Conrad Aiken
Conrad Aiken | |
Bizitza | |
Jaiotzako izen-deiturak | Conrad Potter Aiken |
Jaiotza | Savannah, 1889ko abuztuaren 5a |
Herrialdea | Ameriketako Estatu Batuak |
Lehen hizkuntza | ingelesa |
Heriotza | Savannah eta Brewster, 1973ko abuztuaren 17a (84 urte) |
Hobiratze lekua | Georgia |
Familia | |
Ama | Anna Potter Aiken |
Ezkontidea(k) | Mary Hoover Aiken (en) (1937ko uztaila - |
Seme-alabak | ikusi
Hezkuntza | |
Heziketa | Middlesex School (en) Harvard Unibertsitatea (1907 - 1912) Artean graduatu : literatura zientzia |
Hizkuntzak | ingelesa |
Jarduerak | |
Jarduerak | idazlea, poeta, eleberrigilea, literatura-kritikaria, prosalaria, antzerkigilea eta saiakeragilea |
Jasotako sariak | ikusi
Kidetza | Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako Arte eta Letren Akademia |
Conrad Potter Aiken (Savannah, Georgia, 1889ko abuztuaren 5a - ibidem, 1973ko abuztuaren 17a) estatubatuar idazlea izan zen.
Poemak, ipuinak eta eleberriak idatzi zituen, baita literatur kritika, antzezlan bat eta autobiografia bat ere. T. S. Elioten laguna izan zen eta haren eragina jaso zuen. Sinbolismoaren eragina ere jaso zuen, bereziki hasieran. 1930ean Pulitzer Saria Olerkigintzan irabazi zuen eta 1954an National Book Award saria.
Lan hautatuak
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]Olerkiak
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]- Earth Triumphant (Aiken, 1914)
- Turns and Movies and other Tales in Verse (Aiken, 1916, Houghton Mifflin)
- The Jig of Forslin: A Symphony, 1916
- Nocturne of Remembered Spring: And Other Poems (Aiken, 1917)
- Charnel Rose (Aiken, 1918)
- The House of Dust: A Symphony, 1920
- Punch: The Immortal Liar, Documents in His History, 1921
- Priapus and the Pool, 1922
- The Pilgrimage of Festus, 1923
- Priapus and the Pool, and Other Poems, 1925
- Selected Poems, 1929 (Pulitzer Saria)
- John Deth, A Metaphysical Legacy, and Other Poems, 1930
- The Coming Forth by Day of Osiris Jones, 1931
- Preludes for Memnon, 1931
- Landscape West of Eden, 1934
- Time in the Rock; Preludes to Definition, 1936
- And in the Human Heart, 1940
- Brownstone Eclogues, and Other Poems, 1942
- The Soldier: A Poem, 1944
- The Kid, 1947
- The Divine Pilgrim, 1949
- Skylight One: Fifteen Poems, 1949
- Collected Poems, 1953 (National Book Award)
- A Letter from Li Po and Other Poems, 1955
- Sheepfold Hill: Fifteen Poems, 1958
- The Morning Song of Lord Zero, Poems Old and New, 1963
- Thee: A Poem, 1967
- Collected Poems, 2nd ed., 1970
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]- "Bring! Bring!"
- "The Last Visit"
- "Mr. Arcularis"
- "The Bachelor Supper"
- "Bow Down, Isaac!"
- "A Pair of Vikings"
- "Hey, Taxi!"
- "Field of Flowers"
- "Gehenna"
- "The Disciple"
- "Impulse"
- "The Anniversary"
- "Hello, Tib"
- "Smith and Jones"
- "By My Troth, Nerisa!"
- "Silent Snow, Secret Snow"
- "Round by Round"
- "Thistledown"
- "State of Mind"
- "Strange Moonlight"
- "The Fish Supper"
- "I Love You Very Dearly"
- "The Dark City"
- "Life Isn't a Short Story"
- "The Night Before Prohibition"
- "Spider, Spider"
- "A Man Alone at Lunch"
- "Farewell! Farewell! Farewell!"
- "Your Obituary, Well Written"
- "A Conversation"
- "No, No, Go Not to Lethe"
- "Pure as the Driven Snow"
- "All, All Wasted"
- "The Moment"
- "The Woman-Hater"
- "The Professor's Escape"
- "The Orange Moth"
- "The Necktie"
- "O How She Laughed!"
- "West End"
- "Fly Away Ladybird"
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]- Blue Voyage (1927)
- Great Circle (1933)
- King Coffin (1935)
- A Heart for the Gods of Mexico (1939)
- The Conversation (1940)
Beste liburu batzuk
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]- Scepticisms: Notes on Contemporary Poetry (1919)
- Ushant (1952)
- A Reviewer's ABC: Collected Criticism of Conrad Aiken from 1916 to the Present (1958)
- Collected Short Stories (1960)
- Collected Short Stories of Conrad Aiken (1965)