represents the available second factors that can be used to complete the sign-in for the current session.


abstract fun getSession(): MultiFactorSession

Returns a MultiFactorSession, an opaque session identifier for the current sign-in flow.

This is needed to be provided with the second factor. It will provide context to the Auth backend on the first factor user to sign-in.


abstract fun resolveSignIn(multiFactorAssertion: MultiFactorAssertion): Task<AuthResult!>

Completes sign in with a second factor using an MultiFactorAssertion which confirms that the user has successfully completed the second factor challenge.