
Webring for fedizens

Welcome o/

This webring is for the personal sites of any member of the fediverse (also known as fedizens). Head towards the bottom of the page to see a table of members or continue on to read the rules and how to join :)

Membership Rules

We accept pretty much any site as long as the owner has an account on fedi. However, we do draw the line at…

As it is impossible to list everything that would not be acceptable, we do reserve the right to deny requests. If you want to know whether your site is suitable for inclusion, send a plaintext email to the ticket tracker (address below) and we’ll take a look at it!

One of our requirements for joining is that you must have an HTTPS (TLS encryption is required) site on a clearnet domain. Paths are acceptable, e.g. sometilde.service/~username, but this webring is dedicated to clearnet, HTTPS sites. See our other *rings below for more platforms/protocols, such as Gemini.

We also tend not to accept fediverse accounts that were recently created or those that have very little activity. This is both an anti-spam measure and a quality assurance measure, as we want to fill the ring with a vibrant and active community of fediverse users.


First, add the fediring links to your site’s homepage, replacing YOURDOMAIN with your site’s domain.

Destination Link
Previous member https://fediring.net/previous?host=YOURDOMAIN
Next member https://fediring.net/next?host=YOURDOMAIN
Home page https://fediring.net

If you would like, you can also link to fediring.net/random; it directs visitors to a random site in the ring. This one is optional though.

Here’s some example HTML for linking to the next and previous ring members.

    <a href="https://fediring.net/previous?host=example.com"></a>
    <a href="https://fediring.net/">Fediring</a>
    <a href="https://fediring.net/next?host=example.com"></a>

It will look like this:


If your site is on a path rather than the root domain, you’ll need to URL-encode any special characters. For example, if Sam’s site is sometilde.com/~sam, she will need the following links on her page.

After that, simply send a plaintext email to ~jbauer/[email protected] (yes, that’s an email address) containing the following:

This will create a new ticket in our public issue tracker and notify maintainers so they can review it and get it added!

Please note that sites listed on the fediring without the links above are subject to removal. Removing these links from your site breaks the ring and ruins the experience for everyone; if ring administrators traverse the ring and notice that the links have been removed, they’ll remove your site from the ring.


One of the fediring members contributed a badge! Anyone is welcome to include this on their website in addition to the required links.

fediring badge

Additional *rings

We also operate a Gemini ring that’s accessible over this same domain: fediring.net.

If there’s interest, we might set up an Onionring for sites accessible over Tor, but we are unlikely to consider operating *rings for alternative protocols such as I2P, Freenet, Dat, Hypercore, etc.

Table of members

Fedi handle Site
@[email protected] random.chars.jp
@[email protected] www.paritybit.ca
@[email protected] cnx.gdn
@[email protected] spelk.online
@[email protected] volpeon.ink
@[email protected] absturztau.be
@[email protected] blog.gijsgobje.nl
@[email protected] cosmin.hume.ro
@[email protected] bbbhltz.codeberg.page
@[email protected] xrvs.net
@[email protected] flavigula.net
@[email protected] joelchrono12.xyz
@[email protected] libreserver.org
@[email protected] www.janwagemakers.be
@[email protected] lottalinuxlinks.com
@[email protected] dusk.fai.st
@[email protected] babelcarp.org
@[email protected] www.esgeroth.org
@[email protected] blog.zedas.fr
@[email protected] gnuworldorder.info
@[email protected] n0id.space
@[email protected] andrewkdinh.com
@[email protected] vulonkaaz.flyingcube.tech
@[email protected] croc-monsieur.nl
@[email protected] zacharyzollman.com
@[email protected] maya.land
@[email protected] webair.xyz
@[email protected] tilde.team/~lemon
@[email protected] yarmo.eu
@[email protected] faehnri.ch
@[email protected] janw.name
@[email protected] kurabloodlust.eu
@[email protected] madeline.codeberg.page
@[email protected] pixouls.xyz
@[email protected] wandering-girl.neocities.org
@[email protected] blog.tfiu.de
@[email protected] crashserver.fr
@[email protected] xeras.codeberg.page
@[email protected] simply.jenett.org
@[email protected] sigsegv.cc
@[email protected] vegard.net
@[email protected] getimiskon.xyz
@[email protected] markesler.com
@[email protected] roytang.net
@[email protected] fkfd.me
@[email protected] abf.li
@[email protected] rusingh.com
@[email protected] polarhive.net
@[email protected] obspogon.neocities.org
@[email protected] drwho.virtadpt.net
@[email protected] graystea.neocities.org
@[email protected] dusanmitrovic.xyz
@[email protected] revi.xyz
@[email protected] hamefang.neocities.org
@[email protected] www.folliehiyuki.com
@[email protected] kepic.win
@[email protected] tilde.club/~melyanna
@[email protected] www.alm.website
@[email protected] keithhacks.cyou
@[email protected] notiz.blog
@[email protected] pro.togen.xyz
@[email protected] sheepdev.xyz
@[email protected] richardbowey.co.uk
@[email protected] kescher.at
@[email protected] sitoctt.octt.eu.org
@[email protected] cryptoschizo.club
@[email protected] mew151.net
@[email protected] murtezayesil.me
@[email protected] rightmouse.click
@[email protected] mcgillij.dev
@[email protected] milofultz.com
@[email protected] hatkidchan.is-a.dev
@[email protected] patrickwu.space
@[email protected] nhal.xyz
@[email protected] tengu.space
@[email protected] sebastian.graphics
@[email protected] www.mirkodi.eu
@[email protected] devurandom.xyz
@[email protected] ilyamikcoder.com
@[email protected] toranova.xyz
@[email protected] nwex.de
@[email protected] mystsaphyr.art
@[email protected] quga.m0e.space
@[email protected] peaksol.org
@[email protected] silberkind.de
@[email protected] inlv.org
@[email protected] niles.xyz
@[email protected] thayn.me
@[email protected] fuzzy.click
@[email protected] herbimarquez.com
@[email protected] vfcardoso.dev
@[email protected] foreverliketh.is
@[email protected] piuvas.net
@[email protected] storydragon.nl
@[email protected] njms.ca
@[email protected] arcology.garden
@[email protected] yurifan.club/~jacky/
@[email protected] freeplay.codeberg.page
@[email protected] magiclike.net
@[email protected] lx862.com
@[email protected] neeko.page
@[email protected] alperor.us
@[email protected] jackiejude.me
@[email protected] eleboog.com
@[email protected] claytonerrington.com
@[email protected] codingneko.com
@[email protected] denmchenry.com
@[email protected] mjdxp.neocities.org
@[email protected] blog.darylsun.page
@[email protected] colincogle.name
@[email protected] silbernagel.dev
@[email protected] lavenderfield.xyz
@[email protected] pf.ie
@[email protected] darekkay.com
@[email protected] k00.eu
@[email protected] starbreaker.org
@[email protected] kosta.lol
@[email protected] sugui.fai.st
@[email protected] kio.moe
@[email protected] icosahedr.online
@[email protected] godteeth.com
@[email protected] tilde.club/~crmsnbleyd
@[email protected] dj-chase.com
@[email protected] aei.sh
@[email protected] elizafox.space
@[email protected] okasayaku.neocities.org
@[email protected] qtea.me
@[email protected] hertog.hermitcollective.net
@[email protected] eniuu.debil.club
@[email protected] chimmie.k.vu
@[email protected] khalid.se
@[email protected] jasm1nii.xyz
@[email protected] kovah.de
@[email protected] archaeoramblings.com
@[email protected] aleteoryx.me
@[email protected] alexgravitos.neocities.org
@[email protected] ashishpanigrahi.com
@[email protected] s.knao.net
@[email protected] therwi.net
@[email protected] kersed.net
@[email protected] me.lil-bird.xyz
@[email protected] cyborus.xyz
@[email protected] foxar.top
@[email protected] pesky.moe
@[email protected] loveshock.xyz
@[email protected] geidontei.chaotic.ninja/usr/mima
@[email protected] drekles.neocities.org
@[email protected] lavender.chrysocyon.xyz
@[email protected] flitpix.net
@[email protected] tilde.town/~dozens
@[email protected] synth.download
@[email protected] amycatgirl.nekoweb.org
@[email protected] piet.me
@[email protected] nabikunyoi.com
@[email protected] systemiccyclops.neocities.org
@[email protected] drippingquill.com
@[email protected] randomivysaur.bearblog.dev
@[email protected] exlitry.world
@[email protected] dyremyhr.no
@[email protected] authenyo.xyz
@[email protected] josephbellahcen.com
@[email protected] kerosyn.link
@[email protected] casuallyblue.dev
@[email protected] deletecat.com
@[email protected] 10kph.neocities.org
@[email protected] gra.phite.ro
@[email protected] corvidae.digital
@[email protected] kolesnikov.se
@[email protected] www.jonaharagon.com
@[email protected] ezri.pet
@[email protected] nathanupchurch.com
@[email protected] chillr.de
@[email protected] varve.neocities.org
@[email protected] autistici.org/interzona/
@[email protected] chloe.vern.cc
@[email protected] www.nbls.online
@[email protected] gayest.dev
@[email protected] luka.princic.studio
@[email protected] lattemacchiato.dev
@[email protected] faolu.in
@[email protected] rosia.me
@[email protected] randm.website
@[email protected] kyropy.neocities.org
@[email protected] limepot.xyz
@[email protected] baccyflap.com
@[email protected] thefoggiest.dev
@[email protected] garnix.dev
@[email protected] b0vik.dev
@[email protected] nootsponge.com
@[email protected] mrkod.eu.org
@[email protected] leap123.neocities.org
@[email protected] bacardi55.io
@[email protected] vanten-s.com
@[email protected] monocyte.bearblog.dev
@[email protected] jan.systems
@[email protected] toydragon.xyz
@[email protected] elke.cafe
@[email protected] syntelang.github.io
@[email protected] dakotamarshall.net
@[email protected] oerrorpage.neocities.org
@[email protected] pop.fsck.pl
@[email protected] villapirorum.netlify.app
@[email protected] home.hedy.dev
@[email protected] stardust.elysium.gay
@[email protected] pixelde.su
@[email protected] derg.cz
@[email protected] tommi.space
@[email protected] raven-files.neocities.org
@[email protected] cascading.space
@[email protected] phoebe.digital
@[email protected] tilde.club/~tasiaiso
@[email protected] maven.pages.gay
@[email protected] askdna.coffee
@[email protected] quiteade.pt
@[email protected] tilde.green/~kestral
@[email protected] trixter.neocities.org
@[email protected] janerationx.com
@[email protected] caasn.de
@[email protected] larsfrommars.neocities.org
@[email protected] jaredigital.com
@[email protected] xaselgio.net
@[email protected] satzinger.services
@[email protected] theresnotime.co.uk
@[email protected] syd.yt
@[email protected] transatlanticism.neocities.org
@[email protected] tuxilio.codeberg.page
@[email protected] cryne.me
@[email protected] rainbowgirl.neocities.org
@[email protected] yordi.me
@[email protected] violette.town
@[email protected] vimproved.dev
@[email protected] jak2k.schwanenberg.name
@[email protected] rowedahelicon.com
@[email protected] lunahd.neocities.org
@[email protected] 3r1c.net
@[email protected] utsob.me
@[email protected] gicorada.is-a.dev
@[email protected] zenthefox.online
@[email protected] lyrenhex.com
@[email protected] helenchong.dev
@[email protected] derpy.place
@[email protected] argentumcation.com
@[email protected] html-chunder.neocities.org
@[email protected] qalle.neocities.org
@[email protected] cybr.gay
@[email protected] me.evilfoundry.net
@[email protected] sus.fr
@[email protected] hako-aiko.haliya.net
@[email protected] pquirrel.neocities.org
@[email protected] writeblankspace.netlify.app
@[email protected] leilukin.com
@[email protected] pdp8.info
@[email protected] tre.praze.net
@[email protected] yonei.dev
@[email protected] pikachu.systems
@[email protected] cloudypa.ws
@[email protected] daudix.one
@[email protected] avidseeker.github.io
@[email protected] riverfox.dev
@[email protected] beeps.website
@[email protected] guites.dev
@[email protected] nova.mkultra.monster
@[email protected] journal.robbi.my
@[email protected] shetani.carrd.co
@[email protected] eugene-andrienko.com/en/
@[email protected] badeline.codeberg.page
@[email protected] jasbro.io
@[email protected] codingotaku.com
@[email protected] netcat.systems
@[email protected] midnavixi.neocities.org
@[email protected] 760ceb3b9c0ba4872cadf3ce35a7a494.neocities.org
@[email protected] girlthi.ng/~thermia
@[email protected] rossabaker.com
@[email protected] ivytime.gay
@[email protected] catwitch.gay
@[email protected] dragon-vi.be
@[email protected] tombofnull.art
@[email protected] logzinga.com
@[email protected] jessie.nabein.me
@[email protected] catnurse.neocities.org
@[email protected] wolfyja.de
@[email protected] theholytachanka.com
@[email protected] meluhdy.dev
@[email protected] notsludgebomb.neocities.org
@[email protected] moule.world
@[email protected] sillydomain.name
@hexadecimal_dinosaur ivyfanchiang.ca
@[email protected] nham.co.uk
@[email protected] secretde.al
@[email protected] moonydev.xyz
@[email protected] hexaitos.com
@[email protected] julimiro.eu
@[email protected] hypersoop.codeberg.page
@[email protected] detta.dev
@[email protected] bpt11.neocities.org
@[email protected] sugar.pages.gay
@[email protected] thoofan.neocities.org
@[email protected] mxpoesu.github.io
@[email protected] zoug.fr
@[email protected] antares.neocities.org/
@[email protected] clygro.cc
@[email protected] abmurrow.com
@[email protected] pseudocube.neocities.org
@[email protected] isopod.cool
@[email protected] pebble.pet
@[email protected] nullspaced.dev
@[email protected] mauromotion.com
@[email protected] puka-muriska.neocities.org
@[email protected] juniperfox.org
@[email protected] www.opencodespace.org
@[email protected] 0xportal.dev
@[email protected] vv0ltz.neocities.org
@[email protected] glyph555.neocities.org
@[email protected] fluoritebyte.neocities.org
@[email protected] nyght.neocities.org
@[email protected] trinkey.com
@[email protected] pancakes.gay
@[email protected] dracol.ing
@[email protected] rausgerufen.de
@[email protected] shreyansdoshi.com
@[email protected] steadygaze.me
@[email protected] breebee.zooey.cc
@[email protected] skullgamer205.neocities.org
@[email protected] moddedbear.com
@[email protected] duanin2.top
@[email protected] 0x4d6165.wanderingwires.net
@[email protected] sylvia.studio
@[email protected] xan.lol
@[email protected] balintmagyar.com
@[email protected] musing.ispretty.fyi
@[email protected] mechagic.party
@[email protected] anthr.net
@[email protected] cassiecandles.net
@[email protected] blog.tinikov.com
@[email protected] bugwhisperer.dev
@[email protected] mevil.de
@[email protected] northomepc.neocities.org
@[email protected] fuxle.net
@[email protected] verdemusgo.neocities.org/
@[email protected] horibyte.is-a.dev
@[email protected] w3teal.is-a.dev
@[email protected] koehr.ing
@[email protected] fusil.uk/?ring
@[email protected] marsuribe.net
@[email protected] dex1.codeberg.page
@[email protected] psi36.neocities.org
@[email protected] pastel-skies.nekoweb.org
@[email protected] caffeineandlasers.neocities.org/
@[email protected] clyron.is-a.dev





