Ben Hecht
Ben Hecht | |
![]() | |
Bizitza | |
Jaiotza | New York, 1894ko otsailaren 28a |
Herrialdea | ![]() |
Heriotza | New York, 1964ko apirilaren 18a (70 urte) |
Heriotza modua | berezko heriotza: tronbosi koronarioa |
Hezkuntza | |
Heziketa | Washington Park High School (en) ![]() |
Hizkuntzak | ingelesa |
Jarduerak | |
Jarduerak | gidoilaria, eleberrigilea, antzerkigilea, idazlea, kazetaria, zinema ekoizlea, film-zuzendaria eta produktorea |
Jasotako sariak | ikusi
Kidetza | Writers Guild of America, West (en) ![]() |
Sinesmenak eta ideologia | |
Erlijioa | judaismoa |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Ben Hecht (New York, 1894ko otsailaren 28a - ibidem, 1964ko apirilaren 18a) estatubatuar gidoilari, zuzendari, ekoizle, antzerkigile eta eleberrigilea izan zen.
New Yorken jaio zen, judu bielorrusiarren semea. 16 urterekin Chicagora ihes egin zuen. Han senide batzuekin bizi izan zen eta kazetari ibilbidea hasi zuen. Chicago Daily Journal eta Chicago Daily News egunkarietan lan egin zuen. 1918an Berlinera bidali zuten berriemaile gisa. Chicagora itzuli zenean, egunkariko krimenen sailean nabarmendu zen.
1921ean Erik Dorn bere lehen eleberria argitaratu zuen, Berlinen izandako esperientzian oinarrituta.
Josef von Sternbergek Underworld filmaren gidoilari bezala aukeratu zuen. Argumentu onenaren Oscar Saria irabazi zuen eta zine munduan ibilbide luzea hasi zuen. Howard Hawks, Otto Preminger, Henry Hathaway eta Alfred Hitchcockekin lan egin zuen, besteak beste. "Hollywoodeko Shakespeare" ezizena irabazi zuen.
Sionista konprometitua izan zen. Europako juduak erreskatatzen saiatu zen gerran eta, ondoren, juduak Palestinara eramatea erraztu zuen.
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]- Kiss of Death (1995)
- Casino Royale (1967) (uncredited)
- Circus World
- 7 Faces of Dr. Lao (uncredited)
- Cleopatra (1962) (uncredited)
- Billy Rose's Jumbo
- Mutiny on the Bounty (1962) (uncredited)
- Walk on the Wild Side (uncredited)
- North to Alaska (uncredited)
- John Paul Jones (uncredited)
- The Gun Runners (uncredited)
- Queen of Outer Space
- Legend of the Lost
- The Sun Also Rises (1957)
- A Farewell to Arms (1957)
- Miracle in the Rain
- The Iron Petticoat
- The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1956) (uncredited)
- Trapeze (1956) (uncredited)
- The Court-Martial of Billy Mitchell (uncredited)
- The Indian Fighter
- The Man with the Golden Arm (1955) (uncredited)
- Guys and Dolls (uncredited)
- Living It Up
- Ulysses (1955)
- Light's Diamond Jubilee (telebista)
- Terminal Station (1953) (uncredited)
- Angel Face (1952) (uncredited)
- Hans Christian Andersen (uncredited)
- Monkey Business (1952)
- Actors and Sin (1952) (also directed and produced)
- The Wild Heart (1952) (uncredited)
- The Thing from Another World (uncredited)
- The Secret of Convict Lake (uncredited)
- Strangers on a Train (1951) (uncredited)
- September Affair (uncredited)
- Where the Sidewalk Ends (1950)
- Edge of Doom (uncredited)
- Perfect Strangers (1950)
- Love Happy (uncredited)
- The Inspector General (uncredited)
- Whirlpool (1949)
- Roseanna McCoy (uncredited)
- Big Jack (uncredited)
- Portrait of Jennie (uncredited)
- Cry of the City (uncredited)
- Rope (1948) (uncredited)
- The Miracle of the Bells
- Dishonored Lady (uncredited)
- Her Husband's Affairs
- The Paradine Case (1947) (uncredited)
- Ride the Pink Horse (1947)
- Kiss of Death (1947)
- Duel in the Sun (1946) (uncredited)
- Notorious (1946)
- A Flag is Born
- Specter of the Rose (1946) (Baita zuzendaria eta ekoizkea ere)
- Gilda (uncredited) (1946)
- Cornered (1945) (uncredited)
- Spellbound (1945)
- Watchtower Over Tomorrow (1945)
- Lifeboat (1944) (uncredited)
- The Outlaw (1943) (uncredited)
- China Girl (1942)
- Journey into Fear (1943) (uncredited)
- The Black Swan (1942)
- Ten Gentlemen from West Point (uncredited)
- Roxie Hart (uncredited)
- Lydia
- The Mad Doctor (1941) (uncredited)
- Comrade X
- Second Chorus (uncredited)
- Angels Over Broadway (1940) (Baita zuzendaria era ekoizlea ere)
- Foreign Correspondent (1940) (final scene-uncredited)
- The Shop Around the Corner (1940) (uncredited)
- His Girl Friday (1940)
- I Take This Woman (1940) (uncredited)
- Gone with the Wind (1939) (uncredited)
- At the Circus (uncredited)
- Lady of the Tropics
- It's a Wonderful World (1939)
- Wuthering Heights (1939)
- Let Freedom Ring
- Stagecoach (1939) (uncredited)
- Gunga Din (1939)
- Angels with Dirty Faces (1938) (uncredited)
- The Goldwyn Follies
- Nothing Sacred (1937)
- The Hurricane (1937) (uncredited)
- The Prisoner of Zenda (1937) (uncredited)
- Woman Chases Man (uncredited)
- King of Gamblers (uncredited)
- A Star Is Born (1937) (uncredited)
- Soak the Rich (zuzendaria ere bai)
- The Scoundrel (1935) (zuzendaria ere bai)
- Spring Tonic
- Barbary Coast
- Once in a Blue Moon (1935) (zuzendaria ere bai)
- The Florentine Dagger
- The President Vanishes (uncredited)
- Crime Without Passion (1934) (zuzendaria ere bai)
- Shoot the Works
- Twentieth Century (1934) (uncredited)
- Upperworld
- Viva Villa! (1934)
- Riptide (1934) (uncredited)
- Queen Christina (1933) (uncredited)
- Design for Living (1933)
- Turn Back the Clock
- Topaze (1933)
- Hallelujah, I'm a Bum (1933)
- Back Street (1932) (uncredited)
- Rasputin and the Empress (1932) (uncredited)
- Million Dollar Legs (1932) (uncredited)
- Scarface (1932)
- The Beast of the City (1932) (uncredited)
- The Unholy Garden (1931)
- The Sin of Madelon Claudet (1931) (uncredited)
- Monkey Business (1931) (uncredited)
- Homicide Squad (1931) (uncredited)
- Quick Millions (1931) (uncredited)
- Le Spectre vert
- Roadhouse Nights (1930)
- Street of Chance (1930)(uncredited)
- The Unholy Night (1929)
- The Great Gabbo (1929)
- The Big Noise (1928)
- The American Beauty (1916) (uncredited)
- Underworld (1927)
- The New Klondike (1926) (uncredited)
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]- Erik Dorn (1921)
- Gargoyles (1922)
- Fantazius Mallare : a mysterious oath (1922)
- The Florentine dagger : a novel for amateur detectives (1923)
- Kingdom of Evil (1924)
- Broken Necks {Containing More 1001 Afternoons} (1926)
- Count Bruga (1926)
- A Jew in Love (1931)
- The Champion from Far Away (1931)
- Actor's Blood (1936)
- The Book of Miracles (1939)
- 1001 Afternoons in New York (1941)
- Miracle in the Rain (1943)
- A Guide for the Bedevilled (1944)
- I Hate Actors! (1944)
- The Collected Stories of Ben Hecht (1945)
- A Child of the Century (1954)
- Charlie: The Improbable Life and Times of Charles MacArthur (1957)
- The Sensualists (1959)
- A Treasury of Ben Hecht: Collected Stories and Other Writings (1959)
- Perfidy (1962)
- Gaily, Gaily, Signet (1963)
- Concerning a Woman of Sin (1964)
- Letters from Bohemia (1964)
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]- The Hero of Santa Maria (1916)
- The Egotist (1922)
- The Stork (1925)
- The Front Page (1928)
- The Great Magoo (1932)
- Twentieth Century (1932)
- Jumbo (1935)
- To Quito and Back (1937)
- Ladies and Gentlemen (1939)
- Lily of the Valley (1942)
- Seven Lively Arts (1944)
- Swan Song (1946)
- A Flag Is Born (1946)
- Winkelberg (1958)
Saiakerak eta erreportajeak
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]- The sacred white cow (1925)
- The bean bag corner (1925)
- The man who is just folks (1925)
- Literature and the bastinado
Kanpo estekak
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]- 1894ko jaiotzak
- 1964ko heriotzak
- Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako zinema zuzendariak
- Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako antzerkigileak
- Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako ipuingileak
- Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako zinema gidoilariak
- Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako eleberrigileak
- Jatorrizko gidoi onenaren Oscar Sariaren irabazleak
- Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako sionistak
- Chicagotarrak