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by Exquisite Corp

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woked up? 00:24
a ritual? 04:35


composed collaboratively with a modular synthesizer and code i wrote for the monome teletype.

alfie was the first bot i interacted with. back in 1994 or so. it was on a MUSH or MUCK, a text adventure world on a dial-up bulletin board. Alfie was waiting in the closet for new players and would teach you how to interact with a bot. I was 12. "Alfie, strike a pose" and Alfie would dance for you.

in 2001 I met the Triadex Muse at the Brandeis Electro-Acoustic Music Studio (BEAMS). I renamed the muse Alfie. The Muse is from 1972, designed at MIT. "It is an algorithmic, deterministic event generator, utilizing early digital integrated circuits to generate an audio output that can sound very musical." I've made my own tribute to the Alfie's in my life.

image: white hotel in bangkok, thailand 2011/2013/2017

makenoise wogglebug, morphagene
mutable instruments plaits, stages, rings
monome teletype
takaab 2lpg, nearness
erica synths pico vcf3
cre8audio cellz
strymon magneto


released April 15, 2021




Exquisite Corp New York, New York

generative music created with modular synth, cassette tapes, and code.

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