EHT Proposals

News and documentation for the next proposal deadline:
  • ALMA Cycle 12 (2025/2026) Pre-Announcement (20-Dec-2025) 
  • Special notes for Cycle 12 EHTC Proposals:
    • Flux limits for phase calibrators have been lower by about sqrt(8) to 180 mJy in band 6 and 270 mJy in band 7. Passive-phasing with a nearby calibrator is being offered for targets below these limits.
    • For Cycle 12 in addition to regular VLBI proposals, the EHT for the first time will support multi-epoch monitoring for proposals spanning March through April, with a possible extension into May.
      Notes (See the section Proposal Preparation and Submission for additional details):
      • The ALMA Proposal tool limits requests for ALMA time to 50 hours. Proposals can ask for additional EHT sessions without ALMA in the Technical Justification. Observations are restricted to ALMA band 6 and an LO of 221.1 GHz and depending on resources may only use two of the four subbands centered at 213.1 and 229.1 Ghz, respectively.
      • Observations are limited to night time LSTs at ALMA. Note that the LMT may also have limited ability to observe in daytime. Projects extending into May can expect to increasingly be impacted by deteriorating weather conditions.
      • The minimum interval between VLBI sessions is three days. Contrary to the flexible schedule during a regular campaign, monitoring observations will be executed on a pre-set fixed schedule but one that can be irregular.
      • Each session will have an identical schedule (except possibly for a 4 min/day sidereal shift [tbd]) for a single, contiguous VLBI block. As a result not all allocated projects may be schedulable.
      • If allocated, monitoring will limit observing time available for and potentially prohibit regular VLBI.
    • Regular VLBI is offered in bands 6 and 7, but switching between bands within a single track (aka "night") is not offered and band 7 may be subject to further scheduling limitations.
    • The SPT is being outfitted with a new 230/345 GHz receiver and will not participate in 2026.
    • For Band 6 observations OVRO is scheduled to join the VLBI campaign on a shared-risk basis.
    • For Band 7 observations:
      • Participation of the LMT is tentative and on a shared-risk basis.
      • The KP 12M and OVRO will not participate.
      • Participation of NOEMA is limited to five telescopes and double-sideband instead of sideband separating.
    • Regular VLBI projects outside an RA range of about 08-20 may not be schedulable.
20 Dec 2025 ALMA Cycle 12 Pre-announcement
20 Mar 2025 Release of the ALMA Cycle 12 Call for Proposals and Observing Tool, and opening of the archive for proposal submissions
24 Apr 2025 Proposal submission deadline (15 UT)
Jun/Jul 2025 TAC reviews
August 2025 JAO announces accepted projects
September EHT releases first draft block schedule

1.4 and 0.88 mm VLBI Call for Proposals

The ALMA Observatory and the Event Horizon Telescope Consortium (EHTC) jointly issue an annual Call for Proposals for Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) using the phased output of the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) and the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT). VLBI is offered using ALMA band 6 (1.4 mm) and band 7 (0.88 mm). Note that the EHT without phased ALMA is not being offered as part of the Call. 

Proposals should be submitted only in response to an ALMA proposal call issued by the ALMA Regional Centers, typically in March of each year. There is no requirement to submit a separate proposal to the EHTC. Proposal preparation is therefore through the ALMA Observing Tool (OT), which requires registration through the ALMA Science Portal (North AmericaEurope, East Asia) beforehand. The ALMA OT Quickstart Guide provides more information on how to use OT. For each Cycle additional information on proposing to ALMA may be found in the dedicated Proposers' Guide (e.g. Cycle 11) and Technical Handbook (e.g. Cycle 11).

An overview of phased ALMA and the EHT, and further technical information to support proposal preparation is available below; click on a particular tab to expand it. Proposers who need assistance with proposal preparation or have questions regarding the Call should submit a ticket to the ALMA Helpdesk.




Expand Sections Below for More Information