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1 - 20
[edit]- ငန်း - unlinked - blue - 1
- ဘဲ - unlinked - blue - 1
- -féle - unlinked - blue - 1
- Aalmolch - linked - blue - 1
- Aalmutter - linked - blue - 2 - italicsX2
- Aasfliege - linked - blue - 2 - italicsX2
- aasiansieppokerttu - mixed - mixed - 15 - 12 species
- aasiansieppokertut - mixed - mixed - 3
- abborre - linked - blue - 1 - italics
- able - linked - blue - 1
- aborre - linked - blue - 1 - italics
- achaetous - unlinked - ? - 1 - in usex
- achatine snail - linked - blue - 1
- adelaar - unlinked - blue - 1
- adjutant - linked - blue - 4
- adonis blue - mixed - mixed - 2 - genus link for species=>taxlink
- African crake - linked - blue - 3
- agile gibbon - linked - blue - 2 - italics, ()
- águia - linked - blue - 1 - italics
- ahven - mixed - mixed - 4 - italics, taxlink
Yield: 3 entries with taxlink needed (14 taxa); 9, linking; 7, formatting; 5, nothing needed
21 - 50
[edit]- aigialosaur
- airokala
- aitokana
- aitosammal
- äkämäsääski
- ālants
- alata
- albatros
- albatross
- alka
- alpine bullhead
- Amazonenameise
- amerikanviiriäinen
- anatide
- anatine
- anchovy
- anciôa
- angsa
- anhinga
- ankeriasmonni
- ansa
- anserine
- ant
- antbird
- antelope
- anthracothere
- antilop
- antilopa
- antilopă
- antilope
[edit]- antlion
- antshrike
- aphidophagous
- apple fly
- aquatic warbler
- Archicebus
- arctic fox
- Arctic skua
- ark shell
- arkkisimpukka
- arojuoksija
- arterivirus
- asello
- asker sineği
- assassin bug
- astraean
- astrovirus
- atherine
- Atlantic halibut
- Atlantic pomfret
- Atlantic salmon
- atoll fruit dove
- auk
- auklet
- aurinkokurki
- avcı sinek
- avipoxvirus
- avocet
- avosetti
- babbler
- babesia
- babirusa
- backswimmer
- badger
- bagworm
- bąk
- balanino
- balodis
- bandfish
- bar-tailed godwit
- barbet
- bark louse
- barracudina
- barramundi
- barreleye
- basket clam
- basslet
- bata
- batfish
- baykuş sineği
- beaked whale
- beakfish
- bean goose
- bear
- bearded tit
- beardfish
- bécasse
- bee-eater
- beer
- bell animalcule
- beltisdýr
- berin
- berrypecker
- beruang
- Bewick's swan
- bichir
- bideeʼtsʼinígíí
- bidsprinkhaan
- bįįh danilínígíí
- billfish
- bird of paradise
- birnavirus
- biskop
- bit sineği
- biting midge
- bittern
- bjørn
- black-handed gibbon
- black-necked grebe
- black-necked screamer
- black-tailed godwit
- black beetle
- black guillemot
- black hairstreak
- black rhinoceros
- black scabbardfish
- black tern
- black woodpecker
- blackbird
- blackfly
- bleak
- blood worm
- blowfish
- blowfly
- blue
- blue-eye
- blue cod
- blue tit
- bobwhite
- bocón
- bollë
- bölömbika
- bonnán
- booby
- botaŭro
- botfly
- bovine
- bovine papular stomatitis
- breeze
- Bremse
- brent goose
- brève
- brimstone
- brine fly
- broadbill
- broadmouth
- brotula
- brown argus
- brown hairstreak
- brûlot
- brush-turkey
- buang
- bubuzhel
- buffalo
- bufod
- bulbul
- bulbuli
- bush-hen
- bushshrike
- bustard
- butor
- butterfly ray
- buttonquail
- býfluga
- cabbage white
- cacique
- cágado
- çağala
- calamistrum
- Calayan rail
- calicivirus
- camelide
- camélidé
- campanularian
- canidé
- canidés
- capercaillie
- carabo
- caracara
- cardinal
- cardinal tetra
- cardinalfish
- carp
- carpa
- cat
- catamount
- catshark
- cattle egret
- cerambice
- cervedo
- cervide
- Cetti's warbler
- ceylan
- chalicothere
- chalkhill blue
- chambered nautilus
- chameleon
- charadrius
- chequered skipper
- chestnut rail
- chickadee
- chʼosh ałchozhii
- chʼosh áłtʼą́ą́ʼígíí
- chough
- chrysomèle
- chub
- cickány
- cinnamon-rumped foliage-gleaner
- ciprinide
- cirl bunting
- cirritide
- clearwing
- cleg
- climbing gourami
- clingfish
- clothes moth
- clouded yellow
- coal tit
- cobra
- cobweb spider
- cockatoo
- cockle
- cod
- codorniz
- Colombian crake
- colubriform
- comb-footed spider
- combtooth blenny
- comma
- common blue
- common clothes moth
- common ringlet
- conger eel
- cormorant
- cornetfish
- coucal
- courser
- cowrie
- crab plover
- crab spider
- crake
- crane
- crayfish
- crested screamer
- crested tit
- croaker
- crotaline
- cuckoo
- curassow
- curculione
- curculionidous
- curlew
- currawong
- cutlassfish
- cutworm
- čvorak
- cygnine
- cypseliform
- dab
- dace
- dallëndyshe
- damselfish
- Danube bleak
- Danube salmon
- dark green fritillary
- darter
- dasiuro
- dasyure
- date mussel
- deathwatch beetle
- deepwater cardinalfish
- deer
- deer fly
- deer ked
- degunradzis
- delfīns
- delphinus
- demoiselle
- dentale
- dermeste
- desman
- dice snake
- didelphine
- digger wasp
- dikkop
- dingy skipper
- diplodocine
- diving petrel
- dodo
- dogfish
- dolphinfish
- domine
- donnán
- donnán langa
- doo
- doodlebug
- dormouse
- dorsz
- dotterel
- dove
- dowitcher
- dragonfish
- drongo
- drumfish
- duck
- duck-billed dinosaur
- dugongi
- duke of burgundy
- dundurs
- dung beetle
- dykare
- dzēlējods
- dzērve
- dzimta
- eagle
- eared seal
- earless seal
- echovirus
- edaphosaurus
- eelpout
- Eidechse
- Eidechsenfisch
- Eidechsenfische
- ekvedo
- elang
- elapine
- elaterio
- electric catfish
- elephantfish
- emberizine
- emyd
- entelodont
- ērglis
- erla
- esoceto
- Essex skipper
- Essigfliege
- esturjão
- Eule
- European bullhead
- European perch
- European skipper
- eyestone
- fairy-wren
- faisan
- fall webworm
- fallow deer
- fasan
- fazan
- featherback
- félidé
- félidés
- Felidi
- félin
- feline
- felino
- feliseda
- felisedo
- fig wasp
- filefish
- fíll
- fillio
- filovirida
- filovirus
- finch
- finfoot
- firefly
- flamingo
- flashlight fish
- flea-louse
- flesh-fly
- florican
- flounder
- flowerpecker
- flufftail
- flycatcher
- flying fish
- fody
- formicaleone
- foumart
- fourhorn sculpin
- fowlpox
- fox
- fregattilintu
- fregatvogel
- frigatebird
- fringilline
- fritillary
- frogmouth
- Fruchtfliege
- fruit bat
- fruit dove
- fruit fly
- fungian
- fur seal
- fürj
- gáagii naashchʼąąʼígíí
- gadfly
- gærdesmutte
- gaivota
- gall mite
- gallinule
- ganga
- gannet
- ganso
- garden dormouse
- gâscă
- gatekeeper
- gấu
- gé
- gealbhan
- Gebirgswels
- gecko
- geitungur
- gekkó
- geko
- gekon
- geminivirus
- genet
- geoduck
- geometer
- geometrid moth
- geometride
- gęś
- ghiozzo
- giant panda
- giant wood rail
- gibbon
- ģints
- glanville fritillary
- glazenmaker
- globefish
- glowworm
- glutton
- glyptodont
- gnatcatcher
- gnateater
- goatfish
- goatsucker
- godwit
- golden fruit dove
- golden mole
- golding
- gomphothere
- goose
- gopher
- gourami
- grayling
- great ape
- great egret
- great tit
- greater argentine
- grebe
- green-veined white
- green hairstreak
- greenling
- grenadier
- grey-necked wood rail
- grey-throated rail
- grey-winged trumpeter
- grey mullet
- griffon vulture
- grizzled skipper
- grouse
- gryłł
- guan
- guanaco
- guillemot
- guinea
- guinea fowl
- guinea pig
- guitguit
- gull
- häger
- hagfish
- haikara
- hairtail
- haisunäätä
- hajmal
- hamlet
- hammasahven
- hammerhead
- hammerkop
- hapsenkakkiainen
- hapuku
- hardhead
- hare
- härö
- hasbídí
- hawk
- hawk moth
- hawker
- hawkmoth
- headfish
- heath fritillary
- hegre
- hejre
- helang
- helmikana
- hepadnavirus
- heron
- herpesvirus
- herttu
- Hesperian
- hevoseläimet
- hevoseläin
- hiā
- hietakyyhky
- hiiri
- hillstream loach
- hirvieläin
- hog
- hokko
- holly blue
- homedo
- hominine
- hondachtige
- honey buzzard
- honeyeater
- honeyguide
- hoolock
- hopeakylki
- hornbill
- Hörnchen
- horned screamer
- horse
- horsefly
- Hottentot
- hound shark
- houndfish
- house cat
- hover-fly
- hoverfly
- hrossafluga
- huchen
- huhtasinisiipi
- huhu beetle
- hummingbird
- hunajaopas
- hundestejle
- huntsman
- huntsman spider
- hutia
- hwamei
- hyena
- hylje
- hypermetamorphism
- ianthina
- ibis
- ibisbill
- ichneumonidan
- icneumonide
- icterine
- ide
- iêna
- ígða
- iibisnokka
- ildflue
- inchworm
- Indian rhinoceros
- indigobird
- invisible rail
- iora
- isojalkakana
- isosimppu
- jäärä
- jabiru
- jacamar
- jacana
- jack
- jalohaukka
- jänikset ja kaniinit
- jassana
- jawfish
- jay
- jerboa
- jeri
- jumi
- jumping spider
- jūras lauva
- käärmekaula
- käärmekurki
- kagu
- kaguaani
- kaija
- kaivajahämähäkki
- kaivajalisko
- kakadu
- kaksivarvaslaiskiainen
- kameledo
- kampasimpukka
- kangaroo
- kaniseda
- kanisedo
- kapustahaikara
- karper
- karppi
- katachtig
- katachtige
- kattardýr
- kattdjur
- kattedyr
- kattohaikara
- ked
- kelpfish
- kene sineği
- kenguru
- kerttuli
- Kiebitz
- kihu
- kiiltomato
- kiislanen
- kiitäjä
- kinglet
- kissaeläimet
- kite
- kitefin shark
- kittiwake
- kivennuoliainen
- kivinilkat
- kivinilkka
- knifejaw
- knislis
- Knollenorgan
- Knurrhahn
- kobra
- kočkovitý
- koi
- koivuhiiri
- kolibri
- kolmivarvaslaiskiainen
- komár
- kondori
- kópur
- korhaan
- kormoran
- kornhæna
- kraanvogel
- krkavcovití
- kucha
- Kugelfisch
- kultakontiainen
- kuonokas
- kuore
- kurki
- kurmitsa
- kurppa
- kurppo
- kustlabb
- küümado
- kyssäkurki
- kyyhky
- kyyhkyrääkkä
- labb
- lacertide
- Lachsforelle
- ladder snake
- ladybird
- lalat
- lamantin
- lamprey
- lampyrine
- land crab
- lanternfish
- lappantyú
- lapwing
- lar gibbon
- large-headed water snake
- large blue
- large heath
- large skipper
- large tortoiseshell
- large white
- larine
- lark
- leaf-hopper
- leaf beetle
- legless lizard
- leguaani
- leijuri
- Lernean
- lerp
- liero
- łį́į́ʼ bitsísʼná
- lijster
- limaceous
- limacine
- limapää
- linnet
- lionfish
- litter frog
- little bustard
- lizardfish
- loche
- locust
- logrunner
- lokki
- long-spined bullhead
- longfin
- longhorn beetle
- longicorn
- longneck eel
- loris
- lourie
- luikero
- Lulworth skipper
- lunni
- maamyyrä
- maamyyrärotta
- mackerel
- macropod
- Madagascar buzzard
- Madagascar wood rail
- madtom
- maggie
- magpie
- magpie-goose
- mahi-mahi
- mahseer
- mäkärä
- makwa
- målar
- malluainen
- man-o-war
- man-of-war
- man of war
- manakin
- manat
- manatee
- mangabey
- mangusta
- mangustă
- manucodiata
- Manx shearwater
- marbled white
- marblefish
- margate
- mārīte
- maríubjalla
- mariuhøna
- marjastaja
- marsh fritillary
- marsupium
- marten
- martin
- martín pescador
- massasauga
- mateet
- matkija
- Maulwurf
- Maxates
- meadow brown
- mealworm beetle
- measuring worm
- medusafish
- medvedka
- mégachile
- megalosaur
- megapode
- mehiläissyöjä
- menca
- mergulhão
- meriahven
- Merica
- meriharakka
- merilahna
- merilehmä
- merimetso
- meropidan
- merpati
- mêş
- mesite
- mēslu muša
- mēslvabole
- metalmark
- metsäkana
- mev
- meyra
- midge
- miģele
- milano
- milky stork
- mirahpati
- moa
- mockingbird
- moissal
- mole
- mole rat
- money spider
- mongoose
- mongúz
- monodon
- monostichous
- moray
- moray eel
- mormyromast
- morwong
- moskítófluga
- moskīts
- mosquilh
- mosquito
- moth fly
- motmot
- mountain ringlet
- mudpuppy
- muikku
- mullet
- Mullworp
- Muräne
- mureena
- murine
- murri
- muša
- musciform
- muscine
- mussel
- musteline
- muura
- mygg
- mygga
- myna
- myrskysukeltaja
- myxovirus
- myyrä
- myyrät
- naalʼeełii keelóól
- naʼashjéʼii tsiizisí
- näätäeläimet
- näätäeläin
- nahkiainen
- namebin
- namo
- namu
- nandu
- nannygai
- needle-clawed bushbaby
- nematocalyx
- nepa
- nereidian
- New Guinea flightless rail
- New World monkey
- New World vulture
- nightingale
- nightjar
- Nile perch
- nirkko
- Nkulengu rail
- no-see-um
- nodosaur
- non-biting midge
- noodlefish
- norsukala
- northern birch mouse
- notidanian
- numbfish
- nuoliainen
- nurseryfish
- nuthatch
- nyamuk
- oarfish
- Obstfliege
- ocellated crake
- ocypodian
- ods
- oily bitterling
- oiseau-mouche
- Old World flycatcher
- Old World porcupine
- olinguito
- omakakii
- ont
- opah
- openbill
- opisthocomine
- opossum
- oposum
- orange roughy
- orange tip
- oriole
- orthomyxovirus
- orzeł
- østers
- otarda
- otaria
- otter
- ottopode
- oviraptoran
- owlet moth
- oxpecker
- oyster
- paa
- paarma
- pääskykahlaaja
- päästäinen
- paddlefish
- paint-billed crake
- painted lady
- painted snipe
- paksujalka
- pale clouded yellow
- pallokala
- papagayo
- paramyxovirus
- pardalote
- Parisome
- parrotfish
- parsley frog
- partridge
- paruline
- peacock butterfly
- pearl-bordered fritillary
- pearlfish
- peccary
- Peccary
- pediculus
- peipot
- peippo
- pejelagarto
- pelican
- pélican
- pelicano
- pelikan
- pëllumb
- peltokana
- pepe tunga
- perch
- perdicine
- perkoz
- petaurine
- petrocortyne
- phalarope
- pheasant
- phlebovirus
- Phœnicopteridæ
- phytosaur
- picchiotto
- picornavirus
- pigeon
- piiskujänis
- pika
- pike-perch
- pikehead
- pīle
- pileated gibbon
- pill bug
- pingouin
- pinguen
- pipi
- pirate spider
- pirungang
- pitohui
- pitta
- plains-wanderer
- Plattbauchspinne
- plover
- plunderfish
- poacher
- pocket gopher
- polar cod
- poliovirus
- pöllökehrääjä
- polyneme
- polynemiform
- polyodont
- pomfret
- pond damselfly
- pond turtle
- ponyfish
- poor cod
- porcelaine
- porcupine
- porcupine puffer
- porgy
- pórpo
- porpoise
- possum
- potato virus X
- pout
- pouting
- poxvirus
- pratincole
- praying mantis
- prepelica
- prickleback
- pricklefish
- procellaria
- procellarian
- protée
- protocetide
- psylla
- puffbird
- puffer
- pufferfish
- punkie
- puolikarhu
- puolikarhut
- purple emperor
- purple hairstreak
- purple swamphen
- puumuura
- puutiainen
- pygopod
- quail
- rääkkä
- räätäli
- rabbit
- rabbitfish
- raca
- raccoon
- raccoon dog
- racing crab
- rail
- ralline
- rantakana
- rantaneula
- rasbora
- rastas
- rästik
- rat kangaroo
- rattail
- red-backed shrike
- red-necked buzzard
- red admiral
- red kite
- red rail
- redbug
- Regenpfeifer
- reņģe
- requiem shark
- reyður
- rhabdovirus
- rhinoceros
- ribuoh
- ricefish
- ridgehead
- ringlet
- ritariperhonen
- roach
- robin
- rock-jumper
- rock lobster
- rockfowl
- rohu
- roller
- romisko
- roncador
- ronis
- ronquil
- rosebud
- Rouget's rail
- roughtail
- rove beetle
- rufous-tailed hawk
- rufous-vented ground-cuckoo
- ruokki
- sabre-toothed tiger
- sacred ibis
- sæl
- sailor's-choice
- saksinokka
- salmon
- salmoniform
- sampi
- sandgroper
- sandgrouse
- sandpiper
- sanger
- sardelli
- särkikala
- sarvijäärä
- satyr
- saury
- sazan
- scad
- scaleback
- scallop
- scarab
- scarab beetle
- Schmeißfliege
- Schmetterlingsfisch
- Schnake
- school shark
- Schwärmer
- scimitarbill
- Scincoidian
- ščinkavec
- scolopacine
- scorpionfish
- scotch argus
- screamer
- screeching frog
- scrub bird
- scrubwren
- sculpin
- scyllarian
- sea bass
- sea bream
- sea leopard
- sea lion
- seagull
- seawolf
- seedsnipe
- šelma kočkovitá
- šelmy kočkovité
- seriema
- serpentiiniankerias
- shag
- shearwater
- shore bug
- shore fly
- shore snipe
- short-tailed hawk
- shorthorn sculpin
- shortwing
- shrew
- shrike
- side-necked turtle
- sieppo
- siipikotilo
- sikora
- silfide
- silli
- siluridés
- silver dollar
- simppu
- sininaakka
- sininärhi
- sinisiipi
- sinisiipinen
- sinisilmä
- siren
- sisilisko
- sittella
- sittine
- sivettieläin
- sivrisinek
- skate
- skater
- skimmer
- skink
- skinko
- skipper
- skua
- skudra
- skunk
- slickhead
- sliņķis
- slipper lobster
- sloth
- small blue
- small copper
- small heath
- small skipper
- small tortoiseshell
- small white
- smallpox
- smelt
- snailfish
- snakebird
- snipe
- snook
- snoring rail
- snout beetle
- snowcock
- sokkohiiri
- soldier fly
- soldierfish
- sole
- sólyomféle
- sólyomfélék
- somphospondylian
- sopuli
- soricine
- sorsa
- spadefish
- spæta
- sparrow
- speckled wood
- spider wasp
- spidsmus
- spiny dogfish
- spiny lobster
- spitbug
- spitting spider
- spoonbill
- sprat
- sprut
- spurfowl
- spurvur
- squirrel
- squirrelfish
- stārķis
- starling
- steamer duck
- Steinbutt
- stick insect
- stone curlew
- stork
- storm petrel
- stormsvale
- strazds
- streak
- štrk
- strongyle
- stubbi
- sturgeon
- sturz
- suilline
- sula
- Sumatran rhinoceros
- sunbird
- sunbittern
- sunfish
- sungrebe
- surgeonfish
- suula
- svín
- swallow
- swallowtail
- swamphen
- swift
- swimming crab
- swine
- swinepox
- sylvicoline
- syrphian
- syrphus
- tábąąh chʼosh
- tainha
- taipan
- taivaantähystäjä
- takahē
- talgoxe
- tammihiiri
- tanager
- tang
- taran
- tarantula
- tarhakäärme
- tarpon
- táshchozhii
- taskurotta
- Taufliege
- telescopefish
- tenrec
- teratorn
- teredine
- tern
- terrapin
- tetra
- tetraz
- thick-knee
- thrasher
- thread snake
- threadfin
- thrush
- tiainen
- tiger moth
- tiikerihai
- tiikerihait
- tiira
- tikka
- tinamou
- tipula
- tit
- titanothere
- titmouse
- tłʼézhii
- tłʼiishtsiiʼí
- tłʼohtahilzhahí
- tőkehal
- tom-tit
- tonguefish
- tongueless frog
- topminnow
- topshell
- tortoise
- toucan
- trächtig
- trapdoor spider
- trappi
- trast
- tree frog
- tree kingfisher
- treehopper
- treepie
- trembler
- trichiuriform
- triller
- trite
- trogon
- tropicbird
- tropiikkilintu
- trosc
- trout
- true frog
- true seal
- trumpeter
- trumpeter pigeon
- truta
- tséʼédǫ́ʼii łibáhígíí
- tsídii doo ndaatʼáʼii
- tsídiiłbáhí
- tsísʼnáyázhí
- tubeworm
- tuna
- tuncis
- tuppinokka
- tura
- turaco
- turako
- turban
- turban shell
- turbot
- turdiform
- turpiaali
- turskat
- turu
- two-toed sloth
- tyrannosaur
- tyrant
- tyrant flycatcher
- ugle
- úhoř
- uikkukana
- ulappakeiju
- ulappaliitäjä
- ulk
- uniform crake
- unikeko
- utter
- uurteisvalas
- vaktel
- valaantäi
- vālodze
- vanga
- var
- varikset
- varsinainen hylje
- varsinaiset hylkeet
- vāvere
- velvet spider
- vesper bat
- vespertilionine
- vieira
- viiriäinen
- vīķe
- viklo
- viper
- vipera
- virgin
- virgularian
- virtahepo
- viscacha
- viviparous blenny
- viviparous eelpout
- vole
- vultur
- vulture
- wagtail
- wall brown
- wandering spider
- waran
- warbler
- warr
- water rail
- water shrew
- water strider
- watercock
- waterfowl
- waterhen
- waterjuffer
- wattlebird
- weasel
- weaver
- webworm
- weever
- weevil
- whale louse
- whaler
- whimbrel
- whistling duck
- white-beaked dolphin
- white-letter hairstreak
- white-rumped hawk
- white-throated rail
- white admiral
- white bream
- white wagtail
- whitetail
- whooper swan
- widow bird
- Wilson's storm petrel
- winghead shark
- wolf spider
- wombat
- wood white
- woodchuck
- woodcock
- Woodford's rail
- woodhen
- woodhoopoe
- woolly worm
- worm lizard
- wormfish
- wrasse
- wren
- wrybill
- yellowtail
- ylänköjuoksija
- yökkönen
- zander
- Zapata rail
- zeeleeuw
- Zeltdachspinne
- zeuglodont
- Ziegenmelker
- zilonis
- zopilote
- zoss
- αιλουροειδές
- αιλουροειδής
- αίλουρος
- Βραγχίδης
- γάδος
- Εὐμολπίδης
- μπακαλιάρος
- πάπια
- Πελοπίδης
- Ἡρακλείδης
- алабуга
- антилопа
- выпь
- гагарка
- ґедзь
- древоточец
- килька
- кіт
- кішка
- моль
- опосум
- пајка
- патор
- препелица
- пчелоед
- пчелояд
- синица
- тетерев
- треска
- турбан
- чешуеног
- штрк
- ялаа
- יתוש
- לובסטר
- סלמון
- סנאי
- צפע
- ראקוניים
- שממית
- اڠسا
- برواڠ
- بطة
- قاز
- لالت
- مێش
- هلڠ
- ڽاموق
- चतुर
- గాడిదపులి
- చీమ
- దేవాంగిపిల్లి
- మైనా
- శంఖము
- หมี
- アゲハチョウ
- アザラシ
- あざらし
- イヌ科
- ウグイ
- ナナフシ
- ヤンマ
- やんま
- 갯과
- 고등어과
- 까마귓과
- 바다제비
- 부리고래
- 슴새
- 아비
- 애기박쥐
- 해오라기
- 大頭
- 宝贝
- 寶貝
- 揚羽蝶
- 海豹
- 犬科
- 珍珠母
- 瑠璃
- 石斑魚
- 蝰蛇科
- 面丈魚
- 鳥貝
- 鴉科
- 鷸科
- 鸦科
- 鹬科