You can help support this project via Venmo or Givebutter (CC, Paypal, etc)

Everything from the zines to the research I do and the CR boxes you can borrow are completely FREE. But I'm taking donations to help pay for costs as I continue to expand this project.

I want to keep building CR boxes and other filter fans, because 1. this project is rooted in DIY culture and 2. they tend to have the most CADR (clean air delivery rate) for your buck. They CAN be noisy though, and not all musicians are into the aesthetic. Below are some wish-list items and future purchases I hope to make!


THE TEMPEST from Nukit/Cyber Night Market
(parts needed: $115-140)
The all-metal, buy-it-for-life frame was actually donated to us by the Cyber Night Market!!! So we are currently fundraising for the additional parts needed to complete the build. This will be slightly quieter than our CR boxes (about 43dBa) but the CADR is slightly lower. The build is much more durable and portable, and aesthetically it'll blend in with any of yr amps.

Smart Air Blast Mini - MKII
($599.00 + shipping)
This seems to be the holy grail among other clean-air orgs for small and mid-size shows. According to the product description, this HEPA filtered air purifier can clean "3,075 sq. ft every 30 minutes." It is slightly less bulky than the 20x20x20 CR boxes, and looks a little more professional (so maybe more appealing to more established venues or whatever)


here is a transparency document to show donations and purchases, with receipt images linked *UPDATED 3/23/2024* Open in new window

Please wear a mask!!!!!!!!!
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