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Betty Boop |
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Lehen agerpena | 1930eko abuztuaren 8 (Talkartoons) |
Sortzailea | Max Fleischer |
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- Talkartoons (en)
, Betty Boop's Bamboo Isle (en) , The Betty Boop Movie Mystery (en) , Betty Boop and Felix (en) , Betty Boop and Grampy (en) , Betty Boop and Little Jimmy (en) , Stopping the Show (en) , Betty Boop's Bizzy Bee (en) , Betty Boop, M.D. (en) , Betty Boop's Ups and Downs (en) , Betty Boop for President (en) , I'll Be Glad When You're Dead You Rascal You (en) , Betty Boop's Museum (en) , Betty Boop's Ker-Choo (en) , Betty Boop's Crazy Inventions (en) , Is My Palm Read (en) , Betty Boop's Penthouse (en) , Snow White (en) , Betty Boop's Birthday Party (en) , Betty Boop's May Party (en) , Betty Boop's Big Boss (en) , Mother Goose Land (en) , Popeye the Sailor (en) , The Old Man of the Mountain (en) , I Heard (en) , Morning, Noon and Night (en) , Betty Boop's Hallowe'en Party (en) , Parade of the Wooden Soldiers (en) , She Wronged Him Right (en) , Red Hot Mamma (en) , Ha! Ha! Ha! (en) , Betty in Blunderland (en) , Betty Boop's Rise to Fame (en) , Betty Boop's Trial (en) , Betty Boop's Life Guard (en) , Poor Cinderella (en) , There's Something About a Soldier (en) , Betty Boop's Little Pal (en) , Betty Boop's Prize Show (en) , Keep in Style (en) , When My Ship Comes In (en) , Baby Be Good (en) , Taking the Blame (en) , Stop That Noise (en) , Swat the Fly (en) , No! No! A Thousand Times No!! (en) , A Little Soap and Water (en) , A Language All My Own (en) , Judge for a Day (en) , Making Stars (en) , Betty Boop with Henry, the Funniest Living American (en) , Little Nobody (en) , Betty Boop and the Little King (en) , Not Now (en) , We Did It (en) , A Song a Day (en) , More Pep (en) , You're Not Built That Way (en) , Happy You and Merry Me (en) , Training Pigeons (en) , Grampy's Indoor Outing (en) , Be Human (en) , Making Friends (en) , House Cleaning Blues (en) , Whoops! I'm a Cowboy (en) , The Hot Air Salesman (en) , Pudgy Takes a Bow-Wow (en) , Pudgy Picks a Fight! (en) , The Impractical Joker (en) , Ding Dong Doggie (en) , The Candid Candidate (en) , Service with a Smile (en) , The New Deal Show (en) , The Foxy Hunter (en) , Zula Hula (en) , Riding the Rails (en) , Be Up to Date (en) , Honest Love and True (en) , Out of the Inkwell (en) , The Swing School (en) , Pudgy and the Lost Kitten (en) , Buzzy Boop (en) , Pudgy the Watchman (en) , Buzzy Boop at the Concert (en) , Sally Swing (en) , On With the New (en) , Thrills and Chills (en) , My Friend the Monkey (en) , So Does an Automobile (en) , Musical Mountaineers (en) , The Scared Crows (en) , Rhythm on the Reservation (en) eta Yip Yip Yippy (en) ![Itzuli](//
Inspiratua | Helen Kane |
Sexua | Emakume |
Espeziea | Gizaki |
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Betty Boop marrazki bizidunetan agertzen den pertsonaia da. Max Fleischerrek sortua, lehendabizikoz 1930eko abuztuaren 8an Talkartoons sailean agertu zen. Bere sexualitate irekiari esker laster bilakatu zen ospetsu.