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For pronunciation and definitions of hāi – see (“to harm; to maim; to injure; to cause to do; to result in; etc.”).
(This term is the pe̍h-ōe-jī form of ).

Jersey Dutch


Alternative forms




From Dutch hij. Cognates include Afrikaans hy.






  1. he
    • 1912, Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsche taal— en letterkunde, volumes 31-32, page 309:
      Hāi waz nît tevrêde täus []
      He was not content at home []


Jersey Dutch personal pronouns
subject subject object object possessive possessive possessive
full unstr. full unstr. full unstr. pred.
1st person äk 'k māi me, mê māin māi māine
2nd person jāi je jāu je jāu je jāue
3rd person masculine hāi he häm h'm z'n
3rd person feminine zāi ze hœr h'r hœr h'r hœre
3rd person neuter hät it hät it z'n
1st person plural wāi we, wê on̈s, on̈z on̈s, on̈z, on̈ze on̈ze
2nd person plural jœlli je jœlli je jœlli je jœlliz
3rd person plural hœlli, zāi ze se hœlli hœlliz



Alternative forms




hāi (hai1, Zhuyin ㄏㄞ)

  1. Hanyu Pinyin reading of
  2. Hanyu Pinyin reading of