Free Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS)
- Write Free Software
- Why Open Source Software / Free Software (OSS/FS)? Look at the Numbers!
- List of free and open-source software packages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- FSF Europe - World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)
- Free Software (a.k.a. "Libre Software" or "Open Source")
On the role of Free Software
- FSF Europe - Weltgipfel der Informationsgesellschaft (WSIS)
- "Freie Software" (a.k.a. "Libre Software" oder "Open Source")
Ueber die Rolle Freier Software
- Two Bits
- The Cultural Significance of Free Software
Free book on Free Software by Christopher M. Kelty
- Why Schools Should Exclusively Use Free Software - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)
- Weshalb Schulen ausschließlich freie Software verwenden sollten
- Netzwerk Freie Schulsoftware | Digitalcourage
- Schulen helfen Schulen. Geeignete Schulsoftware finden und nutzen? Wir bringen Freundinnen und Freunde der quelloffenen, freien Software in Austausch.
- Medien in die Schule
- Werkzeugkasten Freie Software. Hilfreiche Werkzeuge und ihre pädagogische Einschätzung.
- Freie Software zwischen Privat- und Gemeineigentum
- von Volker Grassmuck
Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung
- Children Book: Ada & Zangemann - FSFE
- A tale of software, skateboards, and raspberry ice cream.
- FSFE/ada-zangemann: Sources of the Ada & Zangemann children's book - ada-zangemann - FSFE Git Service
- Also presentations and drawing templates.
- An Introduction To Open Source Software Development (
- | Where Open Source Multiplies
- FLOSS final report index - Free/Libre and Open Source Software: Survey and Study
- Software Wars map by Li-Cheng Tai
- Eric Raymond's Home Page
- The Cathedral and the Bazaar
- Die Kathedrale und der Basar (
- is tech a meritocracy?
- The Post-Meritocracy Manifesto
- Open Source Jahrbuch
- Zwischen Softwareentwicklung und Gesellschaftsmodell
- heise open - Open Source im Unternehmen
- Free & Open Source Jobs -
- The first website exclusively for Free & Open Source jobs.
- The Architecture of Open Source Applications
- In these two books, the authors of four dozen open source applications explain how their software is structured, and why.
- Find Open Source By Searching, Browsing and Combining 166,858 Topics Across 59 Categories And 5,678,534 Projects
Start Contributing
- Open Advice
- Open Advice is a knowledge collection from a wide variety of Free Software projects. It answers the question what 42 prominent contributors would have liked to know when they started so you can get a head-start no matter how and where you contribute.
This book is the answer to "What would you have liked to know when you started contributing?". The authors give insights into the many different talents it takes to make a successful software project, coding of course but also design, translation, marketing and other skills.
- Getting Started in Open Source |
- 10 ways to contribute to an open source project without writing code |
- 14 Ways to Contribute to Open Source without Being a Programming Genius or a Rock Star
- A Beginner’s Very Bumpy Journey Through The World of Open Source
- Hey newbie open source contributors: please blog more.
- Teaching Open Source
- Open Source Guides | Learn how to launch and grow your project.
- Free & Open Source Jobs -
- core-js/ at master · zloirock/core-js · GitHub
- If you or your company use core-js in one way or another and are interested in the quality of your supply chain, support the project.
Community Building
- // in Europe
- A list of Free, Libre and/or Open Source Software (related) events happening in Europe.
- The open source way
- The open source way is a way of thinking about how people collaborate within a community to achieve common goals and interests.
- Art Of Community Online | The Book On Community Management, by Jono Bacon
- The critically acclaimed The Art of Community by Jono Bacon and published by O’Reilly brings together over a decade of experience in growing, empowering, and leading communities to success.
- Community management |
- Articles about community, sharing tips for getting new contributors, how to make newcomers feel welcome, how to encourage and support a healthy community, and more.
- Producing Open Source Software
- is a book about the human side of open source development. It describes how successful projects operate, the expectations of users and developers, and the culture of free software. The book is released under an open copyright: it is available in bookstores and from the publisher (O'Reilly Media), or you can browse or download it here.
- Google software engineer Jessica Frazelle on the life of a large scale open source project |
- Ten thoughts on community leadership - Florian Effenberger
- GitHub - CrowdDotDev/awesome-community-building: A curated list of awesome resources on building developer communities. 🥑
- We need Sustainable Free and Open Source Communities
- Five ways to care for your open source contributors | julia ferraioli
- Ten simple rules for helping newcomers become contributors to open projects
- Social rules - Recurse Center
- The Open Organization | Resources for building open organizations
- Red Hat People team · GitHub
- Open Decision Framework, Open Management Practices, ...
- Outreachy | Internships Supporting Diversity in Tech - Outreachy
- The complex reality of adopting a meaningful code of conduct | Subfictional Studios
- Code of Conduct Enforcement Warning Signs – Otter Tech Consulting
- Well-Kept Gardens Die By Pacifism - LessWrong
- No more rock stars: how to stop abuse in tech communities –
- Weekly Edition for January 21, 2010 []
- LCA: How to destroy your community. By Jonathan Corbet. Seriously. I mean..
GNU and the Free Software Foundation (FSF)
- GNU's Not Unix! - the GNU Project and the Free Software Foundation (FSF)
- Georg's Brave GNU World - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)
- GNU is Not Unix (.DE)
- The GNU Assembly — The GNU Assembly
- Free Software Foundation Europe
- The Fellowship - Fellowship of FSFE
- Planet - Fellowship of FSFE
- The blog aggregator for the Fellowship of the Free Software Foundation Europe.
- Spread the word! - FSFE
- Advocacy - FSFE Fellowship Wiki
Project Sites
- Open source resources: organizations, projects, application, and events |
- How to Spread The Word About Your Code ✩ Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog
- GriCal
- open events platform, calendar of events related to Free Software
- Comparison of Free/Open Source Project Hosting (FOSPHost) Sites Available for Hosting Projects Externally from Project Owners
- Savannah
- FreshPorts -- the place for ports
- Affero Project
- Affero's software project was created to facilitate funding for Free Software and Open Source projects and to facilitate more effective dialogue among groups.
- The Linux Foundation
- Libera Chat | A next-generation IRC network for FOSS projects collaboration!
- The Open and Free Technology Community aims to provide stable and effective collaboration services. IRC, Mail, Web, Newsgroup, CVS.
Well, that was 2001 ;-)
- CryptPad: Zero Knowledge, Collaborative Real Time Editing
- Source code at GitHub - xwiki-labs/cryptpad: Unity is Strength - Collaboration is Key - CryptPad is the zero knowledge realtime collaborative editor.
- The Non-Profit Collaboration Project. Formerly TeaHub.
- The only single product for the complete DevOps lifecycle - GitLab | GitLab
- Handbook | GitLab
- The GitLab team handbook is the central repository for how they run the company. An open source handbook of an open source company.
- GitHub (1clr-code-hosting)
- Open Hub, the open source network
- Open Source Initiative OSI
- The OSDA Initiative
- Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
- BBC - OpenSource
- XiphWiki
- In an effort to bring open-source ideals to the world of multimedia the Foundation develops a multitude of amazing products. This wiki describes our free and open protocols and software.
- Advogato at
- curl
- Framasoft ~ Change the world one byte at a time
- Open Source Design
- A community of designers and developers pushing more open design processes and improving the user experience and interface design of open source software.
- SchoolTool - The SchoolTool Project
- SchoolTool is a project to develop a common global school administration infrastructure that is freely available under an Open Source licence.
- Jahr 1 nach Snowden - gnUNI-linux (
- Initiativen-Konzept "gnUNI-linux"
gnUNI-linux ist ein Initiativen-Konzept, um die IT-Strukturen öffentlicher Bildungsträger so zu gestalten, dass sie von denen, die diese nutzen, plausibel kontrolliert und mitgestaltet werden können.
- GitHub - pretalx/pretalx: Conference planning tool
- pretalx is a conference planning tool focused on providing the best experience for organisers, speakers, reviewers, and attendees alike. It handles the submission process with a configurable Call for Participation, the reviewing and selection of submissions, and the scheduling and release handling. After the event, pretalx allows speakers to receive feedback, upload their slides, and organisers to embed recordings.
- frab - conference management system
- frab is a web-based conference planning and management system. It helps to collect submissions, to manage talks and speakers and to create a schedule.
The successor of Pentabarf.
- GitHub - tomster/halfnarp: 31C3 Fahrplan conflict resolution service
- A simple REST-based companion to the frab conference management system that allows users to register which talks they want to attend in order for the organizers to arrange a schedule (a.k.a. Fahrplan) with as few conflicts as possible.
- Open Source Event Manager
- Event Management App tailored to Free Software Conferences.
- Open Conference Systems | Public Knowledge Project
- Open Conference Systems (OCS) is a free Web publishing tool that will create a complete Web presence for your scholarly conference.
- - Let’s take back control of our events
- Federated software for event and group management.
- GitHub - pretix/pretix: Ticket shop application for conferences, festivals, concerts, tech events, shows, exhibitions, workshops, barcamps, etc.
-, the open source ticket reservation system
- Nextcloud
- Nextcloud erfolgreich einführen: Checklisten für Ihre Organisation - Pro-Linux
- Are you an enterprise or private user? 8 ways to get help for any Nextcloud matter! – Nextcloud
- Vier kommerzielle Hoster für Nextcloud im Vergleich - Seite 2 von 2 - LinuxCommunity (2021)
- Code Shelter
- Code Shelter is a collective of volunteer software developers that aims to help with maintaining popular open source projects whose authors need a hand or don't have the time to maintain them any more.
- Liberapay
- Liberapay is a recurrent donations platform. We help you fund the creators and projects you appreciate.
- The Mozilla project maintains choice and innovation on the Internet by developing the acclaimed, open source, Mozilla 1.6 web and email suite and related products and technology.
- Mozilla 1.0.0 Party
- Bug 175194 - Mozilla 2.0 party!
Law & Licenses
- Free Software Licensing Resources — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software
- Various Licenses and Comments about Them - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)
- On Open Source and the Sustainability of the Commons
- Licenses & Standards | Open Source Initiative
- Open source licensing: What every technologist should know |
- TLDRLegal - Software Licenses Explained in Plain English
- Choose an open source license | Choose a License
- Choosing a license | Write Free Software
- SPDX License List | Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX)
- The SPDX License List is a list of commonly found licenses and exceptions used for open source and other collaborative software.
- SPDX Online Tool - Check License
- GitHub - spdx/spdx-license-diff: Chrome/Firefox browser extension to compare text against spdx license list
- GitHub - jpeddicord/askalono: A tool & library to detect open source licenses from texts
- askalono-cli - Rust Package Registry
- A tool to detect the contents of license files.
- Changes/SPDX Licenses Phase 1 - Fedora Project Wiki
- Allowed Licenses :: Fedora Docs
- A collaborative project to create and disseminate useful information, tutorial material, and new policy ideas regarding all forms of copyleft licensing. The Copyleft Guide and Tutorial.
- Licenses | Choose a License
- REUSE Software - We make licensing easy for humans and machines alike. We solve a fundamental issue that Free Software licensing has at the very source: what license is a file licensed under, and who owns the copyright? Adopting our recommendations is as easy as one-two-three!
- Open Data Commons: legal tools for open data
- When we share, everyone wins - Creative Commons
- GPL Violations homepage - The project
- Software Freedom Law Center
- Opensourcerecht
- ifrOSS | Institut für Rechtsfragen der Freien und Open Source Software
- List of FSF approved software licenses - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- And compatibility with GPL
- git commit - What is the Sign Off feature in Git for? - Stack Overflow
- Developer Certificate of Origin
- » Unlicense Yourself: Set Your Code Free
- WTFPL – Do What the Fuck You Want to Public License
- Post-Open License: First Draft – Bruce Perens
- Faces of Open Source
- How to plan a hackfest « Stormy's Corner
- Hackathons besser machen -
- Open Source Maintainers Owe You Nothing | Mike McQuaid
- How Open Source Projects Survive Poisonous People - 2008 Google I/O Session Videos and Slides
- Visualizing open source projects and communities []
- Code_swarm, Gource and Gephi
- 99 Ways to Ruin and Open Source Project
- erxes Inc | Open Source Growth Marketing Platform
- Free and Open Source Governance - FOSS Governance Collection
- Kommentar: Microsoft, Google, Apple und Co. aus Bildungseinrichtungen verbannen ⋆ Kuketz IT-Security Blog
- Pro-Linux: Open-Source-Migration der Monopolkommission
- Warum man keine Microsoft Office-Software verwenden sollte
- Netzwerk Freie Schulsoftware | Digitalcourage
- Schulen helfen Schulen. Geeignete Schulsoftware finden und nutzen? Wir bringen Freundinnen und Freunde der quelloffenen, freien Software in Austausch.
- - Linux Plus 1
- Der digital souveräne Verwaltungsarbeitsplatz. Mit Open Source zu mehr digitaler Souveränität in Schleswig-Holstein.
- „Aber München!“ (Gastbeitrag)
- Open Source in Kommunen (5/2021 - 2021-05_-_KGSt_-_KGSt-Bericht_Open_Source_in_Kommunen_-_Ein_Baustein_fuer_mehr_Digitale_Souveraenitaet-2.pdf PDF
- Open source software strategy - European Commission
- The Future Is Open: What OpenDocument Is And Why You Should Care ~ by Daniel Carrera (
- Daniel explains what is special about the OpenDocument file format and how it undergoes OASIS standardization and how the EU is involved and even Microsoft might be affected.
- Die Opensource-DVD und Download von Opensource und LibreOffice
- OpenSource productivity Migrations - uMap
- OpenStreetMap pinned with migration locations.
- Cyber-Attacken auf staatliche IT: Europas fatale Abhängigkeit von Microsoft - Welt - Tagesspiegel
- Bildungswesen: Entlarvung der häufigsten Microsoft-Mythen ⋆ Kuketz IT-Security Blog
- ... und Alternativen.
- dPhoenixSuite 3.0: einfach, webbasiert, digital souverän arbeiten | Dataport
- Project Phoenix - for a digitally sovereign German state | Dataport
- 78 Open Source Replacements for Expensive Applications | Datamation
- What proprietary tool do you need open source alternative to? |
- Lists of open source alternatives to proprietary software packages | Joinup
- OpenSourceSeeds
- Protecting seed as commons – the alternative to monopolies and corporate power!
- Open Source Gardens - where openness is sown and freedom is grown
- Home | LibreOffice - Free Office Suite - Fun Project - Fantastic People
- Download LibreOffice | LibreOffice - Free Office Suite - Based on OpenOffice - Compatible with Microsoft
- Documentation/System Requirements - The Document Foundation Wiki
- Versions supported by older operating systems.
- LibreOffice Extensions and Templates
- LibreOffice Extensions are tools that can be added or removed independently from your installation of the main program. Extensions may add new functionality to your copy of LibreOffice, or may make existing functionality easier to use.
- Seperate Install GUI – Parallel Installation GUI for Windows | Florians Mind
- Perform a parallel installation of LibreOffice without using the command line; have an easy and quick access to all the versions available.
- The Document Foundation LibreOffice Event Calendar
- Conferences, community events, ...
- LibreOffice - PeerTube Luxembourg
- LibreOffice - The Document Foundation - YouTube
- Deployment and Migration - The Document Foundation Wiki
- LibreOffice Certified Migration Consultants — The Document Foundation
- LibreOffice config extension writing (PDF)
- Creating Configuration Extensions. Writing LibreOffice configuration extensions is the best method of managing a customized set of default settings for your organization.
- LibreOffice Developer's Guide: Chapter 15 - Configuration Management - The Document Foundation Wiki
- 69609 – registrymodification.xcu in presets folder not copied to newly created profiles. - just a (not going to be implemented) bug's comment:
- What you can do if you're fine with manually manipulating a LO installation anyway is to create a share/registry/data directory and drop such a registrymodifications.xcu (or any other name, ending in .xcu) there. Any .xcu files in share/registry/data are read after all the normal default configuration .xcd files in share/registry, on every start of LO.
Or some more info in this comment.
- LibreOffice - the Free Office Suite plus Extras on DVD » LibreOffice-Box International
- LibreOffice-Box DVD contains installation packages for Windows, DEB und RPM-based GNU/Linux-distributions and for Mac OSX x86/PPC as well as language- and help-packs. Futhermore you'll find extensions, templates, dictionaries, documentations, and developer tools.
- Die freie Office Suite plus Extras auf DVD » LibreOffice DVD
- Die DVD enthält Installationspakete für Windows, Pakete für DEB- und RPM-basierte GNU/Linux-Distributionen sowie für Mac OSX Intel und PPC. Sprachpakete für einige gängige Sprachen sind ebenfalls enthalten. Sie finden außerdem Vorlagen für unterschiedliche Zwecke, viele interessante Programmerweiterungen, Wörterbücher sowie Hilfsmittel und Dokumentationen für Entwickler.
- office-center-epj
- Open Document Format (ODF) Vorlagen/Templates.
- LibreOffice Portable | - Portable software for USB, portable and cloud drives
- LibreOffice Portable is a full-featured office suite -- including a word processor, spreadsheet, presentation tool, drawing package and database -- packaged as a portable app, so you can take all your documents and everything you need to work with them wherever you go.
- LibreOffice rollApp
- online application virtualization
- Collabora Office on mobiles supporting password protected documents and available on F-Droid - Collabora Office and Collabora Online
- With QR-code for Index of /downloads/fdroid/repo
- How to install the latest LibreOffice version on CentOS 8 – VITUX
- libreoffice package : Ubuntu
- Packages in main.
- LibreOffice Packaging in Launchpad
- Ubuntu PPAs, Fresh, Still, and archived old
- The Document Foundation Wiki
- ReleaseNotes/24.8 - The Document Foundation Wiki
- ReleaseNotes/24.2 - The Document Foundation Wiki
- LibreOffice 7.6 Community: Release Notes - The Document Foundation Wiki
- LibreOffice 7.5 Community: Release Notes - The Document Foundation Wiki
- LibreOffice 7.4 Community: Release Notes - The Document Foundation Wiki
- LibreOffice 7.3 Community: Release Notes - The Document Foundation Wiki
- LibreOffice 7.2 Community: Release Notes - The Document Foundation Wiki
- LibreOffice 7.1 Community: Release Notes - The Document Foundation Wiki
- LibreOffice 7.0: Release Notes - The Document Foundation Wiki
- LibreOffice 6.4: Release Notes - The Document Foundation Wiki
- LibreOffice 6.3: Release Notes - The Document Foundation Wiki
- LibreOffice 6.2: Release Notes - The Document Foundation Wiki
- LibreOffice 6.1: Release Notes - The Document Foundation Wiki
- LibreOffice 6.0: Release Notes - The Document Foundation Wiki
- LibreOffice 5.4: Release Notes - The Document Foundation Wiki
- LibreOffice 5.3: Release Notes - The Document Foundation Wiki
- LibreOffice 5.2: Release Notes - The Document Foundation Wiki
- LibreOffice 5.1: Release Notes - The Document Foundation Wiki
- LibreOffice 5.0: Release Notes - The Document Foundation Wiki
- LibreOffice 4.4: Release Notes - The Document Foundation Wiki
- LibreOffice 4.3: Release Notes - The Document Foundation Wiki
- LibreOffice 4.2: Release Notes - The Document Foundation Wiki
- LibreOffice 4.1: Release Notes - The Document Foundation Wiki
- LibreOffice 4.0: Release Notes - The Document Foundation Wiki
- LibreOffice 3.6: Release Notes - The Document Foundation Wiki
- LibreOffice 3.5: Release Notes - The Document Foundation Wiki
- ReleasePlan – The Document Foundation Wiki
- Index of /libreoffice/old
- Archive of releases since LibreOffice
- The Document Foundation Planet
- Aggregated blogs of people involved with LibreOffice.
- BadgeApp for LibreOffice
- The Core Infrastructure Initiative (CII) Best Practices badge is a way for Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) projects to show that they follow best practices.
LibreOffice Documentation, Help, FAQs, Tips
- LibreOffice Documentation - Your documentation for LibreOffice
- Documentation | LibreOffice - Free Office Suite - Fun Project - Fantastic People
- Welcome to the LibreOffice Help
- The online help system.
- Documentation/Publications - The Document Foundation Wiki
- Documentation/Publications/3.x - The Document Foundation Wiki
- Archived publications for older 3.x, 4.x, 5.x releases.
- Questions - Ask LibreOffice
- Guidelines for asking - Ask LibreOffice
- The Document Foundation Community
- Discourse forum. Mainly Documentation team and some localization teams.
- Taming LibreOffice
- Resources for intermediate and advanced users.
- LibreOffice Forum + Community | LibreOffice Forum (German)
- Das Forum rund um das LibreOffice Softwarepaket (inoffiziell)
- LibreOffice Tutorials | Ahuka Communications
- LibreOffice Calc: Creating Pivot Tables | Ahuka Communications
- LibreOffice Calc: Working With Pivot Tables | Ahuka Communications
- Designing with LibreOffice
- Designing with LibreOffice is not the usual death march through the menu and standard tasks. Instead, the book takes two fresh approaches to the world’s most popular free office suite.
Book and Download, CC-BY-SA.
- - Quick Tutorials, Solutions and to the point.
- ACS - Allianz für Cyber-Sicherheit - ACS - Sichere Konfiguration von LibreOffice: Empfehlungen für Unternehmen mit einer verwalteten Umgebung
- ACS - Allianz für Cyber-Sicherheit - ACS - Sichere Konfiguration von LibreOffice - Empfehlungen für kleinere Unternehmen, Privatanwender und Privatanwenderinnen
- LibreOffice absichern … und Probleme damit –
LibreOffice Development
- Get Involved | LibreOffice - Free Office Suite - Fun Project - Fantastic People
- Developers | LibreOffice - Free Office Suite - Fun Project - Fantastic People
- Development – The Document Foundation Wiki
- Development/gerrit/SubmitPatch - The Document Foundation Wiki
- Development/String Classes – The Document Foundation Wiki
- LibreOffice Modules
- Modules and some doxygen generated class documentation.
- Development/Easy Hacks – The Document Foundation Wiki
- FindTheExpert – The Document Foundation Wiki
- Development/GeneralProgrammingGuidelines - The Document Foundation Wiki
- Writer/Code Conventions - Apache OpenOffice Wiki
- Writer/Code Conventions - Apache OpenOffice Wiki
- Parameters, members and constants; pseudo-hungarian notation.
- LibreOffice Development Blog - Blog for the LibreOffice Developers Community; Tutorials, tips and tricks for working with the LibreOffice code
- Development/DispatchCommands - The Document Foundation Wiki
- The .uno:* dispatch commands.
- The LibreOffice Archives [email protected]
- Gmane Loom of [email protected]
- Search OpenGrok
- git repository browser
- Index of / dev-www
- Git bundles, ext_sources, mozilla pre-builts
- Gerrit Code Review
- Git repositories - Gitiles
- You can't take the sky from me. - Gerrit for LibreOffice
- Tinderbox Status Page tree: MASTER
- Dashboard [Jenkins]
- Gerrit patch test builds overview.
- Index of /daily LibreOffice daily builds
- Callgrind Test Suites
- Regularly running performance tests on LibreOffice
- Performance tests are now executed regularly in LibreOffice | moggi's blog about Libreoffice hacking
- How to Report Bugs Effectively
- Index of /win32-debug
- LibreOffice Windows debug builds
See Report a crash in LibreOffice like a pro - YouTube video for how to use them.
- QA/HowToBibisect - The Document Foundation Wiki
- bibisect stands for "binary bisect" and is intended to help LibreOffice QA dealing with regressions
- Issues - oss-fuzz - OSS-Fuzz: Fuzzing the planet - Monorail
- OSS-Fuzz results for LibreOffice. See also GitHub - google/oss-fuzz: OSS-Fuzz - continuous fuzzing of open source software
- LibreOffice - Bug Bounty Program - Intigriti
- - AccountRequests
- - AccountMaintenance
- - Infrastructure/git
- Producing LibreOffice documentation at ODFAuthors — ODFAuthors
- This part of the ODFAuthors website is for development of documentation for LibreOffice.
- Index of /
- LibreOffice stable, testing, box, portable, old archive, ...
- Calc/Implementation/Data Model for sheet and cell - Wiki
- The interesting part is SfxPoolItem, SfxItemPool and SfxItemSet, a documentation of the attribute items implementation used throughout, Apache OpenOffice and LibreOffice.
- Framework/Article/Implementation of the Dispatch API In SFX2 - Wiki
- Slots and Interfaces and the almost undecipherable *.sdi files.
- What goes on when loading a file. – Roundtrip to Shanghai via Tokyo
- The big picture, with file-load-process-diagram.png (PNG Image, 1752 × 3488 pixels) ... or at least how it was in 2012 ...
- util: OOo Registry Document Format
- For example of the user profile's registrymodifications.xcu file.
See also the OpenGrok cross reference for /core/officecfg/registry/schema/org/openoffice/ .xcs schema files.
- LibreOffice repository activity - YouTube
- Gource video with soundtrack
- GitHub - meetdilip/Libre-Office-Colours: Libre Office Branding Colour Palette for Inkscape and GIMP
- Specifically useful if you want to create art work for LibreOffice.
LibreOffice Locali[sz]ation
- Localization | LibreOffice
- Initial jump points.
- Projects @ TDF Weblate - LibreOffice
- LibreOffice localization and translation platform.
- LibreOffice 7.3 will support Klingon and Interslavic • The Register
- Star Trek: Libreoffice 7.3 integriert Klingonisch -
LibreOffice Extensions, AddOns & Utilities
- Deployment and Migration - The Document Foundation Wiki
- Specifically post deployment configuration. Prefer configuration extensions over .../share/registry/data/somename.xcu
- Development/Create a Hello World LibreOffice extension - The Document Foundation Wiki
- Development/Extension Development - The Document Foundation Wiki
- Extensions development - Wiki
- Much is still applicable for LibreOffice, some is very outdated.
- Creating LibreOffice Extensions |
- elmau/libreoffice-extensions-by-examples: LibreOffice Extensions by Examples - Git para Cuates
- Basic examples for extensions develop in Python for LibreOffice.
- LibreOffice – Dokumente – Homepage von Andreas Mantke
- LibreOffice Extensions Book (German)
- Extension Dictionaries - Wiki
- Extensions Compiler (.ott) (
- Template file with macro code and instructions to build an .oxt extension package.
- CT2N - Convert Text To Number (and dates) — LibreOffice Extensions and Templates Website
- ConvertTextToNumber replaces numbers and dates, formatted as text, with real numbers.
- CountStyle — LibreOffice Extensions and Templates Website
- Two Calc functions for counting cells or cell content by cell style.
- Styles Reporter » Extensions
- A Calc and Writer document styles report tool.
- SpecialCells » Extensions
- Select numeric, textual, constant, formula and/or blank cells. Select unique format ranges.
- TheCAT » Extensions
- TheCAT (the Calc Audit Tool) is a tool to document your Calc spreadsheets.
- LanguageTool - Spell and Grammar Checker
- LibreOffice Extension.
- ListOK » Extensions
- Several Calc functions for operations with Sets.
- Numpy for LibreOffice » Extensions
- Numpy is The fundamental package for scientific computing with Python. This is a LibreOffice extension that allows you to use Numpy in LibreOffice python macros and scripts.
- Projects · Olly Betts / lloconv · GitLab
- This is a document converter which uses LibreOfficeKit for all the heavy lifting. LibreOfficeKit was formerly known as liblibreoffice, hence the name "lloconv".
- GitHub - domhardt/templates: Vorlagen / Templates
- Vorlage für technische Zeichnungen mit Schriftfeld nach EN ISO 7200, DIN A4 und A3
- Dmaths ist ein Mathematik-Makropaket für das Textverarbeitungsprogramm "Writer" von LibreOffice (ehemals / StarOffice).
- LibreOffice Math and LaTeX | JustToThePoint
- TexMaths » Extensions
- TexMaths, a LaTeX equation editor for LibreOffice.
- Writer + XeTeX? TeXMaths! | From Mind to Type
- GitHub - cmallwitz/Financials-Extension: Extension for LibreOffice Calc to access stock market data
- This is a Python based extension for LibreOffice Calc to make market data available in Calc spreadsheets - currently supporting Yahoo's (FX, crypto, equities, indices, futures, options) and Financial Times' (FX, equities, indices, futures) websites using old-fashioned web scraping.
- GitHub - dhocker/SMF-Extension: LibreOffice extension for retrieving stock market data. This fork adds historical data access to the extension.
- Yahoo discontinued the .csv downloads so the GETYAHOO() function does not work anymore, but other functions do. (2017-11-03)
- Outdated SMF Extension for LibreOffice Calc — LibreOffice Extensions and Templates Website
- Stock Market Functions. The SMF extension allows you to create customized spreadsheets with stock market data directly from the web.
- Outdated, superseded by the fork above.
- LOC Extension for LibreOffice Calc » Extensions
- The LOC Extension enables you to create spreadsheets with crypto currency market data pulled directly from the web.
- JabRef OpenOffice/LibreOffice integration
- JabRef is an open source bibliography reference manager.
- GitHub - lernapparat/lotranslate: LibreOffice Neural Machine Translation
- Needs OpenNMT-py and the pretrained English to German translation model.
- Introduction | [“LOEclipse”]
- This plugin helps with developing and debugging LibreOffice extensions/components from Eclipse. It supports Java as well as Python extensions.
- How can spell checker "English, OED spelling (UK)" be installed? - Ask LibreOffice
- en-GB-oxendict formerly known as grandfathered en-GB-oed
- Zotero
- Zotero is a free, easy-to-use Firefox extension to help you collect, manage, and cite your research sources. It has a LibreOffice plugin to use citations.
- WollMux Handbuch
- Der "Eierlegende WollMux" (kurz: WollMux) ist eine Extension für LibreOffice, die von der Landeshauptstadt München im Rahmen des LiMux-Projekts entwickelt wurde. Der WollMux erweitert LibreOffice um zahlreiche Funktionen, welche die Arbeit mit Vorlagen, Formularen und Briefköpfen wesentlich erleichtern.
- GitHub - fedoradesign/fedora-presentation-template: Presentation templates with Fedora branding for slide decks / presentations
- Nebenkostenabrechnung mit LibreOffice - GNU/
LibreOffice Macros & Scripting
- Information and resources for LibreOffice macros - The Document Foundation Wiki
- Macro Guides | LibreOffice Documentation - Your documentation for LibreOffice
- And BASIC reference cards.
- LibreOffice Developer's Guide - The Document Foundation Wiki
- This manual describes how to write programs using the component technology UNO (Universal Network Objects) with LibreOffice.
- LibreOffice API Documentation
- SDK installation guide, API IDL reference, Java UNO runtime reference, C++ UNO runtime reference and "sal" and "rtl" C/C++ interfaces, development tools overview.
- LibreOffice SDK - Examples
- A collection of examples in different programming languages (Java, Python, C++, Basic, OLE, CLI).
- LibreOffice SDK - Additional Examples
- A git repository with additional examples from various contributors:
git clone
- LibreOffice: AddIn Service Reference
- Used to create Calc Add-In function extensions.
- How to add-in in Calc
- ... and LibreOffice.
- Calc/Add-In - Wiki
- Still works the same in LibreOffice.
- Calc/Add-In/Python How-To - Wiki
- Convert decimal to ieee745 - #14 by mikekaganski - English - Ask LibreOffice
- Calc Python Add-In for DOUBLETOIEEE754HEX() and FLOATTOIEEE754HEX()
- Macro Maker » Linux Magazine
- Automating LibreOffice with macros. ScriptForge helps you automate LibreOffice by building portable macros.
- Java LibreOffice Programming
- JLOP is intended for programmers who want to learn how to use the Java version of the LibreOffice API.
- LibreOffice Programming
- Unfolding the PDFs of JLOP into chaptered text, hosted in a GitHub repository so anyone could contribute. WIP.
- Chapter 47. Calc Add-ins - LibreOffice Programming
- Documentation/Third Party Resources - The Document Foundation Wiki
- Links to material, for example also the 3.2 BASIC Guide.
- How to start writing macros in LibreOffice Basic |
- Get descriptions of variables and the rules for using them.
- Andrew Pitonyak's Macro Information
- The source of the book " Macros Explained". Applies to LibreOffice as well.
- LibreOffice |
- Macro Tutorials
- Bernard Marcelly Web site
- XrayTool, the inspector of API objects.
- GitHub - hanya/MRI: An object introspection tool for OpenOffice API
- Similar to XrayTool but also for Python, Java, ...; see documentation at hanya/MRI Wiki · GitHub
- Where is the documentation for .uno commands? - #12 by sokol92 - English - Ask LibreOffice
- The attached file on the DispCommands sheet contains a list of all method slots (.uno:... dispatch commands) and their parameters.
- 0: The Table of Contents of the Series, 'Information Tables'|T.B.P.
- A UNO Dispatch Commands List for Calc.
- filter/source/config/fragments/filters - core - Gitiles
- Available filters for --convert-to and --infilter names. The name to use for a filter is the node element's oor:name property in a .xcu, e.g. "Text - txt - csv (StarCalc)" in Text___txt___csv__StarCalc_.xcu for the Calc Text and CSV filter.
- CSV Filter parameters
- Latest LibreOffice Help.
- LibreOffice Developer's Guide: Chapter 8 - Spreadsheet Documents - The Document Foundation Wiki Filter Options
- Filter names for spreadsheet documents and filter options for text file import.
Specifically also the dreaded CSV filter options that can be used with LibreOffice --infilter=... and --convert-to
A tad outdated though. The latest online help has covered all CSV options.
- Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Names of output filters? Name of HTML output filter? – The Document Foundation Mailing List Archives
- Macro to list available filter names known to the filter factory.
- LibreOffice Calc: Export All Sheets to CSV
- Macro to export each sheet to a single file.
- unoofc
- unoofc is a freeware Java class framework for programming LibreOffice Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, and chart documents without direct use of UNO or the XInterface API. unoofc classes abstract and encapsulate UNO and API functionality, and application code involves objects and instance methods of unoofc classes rather than the interface methods of the XInterface API. An application programmer does not need to know the API interfaces or UNO. unoofc provides other features such as logging, type-checked (enumerated) property values, and exception handling.
- See also OOo Macros & Scripting, specifically the DevGuide.
LibreOffice Python Scripting
- Python examples
- Python programming examples in LibreOffice help.
- Macros/Python Guide - The Document Foundation Wiki
- Designing & Developing Python Applications - The Document Foundation Wiki
- Macros/Python Guide/Calling Python from Basic - The Document Foundation Wiki
- Basic to Python
- Calling Python Scripts from Basic.
- Projects · LibreOfficiant / ScriptForge · GitLab
- Macro scripting resources for LibreOffice. Build an extensible and robust collection of macro scripting resources for LibreOffice to be invoked from user Basic or Python scripts.
- APSO - Alternative Script Organizer for Python — LibreOffice Extensions and Templates Website
- APSO is an extension that will install a macro organizer dedicated to python scripts.
- LibreOffice extensions with Python - part 1 - LibreOffice Development Blog
- LibreOffice extensions with Python - part 2: Debugging - LibreOffice Development Blog
- ooouno · PyPI
- ooouno is a library of all (more than 4300) classes, typings and types for the LibreOffice API.
GitHub - Amourspirit/python-ooouno
- ooo-dev-tools · PyPI
- OOO Development Tools (OooDev) is intended for programmers who want to learn and use the Python version of the LibreOffice API.
- Welcome to OOO Development Tools documentation! — OOO Development Tools documentation
- OOO Development Tools (OooDev) is intended for programmers who want to learn and use the Python version of the LibreOffice API.
- GitHub - Amourspirit/python_ooo_dev_tools
- OOO Development Tools (OooDev) is intended for programmers who want to learn and use the Python version of the LibreOffice API.
- Python LibreOffice Programming — OOO Development Tools documentation
- GitHub - Amourspirit/live-libreoffice-python
- Live LibreOffice Python is a complete development environment for creating, debugging and testing python scripts. It leverages the power of VS Code and has LibreOffice baked in that can be access via the internal web browser or via your local web browser which allows for a much more pleasant and consistent debugging experience.
- Interface-oriented programming in OpenOffice / LibreOffice : automate your office tasks with Python Macros
- Scripting LibreOffice with Python - OneSheep (
- GitHub - mila/pyoo: PyOO allows you to control a running OpenOffice or LibreOffice program for reading and writing spreadsheet documents
- See also pyoo · PyPI
- Write Your First Python Macro in LibreOffice
- GitHub - lfagundes/oosheet: Spreadsheet scripting and macros made easy with Python
- GitHub - kelsa-pi/unodit: unodit automate some of the tedious tasks with dialogs in order to help you write your own extension for LibreOffice in Python (PyUNO)
- GitHub - uktrade/stream-write-ods: Python function to construct an ODS spreadsheet on the fly - without having to store the entire file in memory or disk
- GitHub - mmulqueen/odswriter: A pure-Python module for writing OpenDocument spreadsheets (similar to csv.writer).
- Also used by pandas.
- pandas - Python Data Analysis Library
- Can write ODF .ods files with pandas.ExcelWriter — pandas documentation
- GitHub - eea/odfpy: API for OpenDocument in Python
- This is a collection of utility programs written in Python to manipulate OpenDocument 1.2 files.
- GitHub - pyexcel/pyexcel-ods: It is a plugin to pyexcel and provides the capbility to read, manipulate and write data in ods formats using odfpy.
- GitHub - xrmx/pylokit: Python CFFI wrapper for LibreOfficeKit
- A python CFFI wrapper for LibreOfficeKit. Tested in cpython2, cpython3, and pypy. LibreOfficeKit currently works only on Linux systems.
- Transfer from Basic to Python - Wiki
- LibreOffice –
- LibreOffice with Python tutorials.
LibreOffice Marketing
- Marketing | LibreOffice - Free Office Suite - Fun Project - Fantastic People
- Comparing LibreOffice and ApacheOpenOffice - LibreOffice_AOO_CompetitiveFeatureMatrix_20150318.pdf
- LibreOffice and Apache OpenOffice both are derived from the former project. Over the years, the differences have grown and these documents offer a list of all the changes. This document is the starting point for the information comparing the two office suites.
- Joinup OSOR LibreOffice
- Joinup ( list from Open Source Observatory Resources (OSOR) about LibreOffice.
- Marketing in Vendor Neutral FLOSS Projects
- LibreOffice Merchandising Shop - The Document Foundation
LibreOffice Online / Collabora Online / Nextcloud Office
- LibreOffice Online | LibreOffice - Free Office Suite - Fun Project - Fantastic People
- Collabora Online Development Edition (CODE) - Collabora Productivity
- Understanding the differences between LibreOffice Online, CODE and Collabora Online - Collabora Productivity
- GitHub - CollaboraOnline/online: Collabora Online
- Collabora Online Office – The most popular self-hosted file share and collaboration platform
- Nextcloud "getting started" instructions.
- How to Install Nextcloud Office - Nextcloud
- Collabora Online user forum
- LibreOffice Online Docker image
- Integrate Collabora Online with Nextcloud on Ubuntu with Docker
- Integrate Collabora Online with Nextcloud on Ubuntu without Docker
- GitHub - husisusi/ Script to install Office Online on Ubuntu 18.04 and Debian
- Said to install LibreOffice / Collabora Online and Poco.
- GitHub - learnweb/moodle-mod_collabora: An activity for live document editing in Moodle, powered by Collabora Online
- Activity Module: Collabora Online integration for Moodle
- LibreOffice Online API - Collabora Productivity
- Collabora Online editor API reference - Collabora Productivity
- Document conversion with Collabora Online, JODConverter and unoconv - Collabora Productivity
- Collabora Office: OpenDocument, Word, Excel & more - Apps on Google Play
- LibreOffice for Android from Collabora, the LibreOffice Online people.
- ViOffice – Your Office. Our Mission.
- LibreOffice / Collabora online and Nextcloud, hosted in Germany.
Overview | ViOffice Helpcenter
- GitHub - OSSII/oxool-community: OxOffice Online Community
- OxOOL is developed by OSSII in Taiwan, derived from LOOL (LibreOffice OnLine). It has a commercial version, which is several versions advanced to community version, while the community version is also open sourced.
- GitHub - NDCODF/ndcodfweb: 國發會的 ODF 雲端編輯工具
- Currently National Development Council Taiwan, the main dominant unit of ODF policy in Taiwanese government, uses (forks) the OxOOL community version into "NDCODFweb".
LibreOffice misc
- LibreOffice - The Document Foundation - YouTube
- LibreOffice Conference talks, presentations, ...
- LibreOffice and OOo community on Reddit
- We are The Document Foundation and the LibreOffice community - Ask us Anything! : linux
- Celebrated the 7th birthday of LibreOffice with an extensive Ask us Anything session on Reddit.
- | Turtle vector graphics of LibreOffice (
- Category:Images with LibreLogo source code - Wikimedia Commons
- LibreLogo « Programmare con LibreLogo
- LibreLogo (
- Real Life Hardware Buch. Behandelt im Detail die in LibreOffice integrierte Logo-Variante zum einfachen Programmieren lernen; Autor: Thomas Krumbein
- A look at LibreOffice 4.4 []
- By the way, how much did LibreOffice diverge from OpenOffice? A crude answer, from a source code perspective.
- Draw electronic schematics using LibreOffice | One Transistor
- Basic Gantt charts using LibreOffice Calc – Seabright Technology
- The Document Foundation's Infrastructure Status
- Status-Seite - manitu
- If everything seems to be down, wiki, bugzilla, gerrit, ...
this is where much of the infrastructure is hosted.
- Adobe Font Development Kit for OpenType | Adobe Developer Connection
- Is said to also be able to convert PostScript/Adobe Type 1 fonts to OpenType fonts. Which may help some as LibreOffice since 5.3 dropped support of Type 1 fonts (for good reasons).
- Usage see How can I get Type 1 font bitstream charter again? (I used to have it) [closed] - Ask LibreOffice
- Popularity Contest Statistics -- Debian Quality Assurance
- LibreOffice package installation and use among those who contribute data to popcon.
For more information on popcon see Debian Popularity Contest
- Popularity Contest Statistics -- Debian Quality Assurance
- Popularity contest statistics for libreoffice-core, Graph
- GitHub - flathub/org.libreoffice.LibreOffice
- The LibreOffice Flatpak manifest .json file.
- Week numbers in LibreOffice Calc
- Note that instead of =WEEKNUM(A1; 21) you can also use =ISOWEEKNUM(A1)
- Introduction to Statistics Using Calc, Apache Calc, and Gnumeric
- GitHub - antoniofaccioli/libreoffice-appimage: This script create a appimage version of LibreOffice.
- The script behind LibreOffice AppImage Package.
- Edit Files with LibreOffice - Apps - App Store - Nextcloud
- Via WebDAV, not Collabora Online.
- Office-Dokumente in der Nextcloud
- Blog description about using the Edit Files with LibreOffice Nextcloud app.
- How To Use LibreOffice Writer To Create Fillable PDF Forms |
- Dangerzone
- Take potentially dangerous PDFs, office documents, or images and convert them to safe PDFs.
- Repair Ods (OpenOffice / LibreOffice calc) File Online for Free
- May recover some data if zip container or file structure was broken.
- Safe Mode
- If your LibreOffice user profile appears to be bit-rotten..
OpenDocument File Format (ODF)
- Index of /office/OpenDocument/v1.3/os/
- Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) Version 1.3
The OpenDocument file format specification approved as OASIS standard.
- GitHub - oasis-tcs/odf-tc: OASIS OpenDocument TC: Providing version control for developing the OpenDocument Format (ODF) file format and related tools beginning with ODF CS 1.3
- ODF Specification Tooling
- Index of /office/v1.2/os/
- Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) Version 1.2
The OpenDocument file format specification approved as OASIS and ISO/IEC standard.
- OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC
- Details about the Technical Committee.
- ISO/IEC 26300-1:2015 - Information technology -- Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) v1.2 -- Part 1: OpenDocument Schema
- ISO/IEC 26300-2:2015 - Information technology -- Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) v1.2 -- Part 2: Recalculated Formula (OpenFormula) Format
- ISO/IEC 26300-3:2015 - Information technology -- Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) v1.2 -- Part 3: Packages
- ISO/IEC 26300:2006 - Information technology -- Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) v1.0
- OpenDocument element hierarchy
- Element hierarchy automatically generated from the OpenDocument v1.0 Strict Relax-NG Schema specification.
- Issue Navigator - OASIS Technical Committees Issue Tracker
- ODF proposals that are marked with fixVersion = "ODF 1.3"
- Issue Navigator - OASIS Technical Committees Issue Tracker
- ODF proposals that are marked with (fixVersion = "ODF 1.3" OR affectedVersion = "ODF 1.3")
affectedVersion does not mean that the target is actually ODF 1.3, but it could be, maybe.. or not.
- OpenDocument Community Postings
- This is the official community gathering place and information resource for the OpenDocument OASIS Standard (ISO/IEC 26300).
- GitHub - jdum/odfdo: python library for OpenDocument format (ODF)
- The Document Foundation - ODF Toolkit
- The ODF Toolkit is a set of Java modules that allow programmatic creation, scanning and manipulation of Open Document Format (ISO/IEC 26300 == ODF) documents.
- ODF Validator
- ODF Validator is a tool that validates OpenDocument files and checks them for certain conformance criteria.
- gerrit.libreoffice Code Review - officeotron.git/summary
- Validation for Office documents (ODF and OOXML)
- ODF Validator
- This service checks conformance of ODF documents based on their OpenDocument Format specification.
- ODF Explorer by hammyau
- The ODF Explorer allows a user to see how much of the underlying ODF schema is used by a document or set of documents.
- - OpenDocument
- Andy Updegrove's Standards Blog's category about ODF
- OpenDocument - The truly open XML document file format
- OASIS OpenDocument Essentials (
- OASIS OpenDocument Essentials—Using OASIS OpenDocument XML shows you how to take advantage of this format. In addition to explaining the basics of OpenDocument, this book has examples showing how to extract information from, transform, and programmatically create OpenDocument files.
A book in progress written by J. David Eisenberg for O'Reilly & Associates and submitted to an open review process.
- OpenDocument - Wikipedia
- OpenDocument software - Wikipedia
- Decrypting Open Document Format (ODF) Files
- How to decrypt password protected Open Document Format (ODF) files (such as used by LibreOffice and using only pure Java code.
Description as .odt document and as .pdf
Accompanied by an (old but maybe still functional) rltodfjlib Java library on GitHub.
Third party applications supporting the OpenDocument File Format (ODF), or its predecessor OOo1.x XML
- OpenDocument software - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- The CPAN Search Site
- Results for an "OpenDocument" query.
- Jean-Marie Gouarné / OpenOffice-OODoc -
- A library for direct document processing in Perl. OpenOffice::OODoc provides an abstraction of the document objects and isolates the programmer from low level XML navigation, UTF8 encoding and file compression details. More generally, OpenOffice::OODoc provides a lot of methods allowing create/search/update/delete operations with document elements.
- BKchem
- A free chemical drawing program with export to OOoDraw file format.
- Pandoc
- A universal document converter.
- OmegaT, the free translation memory tool
- OOo1.x XML
- Nextcloud Office - Self-hosted online office suite
- Collaborative editing of ODF documents using Collabora Online.
- Collabora Online for ownCloud - Secure Content Collaboration
- Collaborative editing of ODF documents using Collabora Online.
- Community
- Kolab is a unified communication and collaboration system.
- WebODF
- WebODF is a JavaScript library that makes it easy to add Open Document Format (ODF) support to your website and to your mobile or desktop application. It uses HTML and CSS to display ODF documents.
- Loook
- Dieses Programm ist ein in Python geschriebenes Werkzeug, das nach Zeichenketten in Dateien sucht, die von, Apache OpenOffice, Libreoffice oder StarOffice 6.0 oder höher erstellt wurden. Dies gilt vor allem für alle Dokumente, die im Open Document Format erstellt wurden. Daneben kann es inzwischen auch in Dokumenten suchen, die von Microsoft Word, Excel oder PowerPoint ab der Version 2007 in einem OOXML Format erstellt wurden.
- Alkinea - LibreOffice to kindle, epub
- Alkinea is a simple and efficient tool to convert books from LibreOffice (or OpenOffice) to Kindle and ePub.
- GitHub - thorstenb/odpdown: Generate OpenDocument Presentation (odp) files from markdown
- GitHub - abcBHM/MD2odt: Library for converting Markdown to OpenDocument (.odt)
- Writer2LaTeX
- Writer2LaTeX is a utility written in java. It converts documents in OpenDocument format – in particular documents containing formulas – into other formats. It is actually a collection of four converters: Writer2LaTeX, Writer2BibTeX, Writer2xhtml and Calc2xhtml.
- OOBuilder - a perl OOo interface to create 1.x documents
- plus OOCBuilder, a Perl OOo interface for creating .sxc spreadsheets. This is the old OOo1.x XML file format, not OpenDocument ODF.
/ StarOffice / the olde stuffe
- GullFOSS
- Last snapshot of the Sun GullFOSS blog taken by on 2011-04-08
- distribution: Mirrors
- - Download archived versions
- /pub/openoffice/stable directory (
- en-US installation packages and source code 3.3.0 and 3.2.1
- /pub/openoffice/packages directory (
- tested localized builds and language packs 3.3.0
- /pub/openoffice/localized directory (
- other localized 3.3.0
- Index of /pub/openoffice/archive/ (
- Archive of old releases OOo 1.0.2 to 3.2.1 in stable and localized
- Index of /dist/incubator/ooo
- Archive of old OOo releases 1.0.2 to 3.3.0 in stable, and localized 3.3.0
Documentation, FAQs, Tips
- The Documentation Project Wiki - Wiki
- User Documentation
- User-FAQ
- documentation: Setup Guides
- Mime Content Types
- MIME Content Types used in OpenOffice.org1.0 / StarOffice 4.x and later
- IANA | Application Media-Types
- The application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.* MIME types are officially registered at IANA.
- Taming
- Resources for intermediate and advanced users of
- de: de-OOo-Dokumentationsportal
- de: Installationsanleitungen
- de: FAQ
- DefaultPaperSize - Apache OpenOffice Wiki
- Archiv des LibreOffice- und (
- Viele Anwendungsbeispiele, Tipps und "wie kann ich ..." Lösungen für Writer, Calc, Draw, Base, Impress und Formeleditor.
- GrundrissZeichnung - Archiv des LibreOffice- und (
- Ebenen/GrundRiss - Archiv des LibreOffice- und (
- OOoHelpOutline - Wiki
- Outline of Existing User Resources.
- Off-the-Wall: Style Is Everything, Right?
- A guide for when and how to use styles instead of manual overrides in documents.
- User guides for v3.3 and earlier — ODFAuthors
- Configuration Management - Wiki
- Broken since ages,'s WaybackMachine holds a copy.
- OpenOffice Configuration Knowledgebase | Open Office Technology (
- Administration Guide - Wiki
- ui: Visual Design :: Branding
- ui: Visual Design :: MimeType Icons
- Conference (OOoCon)
- Back in those times..
- Media Coverage: Conferences (kiberpipa
- Video archives of key notes and tracks. 2005, Koper, Slovenia; 2006, Lyon, France
- YouTube -'s channel
- Team e.V. - Home
Some Sites
- - Die etwas andere Fanseite
- OpenOffice templates, tutorials, tips and FAQ links
AddOns & Utilities
- repository for Extensions | Welcome to the home of extensions!
- Download a wealth of extensions or upload your own.
- Extensions - Wiki
- Extensions repository - Wiki
- Previous (prior to the real repository) listing of extensions
- Templates
- Similar to the extensions repository, you can upload and retrieve templates.
- GitHub - unoconv/unoserver
- Using LibreOffice as a server for converting documents.
- DAG: unoconv: Convert between any document format supported by OpenOffice or LibreOffice
- Open Clip Art Library ::
- OoConfig - Wiki
- OoConfig is a Python extension that seeks to provide configuration editing capabilities similar in spirit to Mozilla's about:config facility.
- Using Extensions to change configuration items - Kay's Blog (
- OOoConv - FitOO
- Non-linear curve fitting for
- PalOOCa OpenOffice Add-On for Palo
- PalOOCa is a Java based OpenOffice OLAP Add-On intended to be used with OpenOffice Calc. It is supposed to be the equivalent to the Palo Add-in for MS Excel.
- Use XSLT to prepare XML for import into OpenOffice Calc
- Use a generic XSLT stylesheet to pull XML data into the popular spreadsheet.
- Dmaths : macro pour faciliter l'édition de formules mathématiques sous openoffice ou staroffice.
- Dmaths is adressed to people who regularly use the formula editor of LibreOffice, Apache OpenOffice and NeoOffice (maths students, teachers...).
- Ispell German, German Ispell Dictionary - Wörterbuch igerman98, Sprache: Deutsch
- Stopen Suchtool
- Eine kleines Programm um in und StarOffice Dokumenten eine Volltextsuche durchzuführen.
Windows only.
- Loook: a simple search tool for files
- Loook is a simple Python tool that searches for text strings in (and StarOffice 6.0 or later) files. It works under Linux, Windows and Macintosh.
- o3find - Full Text Search Tool for StarOffice / documents
- Find a word or phrase in many OOo files and directories
- - Larry's GDS Plugins
- and StarOffice Indexer for Google Desktop Search
- The CPAN Search Site
- Results for an "OpenOffice" query.
- KDE QuickStarter
- QuickStarter applet (KDE/GNOME/OOo1.0.x/SO6.0)
- DesktopDig: a desktop search engine for KDE
- Microsoft's TrueType core fonts on linux
- Visioo-Writer : Viewer
- This viewer allows you to read and display OpenDocument (odt) and (sxw) files.
- Graphite in 2.0.0
- This is a beta release of the Graphite integration into Graphite support is integrated at the graphics system layer, and so is available to the entire suite of applications. This enables all the applications in the suite to render and edit text displayed in Graphite fonts.
Document Converters
- GitHub - unoconv/unoconv: Universal Office Converter - Convert between any document format supported by LibreOffice/OpenOffice.
- Universal Office Converter (unoconv) is a command line tool to convert any document format that LibreOffice can import to any document format that LibreOffice can export. It makes use of the LibreOffice’s UNO bindings for non-interactive conversion of documents.
- GitHub - sbraconnier/jodconverter: JODConverter automates document conversions using LibreOffice or Apache OpenOffice.
- JODConverter, the Java OpenDocument Converter, converts documents between different office formats.
- GitHub - mirkonasato/pyodconverter: Python script to automate document conversions using LibreOffice/
- PyODConverter (for Python OpenDocument Converter) is a Python script that automates office document conversions from the command line using LibreOffice or Apache OpenOffice. The script was written as a simpler alternative to JODConverter for command line usage.
- OOoConv - OOoConv
- Online converter PHP source.
- calc2latex
- Calc2LaTeX is an macro to convert sheets into LaTeX tables very easily.
- PyOpenOffice
- Process Writer Files and transform them to PDF without installing
- o3read
- convert *.sxw and *.sxc to simple html or text
- Linux Manpages Online - manual pages ssconvert
- Similar to unoconv, ssconvert is a spreadsheet converter part of Gnumeric.
- odt2daisy | OpenDocument To DAISY DTBook
- Odt2daisy is an Writer extension, enabling to export in DAISY 3 format, including support of Mathematical content conforming to the MathML standard. DAISY is an NISO Z39.86 standard for blind, visual impaired, print-disabled, and learning-disabled people.
Old (2010) software, but maybe works also for documents created by LibreOffice as it processes the .odt ODF document.
Macros & Scripting
- api: The API Project
- Developer's Guide - Wiki
- This manual describes how to write programs using the component technology UNO (Universal Network Objects) with
- MediaWiki:Collections/Developer's Guide - Spreadsheet Documents - Wiki
- Documentation/DevGuide/Spreadsheets/Spreadsheet Documents
- Working with Spreadsheet Documents - Wiki
- API ::com::sun::star::...
- Code Snippets (View forum) • Apache OpenOffice Community Forum
- Extensions development basic - Wiki
- Xray tool, information about an object at run time
- Object Inspector - Wiki
- The Object Inspector is an extension that is to help the developer to inspect arbitrary Uno-Objects.
- StarOffice™ Programmer's Tutorial - tutorial.pdf
- StarOffice 7 Office Suite - Basic Programmer's Guide, English - 817-1826.pdf
- BASIC Programming Guide - Wiki
- Andrew Pitonyak's Macro Information
- The source of the book " Macros Explained".
In case this is down (which it is/was since at least 2023-08-25) you can try WayBackMachine.
- OOo/LO Volker Lenhardt (
- " Erklärt", Übersetzung von Andrew Pitonyak's " Macros Explained" ins Deutsche.
- StarBasic / Basic FAQ
- Deutsch, Michael Dannenhöfer
- ACB Open Office macro page
- Andrew Brown's Useful and Instructive macros.
- Python – Wiki
- Using Python in OOo with PyUNO.
- Python as a macro language - Wiki
- EDV - Systeme Kienlein (StarBASIC Object Inspektor, MySQL, JDBC)
- Programming with Visual Basic
- de: Howto: Einfügen von Datum/Uhrzeit
- Das aktuelle Datum oder die aktuelle Uhrzeit per Tastatur dauerhaft in ein Text- oder Tabellendokument einfügen. Daniel Rentz
- SAO - Service As Object
- An enhancement to the Java API, that allows you to access Services as Objects. This greatly simplifies the writing of Java code for OOo.
- Executing an OOoBasic macro with Cpp - Wiki
- A concatenate function on steroids for LibreOffice/OpenOffice calc | Ecostudies
- A spreadsheet STRJOIN macro function to concatenate a range of cells.
- OOo macro that converts data to QIF format, the format used by Money, Quicken, GNUCash.... to import transactions.
- How can I call a Python macro in a cell formula in OpenOffice.Org Calc? - Stack Overflow
Sun Microsystems' StarOffice/StarSuite
- StarOffice for Kids
- StarOffice 4 Kids is a novelty among presently offered Primary & Secondary Education Software products. Easy customization by the teacher according to and subordinated to the learning goals, is the key enhancement of StarOffice 4 Kids to current learning software. This software is aligned to the needs of the teacher and his teaching material and not vice versa.
- E-Business - Wissenspool - E-Interviews: E-Interview "Sun und StarOffice: Microsoft-Bedrohung oder Nischen-Produkt?" mit Carsten Müller (
StarOffice 5.x
- Werner Roth's StarOffice Seiten
- Werner Roth's StarOffice Pages
- StarOffice-FAQ (Deutsch)
- StarOffice-FAQ (English)
- Japanese StarSuite CM - YouTube
- The most disturbing StarOffice advertisement (was named StarSuite in Japan).
Developers' Corner
- MediaWiki for development
- Advogato Project info for OpenOffice
- err.. umm..
- "Neolithic Office", or NeoOffice® for short. NeoOffice is a prototyping project exploring different methods for porting to run natively on MacOS X.
- GDB: How to dump Unicode Strings (i.e. provide custom data display) (
- Some Hacking Notes (
- Professional UNO - Wiki
- This chapter provides in-depth information about UNO and the use of UNO in various programming languages. Introduction gives an outline of the UNO architecture. API Concepts supplies background information on the API reference. UNO Concepts describes the mechanics of UNO, i.e. it shows how UNO objects connect and communicate with each other. UNO Language Bindings elaborates on the use of UNO from Java, C++, Basic and COM automation.
- General Design Rules - Wiki
- These rules describe basic concepts used in API design. They are mandatory for all contributions. They are recommended good practice for development of third-party software.
- Appendix B: IDL Documentation Guidelines - Wiki
- The reference manual of the API is automatically generated by the tool autodoc from the idl files that specify all types used in the API. These files are part of the SDK. This appendix discusses how documentation comments in the idl files are used to create correct online documentation for the API.
- Writing UNO Components - Wiki
- can be extended by UNO components. UNO components are shared libraries or jar files with the ability to instantiate objects that can integrate themselves into the UNO environment. A UNO component can access existing features of, and it can be used from within through the object communication mechanisms provided by UNO.
- udk: Java in UNO and OpenOffice
- For the Java developer, who wants to write components for UNO or
- udk: A Guide to C++ UNO
- This document gives an introduction to the C++ mapping of UNO.
- User Interface Guidelines - Wiki
- Specification Project
- Old specifications of features.
- appointments
- Outdated Legacy Google calendar for developer team meetings on IRC
- You can't take the sky from me. - old gbuild blog posts
- dev@l10n mailing list at
- dev@sc mailing list at
- dev@ mailing list at
- Source code directories - Wiki
- Product Release - Wiki
- tools: Callgrind How-To
Apache OpenOffice
- Debunking the 'upstream' myth
- From the Contemplating the possible retirement of Apache OpenOffice [] thread.
- Apache OpenOffice - The Free and Open Productivity Suite
- Apache OpenOffice
- Apache OpenOffice blog
- Apache Translate Pootle service
- Incubation Status - Apache Incubator
- Wiki Home - Apache OpenOffice Developers - Apache Software Foundation
- Wiki Home - Apache OpenOffice Community - Apache Software Foundation
- The Wiki – Wiki
- Apache OOo Bugzilla Main Page
- (A)OO(o) Requirements (assigned Requests for Enhancement) with at least 5 votes
- Repository for Apache OpenOffice Extensions
- Most should work also with LibreOffice
- Repository for Apache OpenOffice Templates
- Of course also for LibreOffice
- Download Statistics: All Files
- Apache OO since 2012-03-01
- ASF Git Repos - openoffice.git/summary
- asf - Revision 1423211: /incubator/ooo SVN repository
- [Apache-SVN] Index of /incubator/ooo
- ViewVC the tree
- Develop with Git on a Google Code Project - Google Open Source Blog
- Actually work with Git on a SVN project, such as AOOo
- Export a Git Project to Google Code - Google Open Source Blog
- Actually work with Git on a SVN project, such as AOOo
- git-svn-tutorial – Parrot
- Apache Subversion FAQ
- ASF Committers by project OpenOffice
- Developer Information
- General Apache developer information
- Guide for new committers
- Committer email configuration
- Machines and Fingerprints - Apache Infrastructure
- How to edit the website
- Project Management Committee Guide
- ASF Legal Previously Asked Questions
- 3rd party licenses in Apache projects
- Handling Cryptography within an ASF Release
- ApacheMigration – Wiki
- ApacheMigration/Permissive – Wiki
- Software Heritage and Archive
- We collect and preserve software in source code form, because software embodies our technical and scientific knowledge and humanity cannot afford the risk of losing it.
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