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escritoireazul: (Default)
Master Lists

December 2014 Talking Meme: Master List
Yuletide 2014 Retrospective: Stories Written 2005 - 2013
Yuletide 2018 Retrospective: Stories Written 2005 - 2017
Yuletide 2019 Retrospective: Stories Written 2005 - 2019
Yuletide 2020 Retrospective: Stories Written 2005 - 2020
2015 Countdown Meme: Master List
December 2015 Talking Meme: Master List
Ask Me Anything 2018 - 2020: Ask Here

About Me

December 2018 (public)
January 2017 (locked)
November 2014 (locked)
May 2010 (locked)
October 2008 (locked)
June 2008 (locked)
April 2008 (locked)
escritoireazul: (pitch black strength)
Letter complete as of October 20.

Dear Yuletide Author,

It’s my favorite fannish time of year: Yuletide.

Do Not Wants and general likes, followed by fandom-specific details, below. If there’s a discrepancy between the DNWs/general likes and the fandom-specific details, go with the fandom-specific. Mixing and matching fandoms and prompts more than welcome.

My absolute favorite things: werewolves, crossovers and alternate universes (the stranger and more unusual the better), and monsters and magic.

I’m [archiveofourown.org profile] escritoireazul at AO3. Treat option is enabled.

General Likes )

Do Not Wants )


Amazon "Red Riding Hood" Commercial: Red Riding Hood
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969): Robert Parker | Butch Cassidy, Harry Longabaugh | Sundance Kid, Etta Place
Gods of New Asgard - Tessa Gratton: Vider Bearskin, Signy Valborn, Glory | Fenris Wolf, Astrid Glyn
The Mummy (Movies 1999-2008): Evy Carnahan O'Connell, Ardeth Bay, Rick O'Connell
Pushing Daisies: Olive Snook, Charlotte "Chuck" Charles
Willow (1988): Sorsha

It's been a rough few years, and again this year, my letter is not nearly as detailed as it used to be. Some sections may be longer than others simply because I pulled from previous requests. I want all of them equally. You can find old letters under the Yuletide tag if you want to see what I've written before.

Across the board, AUs I love: Werewolf packs. Teaming up to survive horror movie scenarios and save the girls (summer camp killers, haunted houses, cursed objects). Adventures in Space. Jaeger pilots. Elite athletes. Scientists fighting underground monsters. Weird west. Surviving inhospitable locations.

Amazon Red Riding Hood Commercial: Red Riding Hood )

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid: Butch Cassidy, Sundance Kid, Etta Place )

Gods of New Asgard - Tessa Gratton: Vider Bearskin, Signy Valborn, Glory | Fenris Wolf, Astrid Glyn )

The Mummy: Evy Carnahan O'Connell, Ardeth Bay, Rick O'Connell )

Pushing Daisies: Olive Snook, Chuck Charles )

Willow: Sorsha )
escritoireazul: (ginger snaps alone)
As of Sep 22, letter complete.

Dear Trick or Treat Creator,

It’s my favorite time of year: horror and Halloween and fall weather and Trick or Treat.

I unexpectedly had to miss Trick or Treat last year, and spooky season just wasn't the same!

Do Not Wants and general likes, followed by fandom-specific details, below. If there’s a discrepancy between the DNWs/general likes and the fandom-specific details, go with the fandom-specific. Mixing and matching fandoms and prompts welcome, as is making any prompt a trick or a treat.

My absolute favorite things: werewolves, crossovers and alternate universes (the stranger and more unusual the better), and monsters and magic.

I requested fic and tricks and treats. For the freeform tags: I am interested in extra gifts for the community challenge that don’t fit my requests. You may ignore my art/fic preferences for extra gifts.

My AO3 name is [archiveofourown.org profile] escritoireazul

General Likes

+ Halloween and horror movies, particularly horror movie alternate universes in any canon
+ alternate universes, a non-exhaustive list: werewolves, witches and witch hunters, IN SPACE, horror movies, haunted summer camps, ghost hunters (including this state-mandated idea), portal fantasies, monsters, canon divergence, weird west/wild west (I particularly like the outlaw feel of it, untamed and wild, big spaces with nowhere to hide, big woods claustrophobic around you, danger at every turn, as long as the AU avoids the magical Indian/savage Indian/white savior bullshit that can show up in weird west and westerns in general)
+ monsters of the week, casefic, adventure stories, mysteries
+ friends and family teaming up to save the world, particularly on road trips, and becoming chosen family along the way
+ crossovers and fusions so long as my requested characters are the main characters
+ tropes, a non-exhaustive list: wilderness survival, huddling for warmth, forced proximity, friends to lovers, enemies to friends (to lovers), there’s only one bed oh no, fake dating, survival horror, abandoned ships, burial at sea, burial by fire, crashed on a deserted island, ghost ships, not-so-safe harbor, locked-room mysteries, came back wrong
+ kink (female top/dom only except for biting and bloodplay): biting, light bondage, impact play, rough body play, bloodplay for supernatural characters, fireplay, marking, sensory overload, orgasm denial/control, pegging

Do Not Wants

+ stories focused on dealing with discrimination (racism, sexism, biphobia, fat hate, ableism, etc.)
+ character bashing or villainizing
+ rape, non-con, and dub-con
+ embarrassment/humiliation
+ permanent character death for my requested characters
+ big age difference in older man/younger woman romantic relationships (except for supernatural characters)
+ a/b/o or werewolf stories with Big Tough Alpha Male tropes
+ pregnancy, including mpreg
+ spiders, especially in art


Jurassic Park Original Trilogy (Movies): Ship: Kelly Malcolm/Lex Murphy (JP OTM), Lex Murphy (JP OTM), Kelly Malcolm (JP OTM)
Mummy (Movies 1999-2008): Ship: Ardeth Bey/Evy Carnahan O'Connell/Rick O'Connell (Mummy 1999-2008)
Trick 'r Treat (2008): Laurie (Trick 'r Treat), Danielle (Trick 'r Treat), Ship: Rhonda & The Werewolf Pack (Trick 'r Treat), Ship: Danielle/Laurie (Trick 'r Treat), Ship: Any Werewolf Pack Member(s) & Any Werewolf Pack Member(s) (Trick 'r Treat)

Jurassic Park Original Trilogy (Movies) )

Mummy (Movies 1999-2008) )

Trick 'r Treat (2008) )
escritoireazul: (werewolf little red riding hood)
Letter complete November 1.

Dear Yuletide Author,

It’s my favorite fannish time of year: Yuletide.

Do Not Wants and general likes, followed by fandom-specific details, below. If there’s a discrepancy between the DNWs/general likes and the fandom-specific details, go with the fandom-specific. Mixing and matching fandoms and prompts more than welcome.

My absolute favorite things: werewolves, crossovers and alternate universes (the stranger and more unusual the better), and monsters and magic.

I’m [archiveofourown.org profile] escritoireazul at AO3. Treat option is enabled.

General Likes )

Do Not Wants )


Amazon "Red Riding Hood" Commercial: Red Riding Hood
Bulgari "Unexpected Wonders" Commercial: any
Monster - Christopher Pike: Angela Warner, Mary Blanc
The Mummy (Movies 1999-2008): Evy Carnahan O'Connell, Ardeth Bay, Rick O'Connell
Spellbound - Christopher Pike: Joni Harper, Cindy Jones
Willow (1988): Sorsha

Life is a mess right now and my letter is not nearly as detailed as usual. You can find old letters under the Yuletide tag if you want to see what I've written before.

Across the board, the AUs I would love to see: Werewolf packs. Teaming up to survive horror movie scenarios and save the girls (summer camp killers, haunted houses, cursed objects). Adventures in Space. Jaeger pilots. Elite athletes. Scientists fighting underground monsters. Weird west. Surviving inhospitable locations.

Amazon Red Riding Hood Commercial: Red Riding Hood )

Bulgari Unexpected Wonders Commercial: Younger Woman, Older Woman )

Monster - Christopher Pike: Angela Warner, Mary Blanc )

The Mummy (Movies 1999-2008): Evy Carnahan O'Connell, Ardeth Bay, Rick O'Connell )

Spellbound - Christopher Pike: Joni Harper, Cindy Jones )

Willow (1988): Sorsha )
escritoireazul: (fast furious letty and dom)
A few months ago I babbled my joy and excitement about the trailers here.


Some of Sister K's friends haven't seen any of the movies yet (and Sister K herself hasn't seen past Tokyo Drift, I don't think), so we've been planning a whole series watch spread over several months.

I'm trying to prepare them with some advice. In order to enjoy these movies, you must pretend the following doesn't exist: gravity, physics, logic, computer science, death, hacking, laws, justice, all science really, believability, and sometimes your rage at sexism. You must embrace: found family, cheesiness, the sheer and utter joy when gravity, physics, logic, computer science, death, hacking, laws, justice, all science really, and believability are off the table, the way the movies learn to embrace women in different roles, Dodge Chargers being indestructible, unbelievable surprises, and the looming promise that this is really all sci-fi and Hobbs & Shaw made that explicit.

Fuck, I love this stupid series.
escritoireazul: (fast furious letty and dom)
I am still not here, and also life has been very very very hard.

However, there is a new Fast and the Furious movie and of course I have to react to the trailers.

Way back in 2020, which was clearly thirty years ago, I recapped my reaction to the first Fast and Furious 9 trailer, because it made me cackle and gave me all the feelings.

I watched the three main US trailers in reverse order today (though I'd seen the first one before, because I remember desperately wanting more genetically modified supersoldier storyline a la Hobbs & Shaw), so my individual responses aren't clear, but I can tell you that one of my favorite moments in any Fast and Furious trailer ever comes from the third trailer: If it violates the laws of god and gravity, they did it twice.


I love when a franchise embraces its own ridiculousness.

A few other thoughts scattered across the trailers and the trailers themselves behind the cut.

Fast X )
escritoireazul: (Default)
On the one hand, this is a commercial for Hobby Lobby, which I hate.

On the other hand, look at this fucking adorable thing.

escritoireazul: (werewolf little red riding hood)
Taking a brief break between dealing with some family responsibilities. More on them later, because I don't want all my posts to either be locked and about heartbreaking things or exchange letters.

I tracked some of the media I consumed for spooky season this month. (Which is almost over? HOW?) Here are some of the movies. (Links go to trailers on YouTube.)

Urban Legends: Final Cut (2000): Probably a rewatch for me, but I could not remember a single detail about it. More fun than I expected.

The Curse of La Patasola (2022): Another that was more fun than I expected.

Urban Legends: Bloody Mary (2005): It was fine. There were a lot of moments of characterization I loved.

Sissy (2022): Fuck I loved this one. Did not expect to once I realized the premise, but it was so, so good.

La Furia del Hombre Lobo (Fury of the Wolfman) (1972): So fucking weird. So fucking great. (I recapped this for this year's Snark at the Moon! over on Devil's Elbow.)

Werewolf By Night (2022): I did not like this as much as I hoped from the way people talked about it, but I really enjoyed it. Very visually nostalgic, and I adored a couple of the characters.

Grimcutty (2022): Fuck, this, too, was far more fun than I expected. Love, love, love the teen girls in particular.

The Requin (2022): Sort of run-of-the-mill shark survival, but I enjoyed it. Did not fucking recognize Alicia Silverstone for a hot minute.

Hunter, Hunter (2020): I loved this movie, but it was not at all the movie I thought I was watching, and I loved this despite the hard turn to rapist.

Black as Night (2021): My favorite movie of the season, and one of my favorite vampire movies ever. The main characters is the fucking best.
escritoireazul: (Default)
10.29.22 Edit: I have the treat option enabled on AO3. Forgot that was a thing.

Dear Yuletide Author,

It’s my favorite fannish time of year: Yuletide.

Do Not Wants and general likes, followed by fandom-specific details, below. If there’s a discrepancy between the DNWs/general likes and the fandom-specific details, go with the fandom-specific. Mixing and matching fandoms and prompts more than welcome.

My absolute favorite things: werewolves, crossovers and alternate universes (the stranger and more unusual the better), and monsters and magic.

I’m [archiveofourown.org profile] escritoireazul at AO3.

General Likes )

Do Not Wants )


Charlie’s Angels (2019): Elena Houghlin, Jane Kano, Sabina Wilson
The New Mutants (2020): Danielle Moonstar, Rahne Sinclair
Seance (2021): Camille Meadows, Helina
Sweetheart (2019): Jennifer Remming
United States of Asgard - Tessa Gratton: any (Astrid Glyn, Glory | Fenris Wolf, Signy Valborn, Soren Bearstar)
Willow (1988): Sorsha

Charlie's Angels (2019) )

Seance (2021) )

Sweetheart (2019) )

United States of Asgard - Tessa Gratton )

Willow (1988) )
escritoireazul: (werewolf little red riding hood)
As of September 19, letter complete.

Dear Trick or Treat Creator,

It’s my favorite time of year: horror and Halloween and fall weather and Trick or Treat.

Unplanned, I basically have a theme this year: women who survive horror, the horrors around them, and what happens next.

Do Not Wants and general likes, followed by fandom-specific details, below. If there’s a discrepancy between the DNWs/general likes and the fandom-specific details, go with the fandom-specific. Mixing and matching fandoms and prompts more than welcome, as is making any prompt a trick or a treat.

My absolute favorite things: werewolves, crossovers and alternate universes (the stranger and more unusual the better), and monsters and magic.

I requested fic and tricks and treats. For the freeform tags: I am interested in extra gifts for the community challenge that don’t fit my requests. You may ignore my art/fic preferences for extra gifts.

My AO3 name is [archiveofourown.org profile] escritoireazul

General Likes )

Do Not Wants )


Criminal Minds: Luke Alvez/Penelope Garcia

Crossover Fandom:
Breanna Casey (Leverage: Redemption)/Cassie (Down in the Library Basement)
Ellie Myers (Cursed)/Samantha (Get Some)
Ginger Fitzgerald (Ginger Snaps)/Ellie Myers (Cursed)
Ginger Fitzgerald (Ginger Snaps)/Laurie (Trick r Treat)
Ginger Fitzgerald (Ginger Snaps)/Samantha (Get Some)
Jenn (Sweetheart)/Alexa Wood (AvP)
Laurie (Trick r Treat)/Ellie Myers (Cursed)
Megan (Dog Soldiers)/Ellie Myers (Cursed)
Mindy (Tremors)/Lex Murphy (Jurassic Park)
Ship: Rhonda LeBeck (Tremors) & Ellie Sattler (Jurassic Park)

Down in the Library Basement - Rona Vaselaar | sleepyhollow_101: Cassie
Get Some - Ghosted (Music Video): Samantha, Mean Girls/Samantha, Jeff/Samantha
Ginger Snaps: Ginger Fitzgerald, Brigitte Fitzgerald
The Howling (1981): Marsha Quist/Karen White, Marsha Quist
Prey (2022): Naru
Sweetheart (2019): Jenn
Tremors (1990): Earl Bass/Rhonda LeBeck/Valentine McKee, Mindy
Willow (1988): Sorsha, Queen Bavmorda & Sorsha, Madmartigan/Sorsha/Airk Thaughbaer, Madmartigan/Sorsha


Criminal Minds )

Crossover Fandom )

Down in the Library Basement - Rona Vaselaar | sleepyhollow_101 )

Get Some - Ghosted (Music Video) )

Ginger Snaps )

The Howling )

Prey )

Sweetheart )

Tremors )

Willow )
escritoireazul: (Default)
Completed on October 27.

Dear Yuletide Creator,

It’s my favorite fannish time of year: Yuletide.

Do Not Wants and general likes, followed by fandom-specific details, below. If there’s a discrepancy between the DNWs/general likes and the fandom-specific details, go with the fandom-specific. Mixing and matching fandoms and prompts more than welcome.

My absolute favorite things: werewolves, crossovers and alternate universes (the stranger and more unusual the better), and monsters and magic.

I’m [archiveofourown.org profile] escritoireazul.

General Likes )

Do Not Wants )


Gunpowder Milkshake (2021): any (Anna May, Florence, Madeleine, Sam, Scarlet)
Renault Clio “30 Years in the Making” Commercial: any (Gemma, Sieza)
Sweetheart (2019): Jenn
Tremors (1990): Earl Bassett, Rhonda LeBeck, Valentine “Val” McKee
Vampire Academy (2014): Lissa Dragomir, Rose Hathaway
Willow (1988): Airk Thaughbaer, Madmartigan, Sorsha

Gunpowder Milkshake )

Renault Clio 30 Years in the Making Commercial )

Sweetheart (2019) )

Tremors (1990) )

Vampire Academy (2014) )

Willow (1988) )
escritoireazul: (Default)
The other day I realized this will be my 17th Yuletide, and that reminded me that I haven't done a retrospective through 2020. In that time I've received at least 30 gift fics. (I think my count is missing some from the pre-AO3 days.)

I'm up to 77 Yuletide stories written for 56 people across 38 fandoms. That's 4 new stories, 3 new people, and 1 new fandom for 2020.

Yuletide fandom summary (note that some stories were crossovers so fill multiple fandoms)

10 Yuletide stories:

Baby-Sitters Club series by Ann M Martin (2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015 x2, 2018 x2, 2019 x2)

7 Yuletide stories:

Lost Boys series (2008, 2014, 2016 x2, 2017 x2, 2019)

6 Yuletide stories:
Jurassic Park/Jurassic World series (2008, 2015 x2, 2017, 2019, 2020)

5 Yuletide stories:
Fast and the Furious series (2009, 2011, 2014, 2015 x2)

4 Yuletide stories:
Make It or Break It (2010, 2015 x 3)

3 Yuletide stories:
Emelan by Tamora Pierce (2005, 2007, 2012)
Lilo & Stitch (2011 x2, 2017)
Practical Magic (2009, 2013, 2014)
Thunderheart (2013, 2014, 2018)

2 Yuletide stories:
Blue Crush (2009, 2010)
California Diaries series by Ann M Martin (2009, 2015)
Confidant – Demi Lovato (music video) (2016, 2017)
Full House (2016 x2)
Ghost and the Darkness (2019, 2020)
Mean Girls (2005, 2006)
Sons of Anarchy (2010, 2012)

1 Yuletide story:
Avengers Grimm (2018)
Bend It Like Beckham (2005)
Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2014)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2012)
The Cave (2020)
Carmilla (web series) (2014)
Dog Soldiers (2006)
Dustland Fairytale by The Killers (music video) (2010)
Ice Princess (2015)
Fairy Tales (2009)
Fallen London (2011)
Follow Me Down by Seanan McGuire (2013)
Goblin Market by Christina Rossetti (2014)
Making Out (2014)
Never Cry Werewolf (2017)
Oregon Trail (2011)
Pioneer Trail (2011)
Scooby Doo (2009)
Seattle Kraken "A Legend from the Deep Awakens" (Promotional Video) (2020)
Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series by Ann Brashares (2008)
Southern Vampire series by Charlaine Harris (2008)
Sparrow Hill Road by Seanan McGuire (2010)
Werewolf party game (2013)

77 Yuletide Stories, 2005 - 2019 )
escritoireazul: (Default)
ETA: This brings me to 85 fandoms! At least for certain ways of counting it.

Did you know I did Yuletide 2020? Because I certainly never shared the fic I wrote. Or any recommendations. Or any life updates since last fall. I'm alive! I'm pretty happy! I'll post an update soonish.

For now, here are the stories I wrote for Yuletide 2020, just in time for Yuletide 2021 to start nominations.

Assignment: And It Burns, The Cave (2005), Charlie/Jack McAllister, Pacific Rim fusion, Summary: Charlie knows, with an inescapable certainty all the way down to her bones, that it is wrong to take the jaegers deep. Caving is about your body and the cave, strength and stone and darkness, and not some goddamn machine.

Treat: Brave Enough, Jurassic Park/Jurassic World, Kelly Malcolm/Lex Murphy, Summary: I DIDN'T EVEN WRITE A SUMMARY, HOLY SHIT WAS I OUT OF IT AT THE END OF LAST YEAR. Have one now: The Jurassic Park Survivors Found Family comes back together to save Claire, Owen, and especially Maisie Lockwood.

Treat: It Rises, Seattle Kraken "A Legend from the Deep Awakens" (Promotional Video), Summary: Mount Rainier burns the day the kraken comes.

(If you have never seen it, Meet the Seattle Kraken is the video, I listened tot he song in it on repeat the entire time I worked on the story, to this day I sometimes listen to it on repeat, it remains one of the best promo videos I've ever seen, and this fic is one of my favorites of my work. The Blues will always be my team, but here's my second time. Finally, fuck I miss Seattle.)

Treat: Smoke and Ashes, Ghost and the Darkness (1996), Colonel John Henry Patterson/Helena Patterson, Summary: The Pattersons are invited to the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in St. Louis, Missouri in 1904. Or rather, Lt. Colonel John Henry Patterson is invited to participate in the great engineering intellectual debates, and after Tsavo, John does not travel without his wife and young son.

It comes as no surprise when Helena finds them a ghost.
escritoireazul: (Default)
As of September 21, letter complete.

Dear Trick or Treat Creator,

It’s my favorite time of year: horror and Halloween and fall weather and Trick or Treat.

Do Not Wants and general likes, followed by fandom-specific details, below. If there’s a discrepancy between the DNWs/general likes and the fandom-specific details, go with the fandom-specific. Mixing and matching fandoms and prompts more than welcome, as is making any prompt a trick or a treat.

My absolute favorite things: werewolves, crossovers and alternate universes (the stranger and more unusual the better), and monsters and magic.

I requested fic and tricks and treats. For the freeform tags: I am interested in extra gifts for the community challenge that don’t fit my requests. You may ignore my art/fic preferences for extra gifts.

My AO3 name is [archiveofourown.org profile] escritoireazul.

General Likes

+ stories about women, including f/f, gen, and het
+ werewolves, werewolf packs as families, and werewolf alternate universes in any canon
+ Halloween and horror movies, particularly horror movie alternate universes in any canon
+ chosen families and adoption stories where adoption is treated as totally normal, adoption and chosen families = real families, and the adoption is not a BIG DRAMATIC SECRET
+ alternate universes, a non-exhaustive list: werewolves, witches and witch hunters, IN SPACE, horror movies, haunted summer camps, ghost hunters (including this state-mandated idea), portal fantasies, monsters, canon divergence, weird west/wild west (I particularly like the outlaw feel of it, untamed and wild, big spaces with nowhere to hide, big woods claustrophobic around you, danger at every turn, as long as the AU avoids the magical Indian/savage Indian/white savior bullshit that can show up in weird west and westerns in general)
+ polyam families, threesomes, foursomes, and moresomes, in all configurations (Vs, triangles, dodecahedrons)
+ monsters of the week, casefic, adventure stories, mysteries
+ friends and family teaming up to save the world, particularly on road trips
+ crossovers and fusions so long as my requested characters are the main characters
+ tropes, a non-exhaustive list: wilderness survival, huddling for warmth, forced proximity, friends to lovers, enemies to friends (to lovers), there’s only one bed oh no, fake dating, survival horror, abandoned ships, burial at sea, burial by fire, crashed on a deserted island, ghost ships, not-so-safe harbour, locked-room mysteries, came back wrong
+ kink (female top/dom only except for biting and bloodplay): biting, light bondage, impact play, rough body play, bloodplay for supernatural characters, fireplay, marking, sensory overload, orgasm denial/control, pegging

Do Not Wants

+ stories focused on dealing with discrimination (racism, sexism, biphobia, fat hate, ableism, etc.)
+ character bashing or villainizing
+ rape, non-con, and dub-con
+ embarrassment/humiliation
+ harm to a dog
+ permanent character death for my requested characters
+ incest
+ big age difference in romantic relationships (except for supernatural characters), particularly an older man/younger woman
+ a/b/o or werewolf stories with Big Tough Alpha Male tropes
+ pregnancy, including mpreg
+ spiders, especially in art


Crossover Fandom: Ship: Ellie Meyers (Cursed)/Star (Lost Boys), Ship: Ellie Meyers (Cursed)/Veruca (BtVS), Ship: Ginger Fitzgerald (Ginger Snaps)/Ellie Myers (Cursed), Ship: Ginger Fitzgerald (Ginger Snaps)/Laurie (Trick r Treat), Ship: Laurie (Trick r Treat)/Ellie Meyers (Cursed), Ship: Lex Murphy (Jurassic Park)/Ellie Myers (Cursed), Ship: Mindy (Tremors)/Lex Murphy (Jurassic Park)

Fear Street Trilogy (TV): Deena Johnson (Fear Street Trilogy TV). Ship: Deena Johnson/Kate (Fear Street Trilogy TV), Ship: Alice/Cindy Berman (Fear Street Trilogy TV), Ship: Sarah Fier/Lizzie (Fear Street Trilogy TV), Ship: Deena Johnson & Josh Johnson (Fear Street Trilogy TV), Ship: Samantha "Sam" Frasier/Deena Johnson (Fear Street Trilogy TV), Ship: Constance/Sarah Fier (Fear Street Trilogy TV), Ship: Constance/Sarah Fier/Lizzie (Fear Street Trilogy TV), Ship: Sarah Fier/Hannah Miller (Fear Street Trilogy TV)

Gunpowder Milkshake (2021): any (Anna May (Gunpowder Milkshake), Emily (Gunpowder Milkshake), Florence (Gunpowder Milkshake), Madeleine (Gunpowder Milkshake), Sam (Gunpowder Milkshake), Scarlet (Gunpowder Milkshake))

Mummy Series: Ship: Ardeth Bay/Evy Carnahan O'Connell/Rick O'Connell (The Mummy Series)

Original Work: Backpacker Who Accidentally Went Camping In The Extra Creepy Part Of The Magical Forest (OW), Female Truck Driver Who Accidentally Gives a Ride to a Werewolf (OW), Goth Lesbian Who Just Moved Into A Creepy Old Mansion With An Overgrown Garden (OW), Ship: Forestry Worker/Bashful but Lonely Cryptid (OW), Ship: Older Cottagecore Witch/Independent Young Woman She Seduces With Baking (OW)

Pacific Rim (Movies): Raleigh Becket/Mako Mori (Pacific Rim)

Pushing Daisies: Charlotte "Chuck" Charles (Pushing Daisies), Emerson Cod (Pushing Daisies), Olive Snook (Pushing Daisies), Ned (Pushing Daisies)

Tremors (1990): Mindy (Tremors), Rhonda LeBeck (Tremors), Ship: Earl Bass/Rhonda LeBeck/Valentine McKee (Tremors)

Willow (1988): any (Ship: Madmartigan/Sorsha (Willow), Ship: Madmartigan/Sorsha/Airk Thaughbaer (Willow), Ship: Queen Bavmorda & Sorsha (Willow), Sorsha (Willow))

Crossover Fandom )

Fear Street Trilogy (TV) )

Gunpowder Milkshake (2021) )

Mummy Series )

Original Work )

Pacific Rim (Movies) )

Pushing Daisies )

Tremors (1990) )

Willow (1988) )
escritoireazul: (Default)
I have been very off the past few months, and for the first time since doing Trick or Treat and Shipoween, I did not manage to write any treats. I did write two stories I like quite a bit, though! (Also, a new fandom for me!)

Girls Like Honey, Sweet Valley Twins/Sweet Valley High, Jessica/Lila, Summary: The Fowler mansion is haunted, Lila says. Jessica Wakefield believes in ghosts.

Left to Lose, Lost Boys, Michael/Sam, Summary: Max died. It changed nothing.
escritoireazul: (Default)
I have been spoiled this Trick or Treat and Shipoween season!

A delightful Mako/Raleigh post-movie Pacific Rim piece with a beautiful, quiet, complicated Mako point of view and some true laugh out loud moments: Survivors.

This gorgeous art treat of Sofiane and Luisa from Mortel with a creepy ghost and beautiful coloring and perfect characterization for both Sofiane and Luisa. I don't have the right words to express my love of art, but I love it so: Fast Answers or Right Answers.

A wonderful, warm, funny Jonas/Suyin fic about survival and monsters still lurking and competence and found family: it's not about the ones you lose.

And finally, this Megan backstory for Dog Soldiers with creeping dread, beautiful writing, and a gut-punch of an ending: In a Forest, Dark and Deep.
escritoireazul: (Default)
Complete as of Oct 27, 2020.

Dear Yuletide Creator,

It’s my favorite fannish time of year: Yuletide.

Below, I provide Do Not Wants and general likes, then fandom-specific details. If there is a discrepancy between the DNWs and general likes and the fandom-specific information, go with the fandom-specific information. Mixing and matching fandoms and prompts more than welcome.

My absolute favorite things: werewolves, crossovers and alternate universes, and monsters and magic.

My AO3 name is also [archiveofourown.org profile] escritoireazul.

General Likes )

DNWs )


There are spoilers below for each of my requests, which are:

The Ghost and the Darkness (1996): Helena Patterson, John Henry Patterson
A Knight’s Tale (2001): Kate
Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase (2019): Nancy Drew, Helen Corning
Renault Clio “30 Years in the Making” Commercial: Gemma, Sieza
Tremors (1990): Rhonda LeBeck
Willow (1988): Sorsha

The Ghost and the Darkness )

A Knight's Tale )

Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase )

Renault Clio 30 Years in the Making Commercial )

Tremors )

Willow )
escritoireazul: (Default)

I am nominating this for Yuletide, and I need help with one of the character names. The redhead is Megan, but the French brunette is whoever signed this letter (I think I've got the link where it should open right on the letter). There is an S at the beginning and maybe a z in there. Can anyone else actually read it?

Also: I love this fucking ad so damn much.

ETA: Many thanks to [personal profile] raine for finding the names! And to [personal profile] raine and [personal profile] paperscribe for pointing out the redhead is Gemma. Which I knew, and is what I meant to say, and I have no idea where Megan came from. I wasn't even listening to anything with the name Megan in it!

Anyway, Gemma and Sieza are headed to Yuletide!
escritoireazul: (Default)
As of Sep 16, some prompts still in progress.

Dear Shipoween Creator,

It’s my favorite time of year: horror and Halloween and fall weather and Shipoween.

Below, I provide Do Not Wants and general likes, then fandom-specific details. If there is a discrepancy between the DNWs and general likes and the fandom-specific information, go with the fandom-specific information. Mixing and matching fandoms and prompts more than welcome.

My absolute favorite things: werewolves, crossovers and alternate universes, and monsters and magic.

I requested fic and spooky, seasonal, and no theme. I know this is a Trick or Treat thing and not a Shipoween thing, but I find it useful and want to include a similar note here: You may ignore my art/fic preferences for extra gifts.

My AO3 name is also [archiveofourown.org profile] escritoireazul.

General Likes

+ stories about women, including f/f, gen, and het
+ werewolves, werewolf packs as families, and werewolf alternate universes in any canon
+ Halloween and horror movies, particularly horror movie alternate universes in any canon
+ chosen families and adoption stories where adoption is treated as totally normal, adoption and chosen families = real families, and the adoption is not a BIG DRAMATIC SECRET
+ alternate universes, a non-exhaustive list: werewolves, witches and witch hunters, IN SPACE, horror movies, haunted summer camps, ghost hunters (including this state-mandated idea), portal fantasies, monsters, canon divergence, weird west/wild west (I particularly like the outlaw feel of it, untamed and wild, big spaces with nowhere to hide, big woods claustrophobic around you, danger at every turn, as long as the AU avoids the magical Indian/savage Indian/white savior bullshit that can show up in weird west and westerns in general)
+ polyam families, threesomes, foursomes, and moresomes, in all configurations (Vs, triangles, dodecahedrons)
+ monsters of the week, casefic, adventure stories, mysteries
+ friends and family teaming up to save the world, particularly on road trips
+ crossovers and fusions so long as my requested characters are the main characters
+ tropes, a non-exhaustive list: wilderness survival, huddling for warmth, forced proximity, friends to lovers, enemies to friends (to lovers), there’s only one bed oh no, fake dating, survival horror, abandoned ships, burial at sea, burial by fire, crashed on a deserted island, ghost ships, not-so-safe harbour, locked-room mysteries, came back wrong
+ kink (female top/dom only except for biting and bloodplay): biting, light bondage, impact play, rough body play, bloodplay for supernatural characters, fireplay, marking, sensory overload, orgasm denial/control, pegging

Do Not Wants

+ characters dealing with racism, sexism, homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, fat hate, or ableism within the story
+ character bashing or villainizing
+ rape, non-con, and dub-con
+ embarrassment/humiliation
+ animal cruelty or death (except for where it would be appropriate for farm animals or wild animals to be harmed by a non-human monster -- no matter what, though, no harm to dogs)
+ permanent character death for my requested characters
+ incest
+ big age difference in romantic relationships (except for supernatural characters), particularly an older man/younger woman
+ a/b/o or werewolf stories with Big Tough Alpha Male tropes
+ pregnancy, including mpreg
+ spiders, especially in art


There are spoilers below for each of my requests, which are:

Bones: Seeley Booth/Temperance Brennan/Hannah Burley, Wendell Bray/Jack Hodgins/Angela Montenegro
Criminal Minds: Luke Alvez/Penelope Garcia, Luke Alvez/Penelope Garcia & Derek Morgan
Crossover Fandom:
Ellie Myers (Cursed)/Star (Lost Boys)
Ellie Myers (Cursed)/Veruca (BtVS)
Ginger Fitzgerald (Ginger Snaps)/Ellie Myers (Cursed)
Laurie (Trick r Treat)/Ellie Myers (Cursed)
Cursed (2005): Jake/Ellie Myers & Bo/Brooke/Jimmy Myers
The Meg (2018): Jaxx Herd/Lori, Jonas Taylor/Suyin Zhang, Jonas Taylor/Suyin Zhang & Meiying Zhang
Pacific Rim (Movies): Raleigh Becket/Mako Mori
Trick ‘r Treat (2008):

Bones )

Criminal Minds )

Crossover Fandom )

Cursed )

The Meg )

Pacific Rim )

Trick 'r Treat )
escritoireazul: (Default)
ETA Sep 17: Added Battle of the Bands community challenge info.

Dear Trick or Treat Creator,

It’s my favorite time of year: horror and Halloween and fall weather and Trick or Treat.

Below, I provide Do Not Wants and general likes, then fandom-specific details. If there is a discrepancy between the DNWs and general likes and the fandom-specific information, go with the fandom-specific information. Mixing and matching fandoms and prompts more than welcome, as is making any prompt a trick or a treat.

My absolute favorite things: werewolves, crossovers and alternate universes, and monsters and magic.

I requested fic and tricks and treats. For the freeform tags: I am interested in extra gifts for the community challenge that don’t fit my requests. You may ignore my art/fic preferences for extra gifts.

My AO3 name is also [archiveofourown.org profile] escritoireazul.

General Likes

+ stories about women, including f/f, gen, and het
+ werewolves, werewolf packs as families, and werewolf alternate universes in any canon
+ Halloween and horror movies, particularly horror movie alternate universes in any canon
+ chosen families and adoption stories where adoption is treated as totally normal, adoption and chosen families = real families, and the adoption is not a BIG DRAMATIC SECRET
+ alternate universes, a non-exhaustive list: werewolves, witches and witch hunters, IN SPACE, horror movies, haunted summer camps, ghost hunters (including this state-mandated idea), portal fantasies, monsters, canon divergence, weird west/wild west (I particularly like the outlaw feel of it, untamed and wild, big spaces with nowhere to hide, big woods claustrophobic around you, danger at every turn, as long as the AU avoids the magical Indian/savage Indian/white savior bullshit that can show up in weird west and westerns in general)
+ polyam families, threesomes, foursomes, and moresomes, in all configurations (Vs, triangles, dodecahedrons)
+ monsters of the week, casefic, adventure stories, mysteries
+ friends and family teaming up to save the world, particularly on road trips
+ crossovers and fusions so long as my requested characters are the main characters
+ tropes, a non-exhaustive list: wilderness survival, huddling for warmth, forced proximity, friends to lovers, enemies to friends (to lovers), there’s only one bed oh no, fake dating, survival horror, abandoned ships, burial at sea, burial by fire, crashed on a deserted island, ghost ships, not-so-safe harbour, locked-room mysteries, came back wrong
+ kink (female top/dom only except for biting and bloodplay): biting, light bondage, impact play, rough body play, bloodplay for supernatural characters, fireplay, marking, sensory overload, orgasm denial/control, pegging

Do Not Wants

+ characters dealing with racism, sexism, homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, fat hate, or ableism within the story
+ character bashing or villainizing
+ rape, non-con, and dub-con
+ embarrassment/humiliation
+ animal cruelty or death (except for Tricks where it would be appropriate for farm animals or wild animals to be harmed by a non-human monster -- no matter what, though, no harm to dogs)
+ permanent character death for my requested characters
+ incest
+ big age difference in romantic relationships (except for supernatural characters), particularly an older man/younger woman
+ a/b/o or werewolf stories with Big Tough Alpha Male tropes
+ pregnancy, including mpreg
+ spiders, especially in art


There are spoilers below for each of my requests, which are:

Dog Soldiers (2002): Megan
Down in the Library Basement - Rona Vaselaar: Cassie
Mortel (TV 2019): Luisa Manjimbe
Silver Bullet (1985): Jane Coslaw
Tremors (1990): Rhonda LeBeck
Trick 'r Treat (2008): Laurie
Willow (1988): Sorsha

Dog Soldiers )

Down in the Library Basement )

Mortel )

Silver Bullet )

Tremors )

Trick 'r Treat )

Willow )

Community Challenge: Battle of the Bands

Details about this year's community challenge can be found here. I'm interested in Battle of the Bands for all of my requested fandoms. I'm open to creators drawing inspiration from any song, really, but below the cut are some of my favorites from the list.

Battle of the Bands songs )


escritoireazul: (Default)

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