A. S. Byatt
Dame Antonia Susan Duffy, profesionalki ezaguna A. S. Byatt ezkondua izenez (Sheffield, 1936ko abuztuaren 24a - Londres, 2023ko azaroaren 16a) ingeles eleberrigilea izan zen.
Sheffielden jaio zen Antonia Susan Drabble izenarekin eta Bigarren Mundu Gerran hiria bonbardatu ondoren Yorkera joan zen familiarekin.
1964an argitaratu zuen bere lehen eleberria, The Shadow of the Sun. Eleberriez gain, biografiak ere idatzi ditu. 1990ean Booker Saria irabazi zuen Possession eleberriarekin.
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]Eleberriak
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]- 1964 – Shadow of a Sun, Chatto & Windus]
- 1967 – The Game, Chatto & Windus
- 1978 – The Virgin in the Garden, Chatto & Windus
- 1985 – Still Life, Chatto & Windus
- 1990 – Possession: A Romance, Chatto & Windus
- 1992 – Angels and Insects, Chatto & Windus
- Morpho Eugenia
- The Conjugal Angel
- 1996 – Babel Tower, Chatto & Windus
- 2000 – The Biographer's Tale, Chatto & Windus
- 2002 – A Whistling Woman, Chatto & Windus
- 2009 – The Children's Book, Chatto & Windus
- 2011 – Ragnarok: The End of the Gods, Canongate
Ipuin bildumak
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]- 1987 Sugar and Other Stories, Chatto & Windus
- 1993 The Matisse Stories, Chatto & Windus
- 1994 The Djinn in the Nightingale's Eye, Chatto & Windus
- 1998 Elementals: Stories of Fire and Ice, Chatto & Windus
- 2003 Little Black Book of Stories, Chatto & Windus
Saiakerak eta biografiak
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]- 1965 Degrees of Freedom: The Early Novels of Iris Murdoch, Chatto & Windus
- 1989 Unruly Times: Wordsworth and Coleridge, Poetry and Life, Hogarth Press
- 1991 Passions of the Mind: Selected Writings, Chatto & Windus
- 1995 Imagining Characters: Six Conversations about Women Writers (Ignes Sodrerekin batera), Chatto & Windus
- 2000 On Histories and Stories: Selected Essays, Chatto & Windus
- 2001 Portraits in Fiction, Chatto & Windus
- 2016 Peacock & Vine: On William Morris and Mariano Fortuny, Knopf