Manage project configurations with the Extensions manifest

An extensions manifest is a list of extension instances and their configurations. With the manifest, you can:

  • Share your extensions configuration with others
  • Copy your extensions configuration between different projects (such as from your staging project to your production project)
  • Deploy all your extensions at once
  • Test how your extensions work with your app using the Firebase Local Emulator Suite
  • Commit your extensions configuration to source control
  • Include extensions in your CI/CD pipeline

An extensions manifest has two parts:

  • The extensions section of your firebase.json, which is a map of instance ID to extension version reference. For example:

     "extensions": {
       "my-bigquery-extension": "firebase/firestore-bigquery-export@^0.1.18",
       "my-image-resizer": "firebase/storage-resize-images@^0.1.22",
  • .env files containing the configuration for each of your extension instances, in the extensions/ subdirectory of your Firebase project directory. For example, an instance of the storage-resize-images might have an .env file like the following:


Create an extensions manifest

There are three ways to build an extensions manifest:

  • Manage your extensions manifest with the Firebase CLI
  • Export a project’s extensions configuration
  • Edit the manifest files manually

The first two methods are explained below.

Manage your extensions manifest with the Firebase CLI

You can run most of the Firebase CLI's ext: commands with the --local option to update the extensions manifest without actually changing the project's current configuration.

For example:

firebase ext:install --local firebase/firestore-bigquery-export

Running the above command will prompt you to configure the latest version of firebase/firestore-bigquery-export extension and save the configuration to the manifest, but it won't deploy the configuration to your project.

Here are some more examples of commands that modify the extensions manifest:

# ext:configure changes the params for an extension instance in your extensions manifest
$ firebase ext:configure my-bigquery-extension --local

# ext:update --local updates an instance in your extensions manifest
# to the latest version of that extension
$ firebase ext:update my-bigquery-extension --local

# You can also specify a version if you don't want to update to the latest version
$ firebase ext:update my-bigquery-extension firebase/[email protected] --local 

# ext:uninstall --local removes an instance from your extensions manifest
$ firebase ext:uninstall my-bigquery-extension --local

Export a project's extensions configuration

To save a project's current extensions configuration to the manifest, do the following:

  1. If you haven't already done so, set up the Firebase CLI
  2. From a shell prompt, change to the project directory. (Your project directory contains the file firebase.json).
  3. Run the ext:export command:
    firebase ext:export

The ext:export command will add an extensions section to the firebase.json file. Additionally, the ext:export command creates an extensions directory containing an .env file for each extension instance you've installed. These files contain the configuration parameters for each instance.

Test an extensions configuration with the Firebase Local Emulator Suite

Once you've added some extension instances to your extensions manifest, you can test them out using the Local Emulator Suite.

  1. Install and configure the Local Emulator Suite.

  2. Start the Local Emulator Suite:

    • To run the Emulator Suite interactively, run: firebase emulators:start
    • To run the Emulator Suite and execute a test script, run: firebase emulators:exec

Now, if you have extension instances listed in your manifest, the Local Emulator Suite will download the source code of those extensions to ~/.cache/firebase/extensions. Once they have been downloaded, the Local Emulator Suite will start and you'll be able to trigger any of the extensions' background triggered functions and connect your app to the Emulator suite to test their integration with your app.

Deploy an extensions configuration to a project

Once you've added some extension instances to your extension manifest, you can deploy it to a project using the Firebase CLI. When you deploy with an extensions manifest, you install, update, and configure all the extension instances in the manifest into a project at once.

To deploy an extensions manifest:

  1. From a shell prompt, change to the directory that contains the saved extensions configuration. (This is the directory that contains firebase.json. If you just ran ext:export, you're already in the right directory.)
  2. Run the deploy command. If you want to deploy the extensions to a project other than the current one, also specify --project=:
    firebase deploy --only extensions –-project=YOUR_PROJECT_ID

The deploy command will validate each instance configuration, ask if you want to delete any extension instances from your destination project that are not listed in firebase.json, and then deploy all of your extension instances.

Project-specific extension configurations

Saved extensions configurations can be used to deploy to multiple different projects: for example, a staging project and a production project. When doing this, some parameter values may need to be different for each project. Project-specific .env files make this possible:

  • Put parameter values that differ between projects in extensions/EXTENSION_INSTANCE_ID.env.YOUR_PROJECT_ID
  • Put shared parameter values in extensions/EXTENSION_INSTANCE_ID.env.

Sometimes, you may want to use a different parameter value when emulating your extensions: for example, you may want to provide a test API key instead of a production one. Put these parameters in a .local file:

  • Put non-secret parameters you want to use during emulation in extensions/EXTENSION_INSTANCE_ID.env.local
  • Put secret parameter values in extensions/EXTENSION_INSTANCE_ID.secret.local