Engineering Workstations (EWS)

EWS Lab Availability - Real-time lab usage

'); } if (val.usagegroupname != null){ items.push('
' + val.usagegroupname + '
'); } else{ items.push('
'); } usagegroupnametmp = val.usagegroupname; } items.push('
' + val.strlabname + '
' + val.inusecount + '/' + val.machinecount + '
'); }); $('#workstations #data').html(items.join('')); }); });

The Engineering WorkStation (EWS) labs currently include over 1,400 workstations and serve over 19,000 students taking Grainger College of Engineering courses. EWS provides high performance, highly reliable instructional computing resources for the students and faculty of the Grainger College of Engineering.

For more details about EWS Services, please View our service page.

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EWS Lab Hours & Locations

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