WhereHamburg / Germany

Computerssince 1986
ProfessionSenior Software Engineer
EmployerRed Hat, Inc.
WhereHamburg / Germany
DoingLibreOffice Calc core engine development and i18n related work

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Countries I visitedGermany, Denmark, Austria, Yugoslavia (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia), Hungary, Netherlands, Greece, France, Belgium, Italy, Vatican City, Monaco, England, Switzerland, Jamaica, Luxembourg, Andorra, Spain, Portugal, Israel, Tunisia, South Africa, Tobago, Turkey, Czech Republic, Albania.
Not counted because they were just airplane stops: Russia, Ireland, Cuba, Barbados, Grenada. visited states
visited 31 states (13.7%)
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Places where I lived more than one monthHamburg, Berlin, Crete, Rome, Wentorf, Cuneo, London, Steinbek, Negril, Lakolk, Hamburg
Places where I lived more than one weekErr:513 string overflow

What I likeyellow sun, blue sky, red earth, black mountains, green valleys, white sand, turquoise sea, brown skin, pink flesh, summer love, cycling, sailing, music, open air parties, hot steaming dancing, beautiful sexy dark haired lovely women, May, June, July, August, Linux
What I dislikeno sun, grey sky, dirty sand, stupid people, bureaucracy, taxes, spam, November, December, January, February, WinDoze

Some people ask me what the meaning of erAck is, well, it depends on, but here are some possible explanations.

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