Schedule for openSUSE Conference 2018
09: 00 | 09: 15 | 09: 30 | 09: 45 | 10: 00 | |
105 (Main)
Repository priorities for the real world user
107 (Small)
SVG as the single source of truth
155 (Medium)
Why openSUSE
349 (Workshop)
| |||||
350 (Workshop)
| |||||
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
10: 00 | 10: 15 | 10: 30 | 10: 45 | 11: 00 | |
105 (Main)
Repository priorities for the real world user
Keynote for oSC 2018
Heroes, not Superheroes
107 (Small)
SVG as the single source of truth
Let's talk about testing, software and user experience in open source.
155 (Medium)
Why openSUSE
349 (Workshop)
| |||||
350 (Workshop)
| |||||
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
11: 00 | 11: 15 | 11: 30 | 11: 45 | 12: 00 | |
105 (Main)
Heroes, not Superheroes
openSUSE Leap Release
107 (Small)
Let's talk about testing, software and user experience in open source.
155 (Medium)
349 (Workshop)
| |||||
350 (Workshop)
| |||||
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
12: 00 | 12: 15 | 12: 30 | 12: 45 | 13: 00 | |
105 (Main)
Create a complete Tor .onion site with Docker and OpenSUSE in less than 15 minutes.
107 (Small)
Keep calm and refactor OBS
155 (Medium)
Project: Egkatastasis
349 (Workshop)
Getting to know AutoYaST
350 (Workshop)
| |||||
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
13: 00 | 13: 15 | 13: 30 | 13: 45 | 14: 00 | |
105 (Main)
Create a complete Tor .onion site with Docker and OpenSUSE in less than 15 minutes.
Package Supplements
107 (Small)
Keep calm and refactor OBS
Ceph - The Distributed Storage Solution
How to implement a new L4 protocol in VPP
155 (Medium)
Project: Egkatastasis
Cloud From Scratch
349 (Workshop)
Getting to know AutoYaST
350 (Workshop)
| |||||
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
14: 00 | 14: 15 | 14: 30 | 14: 45 | 15: 00 | |
105 (Main)
Package Supplements
openSUSE is what you make it
107 (Small)
How to implement a new L4 protocol in VPP
Ceph Manager Dashboard
155 (Medium)
Cloud From Scratch
Logging containers
349 (Workshop)
Getting to know AutoYaST
350 (Workshop)
| |||||
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
15: 00 | 15: 15 | 15: 30 | 15: 45 | 16: 00 | |
105 (Main)
openSUSE is what you make it
osc - What's new and best practices
107 (Small)
Ceph Manager Dashboard
Kexec/Kdump under the hood
155 (Medium)
Logging containers
Managing OpenSUSE with SaltStack
349 (Workshop)
Getting to know AutoYaST
"Hello world" from OpenQA
350 (Workshop)
Host your visual assets with Identihub
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
16: 00 | 16: 15 | 16: 30 | 16: 45 | 17: 00 | |
105 (Main)
osc - What's new and best practices
building openSUSE with GCC's link time optimization
107 (Small)
Kexec/Kdump under the hood
Privacy and Safe online communication
155 (Medium)
Managing OpenSUSE with SaltStack
Atomic Bonds: openSUSE Kubic & SUSE CaaSP
349 (Workshop)
"Hello world" from OpenQA
350 (Workshop)
Host your visual assets with Identihub
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
17: 00 | 17: 15 | 17: 30 | 17: 45 | 18: 00 | |
105 (Main)
building openSUSE with GCC's link time optimization
After Party, Release Party
107 (Small)
Privacy and Safe online communication
155 (Medium)
Atomic Bonds: openSUSE Kubic & SUSE CaaSP
349 (Workshop)
"Hello world" from OpenQA
350 (Workshop)
Host your visual assets with Identihub
Main Lobby (open space)
18: 00 | 18: 15 | 18: 30 | 18: 45 | 19: 00 | |
105 (Main)
After Party, Release Party
107 (Small)
| |||||
155 (Medium)
| |||||
349 (Workshop)
| |||||
350 (Workshop)
| |||||
Main Lobby (open space)
19: 00 | 19: 15 | 19: 30 | 19: 45 | 20: 00 | |
105 (Main)
After Party, Release Party
107 (Small)
| |||||
155 (Medium)
| |||||
349 (Workshop)
| |||||
350 (Workshop)
| |||||
Main Lobby (open space)
09: 00 | 09: 15 | 09: 30 | 09: 45 | 10: 00 | 10: 15 | 10: 30 | 10: 45 | 11: 00 | |
105 (Main)
Repository priorities for the real world user
Keynote for oSC 2018
Heroes, not Superheroes
107 (Small)
SVG as the single source of truth
Let's talk about testing, software and user experience in open source.
155 (Medium)
Why openSUSE
349 (Workshop)
| |||||||||
350 (Workshop)
| |||||||||
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
11: 00 | 11: 15 | 11: 30 | 11: 45 | 12: 00 | 12: 15 | 12: 30 | 12: 45 | 13: 00 | |
105 (Main)
Heroes, not Superheroes
openSUSE Leap Release
Create a complete Tor .onion site with Docker and OpenSUSE in less than 15 minutes.
107 (Small)
Let's talk about testing, software and user experience in open source.
Keep calm and refactor OBS
155 (Medium)
Project: Egkatastasis
349 (Workshop)
Getting to know AutoYaST
350 (Workshop)
| |||||||||
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
13: 00 | 13: 15 | 13: 30 | 13: 45 | 14: 00 | 14: 15 | 14: 30 | 14: 45 | 15: 00 | |
105 (Main)
Create a complete Tor .onion site with Docker and OpenSUSE in less than 15 minutes.
Package Supplements
openSUSE is what you make it
107 (Small)
Keep calm and refactor OBS
Ceph - The Distributed Storage Solution
How to implement a new L4 protocol in VPP
Ceph Manager Dashboard
155 (Medium)
Project: Egkatastasis
Cloud From Scratch
Logging containers
349 (Workshop)
Getting to know AutoYaST
350 (Workshop)
| |||||||||
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
15: 00 | 15: 15 | 15: 30 | 15: 45 | 16: 00 | 16: 15 | 16: 30 | 16: 45 | 17: 00 | |
105 (Main)
openSUSE is what you make it
osc - What's new and best practices
building openSUSE with GCC's link time optimization
107 (Small)
Ceph Manager Dashboard
Kexec/Kdump under the hood
Privacy and Safe online communication
155 (Medium)
Logging containers
Managing OpenSUSE with SaltStack
Atomic Bonds: openSUSE Kubic & SUSE CaaSP
349 (Workshop)
Getting to know AutoYaST
"Hello world" from OpenQA
350 (Workshop)
Host your visual assets with Identihub
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
17: 00 | 17: 15 | 17: 30 | 17: 45 | 18: 00 | 18: 15 | 18: 30 | 18: 45 | 19: 00 | |
105 (Main)
building openSUSE with GCC's link time optimization
After Party, Release Party
107 (Small)
Privacy and Safe online communication
155 (Medium)
Atomic Bonds: openSUSE Kubic & SUSE CaaSP
349 (Workshop)
"Hello world" from OpenQA
350 (Workshop)
Host your visual assets with Identihub
Main Lobby (open space)
19: 00 | 19: 15 | 19: 30 | 19: 45 | 20: 00 | 20: 15 | 20: 30 | 20: 45 | 21: 00 | |
105 (Main)
After Party, Release Party
107 (Small)
| |||||||||
155 (Medium)
| |||||||||
349 (Workshop)
| |||||||||
350 (Workshop)
| |||||||||
Main Lobby (open space)
09: 00 | 09: 15 | 09: 30 | 09: 45 | 10: 00 | 10: 15 | 10: 30 | 10: 45 | 11: 00 | 11: 15 | 11: 30 | 11: 45 | 12: 00 | |
105 (Main)
Repository priorities for the real world user
Keynote for oSC 2018
Heroes, not Superheroes
openSUSE Leap Release
107 (Small)
SVG as the single source of truth
Let's talk about testing, software and user experience in open source.
155 (Medium)
Why openSUSE
349 (Workshop)
| |||||||||||||
350 (Workshop)
| |||||||||||||
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
12: 00 | 12: 15 | 12: 30 | 12: 45 | 13: 00 | 13: 15 | 13: 30 | 13: 45 | 14: 00 | 14: 15 | 14: 30 | 14: 45 | 15: 00 | |
105 (Main)
Create a complete Tor .onion site with Docker and OpenSUSE in less than 15 minutes.
Package Supplements
openSUSE is what you make it
107 (Small)
Keep calm and refactor OBS
Ceph - The Distributed Storage Solution
How to implement a new L4 protocol in VPP
Ceph Manager Dashboard
155 (Medium)
Project: Egkatastasis
Cloud From Scratch
Logging containers
349 (Workshop)
Getting to know AutoYaST
350 (Workshop)
| |||||||||||||
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
15: 00 | 15: 15 | 15: 30 | 15: 45 | 16: 00 | 16: 15 | 16: 30 | 16: 45 | 17: 00 | 17: 15 | 17: 30 | 17: 45 | 18: 00 | |
105 (Main)
openSUSE is what you make it
osc - What's new and best practices
building openSUSE with GCC's link time optimization
After Party, Release Party
107 (Small)
Ceph Manager Dashboard
Kexec/Kdump under the hood
Privacy and Safe online communication
155 (Medium)
Logging containers
Managing OpenSUSE with SaltStack
Atomic Bonds: openSUSE Kubic & SUSE CaaSP
349 (Workshop)
Getting to know AutoYaST
"Hello world" from OpenQA
350 (Workshop)
Host your visual assets with Identihub
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
18: 00 | 18: 15 | 18: 30 | 18: 45 | 19: 00 | 19: 15 | 19: 30 | 19: 45 | 20: 00 | 20: 15 | 20: 30 | 20: 45 | 21: 00 | |
105 (Main)
After Party, Release Party
107 (Small)
| |||||||||||||
155 (Medium)
| |||||||||||||
349 (Workshop)
| |||||||||||||
350 (Workshop)
| |||||||||||||
Main Lobby (open space)
09: 00 | 09: 15 | 09: 30 | 09: 45 | 10: 00 | |
105 (Main)
GNU Health on openSUSE - a community view
107 (Small)
Plně šifrovaný disk na moderním systému
155 (Medium)
The Current EU Copyright Reform Proposal: The End of FLOSS in Europe?
349 (Workshop)
| |||||
350 (Workshop)
| |||||
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
10: 00 | 10: 15 | 10: 30 | 10: 45 | 11: 00 | |
105 (Main)
GNU Health on openSUSE - a community view
The GNU Health : Free Software technology improving Public Healthcare around the world
107 (Small)
Plně šifrovaný disk na moderním systému
Security Retrospective of the last year
155 (Medium)
The Current EU Copyright Reform Proposal: The End of FLOSS in Europe?
Making the LSM available to containers
349 (Workshop)
Container and VM Building OBS Workshop
350 (Workshop)
| |||||
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
11: 00 | 11: 15 | 11: 30 | 11: 45 | 12: 00 | |
105 (Main)
The GNU Health : Free Software technology improving Public Healthcare around the world
Meet Uyuni: A complete opensource solution to keep multiple GNU/Linux systems configured and up-to-date
107 (Small)
Security Retrospective of the last year
155 (Medium)
Making the LSM available to containers
Mycroft: A.I. in the desktop
349 (Workshop)
Container and VM Building OBS Workshop
350 (Workshop)
| |||||
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
12: 00 | 12: 15 | 12: 30 | 12: 45 | 13: 00 | |
105 (Main)
Meet Uyuni: A complete opensource solution to keep multiple GNU/Linux systems configured and up-to-date
Group photo
Tumbleweed Snapshots: Rolling With You
107 (Small)
Group photo
Introduction to TLS 1.3
155 (Medium)
Group Photo
Fleet Commander: The efficient way of managing the Desktop profiles of your fleet!
DevOps for GNOME with Flatpak
349 (Workshop)
| |||||
350 (Workshop)
Do good things - and talk about it!
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
13: 00 | 13: 15 | 13: 30 | 13: 45 | 14: 00 | |
105 (Main)
Tumbleweed Snapshots: Rolling With You
What Storage-ng will bring and what else do YOU want?
107 (Small)
Introduction to TLS 1.3
Let's talk about containers and security
155 (Medium)
DevOps for GNOME with Flatpak
Saltboot - Salt managed PXE boot
349 (Workshop)
Professional Video Recording with openSUSE
350 (Workshop)
Do good things - and talk about it!
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
14: 00 | 14: 15 | 14: 30 | 14: 45 | 15: 00 | |
105 (Main)
What Storage-ng will bring and what else do YOU want?
New YaST storage stack: technical overview
107 (Small)
Let's talk about containers and security
The new EU CyberSecurity Act
155 (Medium)
Saltboot - Salt managed PXE boot
Transactional Updates - deep dive
349 (Workshop)
Professional Video Recording with openSUSE
350 (Workshop)
Do good things - and talk about it!
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
15: 00 | 15: 15 | 15: 30 | 15: 45 | 16: 00 | |
105 (Main)
New YaST storage stack: technical overview
Let's Talk about (openSUSE Leap) Kernels
Roadrunner: Securing services with LetsEncrypt
107 (Small)
The new EU CyberSecurity Act
Role certifikátu při zabezpečení šifrovaného spojení
155 (Medium)
Transactional Updates - deep dive
btrfs is awesome, except when it isn't
Learn how to add functionality to the MySQL server: a guided tour
349 (Workshop)
Professional Video Recording with openSUSE
Introduction to openSUSE/Linux
350 (Workshop)
Do good things - and talk about it!
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
16: 00 | 16: 15 | 16: 30 | 16: 45 | 17: 00 | |
105 (Main)
Roadrunner: Securing services with LetsEncrypt
AppArmor 3 and beyond
107 (Small)
Role certifikátu při zabezpečení šifrovaného spojení
Bezpečné doručení distribučních balíčků
155 (Medium)
Learn how to add functionality to the MySQL server: a guided tour
SUSE Package Hub - Community packages for Enterprise Users
349 (Workshop)
Introduction to openSUSE/Linux
350 (Workshop)
| |||||
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
17: 00 | 17: 15 | 17: 30 | 17: 45 | 18: 00 | |
105 (Main)
AppArmor 3 and beyond
107 (Small)
Bezpečné doručení distribučních balíčků
Cryptofest lightning talks
155 (Medium)
SUSE Package Hub - Community packages for Enterprise Users
349 (Workshop)
Introduction to openSUSE/Linux
350 (Workshop)
| |||||
Main Lobby (open space)
18: 00 | 18: 15 | 18: 30 | 18: 45 | 19: 00 | |
105 (Main)
107 (Small)
| |||||
155 (Medium)
| |||||
349 (Workshop)
| |||||
350 (Workshop)
| |||||
Main Lobby (open space)
CryptoFest PGP Key Signing Party
19: 00 | 19: 15 | 19: 30 | 19: 45 | 20: 00 | |
105 (Main)
| |||||
107 (Small)
| |||||
155 (Medium)
| |||||
349 (Workshop)
| |||||
350 (Workshop)
| |||||
Main Lobby (open space)
CryptoFest PGP Key Signing Party
09: 00 | 09: 15 | 09: 30 | 09: 45 | 10: 00 | 10: 15 | 10: 30 | 10: 45 | 11: 00 | |
105 (Main)
GNU Health on openSUSE - a community view
The GNU Health : Free Software technology improving Public Healthcare around the world
107 (Small)
Plně šifrovaný disk na moderním systému
Security Retrospective of the last year
155 (Medium)
The Current EU Copyright Reform Proposal: The End of FLOSS in Europe?
Making the LSM available to containers
349 (Workshop)
Container and VM Building OBS Workshop
350 (Workshop)
| |||||||||
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
11: 00 | 11: 15 | 11: 30 | 11: 45 | 12: 00 | 12: 15 | 12: 30 | 12: 45 | 13: 00 | |
105 (Main)
The GNU Health : Free Software technology improving Public Healthcare around the world
Meet Uyuni: A complete opensource solution to keep multiple GNU/Linux systems configured and up-to-date
Group photo
Tumbleweed Snapshots: Rolling With You
107 (Small)
Security Retrospective of the last year
Group photo
Introduction to TLS 1.3
155 (Medium)
Making the LSM available to containers
Mycroft: A.I. in the desktop
Group Photo
Fleet Commander: The efficient way of managing the Desktop profiles of your fleet!
DevOps for GNOME with Flatpak
349 (Workshop)
Container and VM Building OBS Workshop
350 (Workshop)
Do good things - and talk about it!
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
13: 00 | 13: 15 | 13: 30 | 13: 45 | 14: 00 | 14: 15 | 14: 30 | 14: 45 | 15: 00 | |
105 (Main)
Tumbleweed Snapshots: Rolling With You
What Storage-ng will bring and what else do YOU want?
New YaST storage stack: technical overview
107 (Small)
Introduction to TLS 1.3
Let's talk about containers and security
The new EU CyberSecurity Act
155 (Medium)
DevOps for GNOME with Flatpak
Saltboot - Salt managed PXE boot
Transactional Updates - deep dive
349 (Workshop)
Professional Video Recording with openSUSE
350 (Workshop)
Do good things - and talk about it!
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
15: 00 | 15: 15 | 15: 30 | 15: 45 | 16: 00 | 16: 15 | 16: 30 | 16: 45 | 17: 00 | |
105 (Main)
New YaST storage stack: technical overview
Let's Talk about (openSUSE Leap) Kernels
Roadrunner: Securing services with LetsEncrypt
AppArmor 3 and beyond
107 (Small)
The new EU CyberSecurity Act
Role certifikátu při zabezpečení šifrovaného spojení
Bezpečné doručení distribučních balíčků
155 (Medium)
Transactional Updates - deep dive
btrfs is awesome, except when it isn't
Learn how to add functionality to the MySQL server: a guided tour
SUSE Package Hub - Community packages for Enterprise Users
349 (Workshop)
Professional Video Recording with openSUSE
Introduction to openSUSE/Linux
350 (Workshop)
Do good things - and talk about it!
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
17: 00 | 17: 15 | 17: 30 | 17: 45 | 18: 00 | 18: 15 | 18: 30 | 18: 45 | 19: 00 | |
105 (Main)
AppArmor 3 and beyond
107 (Small)
Bezpečné doručení distribučních balíčků
Cryptofest lightning talks
155 (Medium)
SUSE Package Hub - Community packages for Enterprise Users
349 (Workshop)
Introduction to openSUSE/Linux
350 (Workshop)
| |||||||||
Main Lobby (open space)
CryptoFest PGP Key Signing Party
19: 00 | 19: 15 | 19: 30 | 19: 45 | 20: 00 | 20: 15 | 20: 30 | 20: 45 | 21: 00 | |
105 (Main)
| |||||||||
107 (Small)
| |||||||||
155 (Medium)
| |||||||||
349 (Workshop)
| |||||||||
350 (Workshop)
| |||||||||
Main Lobby (open space)
CryptoFest PGP Key Signing Party
09: 00 | 09: 15 | 09: 30 | 09: 45 | 10: 00 | 10: 15 | 10: 30 | 10: 45 | 11: 00 | 11: 15 | 11: 30 | 11: 45 | 12: 00 | |
105 (Main)
GNU Health on openSUSE - a community view
The GNU Health : Free Software technology improving Public Healthcare around the world
Meet Uyuni: A complete opensource solution to keep multiple GNU/Linux systems configured and up-to-date
107 (Small)
Plně šifrovaný disk na moderním systému
Security Retrospective of the last year
155 (Medium)
The Current EU Copyright Reform Proposal: The End of FLOSS in Europe?
Making the LSM available to containers
Mycroft: A.I. in the desktop
349 (Workshop)
Container and VM Building OBS Workshop
350 (Workshop)
| |||||||||||||
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
12: 00 | 12: 15 | 12: 30 | 12: 45 | 13: 00 | 13: 15 | 13: 30 | 13: 45 | 14: 00 | 14: 15 | 14: 30 | 14: 45 | 15: 00 | |
105 (Main)
Meet Uyuni: A complete opensource solution to keep multiple GNU/Linux systems configured and up-to-date
Group photo
Tumbleweed Snapshots: Rolling With You
What Storage-ng will bring and what else do YOU want?
New YaST storage stack: technical overview
107 (Small)
Group photo
Introduction to TLS 1.3
Let's talk about containers and security
The new EU CyberSecurity Act
155 (Medium)
Group Photo
Fleet Commander: The efficient way of managing the Desktop profiles of your fleet!
DevOps for GNOME with Flatpak
Saltboot - Salt managed PXE boot
Transactional Updates - deep dive
349 (Workshop)
Professional Video Recording with openSUSE
350 (Workshop)
Do good things - and talk about it!
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
15: 00 | 15: 15 | 15: 30 | 15: 45 | 16: 00 | 16: 15 | 16: 30 | 16: 45 | 17: 00 | 17: 15 | 17: 30 | 17: 45 | 18: 00 | |
105 (Main)
New YaST storage stack: technical overview
Let's Talk about (openSUSE Leap) Kernels
Roadrunner: Securing services with LetsEncrypt
AppArmor 3 and beyond
107 (Small)
The new EU CyberSecurity Act
Role certifikátu při zabezpečení šifrovaného spojení
Bezpečné doručení distribučních balíčků
Cryptofest lightning talks
155 (Medium)
Transactional Updates - deep dive
btrfs is awesome, except when it isn't
Learn how to add functionality to the MySQL server: a guided tour
SUSE Package Hub - Community packages for Enterprise Users
349 (Workshop)
Professional Video Recording with openSUSE
Introduction to openSUSE/Linux
350 (Workshop)
Do good things - and talk about it!
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
18: 00 | 18: 15 | 18: 30 | 18: 45 | 19: 00 | 19: 15 | 19: 30 | 19: 45 | 20: 00 | 20: 15 | 20: 30 | 20: 45 | 21: 00 | |
105 (Main)
107 (Small)
| |||||||||||||
155 (Medium)
| |||||||||||||
349 (Workshop)
| |||||||||||||
350 (Workshop)
| |||||||||||||
Main Lobby (open space)
CryptoFest PGP Key Signing Party
09: 00 | 09: 15 | 09: 30 | 09: 45 | 10: 00 | |
105 (Main)
What's new in OBS?
107 (Small)
| |||||
155 (Medium)
30 seconds to Code
349 (Workshop)
| |||||
350 (Workshop)
| |||||
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
10: 00 | 10: 15 | 10: 30 | 10: 45 | 11: 00 | |
105 (Main)
What's new in OBS?
Rethinking openSUSE release tooling and the build service
107 (Small)
| |||||
155 (Medium)
30 seconds to Code
Cross-compilers for lizards, two years later
Fantastic Arm boards and how to use them
349 (Workshop)
| |||||
350 (Workshop)
| |||||
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
11: 00 | 11: 15 | 11: 30 | 11: 45 | 12: 00 | |
105 (Main)
Rethinking openSUSE release tooling and the build service
107 (Small)
| |||||
155 (Medium)
Fantastic Arm boards and how to use them
349 (Workshop)
| |||||
350 (Workshop)
| |||||
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
12: 00 | 12: 15 | 12: 30 | 12: 45 | 13: 00 | |
105 (Main)
Your first steps with openSUSE Kubic
107 (Small)
| |||||
155 (Medium)
Making open source routers
349 (Workshop)
Let's Fine Tune The Wiki for Leap 15
350 (Workshop)
Let's play with Uyuni: A complete opensource solution to keep multiple GNU/Linux systems configured and up-to-date
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
13: 00 | 13: 15 | 13: 30 | 13: 45 | 14: 00 | |
105 (Main)
Your first steps with openSUSE Kubic
kanku - Bridging the gap between OBS and developers
107 (Small)
| |||||
155 (Medium)
Making open source routers
Behind the scenes of the OBS team
349 (Workshop)
Let's Fine Tune The Wiki for Leap 15
350 (Workshop)
Let's play with Uyuni: A complete opensource solution to keep multiple GNU/Linux systems configured and up-to-date
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
14: 00 | 14: 15 | 14: 30 | 14: 45 | 15: 00 | |
105 (Main)
kanku - Bridging the gap between OBS and developers
Developing SLE, Factory and Leap distributions at the same time, impossible ?
107 (Small)
| |||||
155 (Medium)
Behind the scenes of the OBS team
DJ Geeko spinning digital vinyls (Not Recorded)
349 (Workshop)
Let's Fine Tune The Wiki for Leap 15
350 (Workshop)
Let's play with Uyuni: A complete opensource solution to keep multiple GNU/Linux systems configured and up-to-date
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
15: 00 | 15: 15 | 15: 30 | 15: 45 | 16: 00 | |
105 (Main)
Developing SLE, Factory and Leap distributions at the same time, impossible ?
Annual Discussion with openSUSE Board
107 (Small)
| |||||
155 (Medium)
DJ Geeko spinning digital vinyls (Not Recorded)
349 (Workshop)
| |||||
350 (Workshop)
| |||||
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
16: 00 | 16: 15 | 16: 30 | 16: 45 | 17: 00 | |
105 (Main)
Annual Discussion with openSUSE Board
107 (Small)
| |||||
155 (Medium)
| |||||
349 (Workshop)
| |||||
350 (Workshop)
| |||||
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
17: 00 | 17: 15 | 17: 30 | 17: 45 | 18: 00 | |
105 (Main)
| |||||
107 (Small)
| |||||
155 (Medium)
| |||||
349 (Workshop)
| |||||
350 (Workshop)
| |||||
Main Lobby (open space)
18: 00 | 18: 15 | 18: 30 | 18: 45 | 19: 00 | |
105 (Main)
| |||||
107 (Small)
| |||||
155 (Medium)
| |||||
349 (Workshop)
| |||||
350 (Workshop)
| |||||
Main Lobby (open space)
19: 00 | 19: 15 | 19: 30 | 19: 45 | 20: 00 | |
105 (Main)
| |||||
107 (Small)
| |||||
155 (Medium)
| |||||
349 (Workshop)
| |||||
350 (Workshop)
| |||||
Main Lobby (open space)
09: 00 | 09: 15 | 09: 30 | 09: 45 | 10: 00 | 10: 15 | 10: 30 | 10: 45 | 11: 00 | |
105 (Main)
What's new in OBS?
Rethinking openSUSE release tooling and the build service
107 (Small)
| |||||||||
155 (Medium)
30 seconds to Code
Cross-compilers for lizards, two years later
Fantastic Arm boards and how to use them
349 (Workshop)
| |||||||||
350 (Workshop)
| |||||||||
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
11: 00 | 11: 15 | 11: 30 | 11: 45 | 12: 00 | 12: 15 | 12: 30 | 12: 45 | 13: 00 | |
105 (Main)
Rethinking openSUSE release tooling and the build service
Your first steps with openSUSE Kubic
107 (Small)
| |||||||||
155 (Medium)
Fantastic Arm boards and how to use them
Making open source routers
349 (Workshop)
Let's Fine Tune The Wiki for Leap 15
350 (Workshop)
Let's play with Uyuni: A complete opensource solution to keep multiple GNU/Linux systems configured and up-to-date
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
13: 00 | 13: 15 | 13: 30 | 13: 45 | 14: 00 | 14: 15 | 14: 30 | 14: 45 | 15: 00 | |
105 (Main)
Your first steps with openSUSE Kubic
kanku - Bridging the gap between OBS and developers
Developing SLE, Factory and Leap distributions at the same time, impossible ?
107 (Small)
| |||||||||
155 (Medium)
Making open source routers
Behind the scenes of the OBS team
DJ Geeko spinning digital vinyls (Not Recorded)
349 (Workshop)
Let's Fine Tune The Wiki for Leap 15
350 (Workshop)
Let's play with Uyuni: A complete opensource solution to keep multiple GNU/Linux systems configured and up-to-date
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
15: 00 | 15: 15 | 15: 30 | 15: 45 | 16: 00 | 16: 15 | 16: 30 | 16: 45 | 17: 00 | |
105 (Main)
Developing SLE, Factory and Leap distributions at the same time, impossible ?
Annual Discussion with openSUSE Board
107 (Small)
| |||||||||
155 (Medium)
DJ Geeko spinning digital vinyls (Not Recorded)
349 (Workshop)
| |||||||||
350 (Workshop)
| |||||||||
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
17: 00 | 17: 15 | 17: 30 | 17: 45 | 18: 00 | 18: 15 | 18: 30 | 18: 45 | 19: 00 | |
105 (Main)
| |||||||||
107 (Small)
| |||||||||
155 (Medium)
| |||||||||
349 (Workshop)
| |||||||||
350 (Workshop)
| |||||||||
Main Lobby (open space)
19: 00 | 19: 15 | 19: 30 | 19: 45 | 20: 00 | 20: 15 | 20: 30 | 20: 45 | 21: 00 | |
105 (Main)
| |||||||||
107 (Small)
| |||||||||
155 (Medium)
| |||||||||
349 (Workshop)
| |||||||||
350 (Workshop)
| |||||||||
Main Lobby (open space)
09: 00 | 09: 15 | 09: 30 | 09: 45 | 10: 00 | 10: 15 | 10: 30 | 10: 45 | 11: 00 | 11: 15 | 11: 30 | 11: 45 | 12: 00 | |
105 (Main)
What's new in OBS?
Rethinking openSUSE release tooling and the build service
107 (Small)
| |||||||||||||
155 (Medium)
30 seconds to Code
Cross-compilers for lizards, two years later
Fantastic Arm boards and how to use them
349 (Workshop)
| |||||||||||||
350 (Workshop)
| |||||||||||||
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
12: 00 | 12: 15 | 12: 30 | 12: 45 | 13: 00 | 13: 15 | 13: 30 | 13: 45 | 14: 00 | 14: 15 | 14: 30 | 14: 45 | 15: 00 | |
105 (Main)
Your first steps with openSUSE Kubic
kanku - Bridging the gap between OBS and developers
Developing SLE, Factory and Leap distributions at the same time, impossible ?
107 (Small)
| |||||||||||||
155 (Medium)
Making open source routers
Behind the scenes of the OBS team
DJ Geeko spinning digital vinyls (Not Recorded)
349 (Workshop)
Let's Fine Tune The Wiki for Leap 15
350 (Workshop)
Let's play with Uyuni: A complete opensource solution to keep multiple GNU/Linux systems configured and up-to-date
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
15: 00 | 15: 15 | 15: 30 | 15: 45 | 16: 00 | 16: 15 | 16: 30 | 16: 45 | 17: 00 | 17: 15 | 17: 30 | 17: 45 | 18: 00 | |
105 (Main)
Developing SLE, Factory and Leap distributions at the same time, impossible ?
Annual Discussion with openSUSE Board
107 (Small)
| |||||||||||||
155 (Medium)
DJ Geeko spinning digital vinyls (Not Recorded)
349 (Workshop)
| |||||||||||||
350 (Workshop)
| |||||||||||||
Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
18: 00 | 18: 15 | 18: 30 | 18: 45 | 19: 00 | 19: 15 | 19: 30 | 19: 45 | 20: 00 | 20: 15 | 20: 30 | 20: 45 | 21: 00 | |
105 (Main)
| |||||||||||||
107 (Small)
| |||||||||||||
155 (Medium)
| |||||||||||||
349 (Workshop)
| |||||||||||||
350 (Workshop)
| |||||||||||||
Main Lobby (open space)