Installer support
Search, select a quick help topic, or select a product for support.
How can my company request access to a system
Activate a system using the Installer App
Update IQ Gateway software
Fix gateway connectivity issues
How to prepare for a grid outage
Solar troubleshooting guide
Fix a meter issue
View troubleshooting videos on YouTube
Storage troubleshooting guide
Fix a System Controller not reporting error
Learn to create and track your replacements
Replace a gateway using the Installer App
Or, select a product
IQ8, IQ7 and legacy microinverters
IQ Battery, IQ System Controller, and more
EV chargers
Enphase and ClipperCreek EV chargers and accessories
Portable energy
Microinverters and accessories
IQ Combiner and IQ Gateway
Cables, connectors, components, tools, and more
AC Modules
AC Modules with integrated microinverters
Apps and software
Enphase Apps and product software