User:Matthias Buchmeier/nl-en-w
w {letter} | :: The twenty-third letter of the Dutch alphabet |
W {letter} | :: The twenty-third letter of the Dutch alphabet |
W {adv} | :: abbreviation of west; west |
waag {f} | :: weighing scales |
waag {f} | :: place (building) where goods are weighed |
waag {f} | :: wave |
waag {f} | :: water flow, current |
waaghals {m} | :: daredevil |
waagschaal {f} [figurative] | :: risk, risky situation or condition(s) |
waaien {v} [of the wind] | :: to blow |
waaien {v} [of the weather] | :: to be windy |
waaier {m} | :: hand-held fan (used for cooling oneself) |
waaier {m} | :: something resembling the shape of a fan |
waaieren {v} | :: to fan, to cool with a hand-held fan or another motion of the hand |
waakhond {m} | :: watchdog, guard dog |
waakvlam {f} | :: pilot light, pilot flame |
waakzaam {adj} | :: vigilant, watchful |
waakzaamheid {f} | :: vigilance, watchfulness, alertness |
Waal {prop} {m} | :: the Waal |
Waal {prop} {m} | :: A Walloon person, a person from Wallonia |
Waals {prop} {n} | :: Walloon (the language) |
Waals {adj} | :: Walloon |
Waals {adj} | :: relating to the Walloon church |
Waals-Brabant {prop} {n} | :: Walloon Brabant, a province of Belgium |
Waalse {m} | :: a member of the Walloon church |
Waalwijk {prop} {n} | :: Waalwijk (city/and/municipality) |
waan {m} | :: delusion |
waanbeeld {n} | :: delusion |
waanbeeld {n} | :: illusion, hallucination |
waanzin {m} [chiefly uncountable] | :: delusion |
waanzin {m} [chiefly uncountable] | :: insanity, lunacy |
waanzinnig {adj} | :: (literally) out of his/her mind, insane, mad |
waanzinnig {adj} [colloquial, with positive connotations] | :: crazy, fantastic outrageous; extreme |
waanzinnig {adv} | :: in an insane way |
waanzinnig {adv} [colloquial, with positive connotations] | :: incredibly, extremely (well or good) |
waanzinnige {noun} | :: madman, crazy person |
waar {adv} [interrogative] | :: where, in which place |
waar {adv} [relative] | :: where, the place that |
waar {adv} [interrogative, with a preposition] | :: what, which thing |
waar {adv} [relative, with a preposition] | :: what, that which |
waar {adj} | :: true |
waar {adj} | :: authentic |
waar {f} | :: ware, merchandise, product |
waaraan {adv} | :: pronominal adverb form of aan + wat |
waarachter {adv} | :: pronominal adverb form of achter + wat |
waarachteraan {adv} | :: pronominal adverb form of achteraan + wat |
waarachtig {adj} | :: true, genuine, real |
waarachtig {adj} | :: sincere, reliable |
waarachtig {adv} | :: verily, really |
waarachtig {interj} | :: verily, truly |
waarachtig {interj} | :: holy smokes, bugger me backwards |
waarachtigheid {f} | :: genuineness, realness |
waaraf {adv} | :: pronominal adverb form of af + wat |
waarbij {adv} | :: pronominal adverb form of bij + wat; whereby |
waarbinnen {adv} | :: pronominal adverb form of binnen + wat |
waarborg {m} | :: guarantee |
waarborgen {v} | :: to insure, guarantee |
waarboven {adv} | :: pronominal adverb form of boven + wat |
waarbuiten {adv} | :: pronominal adverb form of buiten + wat |
waard {m} | :: A innkeeper, a publican |
waard {m} | :: A landlord, a host |
waard {m} [obsolete] | :: The master of the household; a husband, |
waard {m} [obsolete] | :: A protector, a lord |
waard {adj} [following a noun phrase] | :: worth |
waard {f} {m} | :: A holm, holme, an area surrounded by rivers |
waard {f} {m} | :: A type of foreland, outside a local system of dikes |
waard {f} {m} | :: A dwelling mound |
waard {m} | :: alternative form of woerd |
waarde {f} | :: value, worth |
waarde {f} | :: moral value |
waarde {contraction} [Brabantian] | :: contraction of waart gij |
waardeloos {adj} | :: worthless |
waarderationaliteit {f} | :: wertrationalität, intrinsic rationality |
waarderationeel {adj} | :: wertrational, intrinsic rational |
waarderen {v} | :: to appreciate, to value |
waarderen {v} | :: to estimate the value of, to appraise |
waardering {f} | :: appreciation |
waardering {f} | :: appraisal |
waardevol {adj} | :: worthful |
waardevol {adj} | :: valuable |
waardgeld {n} [historical] | :: advance payment to a mercenary |
waardgelder {m} [historical, chiefly in the plural] | :: mercenary |
-waardig {suffix} | :: appended to verb stems, adjectives or nouns to express their capacity to complete the action specified in the said elements; -able, -ible, ...worthy |
waardig {adj} | :: worthy |
waardig {adj} | :: stately |
waardigheid {f} | :: dignity, honour |
waardin {f} | :: A female innkeeper |
waardin {f} | :: A wife of the innkeeper |
waardin {f} | :: A madam, a female proprietor of a brothel |
waardoor {adv} | :: pronominal adverb form of door + wat |
waardoorheen {adv} | :: pronominal adverb form of doorheen + wat |
waardplant {f} | :: A host plant |
waardschap {n} | :: profession of innkeeping |
waardschap {n} | :: innkeeping |
waardschap {n} | :: a meal for guests; a banquet |
waardschap {n} | :: a gathering or meeting |
waardvogel {m} | :: A host bird, a bird that is the host of a brood parasite |
waar een wil is, is een weg {proverb} | :: where there is a will there is a way |
waar gaat deze bus naartoe {phrase} | :: where does this bus go? |
waar gaat deze trein naartoe {phrase} | :: where does this train go? |
waargebeurd {adj} | :: real, actual |
waarheen {adv} | :: whither, to where [separable] |
waarheid {f} | :: truth |
waarheidsgetrouw {noun} | :: truthful, accurate, true to life |
waarin {adv} | :: pronominal adverb form of in + wat |
waar kan ik een hotel vinden {phrase} | :: where can I find a hotel? |
waar kom je vandaan {phrase} | :: where are you from? |
waar komt u vandaan {phrase} [formal] | :: where are you from? |
waarlangs {adv} | :: pronominal adverb form of langs + wat |
waarlijk {adv} | :: truly |
waarloze {adj} | :: inflected form of waarloos |
waarloze {m} [Brabantian] | :: worthless person, good-for-nothing |
waarmede {adv} | :: alternative form of waarmee |
waarmee {adv} | :: pronominal adverb form of met + wat |
waarna {adv} | :: pronominal adverb form of na + wat |
waarnaar {adv} | :: pronominal adverb form of naar + wat |
waarnaartoe {adv} | :: pronominal adverb form of naartoe + wat |
waarnaast {adv} | :: pronominal adverb form of naast + wat |
waarneembaar {adj} | :: perceptible |
waarnemen {vti} | :: to perceive, to observe, to notice, to sense |
waarnemen {vti} | :: to be acting, to temporarily assume the duties of another person |
waarnemer {m} | :: observer |
waarnemer {m} | :: representative |
waarneming {f} | :: observation |
waarneming {f} | :: perception |
waarnemingshorizon {m} [astrophysics] | :: event horizon |
waarnen {noun} [obsolete] | :: to warn |
waarning {f} [rare, obsolete] | :: warning |
waarom {adv} | :: pronominal adverb form of om + wat |
waarom {adv} | :: why, because of what |
waaromheen {adv} | :: pronominal adverb form of omheen + wat |
waaromtrent {adv} | :: pronominal adverb form of omtrent + wat |
waaronder {adv} | :: pronominal adverb form of onder + wat |
waarop {adv} | :: pronominal adverb form of op + wat |
waarop {adv} | :: after which |
waarover {adv} | :: pronominal adverb form of over + wat |
waaroverheen {adv} | :: pronominal adverb form of overheen + wat |
waarrond {adv} | :: pronominal adverb form of rond + wat |
waarschijnlijk {adv} | :: probably |
waarschijnlijk {adj} | :: probable, likely |
waarschijnlijkheid {f} | :: probability |
waarschuwen {vt} | :: to warn, to let someone know, to notify about a threat or consequences |
waarschuwing {f} | :: warning |
waarschuwingsschot {n} | :: A warning shot |
waarsman {m} [historical] | :: An official responsible for the representation of a district at a water board |
waartegen {adv} | :: pronominal adverb form of tegen + wat |
waartegenover {adv} | :: pronominal adverb form of tegenover + wat |
waartoe {adv} | :: pronominal adverb form of tot + wat |
-waarts {suffix} | :: In or towards the direction referred to by the stem onto which this suffix has been appended; the resulting word is an adverb or adjective |
waartussen {adv} | :: pronominal adverb form of tussen + wat |
waartussendoor {adv} | :: pronominal adverb form of tussendoor + wat |
waaruit {adv} | :: pronominal adverb form of uit + wat |
waarvan {adv} | :: pronominal adverb form of van + wat; of which |
waarvanaf {adv} | :: pronominal adverb form of vanaf + wat |
waarvandaan {adv} | :: pronominal adverb form of vandaan + wat |
waarvoor {adv} | :: pronominal adverb form of voor + wat |
waarvoorbij {adv} | :: pronominal adverb form of voorbij + wat |
waarzegger {mf} | :: soothsayer, fortuneteller |
waarzeggerij {f} | :: fortunetelling |
waas {n} | :: haze, mist |
waas {n} | :: bloom |
waas {n} | :: film |
wablief {interj} [Brabant] | :: I beg your pardon? |
wacht {f} | :: guard-post |
wachten {vi} | :: to wait [+ op (object) = for] |
wachter {m} | :: A guard, a sentinel |
wachter {m} [literally] | :: One who waits |
wachtgeld {n} [social welfare] | :: an allowance paid to someone who is involuntarily unemployed in their field of expertise which equates to about 70% of the expected salary at their experience level in the Netherlands |
wachthuis {n} | :: guardhouse |
wachthuis {n} [chiefly diminutive] | :: guard booth, sentry-box |
wachthuisje {n} | :: a sentry-box, booth to provide elementary shelter to a sentry |
wachthuisje {n} | :: a wachtman's hut |
wachtkamer {f} | :: A waiting room |
wachtlijst {f} | :: waiting list |
wachtrij {f} {m} | :: queue, waiting list |
wachttijd {m} | :: waiting time |
wachttoren {m} | :: A watchtower, tower from where guards etc. can keep a watchful eye |
wachtvolk {n} [collective] | :: guard (people who work as guards) |
wachtwoord {n} | :: password |
wad {n} | :: wadeable mud flat |
Waddenzee {prop} {f} | :: the Wadden Sea: a marginal sea stretching from the northern Netherlands to southwestern Denmark |
wade {f} | :: popliteus |
wade {f} | :: shroud |
wade {f} | :: type of trawl |
waden {v} | :: to wade |
wadi {m} [geology] | :: wadi |
wadlopen {vi} | :: to walk or wade across mudflats at low tide as a recreational activity |
waf {interj} | :: woof (the sound of a dog barking)[1] |
wafel {m} | :: wafer |
wafel {m} | :: waffle |
wafelijzer {n} | :: waffle iron (a cooking appliance used to make waffles) |
waffel {f} {m} [derogatory] | :: mouth, beak, trap |
wagen {m} | :: wagon, carriage |
wagen {m} [mainly the diminutive] | :: cart |
wagen {m} | :: automobile, car, van |
wagen {m} | :: sled, moving platform on wheels or rails a heavy machine etc. is mounted on |
wagen {m} [metonymy] | :: A load filling one of the above vehicles |
wagen {vi} | :: to venture, take risks |
wagen {vt} | :: to dare, presume |
wagen {vt} | :: to risk, to jeopardize |
wagen {vt} | :: to move |
wagen {vi} | :: to be moved, literally or figuratively in many senses |
Wagenaar {prop} | :: surname |
wagenburcht {mf} | :: alternative form of wagenburg |
wagenburg {mf} | :: wagon fort, corral, laager |
Wageningen {prop} | :: Wageningen (city/and/municipality) |
wagenmenner {m} | :: charioteer |
wagenpark {n} | :: fleet of cars, rolling stock |
wagenziek {adj} | :: carsick |
wagenziekte {f} | :: carsickness (motion sickness caused by motor car travel) |
wagenziekte {f} [archaic] | :: motion sickness caused by travel in an animal-drawn car or carriage |
waggie {m} [slang, Netherlands] | :: car, automobile |
wagon {m} | :: car (a railway carriage, a nonpowered unit in a railroad train) |
wak {n} | :: A hole in ice (on the surface of a body of water) |
wake {f} | :: A wake (a gathering to remember a dead person) |
waken {vi} | :: to stay awake |
waken {vi} | :: to watch, to be alert |
wake-up call {m} | :: An alert, reminder, or call to action caused by a dramatic event |
wakker {adj} | :: awake |
wakker worden {v} | :: to wake up |
wakvlakte {f} | :: polynya |
wal {m} | :: coast, shore (side of land near to the water) |
wal {m} | :: earthen levee as protection against flooding |
wal {m} | :: wall around city as military defense |
wal {m} | :: periorbital dark circle |
wal {m} | :: eye circle; bags |
wal {m} [archaic] | :: whale |
Walcheren {prop} {n} | :: A peninsula and former island in Zeeland to the west of Zuid-Beveland, to the south of Noord-Beveland and to the north of Zeelandic Flanders |
Wales {prop} {n} | :: Wales (country) |
walgeld {n} | :: fee levied on mooring vessels |
walgelijk {adj} | :: noisome, disgusting, nausea inducing |
walgen {v} [archaic] | :: to cause to become nauseated, to disgust |
walgen {v} [used with van] | :: to abhor, to hate |
walgewelf {n} [dated] | :: casemate |
walging {f} | :: disgust, aversion, revulsion |
walgvogel {m} | :: dodo, †Raphus cucullatus |
Wallonië {prop} {n} | :: Wallonia |
walm {m} | :: waft |
walmen {v} | :: to give off smoke, to fume |
walnoot {f} | :: walnut |
walnoot {m} | :: walnut tree |
walnotenboom {m} | :: walnut tree (a deciduous tree of the genus Juglans) |
Walraven {prop} | :: surname |
walrus {m} | :: walrus, any member of the family Odobenidae of which Odobenus rosmarus is the sole extant member |
wals {f} | :: waltz |
wals {f} | :: a roller (such as a tractor roller or a road roller) |
walschot {n} | :: spermaceti |
walsen {v} | :: to flatten, notably by (steam)roller |
walsen {v} | :: to waltz |
walsen {v} | :: (said of drinks) to rotate in the glass, so as to free the aroma |
walvis {m} | :: whale, mammal of the order Cetacea |
Walvis {prop} {m} [constellation] | :: Cetus |
walvisjacht {f} {m} | :: whaling |
walviskalf {n} | :: A whale calf |
walvistraan {mf} | :: whale oil |
walvisvaart {f} | :: whaling |
wam {mf} [archaic] | :: a belly |
wam {mf} [archaic] | :: a stomach |
wam {mf} | :: a beef dewlap |
wam {mf} | :: a fish belly cut open |
wambuis {n} | :: gambeson |
wan- {prefix} | :: Preceding nouns, verbs and adjectives with the sense ‘bad, un-’ |
wan {f} {m} | :: winnowing basket |
wanbeleid {n} | :: misgovernance |
wanbof {m} | :: misfortune, bad luck |
wanboffen {vi} | :: to have bad luck |
wanboffer {m} | :: unlucky person |
wand {m} | :: wall |
wand {m} | :: face (as in mountain face) |
wandaad {f} | :: A misdeed; in legal jargon, a less serious category of crime |
wandcontactdoos {f} | :: a electrical wall socket, an outlet on a wall |
wandelaar {m} | :: hiker |
wandelaar {m} | :: walker, someone who walks |
wandelen {v} | :: to stroll, be on a walk (‘to go for a walk’ = ‘gaan wandelen’) |
wandelen {v} | :: to walk |
wandelende tak {m} | :: stick insect |
wandeling {f} | :: walk, ramble |
wandelpad {n} | :: A path for walking; a walkway, a trail, a footpath |
wandelroute {m} | :: hiking trail, walking track |
wandelstok {m} | :: walking stick |
wandeltocht {f} | :: hike, stroll, walking trip |
wandkaart {f} | :: A wall map (topographical map hung on a wall) |
wandrocht {n} | :: monster, something or someone that is very ugly |
wandrochtig {adj} [obsolete] | :: monstrous, hideous |
wandtapijt {n} | :: tapestry |
wane {c} [Surinam] | :: A type of South American tree that produces hardwood, Sextonia rubra |
wanen {v} | :: to misbelieve (believe falsely or incorrectly) |
wang {f} | :: cheek |
wangedrag {n} | :: misconduct |
wangedrocht {n} | :: monstrosity, monster, something or someone very ugly |
wangeloof {n} [pejorative] | :: superstition |
wangeloof {n} [pejorative] | :: religious unorthodoxy |
wangeloven {v} [dated] | :: to disbelieve |
wangelovig {adj} [obsolete, pejorative] | :: superstitious |
wangelovig {adj} [obsolete, pejorative] | :: unorthodox |
wangelovig {adj} [obsolete, pejorative] | :: irreligious |
wangestalte {f} | :: misshapen figure |
wangzak {m} | :: A cheek pouch |
wanhoop {f} | :: despair |
wanhopig {adj} | :: hopeless, desperate |
wanhopige {noun} | :: desperate one, person in despair |
wankel {adj} | :: unsteady, unstable, tottering |
wankel {adj} | :: shaky, insecure |
wankelen {v} | :: to stagger |
wankelen {v} | :: to waver, to wobble |
wankelmoed {m} | :: fickleness, lack of steadfastness, proclivity to change course, opinion, etc |
wankelmoed {m} | :: cowardice, fearfulness |
Wankelmotor {m} | :: Wankel engine |
wanmolen {m} | :: winnowing mill |
wanneer {adv} | :: when |
wanneer {conj} | :: when |
wanneer {conj} | :: whenever |
wannen {v} | :: to winnow |
wanorde {f} | :: disorder, chaos |
wanordelijk {adj} | :: chaotic, messy |
wanprestatie {f} [law] | :: non-performance, breach of contract |
wanprestatie {f} [colloquial] | :: substandard performance, failure |
wansmaak {m} | :: poor aesthetic taste |
wansmaak {m} [dated] | :: a bad taste in one's mouth |
wansmaak {m} [obsolete] | :: aversion, disgust |
wanstaltig {adj} | :: deformed; misshapen |
want {conj} | :: for, because |
want {f} | :: mitten |
want {n} | :: shroud, sideways support for a mast |
wantaal {f} | :: any use of language considered substandard |
wantaal {f} [dated] | :: insulting, offensive or vulgar language |
wantoestand {m} | :: An incorrect, immoral or illegitimate condition or situation, a wrong |
wantrouwen {v} | :: to mistrust |
wantrouwen {n} | :: Mistrust |
wantrouwend {adj} | :: suspicious |
wantrouwig {adj} | :: suspicious, distrustful |
wants {m} | :: true bug (insect belonging to the Heteroptera, suborder within the Hemiptera) |
wanverhouding {f} | :: disproportion |
WAO {prop} {f} [Netherlands] | :: initialism of Wet op de arbeidsongeschiktheidsverzekering |
WAO'er {m} | :: someone with an incapacity to work who is covered by the WAO (i.e. those who became incapacitated before 2004) |
wapen {n} | :: weapon |
wapen {n} [heraldry] | :: coat of arms |
wapenen {vt} | :: to arm, to give weapons to |
wapenen {vt} | :: to reinforce, to protect |
wapenfeit {n} | :: feat, exploit, achievement, in particular in battle |
wapenhandel {m} | :: arms trade |
wapenkreet {m} | :: call to arms |
wapenkunde {f} | :: heraldry |
wapenschild {n} | :: coat of arms, blazon (heraldic bearings) |
wapensmid {m} | :: weaponsmith |
wapenspreuk {f} [heraldry] | :: heraldic motto |
wapenstand {m} | :: armistice |
wapenstand {m} | :: truce |
wapenstilstand {m} | :: armistice |
wapenstok {m} | :: truncheon, baton (blunt weapon) |
wapensysteem {n} | :: weapons system |
wapenteken {n} | :: coat of arms, blazon |
wapentuig {n} [collective] | :: military equipment, arms |
Wapenveld {prop} {n} | :: Wapenveld (village) |
wapenwedloop {m} | :: arms race |
wapperen {v} | :: to flutter, to wave about (such as hair) |
war {f} | :: confusion, disarray |
war {f} | :: tangle, mess |
war {f} | :: an elevated area on the floor of a body of water, a kind of contraption for luring and catching fish, where nets and fykes could be installed |
warboel {m} | :: disorderly mess |
Ward {prop} | :: A given name, either as a diminutive of Edward or officially given equivalent to English Ed(dy), Ned, Ted |
warempel {adv} | :: somehow, strangely |
warempel {interj} | :: response to something that is unexpected, amazing |
waren {vi} | :: to wander, to roam |
waren {vt} [obsolete] | :: to watch |
waren {vt} [obsolete] | :: to protect |
waren {vt} [obsolete] | :: to keep, to preserve |
warenfetisjisme {n} [Marxism] | :: commodity fetishism |
warenhuis {n} | :: A department store |
warenhuis {n} | :: A warehouse |
warenhuis {n} | :: A greenhouse in which crop rotation is practised |
wargeest {m} | :: scatterbrain |
Warholiaans {adj} | :: Warholian |
warhoofd {n} | :: scatterbrain |
warhoofdig {adj} | :: scatterbrained, muddled, confused |
warm {adj} | :: warm, hot |
warm {adj} [meteorology, officially] | :: 20 °C or more |
warmen {vtr} | :: to warm |
Warmerdam {prop} | :: surname |
warmoes {f} {n} [collective, historical] | :: vegetables, greens |
warmoes {f} {n} | :: chard, Beta vulgaris var. vulgaris or Beta vulgaris var. cicla |
warmoeswijf {n} [obsolete, historical] | :: A vegetable saleswoman |
warmoezerij {f} [historical, countable] | :: vegetable farm |
warmoezerij {f} [historical, uncountable] | :: vegetable cultivation |
warmoezier {m} [historical] | :: A vegetable farmer |
warmte {f} [literally] | :: physical warmth, thermal energy, from moderate to heat |
warmte {f} [figuratively] | :: warmth, pronounced feeling, especially sympathetic emotion |
warmtewisselaar {m} | :: heat exchanger |
warmwaterbron {m} | :: hot spring |
warmwaterkraan {f} | :: warm-water tap |
warmwaterkruik {f} | :: hot water bottle |
warmwaterkruikje {noun} | :: diminutive of warmwaterkruik |
warrig {adj} | :: tangled, messy |
warrig {adj} | :: disorderly, confused |
wars {adj} [nearly always predicative, with van] | :: disliking, having an aversion |
Warschau {prop} {n} | :: Warschau (capital city) |
Warschaupact {prop} {n} | :: Warsaw Pact |
wartaal {f} | :: gibberish, jargon |
was {m} | :: laundry, clothes that need to be washed, or just have been washed |
was {m} {n} | :: wax |
was {m} {n} | :: growth |
wasautomaat {m} | :: washing machine |
wasbak {m} | :: washbasin |
wasbal {m} | :: laundry ball |
wasbeer {m} | :: A raccoon, carnivore of the genus Procyon |
wasbeerachtige {noun} | :: procyonid, any member of the family Procyonidae |
wasbenzine {f} | :: white gas (petrol-based solvent, detergent) |
wasda {contraction} [colloquial] | :: contraction of wat is dat |
wasdom {m} | :: the act of growing; growth |
wasdom {m} | :: the act of or maturing |
wasem {m} | :: water vapour |
wasem {m} | :: condensation |
wasgelegenheid {f} | :: washing accommodation (i.e. something that functions as a restroom) |
wasgoed {n} | :: laundry (that which needs to be laundered) |
washand {m} | :: A washing mitt; a pouch-like piece of terry cloth used for personal hygiene |
Washington D.C. {prop} | :: Washington D.C. (capital city) |
waskeuken {f} | :: A scullery, used for washing in particular |
wasknijper {m} | :: A clothespin |
wasknijpertje {noun} | :: diminutive of wasknijper |
waskom {f} | :: washbasin |
waslijn {f} | :: clothesline |
waslijntje {noun} | :: diminutive of waslijn |
wasmachine {f} | :: washing machine |
wasmand {f} {m} | :: laundry basket |
wasmiddel {n} | :: laundry detergent, washing agent |
waspoeder {n} | :: washing powder |
wasrek {n} | :: A drying rack (rack for dryiing laundry) |
wasrekje {noun} | :: diminutive of wasrek |
wassen {vt} | :: to wash, to clean |
wassen {vi} [archaic] | :: to grow, to rise, to increase, to become higher and/or bigger, to wax |
wassen {adj} | :: made of wax, waxen |
wassen {vt} | :: to rub wax on |
wassenaar {m} | :: A crescent, incomplete lunar disk |
wassenaar {m} | :: The same as heraldic or other emblem; especially used by the Ottomans and Muslim states in general, hence (but rarely by this name) considered an Islamic pendant to the Christian cross and used as metaphore for Islam etc |
Wassenaar {prop} {n} | :: A village and municipality in South Holland, the Netherlands, located between The Hague and Leiden |
wasser {m} | :: A washer, someone who washes |
wasserette {f} | :: launderette, laundromat |
wasserij {f} | :: laundry (shop or staffed facility that launders clothes) |
wasserij {f} | :: laundromat (self-service laundry) |
wasstraat {f} | :: carwash |
wastafel {f} | :: washbasin |
wat {pron} [interrogative] | :: what: e.g. (1) asking for a subject complement; (2) asking for a sentence object |
wat {pron} [relative] | :: what: e.g. (1) as the object of a sentence; (2) ditto |
wat {pron} [relative] | :: that: e.g. (1) modifying an indefinite pronoun like iets, niets, alles or het enige; (2) modifying an adjective that is used as a noun, usually a superlative |
wat {pron} [relative] | :: which: e.g. (1) modifying the demonstrative pronouns dat and datgene; (2) referring back to an entire sentence |
wat {pron} [indefinite] | :: something: e.g. (1) as subject; (2) as subject complement |
wat {determiner} | :: some |
wat {adv} | :: a bit, somewhat |
watan {contraction} | :: contraction of wat and dan |
wat baten kaars en bril als de uil niet zien en wil {proverb} | :: If somebody doesn't want to learn or cooperate, there's no use in helping him or her to do so |
wat dan ook {pron} | :: whatever, anything |
wat de fak {interj} [vulgar] | :: alternative form of wat de fok |
wat de fak {phrase} [vulgar] | :: alternative form of wat de fok |
wat de fok {interj} [vulgar] | :: what the fuck |
wat de fok {phrase} [vulgar] | :: what the fuck |
wat de fuck {interj} [vulgar] | :: alternative form of wat de fok |
wat de fuck {phrase} [vulgar] | :: alternative form of wat de fok |
wat de neuk {interj} [vulgar, often, humorous] | :: alternative form of wat de fok |
wat de neuk {phrase} [vulgar, often, humorous] | :: alternative form of wat de fok |
wat een {phrase} | :: what a, such a |
water {n} | :: water (H2O) |
water {n} | :: body of water (such as a lake, ditch or stream) |
water {n} | :: bodily fluid (especially amniotic fluid) |
waterafstotend {adj} | :: water-repellent, water-resistant |
waterbed {n} | :: waterbed (matrass filled with water; bed with such a matrass) |
water bij de wijn doen {v} [idiomatic] | :: to compromize, to make a settlement (literally: to add water to the wine) |
waterbom {f} | :: water bomb |
waterbom {f} [derogatory] | :: Dutch tomato |
waterbom {f} [dated] | :: depth charge |
waterbouwkunde {f} | :: hydraulic engineering, coastal engineering |
waterbuffel {m} | :: water buffalo, Bubalus bubalis |
waterdicht {adj} | :: waterproof, watertight (being sealed in a way to prevent water from entering) |
waterdichtheid {f} | :: waterproofness |
waterdichtheid {f} | :: water density, the density of (a sample of) water |
waterdier {n} [zoology] | :: An aquatic animal (animal which lives (primarily) in water) |
waterdrager {m} | :: water bearer; servant etc. who carries water for others (troops, workers...) to drink or wash with |
waterdrager {m} | :: any lowly servant |
waterdrager {m} | :: flunky; humble and slavish follower, employee, sportsman who plays in function of the team stars etc |
wateren {vt} | :: to water, to irrigate, to soak |
wateren {vi} [common euphemism] | :: to urinate |
waterfiets {f} {m} | :: A pedalo |
waterfles {f} | :: A water bottle |
watergang {m} | :: watercourse |
watergang {m} | :: A waterway used for diverting disposed excess water |
Watergang {prop} {n} | :: Watergang (A <<village>> in <
>, <<c/Netherlands>>, located along the Noordhollandsch Kanaal.) |
watergeest {m} | :: A water sprite, a nix |
watergeus {m} [historical] | :: An insurrectionist during the early stage of the Dutch Revolt who was active at sea; a Sea Beggar, a Water Beggar |
Watergeus {m} [superseded] | :: alternative case form of watergeus |
watergevogelte {n} [collective] | :: waterbirds |
waterhoen {n} | :: The aquatic, gallinaceous bird type moorhen |
waterhoen {n} | :: Especially the gallinule Gallinula chloropus |
waterhond {m} | :: water dog |
waterhoofd {n} | :: hydrocephalus |
waterhoofd {n} [colloquial] | :: excess, especially of management, overhead and leadership |
waterhoos {f} | :: a tornado that occurs over a body of water; a waterspout |
waterig {adj} | :: watery, aqueous |
waterijs {n} | :: sorbet (frozen fruit juice) |
watering {f} | :: alternative form of wetering |
waterjuffer {f} [zoology] | :: pond damselfly; any damselfly that belongs to the family Coenagrionidae |
waterkanon {n} | :: water cannon |
waterkans {f} [Belgium] | :: slim chance |
waterkering {f} | :: A water barrier, a flood defence |
waterkers {f} [chiefly uncountable] | :: watercress, plant of the genus Nasturtium |
waterkeur {f} [historical] | :: a local ordinance regarding water |
waterkieken {noun} [Belgium] | :: water fowl |
waterkieken {noun} | :: soaked person |
waterkieken {noun} | :: person who likes to swim or play in the water |
waterkip {m} [Northern Netherlands and Zeeland, dialectal] | :: moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) |
waterkip {m} [Northern Netherlands, dialectal] | :: Eurasian coot (Fulica atra) |
waterkoker {m} | :: kettle (A vessel for boiling water for tea; a teakettle.) |
waterkou {f} | :: cold (low temperature) caused by moistness |
waterkoud {adj} | :: cold and damp |
waterkunde {f} | :: hydrology |
Waterland {prop} {n} | :: A region in North Holland, encompassing the municipalities Waterland, Landsmeer and parts of Purmerend, Edam-Volendam and Amsterdam-Noord, to the east of Zaandam and mostly to the north of Amsterdam, bordering the IJsselmeer |
Waterland {prop} {n} | :: A municipality in the east of the above-described region |
waterlander {m} | :: tear |
Waterlander {m} | :: A person from Waterland, a region in North Holland to the east of Zaandam and mostly to the north of Amsterdam |
waterleiding {f} | :: water pipe |
waterleiding {f} | :: waterworks |
waterlobelia {f} | :: water lobelia, Lobelia dortmanna |
Waterloo {prop} {n} | :: A village in Walloon Brabant, Belgium; the site of a major military battle in 1815 |
waterman {m} | :: water boy, water carrier |
Waterman {prop} {m} [zodiac constellations, astrology] | :: Aquarius |
watermeloen {f} | :: watermelon (plant and fruit) |
watermerk {n} | :: watermark (translucent image) |
watermolen {m} | :: watermill |
water naar de zee dragen {v} [idiomatic] | :: to carry coals to Newcastle, to do something unnecessary, to bring sand to the beach |
waterpartij {f} | :: An decorative or recreational artificial water feature |
waterpas {n} | :: A level, tool for finding whether a surface is leveled perfectly horizontally |
waterpas {adj} | :: spirit level, leveled perfectly horizontal |
waterpeil {n} | :: water level |
waterpijp {f} | :: tube (conduit) for transporting or containing water |
waterpijp {f} | :: water pipe, hookah |
waterpistool {n} | :: water gun, water pistol |
waterpistooltje {noun} | :: diminutive of waterpistool |
waterplaats {c} | :: urinal |
waterplaats {c} | :: drinking fountain, waterhole (an open storage where drinking water is kept) |
waterplant {f} | :: An aquatic plant, a waterplant |
waterplantje {noun} | :: diminutive of waterplant |
waterpoel {m} | :: waterhole (place with water where (wild) animals come to drink) |
waterpokken {p} [plurale tantum] | :: chicken pox |
waterpolo {n} | :: water polo |
waterpomp {f} | :: water pump |
waterpomptang {f} | :: groove-joint pliers, adjustable pliers |
waterput {m} | :: water well |
waterraaf {m} | :: cormorant |
waterral {f} | :: water rail, Rallus aquaticus |
waterree {f} {n} | :: water deer, Hydropotes inermis |
waterschade {f} | :: water damage |
waterschap {n} | :: water board, government structure for water management |
waterschap {n} [Netherlands] | :: separate level of government directly responsible for water management |
waterschap {n} [Belgium, Flemish Region] | :: intermediary structure for several distinct levels of government to discuss and plan water management |
waterschoen {m} | :: A water shoe (shoe intended for use in water) |
waterschoentje {noun} | :: diminutive of waterschoen |
waterslang {m} | :: water snake |
Waterslang {prop} {m} [constellation] | :: Hydra |
watersnip {f} | :: common snipe, Gallinago gallinago |
watersnipje {noun} | :: diminutive of watersnip |
watersnood {m} | :: a flood |
watersport {f} | :: watersport (sport played on or in water) |
waterspuwer {m} | :: gargoyle, waterspout |
waterstaat {m} | :: water management |
waterstaat {m} | :: A government agency or department responsible for the maintenance of infrastructure, initially specifically for water infrastructure |
waterstaat {m} [archaic] | :: The particular conditions (area, proportion, infrastructure) of surface water and ground water of a region, especially in relation to land |
waterstaatskerk {f} | :: A nineteenth-century church built with government subsidy and inspected by waterstaat, usually built for a Roman Catholic community as a compensation and often realised in a neoclassical architectural style |
waterstand {m} | :: water level |
waterstof {n} [chemistry] | :: hydrogen |
waterstofbom {f} | :: hydrogen bomb |
waterstofperoxide {n} | :: hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) |
waterstofsulfide {n} | :: hydrogen sulfide |
watertanden {v} | :: to make one's mouth water |
watertoren {m} | :: water tower |
waterval {m} | :: waterfall |
waterverf {f} | :: watercolor/watercolour, water-based pigment |
waterverplaatsing {f} | :: water displacement (volume of water displaced by an object) |
watervlakte {f} | :: expanse of water |
watervliegtuig {n} | :: seaplane (an aircraft with floaters as landing gear to enable it to land on water) |
watervogel {m} | :: An aquatic bird |
watervrees {f} [literally] | :: hydrophobia, aquaphobia, fear of water |
watervrees {f} [obsolete] | :: rabies |
waterweg {m} | :: waterway (navigable body of water) |
waterweg {m} | :: water route (route over a waterway) |
waterwerper {m} | :: water cannon (non-lethal weapon used for riot control, vehicle armed with this weapon) |
waterwolf {m} [literary, Netherlands] | :: water (personification of water as the national enemy) |
waterwolf {m} [Netherlands] | :: any body of water that is a threat to nearby land |
waterwolf {prop} {m} [literary, Netherlands] | :: the Haarlemmermeer |
waterzooi {f} | :: waterzooi, a type of Flemish stew |
wat is er {phrase} | :: what's the matter? what's on your mind? what's wrong? |
wat is er aan de hand {phrase} | :: What is the problem at hand? What is going on? |
watje {noun} | :: a piece of cotton wool |
watje {noun} [derogatory] | :: a wimp, a loser |
wat kan ik voor u doen {phrase} [formal] | :: What can I do for you? |
wat mij betreft {adv} | :: as far as I'm concerned |
wat niet weet, wat niet deert {proverb} | :: ignorance is bliss |
watt {m} | :: watt |
watten {p} | :: cotton wool |
wattman {m} [Belgium] | :: tram driver |
wat voor {phrase} | :: what kind of |
Wauters {prop} | :: surname |
wauw {interj} | :: wow (exclaims surprise or amazement) |
Waver {prop} {n} | :: Wavre, a town in Belgium |
waypoint {n} | :: waypoint |
wazig {adj} | :: bleary, blurry, fuzzy |
wc {m} | :: toilet (bathroom with toilet) |
wc {m} | :: water closet |
wc-borstel {m} | :: toilet brush |
wc-bril {m} | :: A toilet seat |
wc-papier {n} | :: toilet paper |
wc-papiertje {noun} | :: diminutive of wc-papier |
wc-rol {f} {m} | :: A roll of toilet paper, a toilet roll |
wdj {interj} [internet slang] | :: acronym of Wat doe je? |
we {pron} | :: we |
web {n} | :: web |
web {n} | :: the World Wide Web |
webcam {m} | :: webcam |
webcamseks {m} | :: webcam sex (sexual activity recorded by a webcam) |
weblog {n} {m} | :: A weblog |
weblogger {m} | :: A weblogger |
weblogje {noun} | :: diminutive of weblog |
webpagina {f} | :: web page |
website {m} | :: web site |
webstek {m} [now, chiefly Belgium] | :: website, now especially a personal website |
webwinkel {m} | :: online store |
wecken {v} | :: to home-can (to conserve home-made products by heating and storing them in airtight bottles) |
wed {n} | :: ford, shallow river crossing |
wed {n} | :: drinking place for animals |
wedde {f} [chiefly Belgium] | :: wage, wages |
wedde {f} [Netherlands, dated, military] | :: wage of a soldier |
wedden {vi} | :: to wager, to bet, to accept a gamble |
weddenschap {f} | :: wager, bet |
wedder {m} [literally] | :: A wagerer, one who bets |
wedder {m} | :: A gambler, someone given to wagers and gambles |
wede {f} | :: twig, especially of an oak or willow |
wede {f} | :: woad |
wede {f} | :: (by extension) blue dye from the woad plant |
wede {f} [in toponyms] | :: forest |
wede {f} [in toponyms] | :: brushwood, thicket |
weder- {prefix} | :: alternative form of weer- |
weder {adv} [dated] | :: alternative form of weer |
weder {n} | :: dated form of weer |
wederbeeld {n} | :: mirror image |
wederbeeld {n} [by extension] | :: opposite |
wederdoper {m} [historical] | :: Anabaptist |
wedergeboorte {f} | :: rebirth, revival |
wedergeboorte {f} | :: reincarnation, transmigration |
wederhalen {v} | :: to bring back, to return |
wederhalen {v} | :: to rehearse |
wederhalen {v} | :: to resay |
wederhelft {f} {m} | :: significant other, spouse, partner |
wederik {m} | :: loosestrife, plant of the genus Lysimachia |
wederkerend {adj} | :: reflexive (mostly in grammar terms like reflexive verb) |
wederkerend voornaamwoord {n} | :: reflexive pronoun |
wederkerend werkwoord {n} | :: reflexive verb |
wederkerig {adj} | :: mutual, reciprocal |
wederlegschrift {n} [dated] | :: written refutation |
wederliefde {f} [now exclusively singular] | :: love in return, responsive love |
wederom {adv} | :: again, once again |
wederopbouw {m} | :: reconstruction |
wederopbouwmissie {f} [military] | :: reconstruction mission (military mission whose stated aim is to rebuild a country or region) |
wederrechtelijk {adj} [formal, legal jargon] | :: illegal, against the law |
wederspoed {m} [archaic] | :: misfortune, hardship (difficult, testing situation) |
wederstreven {v} [dated, formal] | :: alternative form of weerstreven |
wederstrevig {adj} | :: rebellious, resistant |
wederuitvoer {m} [economics] | :: reexport |
wederwraak {f} [formal] | :: alternative form of weerwraak |
wederzijds {adj} | :: mutual, reciprocal |
wedijver {m} | :: rivalry |
wedijveren {vi} | :: to compete, to vie |
wedloop {m} | :: A race in running (speed contest in running) |
wedloop {m} | :: Any competition, instance of competing |
wedloop naar de bodem {m} | :: race to the bottom |
wedstrijd {m} | :: race, competition |
wedstrijd {m} | :: game, match |
wedstrijdvervalsing {f} | :: match fixing |
weduw {mf} | :: a widowed person; a widow or widower |
weduwe {f} | :: widow, surviving wife |
weduwnaar {m} | :: widower, surviving husband |
wee {adj} | :: nauseating |
wee {f} | :: contraction during labour or childbirth |
wee {f} [archaic] | :: sorrow, sadness, pain, woe (used in interjections of despair or annoyance) |
weefgetouw {n} | :: loom (frame used for weaving, of very variable size) |
weefsel {n} | :: tissue (e.g. living tissue) |
weefsel {n} | :: fabric (e.g. woven fabric) |
weefselleer {f} | :: histology (study of tissue and tissue structures) |
weeg {f} {m} | :: a wall consisting of a structure of laths and beams with in-between a plaiting of wicker, twigs or straw, filled and flattened with clay or lime |
weeg {f} {m} | :: plaited fence |
weeg {f} {m} | :: any non-stone wall |
weegbree {f} | :: A plantain, fleawort, a plant of the genus Plantago |
weegschaal {f} | :: scale (device to measure weight) |
Weegschaal {prop} {f} [zodiac constellations, astrology] | :: Libra |
week {f} | :: week |
week {adj} | :: soft, tender, fragile |
week {adj} | :: weak, gentle, weakhearted |
weekblad {n} | :: weekly (publication that is published once a week) |
weekdier {n} | :: A mollusc, invertebrate animal of the phylum Mollusca |
weekeind {n} | :: weekend, Saturday and Sunday |
weekeinde {n} | :: weekend, Saturday and Sunday |
weekend {n} | :: weekend |
weeklagen {v} | :: to whine |
weekloon {n} | :: A week's pay, weekly wage |
weeksluiting {f} | :: Closing event for the previous week(s), during which the participants display or perform things or activities which they have worked during the past week(s): for example, several classes of the same level in a grammar school perform a weeksluiting at the end of a week, to close off a theme that had been worked on up to that point (with the teacher's guidance, of course) |
weelde {f} | :: affluence, wealth, luxury |
weemoed {m} [slightly, literary] | :: melancholy |
weemoedig {adj} | :: melancholic, wistful |
weemoedigheid {f} | :: melancholy |
weer- {prefix} | :: again |
weer- {prefix} | :: against, contrary |
weer {adv} | :: again |
weer {adv} | :: back |
weer {n} | :: weather |
weer {m} | :: wether |
weer {n} | :: foxing (in textiles) |
weer {n} | :: callus |
weer {m} | :: knot in wood |
weer {f} | :: defense |
weer {f} | :: resistance |
weer {f} [law, feudalism] | :: seisin |
weer {f} [law, feudalism] | :: seisin |
weer {m} [archaic] | :: man |
weeral {adv} [Belgium] | :: (once) again |
weerbarstig {adj} | :: rebellious, recalcitrant, unruly |
weerbarstig {adj} | :: difficult, pesky (said of problems) |
weerbarstig {adj} | :: difficult to shape, inflexible (said of materials) |
weerbarstigheid {f} | :: stubbornness, headstrongness |
weerbeer {m} [uncommon] | :: werebear |
weerbericht {n} | :: weather report |
weerbestendig {adj} | :: weather-resistant |
weerbom {f} [meteorology] | :: sudden heavy storm caused by a precipitous drop in pressure in a depression |
weergalmen {v} | :: to ring, to make an echoing sound |
weergaloos {adj} | :: unrivalled, unequalled, unique |
weergave {c} | :: reproduction, rendering |
weergeld {n} [historical] | :: wergeld |
weergeven {v} | :: to give back |
weergeven {v} | :: to render, interpret |
weergeven {v} | :: to display, to reproduce |
weerglans {m} | :: glistening, glowing reflection; reflected shine or gleam |
weerhaak {m} | :: barb, fluke (protruding point or hook in stingers or metal weapons or tools) |
weerhaan {m} | :: weathercock |
weerhanen {noun} | :: plural of weerhaan |
weerhouden {v} | :: to hold back |
weerjaguar {m} | :: werejaguar |
weerkaart {c} [meteorology] | :: weather map, weather chart |
weerkaatsen {v} [optics] | :: to reflect |
weerkaatsing {f} [optics] | :: reflection |
weerkerk {f} | :: A fortified church (church with fortified walls, serving as a fortification) |
weerklank {m} | :: echo, reverberation |
weerklinken {vi} | :: to resound; to echo; to ring out |
weerkunde {f} | :: meteorology |
weerleggen {v} | :: to reject, to refute, to belie |
weerlegging {f} | :: refutation (an act of refuting) |
weerlicht {n} | :: sheet lightning |
weerlicht {n} [dated] | :: lightning [in general] |
weerloos {adj} | :: defenseless |
weerloosheid {f} [uncountable] | :: defencelessness |
weerloosheid {f} [Protestantism, uncountable] | :: nonviolence; the rejection of any violence even for self-defence, as practiced by the historic peace churches, especially the Anabaptists |
weerloosheid {f} [rare, countable] | :: something undefended |
weerloosheidsbeginsel {n} [Protestantism, uncountable] | :: principle of nonviolence, as practiced by the historic peace churches, especially in reference to the Anabaptists |
weermacht {f} | :: armed forces |
weerman {m} | :: A weatherman, a male weather forecaster |
weer om geen hond door te sturen {n} | :: extremely bad weather |
weerpluim {m} [neologism] | :: A graph showing multi-day or multi-week weather forecasts with error margins, |
weersomstandigheid {f} [chiefly in the plural] | :: weather condition |
weerspannig {adj} | :: refractory |
weerspannig {adj} [of things] | :: asking effort, difficult |
weerspiegelen {v} | :: to reflect, to mirror |
weerspiegeling {f} | :: reflection |
weerspreken {v} | :: to refute, to contradict |
weerssituatie {f} | :: weather situation |
weerstaan {v} | :: to resist, withstand |
weerstand {m} | :: resistance |
weerstand {m} [physics] | :: resistance |
weerstand {m} [electricity] | :: electrical resistance |
weerstand {m} [electronics] | :: resistor (electronic component) |
weerstation {n} | :: weather station, meteorological station |
weerstreven {vt} [formal] | :: to oppose, to resist against |
weerstrevig {adj} | :: alternative form of wederstrevig |
weersverwachting {f} | :: weather forecast |
weersvoorspelling {f} | :: weather forecast |
Weert {prop} {n} | :: Weert (city/and/municipality) |
weervast {adj} | :: weather-resistant |
weervrouw {f} | :: A weatherwoman, a female weather forecaster |
weerwil {m} | :: reluctance, something contrary to one's will |
weerwolf {m} | :: werewolf |
weerwolverij {f} | :: lycanthropy; the condition of being a werewolf or the action of becoming a werewolf |
weerwraak {f} | :: retaliation, revenge |
weerzin {m} | :: revulsion, aversion |
weerzinwekkend {adj} | :: repulsive, abhorrent, revolting |
wees {mf} | :: An orphan, who survived both parents |
weesfiets {m} | :: abandoned or owner-less bike present in a public space |
weesgegroet {n} [Roman Catholicism] | :: The Catholic prayer Hail Mary, after its (merged) first words |
weesgegroetje {n} [Roman Catholicism] | :: Hail Mary |
weesgeneesmiddel {n} | :: orphan drug (medical drug or treatment for a rare condition) |
weeshuis {n} | :: An orphanage |
weesjongen {m} | :: An orphan boy |
weeskind {n} | :: An orphaned child, an underage orphan |
weesmeisje {n} | :: An orphan girl |
weest {v} [with postpositioned u] | :: imperative of zijn |
weet {m} | :: knowledge; science |
weet {m} [archaic] | :: notice; advertisement |
weetal {m} | :: A know-all, a know-it-all |
weetgierig {adj} | :: inquisitive, curious (eager and desireful of learning and knowing) |
weet je {interj} | :: you know |
weetje {noun} | :: a trivial but useful piece of information, a tip |
weetje {noun} | :: a fact |
weeuw {f} [archaic, poetic] | :: widow |
weg {m} | :: way, road |
weg {adv} | :: away |
weg {adv} | :: gone, disappeared |
weg {adv} [slang] | :: hammered |
wegaanduiding {f} | :: road sign: the sign that shows the number of the road, e.g. M1 |
wegconcurreren {v} | :: to outcompete, typically by means of arguably unfair practices; to undercut |
wegdek {n} | :: pavement, paving, road surface |
wegdoen {v} | :: to put away, to clear away, to get rid of |
wegebben {v} | :: to fade away slowly, ebb away |
wegen {vt} | :: to weigh (to determine the weight or be of specified weight) |
wegenaanleg {m} | :: road construction |
wegenbelasting {f} | :: road tax |
wegenbouw {m} | :: road construction |
wegenkaart {f} | :: road map |
wegennet {n} | :: road network |
wegens {prep} | :: because of, for |
weggaan {vi} | :: to go away, to leave |
wegge {f} | :: wedge |
wegge {f} | :: a wedge-shaped object, like a bread |
wegge {f} | :: wheat bread, often a special type of bread, with great regional differences in meaning |
weggebruiker {m} | :: road user (someone who makes use of a public road at any given time) |
weggeven {v} | :: to give away, to offer as a gift |
weggooien {vt} | :: to throw away, discard |
weghalen {v} | :: to take away, remove |
weghelft {f} | :: half/side of the road (part of the road with traffic going in one particular direction) |
wegkijken {v} | :: to look away, avert one's gaze |
wegkijken {v} [figuratively] | :: to remain wilfully ignorant or refuse to face reality |
wegkijker {m} | :: Someone who refuses to face reality or acknowledge an uncomfortable truth |
wegkwijnen {v} | :: to waste away |
weglaten {v} | :: to omit |
weglating {f} | :: omission, deletion |
weglatingsteken {n} | :: apostrophe |
wegleggen {v} | :: to put away, to lay aside |
weglopen {vi} | :: to walk away, to walk off |
weglopen {vi} [of fluids] | :: to stream away, to run off |
wegmisbruiker {m} | :: road abuser, someone who shows bad behaviour on public roads |
wegnemen {v} | :: to take away |
wegnemer {m} | :: one who takes away |
wegnemer {m} [obsolete, grammar] | :: a word in the ablative case |
wegpiraat {m} | :: a dangerous, aggressive and/or inconsiderate motorist, a road hog |
wegpromoveren {v} | :: to promote, to assign to a higher position |
wegpunt {n} | :: waypoint |
wegrestaurant {n} | :: A roadside restaurant, a roadside diner |
wegrit {m} [cycling] | :: road race |
wegschrijven {v} | :: to write data to long-term storage (e.g. a hard disk) |
wegslepen {vt} | :: to tow away, to draw away, to haul away |
wegsluipen {v} | :: to sneak off, slip away |
wegspoelen {v} | :: to wash away, to flush away |
wegstemmen {vt} | :: to vote out, to reject, to vote away |
wegstoppen {v} | :: to put away |
wegstoppen {v} | :: to hide |
wegsturen {v} | :: to send away |
wegsturen {v} | :: to dismiss |
wegvagen {v} | :: to wipe out, raze |
wegvagen {v} | :: to sweep away |
wegvagen {v} | :: to rub out, delete |
wegvallen {v} | :: to become absent, disappear |
wegvallen {v} | :: to be left out, be omitted |
wegverkeer {n} | :: road traffic |
wegversperring {f} | :: road block |
wegvervoer {n} | :: road transport |
wegvliegen {v} | :: to fly away |
wegvliegen {v} | :: to flee, to swiftly run away |
wegvoeren {v} | :: to carry away |
wegwaaien {v} | :: to be blown away by the wind |
wegwaarts {adv} | :: going elsewhere |
wegwerken {v} | :: to eliminate, get rid of |
wegwerkzaamheid {f} [chiefly a plurale tantum] | :: roadwork |
wegwerpaansteker {m} | :: disposable lighter |
wegwerpen {v} | :: to cast away, to throw out |
wegwerpen {v} [figuratively] | :: to reject |
wegwerpluier {m} | :: A disposable nappy, a disposable diaper |
wegwezen {v} | :: to go away, to be gone |
wegwezen {v} | :: to get out, to scram |
wegwijzer {m} | :: A road sign |
wegwijzer {m} | :: Any other sign giving directions where to go and/or which path/trail/route to follow, e.g. within a building or gardens |
wegwijzer {m} [figuratively] | :: Something giving ample directions in a more theoretical field, e.g. a publication with legal advice, administrative procedures |
wegzetten {v} | :: to put away, set aside |
wei {f} | :: a product obtained from milk; whey |
wei {f} | :: alternative form of weide |
weide {f} | :: pasture |
weidemolen {m} | :: meadow mill, a small windmill to drain an meadow |
weiden {v} [ergative] | :: to (let/make) graze |
weidewinkel {m} [Netherlands] | :: A large supermarket, DIY centre or warehouse built on an industrial estate or outside built-up areas |
weidman {m} [archaic] | :: hunter |
weids {adj} | :: broad, widely spread |
weids {adj} | :: spacious |
weifelen {v} | :: to waver, falter |
weigerachtig {adj} | :: prone to refusing |
weigerambtenaar {m} [Netherlands] | :: civil officiant (a civil servant) who refuses to marry same-sex couples |
weigeren {vit} | :: to refuse, to deny (not to allow) |
weigering {f} | :: refusal |
weigerlijk {adv} [Belgium] | :: carefully, heedfully |
weigeruroloog {m} | :: a urologist that refuses to perform circumcisions |
Weijers {prop} | :: surname |
weiland {n} | :: pasture |
Weimar {prop} {n} | :: Weimar (city) |
Weimarrepubliek {prop} {f} | :: Weimar Republic |
weinig {determiner} | :: little, few, not much, not many |
weinig {pron} | :: little, not much, not a lot |
weinig {adv} | :: little, not much |
weinig {adv} | :: not often |
weit {f} | :: wheat |
wekelijk {adj} | :: effeminate, weak |
wekelijks {adv} | :: Weekly |
wekelijks {adj} | :: Weekly |
weken {vt} [archaic] | :: to soften |
weken {vtr} | :: to soak |
wekenlang {adv} | :: for weeks |
wekenlang {adj} | :: lasting weeks |
wekken {vt} | :: to wake, to wake up |
wekken {vt} | :: to cause (particularly of certain emotions) |
wekker {m} | :: An alarm clock |
wekker {m} | :: Someone who wakes other people |
wekkerradio {m} | :: clock radio |
wel- {prefix} | :: well- |
wel {adv} | :: The opposite of not (used to add positive emphasis to the verb, much like the auxiliaries "do" or "does" in affirmative sentences in English) |
wel {adv} | :: no less than, as much as, as many as (expressing amazement) |
wel {adv} | :: fairly |
wel {adv} [dated, regional] | :: well |
wel {n} | :: weal (general state of well-being and prosperity) |
wel {f} [rare] | :: well, source |
wel {c} | :: well; shaft (excavation made for the extraction of mineral resources) |
welbehagen {n} | :: pleasure |
welbemind {adj} | :: beloved |
welbespraakt {adj} | :: well-spoken, eloquent |
welbespraaktheid {f} | :: eloquence (the quality of artistry and persuasiveness in speech or writing) |
welbevinden {n} | :: well-being, in particular good health or a good condition |
weldaad {f} | :: good deed |
wel degelijk {adv} | :: used to deny a negative assertion: certainly, too |
weldoener {m} | :: benefactor |
weldoenster {f} | :: benefactor ("benefactress", as it were) |
weldoorvoed {adj} | :: well-fed |
weldra {adv} | :: soon |
wel eens {adv} | :: occasionally |
weleens {adv} | :: sometimes |
weleer {adv} | :: yore |
weleer {n} | :: good times that have gone by; yesteryear |
wel en wee {n} | :: The circumstances, both positive and negative, that one experiences; ups and downs, wellbeing |
welgang {m} | :: success |
welgesteld {adj} | :: well-to-do |
welgezindheid {f} | :: affinity, attraction |
welig {adj} | :: luxuriant |
welig tieren {v} | :: to thrive, to flourish |
welingelicht {adj} | :: abreast, well-informed |
weliswaar {adv} | :: admittedly, indeed |
welk {determiner} | :: which (what, of those mentioned or implied) |
welk {pron} [relative] | :: which |
welken {v} | :: to wither |
welken {pron} [relative, dated] | :: to which, to whom |
welker {pron} [relative, dated] | :: whose, of whom |
welker {pron} [relative, dated] | :: to which, to whom |
welke talen spreekt u {phrase} | :: what languages do you speak? |
welkom {adj} | :: welcome |
welkom {interj} | :: welcome! |
welks {pron} [relative, dated] | :: whose |
wellen {v} | :: to soak, to soften by putting into water |
welles {interj} [affirmation, colloquial, childish] | :: Used to contradict a negative assertion |
welletjes {adj} [invariable, colloquial] | :: enough |
wellevend {adj} | :: well-mannered, courteous |
wellevend {adv} | :: courteously |
wellevendheid {f} | :: courtesy |
wellevendheid {f} | :: etiquette |
wellicht {adv} [sentence-initial] | :: possibly, perhaps |
wellicht {adv} | :: probably, likely |
welluidend {adj} | :: euphonious |
welluidendheid {f} | :: euphony |
wellust {f} {m} | :: pleasure, lust |
wellust {f} {m} | :: lust, lechery, sensual pleasure |
wellust {f} {m} | :: desire |
wel moge het u bekomen {phrase} | :: Said after a meal, to wish that the addressed enjoyed it |
welnee {interj} | :: of course not |
welopgevoed {adj} | :: well-brought-up, well-raised, well-bred, well-mannered |
welordening {f} [mathematics] | :: well-ordering |
weloverwogen {adj} | :: measured, deliberate (such as a plan or a murder) |
welp {m} {n} | :: whelp, young mammal of certain carnivorous species, notably canine pup, bear - or lion cub |
welp {m} {n} | :: human youngster, especially of age group 8-11 in boy scouts |
welriekend {adj} | :: fragrant |
Welsh {n} | :: Welsh, the language |
Welsh {adj} | :: Welsh |
welsprekend {adj} | :: eloquent |
welsprekendheid {f} | :: eloquence |
welstand {m} | :: prosperity, wealth, success |
welterusten {interj} [chiefly Netherlands] | :: good night, sleep well |
welvaart {f} | :: welfare |
welvaartsspieren {p} [colloquial] | :: fat |
welvaartsstaat {m} [now, chiefly Belgium] | :: welfare state |
welvaren {v} | :: to prosper, thrive |
welven {vt} | :: to bend like an arch, to arch |
welven {vr} | :: to be shaped like an arch, to become arch-shaped |
welwillend {adj} | :: kind |
welwillend {adv} | :: kindly |
welwillendheid {f} | :: kindness, goodwill |
welzijn {n} | :: well-being |
wemelen {v} | :: (used with van) to teem with, to be abound with, to be filled with |
wen {adv} [archaic] | :: when |
wen {conj} [archaic] | :: when |
wendbaar {adj} | :: nimble, agile |
wendbaar {adj} | :: versatile, manoeuvrable |
wendbaarheid {f} | :: agility |
wende {f} | :: turnaround |
wenden {vt} | :: to direct oneself, turn |
wenden {vi} [nautical] | :: to come about |
wending {f} | :: turn, chance to do something |
wending {f} | :: turn of events, change of circumstance |
wenen {vi} | :: To cry, weep, shed tears |
Wenen {prop} {n} | :: Wenen (capital city) |
wenk {m} | :: a hint or a sign with certain body movements such as wink, nod or wave |
wenkbrauw {f} | :: eyebrow |
wenkbrauwpotlood {n} | :: eyebrow pencil |
wenken {v} | :: to beckon, wave |
wenken {v} | :: to warn by hinting with body movements |
wennen {vi} | :: to get used (to), to become accustomed [+ aan (object) = to] |
wennen {vi} | :: to become familiar |
wens {m} | :: wish |
wensdenken {n} | :: wishful thinking |
wenselijk {adj} | :: desirable |
wenselijkheid {f} | :: desirability |
wensen {v} | :: to wish |
wensende wijs {m} [grammar] | :: the optative mood |
wenskaart {f} | :: postcard to express wishes |
wentelen {vi} | :: To rotate, turn |
wentelen {vt} | :: To rotate, turn over |
wentelen {vi} | :: To revolve, wind |
wentelen {vr} | :: To wallow, roll over |
wentelteefje {n} | :: French toast |
wentelteefje {n} | :: sometimes used as a pet name for women; Cutie Pie, Cupcake, Candy, Pumpkin |
wenteltrap {m} | :: spiral staircase |
wenteltrap {m} | :: wentletrap, mollusc of the family Epitoniidae |
wentelwiek {f} [uncommon] | :: A helicopter |
wentelwiek {f} [rare, nonstandard] | :: The rotor of a helicopter or a similar aircraft; the sail of a windmill |
werdegang {m} | :: development process, past evolution |
werdegang {m} | :: career history |
wereld {f} {m} | :: world |
Wereldbank {prop} {f} {m} | :: World Bank |
wereldbeeld {n} | :: worldview (set of views and opinions about the world and society) |
wereldberoemd {adj} | :: world-famous |
wereldbevolking {f} | :: global population, world population |
wereldbol {m} | :: globe |
wereldbrand {m} [philosophy, Stoicism, religion] | :: conflagration, cyclical or eschatological destruction of the world through fire |
wereldbrand {m} | :: any large fire |
wereldbrand {m} [poetic] | :: world war, world-scale conflict |
wereldburger {m} | :: cosmopolite, citizen of the world, cosmopolitan |
wereldburgeres {f} | :: female cosmopolite, female citizen of the world, female cosmopolitan |
werelddeel {n} | :: continent |
Werelddierendag {prop} {m} | :: World Animal Day (4 October) |
wereldeconomie {f} [uncountable] | :: world economy, global economy |
wereldeconomie {f} [countable] | :: globally important economy |
wereldeconomie {f} [countable, sociology] | :: international economic system without a single hegemon |
werelderfgoed {n} | :: World heritage (as designated by UNESCO), such as World Heritage Sites |
wereldhandel {m} | :: international trade, world trade, global trade |
wereldheer {m} [Roman Catholicism] | :: secular clergyman |
wereldheerschappij {f} | :: world domination |
wereldkaart {f} | :: world map |
wereldkampioen {m} | :: world champion |
wereldkampioenschap {n} | :: world championship |
wereldkrijg {m} [archaic] | :: world war |
wereldlijk {adj} | :: worldly, temporal |
wereldmacht {f} | :: world power |
wereldmuziek {f} | :: world music (blend of pop and traditional music) |
wereldmuziek {f} [historical] | :: music of the spheres |
wereldnieuws {n} | :: global news, news from all over the world or globally important new |
wereldomroep {m} | :: international or worldwide broadcasting service |
wereldoorlog {m} | :: world war |
wereldorde {f} | :: A world order |
wereldpolitiek {f} | :: geopolitics |
wereldrevolutie {f} | :: world revolution, global revolution |
wereldrijk {m} [literally] | :: A global empire, which rules the (known) world |
wereldrijk {m} | :: A colonial empire which comprises at least part of every (known) continent |
wereldrijk {m} [figuratively] | :: A 'world class' great power, which can rival any coexistent empire |
werelds {adj} | :: worldly |
wereldschokkend {adj} | :: earthshattering, shocking, of great import or consequence |
wereldstekker {m} | :: plug adapter |
wereldtaal {f} | :: world language (language spoken widely internationally) |
wereldtaal {f} | :: world language (global lingua franca, usually pertaining to a constructed language) |
wereldtentoonstelling {f} | :: World Fair |
wereldtitel {m} | :: world title |
wereldverbeteraar {m} | :: (utopian) social reformer |
wereldverbeteraar {m} [pejorative] | :: do-gooder |
wereldverzaker {m} [chiefly Hinduism, Buddhism] | :: ascetic, someone who pursues an ascetic way of life |
wereldvoorraad {m} | :: global supply, global stock |
wereldvrede {f} | :: world peace |
wereldwijd {adj} | :: worldwide |
wereldwonder {n} | :: wonder of the world |
wereldzee {f} | :: ocean |
wereldzee {f} | :: all of the Earth's oceans and major seas |
weren {vt} | :: to hold back, to keep out |
werf {m} [regional, Southern Dutch, Belgian Dutch] | :: short for bouwwerf |
werf {m} | :: short for scheepswerf |
werf {m} | :: wharf, quay |
wering {f} | :: the act of keeping out something; exclusion |
werk {n} | :: task, job, chore |
werk {n} | :: profession (line of work) |
werk {n} | :: workplace |
werk {n} | :: product (result of work) |
werk {n} [dialectal] | :: Coarse fibres and woody parts of flax and hemp, discarded as garbage |
werkbaar {adj} | :: workable, functional |
werkbalk {m} [graphical user interface] | :: toolbar |
werkbij {f} | :: worker bee |
werkbij {f} | :: a woman that works hard |
werkdag {m} | :: working day, workday |
werkdier {n} | :: A working animal, a domesticated animal put to work of use for man, as opposed to pets and wild animals |
werkdruk {m} | :: workload |
werkeiland {n} | :: An artificial island created for construction purposes |
werkelijk {adj} | :: real, actual |
werkelijk {adv} | :: really, truly |
werkelijkheid {f} | :: reality |
werkelijkheid {f} [obsolete] | :: activity, the state of being active or operative |
werkelijkheid {f} [obsolete] | :: activity, action, something one does |
werkelijkheidszin {m} | :: sense of reality |
werkelijkheidszin {m} | :: realism |
werkeloos {adj} | :: having nothing to do, doing nothing; idle, workless |
werkeloos {adj} | :: workless, jobless, unemployed |
werken {vi} | :: to work, labour |
werken {vi} | :: to work, to be effective |
werken {vi} | :: to function, be in working order |
werken {vt} [amateur radio] | :: to contact |
werker {m} | :: worker |
werkgebied {n} | :: working area, area of operation |
werkgeefster {f} | :: a female employer |
werkgelegenheid {f} | :: Employment (total number of jobs) |
werkgever {m} | :: an employer |
werkgroep {f} {m} | :: workgroup, taskforce |
werking {f} | :: working, functioning |
werkloos {adj} | :: alternative form of werkeloos |
werkloosheid {f} | :: shortage of work |
werkloosheid {f} | :: unemployment |
werkloosheidsval {m} | :: welfare trap |
werkloze {mf} | :: unemployed person, the unemployed |
werklust {m} | :: industry (3) |
werkman {m} | :: workman, (employed) working man; commoner |
werkman {m} | :: worker, laborer |
werkmier {f} | :: worker ant, ergate |
werkneemster {f} | :: a female employee |
werknemer {m} | :: an employee |
werkpaard {n} | :: A workhorse |
werkpaard {n} [figurative] | :: A diligent, hard-working person or piece of equipment |
werkplaats {f} {m} | :: workshop |
werkplaats {f} {m} [freemasonry] | :: a Masonic lodge |
werkplek {f} {m} | :: workplace |
werkschuw {adj} | :: workshy |
werkstellig {adj} [rare] | :: in effect, in force, being applied in practice |
werkster {f} | :: maid (house cleaner) |
werkster {f} | :: female worker |
werkster {f} | :: worker female among eusocial insects |
werkstraf {f} {m} | :: community service as a substitute for a jail sentence |
werktuig {n} | :: tool |
werktuigkunde {f} | :: mechanical engineering |
werkuur {n} | :: working hour |
werkverlet {n} [Belgium] | :: leave from work |
werkverschaffing {f} | :: A public employment programme |
werkvloer {m} | :: workplace |
werkwijze {f} {m} | :: working method, working procedure |
werkwoord {n} | :: verb |
werkwoordelijk {adj} | :: verbal |
werkzaam {adj} | :: operative |
werkzaam {adj} | :: hardworking |
werkzaam {adj} | :: employed |
werkzaamheid {f} | :: activity, operation |
werkzaamheid {f} | :: efficacy, efficaciousness |
werkzaamheid {f} | :: diligence |
werk ze {interj} | :: good luck at work! |
werpen {vt} | :: to throw |
werpen {vt} [of animals] | :: to give birth |
werper {m} | :: thrower |
werphout {n} | :: throwing stick |
werpmes {n} | :: throwing knife |
werpschijf {f} | :: discus |
werpspies {f} | :: javelin |
werpster {m} | :: throwing star, shuriken |
werpster {f} | :: thrower (feminine); a woman who throws |
wers {adv} [archaic, West Flemish] | :: worse |
werst {f} | :: verst (obsolete Russian unit of length) |
wervel {m} | :: vertebra |
werveldier {n} [dated, zoology] | :: A vertebrate, animal which has a vertebral column |
wervelen {v} | :: to whirl, to twist, to swirl |
wervelkolom {m} | :: vertebral column |
wervelstorm {m} | :: cyclone, tornado |
wervelstroom {m} | :: eddy current |
wervelwind {m} | :: whirlwind |
werven {v} | :: To recruit, notably for enlistment or civil employment |
werven {v} | :: To obtain (money) through soliciting |
werver {m} | :: A recruiter of staff, notably: |
werver {m} | :: of troops |
werver {m} | :: of sailors |
werver {m} | :: A political or other propagandist |
werwaarts {adv} [archaic] | :: whither, to where |
wesp {f} | :: wasp, used certain members of the order Hymenoptera, especially of the superfamily Vespoidea |
wespendief {m} | :: pern, European honey buzzard, Pernis apivorus |
wespendief {m} | :: honey buzzard, any raptor of the genera Pernis and Henicopernis |
wespennest {n} | :: A wasps' nest |
wespennest {n} [figurative] | :: A difficult situation, a hornets' nest |
wespenspin {f} | :: alternative form of wespspin |
wespentaille {f} | :: a wasp waist, wasp-like waistline, a very slim waist |
wespspin {f} | :: wasp spider, Argiope bruennichi |
Wesseling {prop} | :: surname |
Wessels {prop} | :: surname |
Wessem {prop} {n} | :: Wessem (town) |
west {adv} [only in compounds] | :: west |
west {adv} | :: westwards |
West-Australië {prop} | :: West-Australië (state) |
West-Azië {prop} | :: Western Asia |
West-Duitsland {prop} {n} | :: West Germany, either the BRD before German reunification or the portion of Germany formerly belonging to the BRD |
westelijk {adj} | :: western |
Westelijke Sahara {prop} {n} | :: Western Sahara |
westen {n} | :: west |
Westen {n} | :: The West |
wester- {prefix} | :: western |
Westerhof {prop} | :: surname |
Westerkwartier {prop} {n} | :: Westerkwartier (municipality) |
westerling {m} | :: westerner, someone living in, coming from or associated with the west of the world, a country etc |
westers {adj} | :: Western |
Westerveld {prop} | :: Westerveld (municipality) |
Westerveld {prop} | :: surname |
Westervoort {prop} | :: Westervoort (village/and/municipality) |
Westerwolde {prop} {n} | :: Westerwolde (municipality) |
westfront {n} | :: west front, western front |
West-Germaans {adj} | :: West Germanic |
westkust {f} {m} | :: West coast (not necessarily of the United States) |
Westland {prop} {n} | :: Westland (region/and/muncipality), known for its greenhouses |
West Maas en Waal {prop} | :: West Maas en Waal (municipality) |
West-Slavisch {adj} | :: West Slavic |
Weststellingwerf {prop} | :: Weststellingwerf (municipality) |
West-Terschelling {prop} {n} | :: West-Terschelling (A <<village>> on <<isl/Terschelling>>, <
>, <<c/Netherlands>>, being the largest village of the municipality Terschelling and seat of the local government.) |
West-Vlaams {prop} {n} | :: West Flemish (language) |
West-Vlaanderen {prop} {n} | :: West Flanders, a province of Belgium |
West-Vlieland {prop} {n} [historical] | :: West-Vlieland (A <<former village>> on <<isl/Vlieland>>, lost to the sea in 1736.) |
westwaarts {adv} | :: westwards |
westwaarts {adj} | :: westward, westerly |
wet {f} | :: law (rule) |
wet {f} | :: law (body of rules declared and/or enforced by a government) |
wet {f} [physics] | :: law |
wetboek {n} | :: lawbook, code of law |
weten {vt} | :: to know (knowledge) |
weten {vt} | :: to remember |
weten {v} [auxiliary, with te] | :: to be able to, to manage to (literally, "to know how to/to know of a way to") |
wetenschap {f} [uncountable] | :: knowledge |
wetenschap {f} | :: science, scholarly knowledge, scholarship (collective discipline of learning acquired through any scholarly method; totality of knowledge) |
wetenschap {f} | :: any academic discipline; in general, the sciences and humanities taken as a whole |
wetenschappelijk {adj} | :: scientific (of or having to do with science) |
wetenschapper {mf} | :: scientist (one whose activities make use of the scientific method) |
wetenschapsfilosofie {f} | :: philosophy of science |
wetenschapsfilosofisch {adj} | :: Related to philosophy of science |
wetenschapsfilosoof {m} | :: A philosopher of science |
wetenschapsgeschiedenis {f} | :: history of science and (academic) scholarship |
wetenschapstaal {f} | :: scientific terminology or jargon, language of science, scientific language |
wetenschapstaal {f} | :: a language (dialect, e.g. an official national language) used for communicating science |
wetenswaardigheid {f} | :: interesting piece of information |
weten waar Abraham de mosterd haalt {vi} [idiom] | :: to be well-informed |
wetering {f} | :: An artificial or partially artificial waterway, a canal; particularly one constructed with a view to water management and peat excavation |
wetgeven {vi} | :: To legislate, make (a) law(s) |
wetgevende macht {f} | :: legislature (a governmental body with the power to make, amend and repeal laws) |
wetgever {m} [literally] | :: A legislator, a lawmaker or lawgiver, a person who or an institution which makes (a) law(s) |
wetgever {m} [religion] | :: Title of Moses, Jesus or God |
wetgeving {f} | :: legislation |
wethouder {m} | :: alderman or public municipal administrator |
wetsbreker {m} | :: A lawbreaker |
wetsteen {m} | :: A whetstone |
wetsverkrachter {m} [literary] | :: (flagrant) violator of the law |
wetsvoorstel {n} | :: legal proposal, draft bill |
wettelijk {adj} | :: legal |
wettelijk {adv} | :: legally |
wettelijkheid {f} | :: lawfulness, legality |
wetteloos {adj} | :: lawless |
wetteloosheid {f} | :: lawlessness |
wetten {v} | :: To whet, hone or rub on with something for the purpose of sharpening an object (typically a blade) |
wetten {v} [figuratively] | :: To prepare, make preparations |
wettig {adj} | :: lawful, legal |
wettigheid {f} | :: legality |
wet van Grimm {prop} {f} [linguistics] | :: Grimm's law |
wet van Meden en Perzen {f} | :: iron law, irrevocable law (unchangeable, uncontestable principle) |
weven {vti} | :: to weave |
Wever {prop} | :: surname |
wevershuisje {noun} | :: weaver's house |
wezel {f} | :: least weasel, Mustela nivalis |
wezel {f} | :: any weasel |
wezen {n} | :: A being, creature |
wezen {n} [as the second part of a compound noun] | :: system, sector, institution (in an abstract sense) |
wezen {n} [used absolutely, with definite article or possessive determiner] | :: The essence of something |
wezen {v} [only as the infinitive] | :: alternative form of zijn |
wezen {v} [with postpositioned jullie] | :: imperative plural of zijn |
wezenlijk {adj} | :: essential, fundamental |
wezenlijk {adj} | :: real, existing |
Wezep {prop} {n} | :: Wezep (village) |
Wezet {prop} {n} | :: Visé, a town in Belgium |
whiskey {m} | :: (a glass of) whiskey |
whisky {m} | :: (a glass of) whisky, whiskey |
WHO {prop} | :: abbreviation of Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie ≡ World Health Organization |
wichelaar {m} | :: fortuneteller, diviner |
wichelaar {m} | :: dowser, one who uses a dowsing rod |
wichelaarster {f} | :: female fortuneteller |
wichelares {f} | :: female fortuneteller |
wichelarij {f} | :: divination |
wichelen {v} | :: to dowse, to divine |
wichelroede {f} | :: A divining rod, a dowsing rod |
wichie {noun} [dialectal] | :: alternative form of wichtje |
wicht {n} | :: living being, creature |
wicht {n} | :: child |
wicht {n} | :: girl |
wie {pron} [interrogative, subjective or objective] | :: who, whom |
wie {pron} [relative, subjective or objective] | :: who, whom; the one who, whoever |
Wie {prop} | :: surname, variant of Van Wie |
Wie {prop} | :: Wie (hamlet) |
wie a zegt, moet ook b zeggen {proverb} | :: in for a penny, in for a pound |
Wieb {prop} | :: given name |
wiebelen {v} | :: to wiggle, to wobble |
wieberen {v} [colloquial] | :: to scarper, to flee |
wieberen {v} [colloquial] | :: to leave |
wieberen {v} [colloquial] | :: to go, to move |
wieberen {vt} [colloquial] | :: to move, to remove |
wieberen {vt} [colloquial] | :: to lay off |
Wiebrand {prop} | :: given name |
wied {n} [dated] | :: weed, unwanted plant |
wieden {vti} | :: to weed, to remove weeds (from) |
wie een vrouw trouwt om haar lijf, verliest het lijf en houdt het wijf {proverb} | :: in choosing a marriage partner, character is more important than looks |
wief {n} [regional, eastern, north-eastern] | :: wife |
wieg {f} | :: cradle |
wieg {f} | :: birthplace |
wiegelied {n} | :: A lullaby |
wiegen {v} | :: to rock, to sway |
wiegendruk {m} | :: incunable |
Wiegers {prop} | :: surname |
wiegje {noun} | :: diminutive of wieg |
wie het eerst komt, het eerst maalt {proverb} | :: first come, first served |
wie het kleine niet eert, is het grote niet weerd {proverb} | :: small things also deserve appreciation |
wiek {f} | :: sail of a windmill or blade on a wind turbine |
wiek {f} | :: propeller of a helicopter or similar aircraft |
wiek {f} [archaic, poetic] | :: wing |
wiek {f} [chiefly Southern Dutch] | :: wick |
wiel {n} | :: wheel |
wieldop {m} | :: wheel cover, hubcap |
wielenaar {m} [archaic] | :: cyclist |
wieler {m} [archaic] | :: bicycle |
wieleraar {m} [Netherlands, colloquial] | :: cyclist, especially a race cyclist |
wieleren {v} [formal, literary] | :: to cycle, to ride a bicycle |
wielklem {f} | :: A wheel clamp |
wielrennen {vi} | :: to race on a bicycle |
wielrennen {n} [sports] | :: race cycling |
wielrenner {m} | :: a sports or fitness cyclist, someone who races bicycles, as opposed to a person riding a bike for any other purpose |
wielrenster {f} [sports] | :: female cyclist |
wien {pron} [interrogative and relative, objective, archaic] | :: whom |
wie niet sterk is, moet slim zijn {proverb} | :: if the lion's skin cannot, the fox's shall |
wie niet waagt, wie niet wint {proverb} | :: nothing ventured, nothing gained |
wiens {determiner} [interrogative] | :: whose |
wiens {determiner} [relative] | :: whose |
wier {n} | :: seaweed |
wier {pron} [interrogative, archaic] | :: whose (feminine, plural) |
wier {pron} [relative, dated] | :: whose (feminine, plural) |
wierde {f} | :: A man-made hill for refuge during a flood, esp. one in Groningen and Friesland |
wierdijk {m} | :: A dike consisting of an outer wall made of eelgrass or seaweed, that is supported by wooden fencing and buttressed by an earthen bank |
Wieringen {prop} {n} | :: Wieringen (A <<region>>, former island and <<former municipality>> with city rights in <
>, <<c/Netherlands>>.) |
wierook {m} | :: incense |
wierriem {m} | :: An outer wall made of eelgrass or seaweed, supported by wooden fencing; historically used as the primary barrier of certain dikes |
wiet {m} | :: weed, marijuana |
wietsigaret {f} [uncommon] | :: marijuana cigarette, stick, joint |
wiewouter {f} | :: alternative form of vijfwouter |
wifi {m} | :: Wi-Fi |
wig {f} | :: wedge |
Wiggers {prop} | :: surname |
wigschrift {n} [dated] | :: cuneiform |
wiiën {vi} | :: to play on a Nintendo Wii |
wij {pron} | :: the first-person plural personal pronoun; refers to the speakers |
wijbisschop {m} | :: An auxiliary bishop, chiefly in missionary contexts |
Wijchen {prop} {n} | :: Wijchen (village/and/municipality) |
wijd {adj} | :: wide |
wijd {adj} [dialectal] | :: far |
wijden {v} | :: to dedicate, devote |
wijden {v} | :: to inaugurate |
wijden {v} | :: to bless, sanctify |
wijd en zijd {adv} [phrase, place] | :: widely, (almost) everywhere, far and wide |
wijdte {f} | :: width |
wijdte {f} [by extension, poetic] | :: vast, expansive landscape (or portion of water) |
wijdte {f} [obsolete] | :: latitude (distance to the equator, expressed as an angle) |
wijdverspreid {adj} | :: widespread |
wijf {n} [often, derogatory] | :: woman, potentially being as pejorative as bitch |
wijf {n} [often, derogatory] | :: babe, broad |
wijfje {noun} [commonly] | :: non-human female |
wijfjeskat {f} | :: she-cat, female of the cat |
wijfjeskat {f} | :: (including) queen (adult female cat) |
wijk {f} {m} | :: neighborhood |
wijk {f} {m} | :: district |
wijkagent {m} | :: community police officer |
Wijk bij Duurstede {prop} | :: A castle town and fortified town in the southeast of the province Utrecht, the Netherlands, along the Nederrijn, Kromme Rijn, Amsterdam-Rijnkanaal and Lek |
Wijk bij Duurstede {prop} | :: A municipality in Utrecht, with the above-mentioned town as the main population centre |
wijken {vi} | :: to yield, make way |
wijken {vi} | :: to recede |
wijken {vi} | :: to disappear |
wijkverpleegkunde {f} | :: local medical care, community nursing |
wijkverpleegkundige {mf} | :: district nurse (one who provides medical care locally) |
wijkverpleegster {f} | :: female district nurse |
wijkverpleger {m} | :: district nurse |
wijl {f} | :: a short period; a while |
wijl {conj} | :: when |
wijl {conj} | :: while (time aspect) |
wijl {conj} | :: while (contradiction) |
wijl {conj} | :: because |
wijl {f} | :: veil for women |
wijl {f} [figuratively] | :: something that veils |
wijlen {adj} | :: late, deceased |
wijlui {pron} [archaic, regional] | :: First-person plural personal pronoun (subjective); we |
wijn {m} | :: wine, an alcoholic beverage produced by a certain fermentation procedure; unless otherwise specified or indicated by context, made from grapes |
Wijnants {prop} | :: surname |
wijnazijn {m} | :: wine vinegar |
wijnboer {m} | :: owner of a vineyard |
wijnbouw {m} | :: viticulture, wine-growing |
Wijnen {prop} | :: surname |
wijnfles {f} | :: wine bottle |
wijngaard {m} | :: vineyard |
wijnglas {n} | :: wine glass |
wijnhandelaar {m} | :: wine trader |
wijnhelling {f} | :: a vineyard located on sloped terrain, i.e. a wine slope |
wijnhuis {n} [chiefly historical] | :: tavern or café that mostly serves wine |
wijnkelder {m} | :: wine cellar |
Wijnkoop {prop} | :: surname |
wijnpers {f} | :: A winepress |
wijnrank {f} | :: grapevine |
wijnrank {f} | :: branch of a grapevine |
wijnrood {adj} | :: having the color of red wine |
wijnruit {f} | :: rue, common rue (Ruta graveolens) |
wijnsteen {m} | :: potassium bitartrate |
wijnsteenzuur {n} | :: tartaric acid |
wijnsteenzuur {n} [dated] | :: levorotartaric acid |
wijnvlek {f} | :: A wine stain (stain caused by wine) |
wijnvlek {f} | :: A port-wine stain, a naevus flammeus |
wijnvlekje {noun} | :: diminutive of wijnvlek |
-wijs {suffix} | :: -wise; forms adverbs from adjectives |
wijs {adj} | :: wise |
wijs {adj} | :: nice, fun (see usage notes) |
wijs {f} | :: tune |
wijs {f} | :: mode |
wijs {f} [grammar] | :: mood |
wijsbegeerte {f} | :: philosophy |
Wijsel {prop} {m} | :: alternative spelling of Wijssel |
wijsgeer {m} | :: philosopher |
wijsgerig {adj} | :: philosophical |
wijsheid {f} | :: wisdom |
wijsheid {f} | :: saying, adage |
wijsneus {m} | :: know-it-all |
Wijssel {prop} {m} | :: Wijssel (river) |
wijsvinger {m} | :: forefinger (first finger next to the thumb), index finger |
wijten {v} | :: to blame |
wijting {mf} | :: whiting, merling, Merlangius merlangus |
wijwater {n} [Roman Catholicism] | :: holy water |
wijze {f} | :: manner, mode, way, method |
wijze {f} | :: melody |
wijze {f} | :: mood of speech |
wijze {m} | :: sage, wise man |
wijzelf {pron} | :: we ourselves |
wijzen {vi} | :: to point |
wijzen {vt} | :: to point out, indicate |
wijzen {vt} | :: to direct to (by extension, to send to) |
wijzer {m} | :: One who points, directs, indicates |
wijzer {m} | :: An arm or other moving part of an instrument which points out a readable value, notably a hand on a clock, or on another scaled dial |
wijzerplaat {f} | :: clock face |
wijze van spreken {f} | :: expression (colloquialism or idiom) |
wijzigen {v} | :: to edit, change, modify, alter |
wijziging {f} | :: modification, edit, change |
wiki {m} | :: wiki |
Wikipedia {prop} | :: Wikipedia |
WikiWoordenboek {n} | :: Wiktionary |
wikke {f} | :: vetch, leguminous plant of the genus Vicia |
wikkelen {vt} | :: to wrap |
wikkelen {vt} | :: to wind |
wikken {vt} [archaic] | :: to weigh |
wikken {vt} | :: to consider, ponder, weigh various options |
wil {m} | :: want |
Wilco {prop} {m} | :: given name |
wild {adj} | :: wild |
wild {n} | :: game (food; animals hunted for meat) |
wild {n} | :: wildlife |
wild {n} | :: wilderness |
wildbout {m} | :: A haunch of game |
wildbraad {n} | :: prepared game meat |
wilde {noun} | :: savage, uncivilized person |
wilde {noun} | :: brute |
wilde {f} | :: alternative form of weelde |
wilde {contraction} [Brabantian] | :: contraction of wilt gij |
wildebeest {n} | :: gnu, wildebeest |
wildebeestenspel {n} [historical] | :: an amphitheatrical spectacle involving fights with savage animals |
wildebeestenspel {n} [historical] | :: a circus or funfair attraction with wild animals |
Wildeboer {prop} | :: surname |
wildebras {mf} | :: A tomboy, an unruly, obstreperous child |
wildeling {m} | :: A wild plant, notably a fruit tree (or part thereof) fit for improvement of the species |
wildeling {m} | :: A fruit from such crop |
wildeling {m} | :: Any (notably wild) twigs used for improvement |
wildeling {m} | :: A savage, wild human |
wildernis {f} | :: wilderness |
wildgroei {m} | :: overgrowth; excessive growth of plants |
wildgroei {m} [figurative] | :: excessive growth, development or increase |
wildhout {n} [chiefly Dutch East Indies] | :: Any tree or woody growth that isn't teak |
wildhout {n} [chiefly Dutch East Indies] | :: Any wood that isn't teak |
wildplassen {v} | :: To urinate in a public space outside of regular toilet facilities |
wildplasser {m} | :: Someone who illegally urinates outdoors |
wildplukken {v} | :: To gather wild vegetables and fruits from nature |
wildrooster {n} | :: A cattle grid, usually one intended to discourage wild animals such as deer from passing through |
wildvreemde {noun} | :: A complete stranger |
wildwissel {m} | :: wildlife crossing, ecoduct |
wildzang {m} [countable] | :: an inexperienced or rash (young) person |
wildzang {m} [uncountable] | :: wild birdsong |
wildzang {m} [obsolete, uncountable] | :: non-standard or substandard singing |
wildzang {m} [collective, dated] | :: wild birds |
wildzang {m} [dated, uncountable] | :: nonsense, idle talk, blather |
wildzang {m} | :: Incorrect or substandard use, not relating to song |
wildzang {m} [archaic, uncountable, by extension] | :: substandard execution of an art form |
wildzang {m} [obsolete] | :: wrongful use, misapplication, abuse |
wild zwijn {n} | :: wild boar (Sus scrofa) |
wilg {m} | :: A willow, tree of the genus Salix |
wilgenteen {f} | :: A twig of a willow, suitable for wickerwork |
Wilhelmina {prop} {f} | :: given name: feminine form of Willem |
Wilhelminaoord {prop} {n} | :: Wilhelminaoord (village) |
willekeur {c} [pejorative] | :: caprice, capriciousness |
willekeur {c} [legal] | :: arbitrariness, arbitrary decision-making |
willekeur {c} [mathematics] | :: (+naar) randomness, at random |
willekeurig {adj} | :: arbitrary |
willekeurig {adj} | :: random |
Willem {prop} {m} | :: given name |
Willemijn {prop} {f} | :: given name |
Willems {prop} | :: surname |
Willemse {prop} | :: surname |
Willemsen {prop} | :: surname |
Willemsoord {prop} {n} | :: Willemsoord (village) |
willen {v} | :: to want, to desire |
willen {v} [in the past tense] | :: to wish |
willens {adv} | :: willingly, deliberately |
willens en wetens {adv} | :: on purpose, deliberately |
willige condemnatie {f} [historical, law] | :: A legal verdict sought by consenting parties to confirm an agreement |
Willink {prop} | :: surname |
Wilnis {prop} {n} | :: Wilnis (village) |
wilskracht {f} | :: willpower |
wilskrachtig {adj} | :: Displaying or relating to willpower; strong-willed |
Wim {prop} | :: given name, short for Willem |
wimpel {m} | :: pennon, pennant |
wimper {m} | :: eyelash |
wind {m} | :: wind [movement of air] |
wind {m} | :: flatulence, fart |
wind {m} [obsolete] | :: greyhound |
windas {f} | :: windlass |
windeltrap {m} | :: spiral staircase |
winden {v} | :: to wind (turn coils of something around) |
windenergie {f} | :: wind power (power harnessed from the wind) |
winderig {adj} [weather] | :: windy |
windhaak {m} | :: a clasp to fasten doors or windows, either in a fully closed position or in a fixed partially open position; a hasp |
windhaan {m} | :: weathercock |
windhandel {m} [derogatory] | :: speculative trade; literally "trade in wind" |
windhandelaar {m} [pejorative] | :: speculator, speculative investor |
Windhoek {prop} {n} | :: Windhoek (city/capital city) |
windhond {m} | :: greyhound |
windhoos {f} | :: whirlwind |
windkracht {f} | :: wind force, according to the Beaufort scale |
windkracht {f} | :: energy from the wind |
windkruis {n} | :: A compass rose [usually relatively simple] |
windmolen {m} | :: windmill |
windmolengevecht {n} [chiefly figurative] | :: pointless fight (useless resistance) |
windmolenpark {n} | :: wind farm (array of wind turbines) |
windmotor {m} | :: A many-bladed wind turbine, common in America in the first half of the twentieth century |
windpark {n} | :: wind farm (array of wind turbines) |
windrichting {f} | :: A wind direction, the direction from which the wind blows |
windrichting {f} | :: A compass point |
windroos {f} | :: A compass rose [possibly quite intricate] |
windroos {f} | :: An anemone (plant or flower of the genus Anemone), in particular the wood anemone, windflower (Anemone nemorosa) |
windschade {f} | :: wind damage |
windscherm {n} | :: A windbreak (screen to protect against the wind) |
windscherm {n} [aviation] | :: The windscreen of an aircraft |
windstil {adj} | :: calm, windless |
windstilte {f} | :: calm, windlessness |
windstoot {m} | :: squall |
windvaan {f} | :: weathervane |
windvlaag {f} | :: gust |
windwaarts {adv} | :: windward |
windwaarts {adj} | :: windward |
windwak {n} | :: A hole in surface ice caused by winds preventing the water from freezing shut |
windwijzer {m} | :: weather vane |
wingerd {m} | :: grapevine of the species Vitis vinifera |
wingewest {n} | :: A subject region that is exploited for profit; in particular used of Roman provinces or European colonies in the heydays of colonialism |
winkel {m} | :: shop (an establishment that sells goods to the public) |
winkel {m} [obsolete] | :: corner, as in winkelhaak |
Winkel {prop} | :: surname |
winkelcentrum {n} | :: Shopping centre, mall |
winkeldief {m} | :: shoplifter |
winkeldiefstal {m} | :: shoplifting |
winkelen {v} | :: to shop, to go shopping (typically for luxury goods, not for groceries: compare boodschappen doen) |
winkelhaak {m} | :: try square; or, generally, any kind of square used by masons and carpenters to measure right angles, such as a steel square or a carpenter's square |
winkelhaak {m} | :: a rectangular tear or cut in a piece of clothing or other fabric, in the form of a try square |
Winkelhaak {prop} {m} [constellation] | :: Norma |
winkelhaakje {noun} | :: diminutive of winkelhaak |
winkelier {m} | :: shopkeeper, storekeeper (an owner of a shop or store) |
winkelmand {f} | :: shopping basket, shopping cart |
winkelpassage {f} | :: an arcade (a covered passage with shops on both sides) |
winkelpui {m} | :: facade (of a store) |
winkelwagen {m} | :: shopping cart |
winnaar {m} | :: winner, one who has won or often wins |
winnares {f} | :: (female) winner |
winnen {vti} | :: to win, to triumph, to be victorious (in) |
winnen {vt} | :: to acquire |
winnen {vt} | :: to extract, to refine, to harvest (from base materials such as ore or crops) |
winning {f} | :: acquisition, gain |
winning {f} | :: extraction |
Winschoten {prop} {n} | :: Winschoten (town) |
Winsemius {prop} | :: surname |
winst {f} | :: profit |
winst {f} | :: gain, act or process of gaining |
winst {f} | :: gain, advantage, benefit |
winst {f} | :: victory (in a game) |
winstbejag {n} [derogatory] | :: inappropriate profit-seeking, profiteering |
winstgevend {adj} | :: profitable, lucrative |
winstoogmerk {n} | :: profit motive |
winter {m} | :: winter |
Winter {prop} | :: surname |
winteravond {m} | :: winter evening |
winterband {m} | :: winter tire |
winterdepressie {f} | :: winter depression |
winterdip {m} [psychology] | :: mild winter depression |
winterhaven {f} | :: winter harbour (harbour where ships can safely spend the winter) |
winterjuffer {f} | :: A winter damselfly, a damselfly of the genus Sympecma |
winterkleed {n} [obsolete, human dress] | :: winter coat |
winterkleed {n} [birds] | :: winter coat |
winterkoning {m} [chiefly diminutive] | :: Eurasian wren, Troglodytes troglodytes |
winterkoning {m} | :: wren, any bird of the Troglodytidae |
wintermaand {f} {m} | :: winter month |
wintermaand {f} {m} [archaic] | :: December |
winterpeen {f} | :: A large, orange variety of carrot |
winters {adj} | :: wintery, winterlike |
winterse bui {f} | :: wintry shower |
winterslaap {m} [biology, chiefly in the singular] | :: hibernation |
winterslapen {vi} [generally not conjugated] | :: to hibernate |
wintersport {mf} | :: A winter sport, a sports discipline fit for wintery conditions, notably involving snow and/or ice |
wintersporten {v} | :: To practice (a) winter sport(s) |
wintersporter {m} | :: A practicioner of (a) winter sport(s) |
winterstorm {m} | :: winter storm |
Winterswijk {prop} | :: Winterswijk (village/and/municipality) |
wintervacht {f} [mammals] | :: winter coat |
winterzonnewende {f} | :: winter solstice |
winti {prop} {m} | :: winti, a Surinamese religious tradition based on practices from African religions |
winzucht {f} | :: profiteering, the excessive seeking or attainment of profit |
wip {m} | :: hopping |
wip {c} | :: seesaw |
wip {c} | :: lever on a drawbridge |
wip {c} [colloquial] | :: a short period, a jiffy |
wip {c} [colloquial] | :: sexual intercourse |
wipkip {f} [colloquial] | :: spring rider, spring rocker (playing device) |
wipmolen {m} | :: hollow post mill; wip mill |
wippen {v} | :: to play with a seesaw |
wippen {v} | :: to overthrow |
wippen {v} | :: to dandle, teeter |
wippen {v} | :: to hop |
wippen {v} [colloquial] | :: to have sexual intercourse |
wipwap {m} | :: seesaw |
wir haben es nicht gewußt {phrase} [chiefly ironic] | :: Used to deride a claim of ignorance (especially regarding some wrongdoing) that is deemed to be unrealistic |
wir haben es nicht gewußt {phrase} | :: Used when claiming ignorance of a wrongdoing (especially a wrongdoing one could otherwise have acted to prevent) |
wiri {m} [slang] | :: marijuana, weed |
wiri {m} | :: A scraper ideophone made of a metal bar, traditionally used in music from Curaçao |
wirwar {m} | :: tangle, confused mess, chaos |
wis {adj} | :: sure, certain |
wis {f} {m} | :: twig |
wis {f} {m} | :: bundle, bunch |
wis {f} {m} | :: short for wisdoek (dishcloth) |
wisdoek {m} | :: dishcloth |
Wiske {prop} [colloquial] | :: a given name |
wiskunde {f} | :: mathematics |
wiskundig {adj} | :: mathematical |
wiskundige {mf} | :: mathematician |
wispelturig {adj} | :: fickle, capricious |
wisperen {v} [dated] | :: to whisper |
wisse {f} | :: cubic metre (mainly when used for firewood) |
Wisse {prop} | :: surname |
wissel {m} [rail transport] | :: points; switch |
wissel {m} [sports] | :: substitution |
wissel {m} [finance] | :: draft, bill of exchange |
wisselaar {m} | :: money changer |
wisselaar {m} | :: anything that shuffles, changes or exchanges something |
wisselen {vt} | :: to swap, to exchange |
wisselen {vi} | :: to vary, to change (over time, by circumstances etc.) |
wisselgebit {n} | :: One's milk teeth |
wisselgeld {n} | :: change (money returned after not paying exactly; stock of money used for this purpose) |
wisselgeld {n} [figurative] | :: bargaining chip |
wisselgeld {n} [obsolete] | :: fee for converting money to a different currency |
wisseling {f} | :: change, swap, exchange |
wisselkantoor {n} | :: exchange bureau |
wisselkoers {m} | :: exchange rate |
wisselkoers {m} | :: the price of a bill of exchange |
wisselspanning {f} [electricity] | :: alternating voltage |
wisselstroom {m} [electricity] | :: alternating current |
wisselstuk {n} | :: spare part |
wisseltonig {adj} | :: bisonoric |
wissel trekken {v} | :: To demand, to claim |
wisselvallig {adj} | :: changeable, variable, inconstant, volatile |
wisselwerking {f} | :: interaction, interplay |
wissen {vt} | :: to erase |
wisser {m} | :: wiper |
wit {adj} | :: white |
wit {adj} [chiefly Surinam] | :: having a white skin colour, light-skinned [see usage note] |
wit {adj} [Surinam] | :: having a relatively light skin colour |
wit {adj} | :: legal |
wit {adj} | :: pure, untainted |
wit {adj} [archaic] | :: clear-lighted, not dark at all |
wit {n} [uncountable] | :: white [color] |
wit {n} [archaic] | :: (short for doelwit (goal, target, the white in a bullseye)) |
wit {n} [slang] | :: cocaine |
wit {n} [archaic] | :: ability to think and reason |
wit {n} [archaic] | :: knowledge |
witbier {n} [uncountable, countable] | :: witbier, a top-fermented beer, brewed from wheat and barley, mainly brewed in Belgium and the Netherlands |
witbrood {n} | :: alternative form of wittebrood |
wit gat {n} [astrophysics] | :: white hole |
witgat {c} | :: any bird in the genus Tringa (various sandpipers) |
witgoed {n} [collective] | :: white fabrics and clothes |
witgoed {n} [collective] | :: kitchen appliances and laundry appliances, that are devices that are often white or of a light colour |
witgoud {n} | :: white gold |
witgoud {n} [obsolete] | :: platinum |
witheet {adj} | :: white-hot, hot to the point of glowing bright white |
witkopmeeuw {f} | :: silver gull |
witkopzeearend {m} | :: bald eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus |
witlof {n} {f} [chiefly Netherlands] | :: Belgian endive, Cichorium intybus subsp. foliosum, a chicory eaten as a leafy vegetable |
witloof {n} [Belgium] | :: alternative form of witlof |
Wit-Rus {m} | :: a Belarusian |
Wit-Rusland {prop} {n} | :: Wit-Rusland (country) |
Wit-Russisch {adj} | :: Belarusian |
Wit-Russisch {prop} {n} | :: Belarusian, an East Slavic language |
witsel {n} | :: limewash used for whitewashing |
Witte {prop} | :: surname |
witteboordencriminaliteit {f} | :: white-collar crime |
wittebrood {n} | :: white bread |
Witte Donderdag {m} | :: Maundy Thursday |
witte dovenetel {noun} | :: white nettle (Lamium album) |
witte kerst {m} | :: snowy Christmas |
witte klaver {noun} | :: white clover (Trifolium repens) |
witte kool {f} | :: white cabbage |
wittekool {f} | :: uncommon form of witte kool |
witten {v} | :: to whiten, bleach |
witten {v} | :: to guise something illegal as legal, e.g. to launder (money) |
witte nacht {f} [astronomy] | :: white night |
witte peper {m} | :: white pepper |
witte reiger {m} [obsolete] | :: great egret, Ardea alba |
witte ruis {m} [physics] | :: white noise |
witte spelling {f} | :: unofficial spelling standard based on the Witte Boekje |
witte steenkool {f} | :: hydropower |
Witteveen {prop} | :: surname |
Witte Wieven {p} [folklore, regional] | :: ethereal women dressed in white associated with fog, tumuli and dolmens |
Witte Wieven {p} [figurative] | :: foggy patch |
witte wijn {m} | :: white wine |
wittiger {m} [archaic] | :: soothsayer |
witwassen {v} | :: to wash up, clean especially with a whitening agent |
witwassen {v} | :: to launder money; to guise something illegal as legal |
WK {n} | :: abbreviation of wereldkampioenschap |
wobbegong {m} | :: wobbegong, any shark of the Orectolobidae |
Wodan {prop} {m} | :: The Germanic chief god, Odin or Woden |
wodka {m} | :: vodka |
woede {f} | :: anger, wrath, outrage |
woeden {v} | :: to rage |
woef {interj} | :: woof (sound of a dog barking) |
woeker {m} | :: usury |
woeker {m} [historical] | :: lending money at interest |
woeker {m} | :: lending money at an interest perceived to be excessive |
woekeren {vi} | :: to practise usury |
woekeren {vi} [especially of plants] | :: to overgrow |
woekerhypotheek {f} [derogatory] | :: A usurious mortgage |
woekerlenen {v} | :: to shylock |
woekerplant {f} | :: parasitic plant that overgrows its host |
woekerpolis {f} | :: An exploitative, usurious investment insurance plan |
woekervlees {n} | :: granulation tissue |
woelen {v} | :: to churn, to turn over, to rout [e.g. of swine] |
woelwater {n} | :: water that wells up incessantly; a well |
woelwater {mf} | :: a restless person, especially a child |
Woen {prop} {m} [rare] | :: the Germanic chief god Woden or Odin |
woensdag {m} | :: Wednesday |
woensdagmorgen {m} | :: Wednesday morning |
woensdagochtend {m} | :: Wednesday morning |
woensdags {adj} | :: Wednesday |
woensdags {adv} | :: Wednesday |
woensdagsmorgens {adv} | :: Wednesday morning |
woensdagsochtends {adv} | :: Wednesday morning |
woerd {m} | :: drake (male duck) |
woerd {f} | :: man-made hill or elevation (as used in low areas to protect farmhouses against flooding) |
Woerden {prop} {n} | :: Woerden (town) |
woest {adj} | :: (concerning a creature and behavior) wild, savage, feral, ferocious, furious |
woest {adj} [poetic] | :: (concerning a place) inhospitable, rough, wild; desolate |
woesteling {m} | :: A barbaric, savage ruffian, gross boor |
woesteling {m} | :: A brute, crude and dangerous person |
woesteling {m} | :: A savage and indomitable beast |
woesteling {f} | :: A devastation, destruction |
woestenij {f} | :: wasteland, wildland, desert |
woestijn {f} | :: desert (environmental area with very little precipitation) |
woestijnbron {f} | :: oasis |
woestijngebergte {n} | :: desert mountain range; mountain range with little precipitation |
woestijnlynx {m} | :: serval, Leptailurus serval |
woestijnrat {f} | :: gerbil, any member of the Gerbillinae |
woestijnrat {f} [historical] | :: desert rat, soldier under British command in North Africa during WWII |
woestijnrat {f} | :: desert survivalist, somebody who's at home in the desert |
woestijnvijg {f} | :: A prickly pear, an Indian fig |
woestijnvos {m} | :: desert fox, fennec (Vulpes zerda) |
woestijnzand {n} | :: desert sand |
Wognum {prop} {n} | :: Wognum (village) |
wok {m} | :: A wok (large cooking pan, typical of East-Asian cuisine) |
wokje {noun} | :: diminutive of wok |
wokken {vti} | :: to wok |
wokpan {f} | :: A wok (large cooking pan, typical of East-Asian cuisine) |
wol {f} | :: wool |
Woldberg {prop} {m} | :: A hill formed by push moraines in north-eastern Gelderland, near Epe and Wezep |
Woldberg {prop} {m} | :: A small hill in northern Overijssel, near Steenwijk |
wolf {m} | :: wolf, undomesticated Canis lupus |
wolf {m} | :: one of many other canids of the family Canidae, especially of the genus Canis |
Wolf {prop} {m} [constellation] | :: Lupus |
Wolff {prop} | :: surname |
wolf in schaapskleren {m} | :: wolf in sheep's clothing |
wolfraam {n} [chemistry] | :: tungsten |
wolfs {adj} | :: wolfish |
Wolfs {prop} | :: surname |
wolfshond {m} | :: A wolf dog, a wolf-dog hybrid |
wolfskers {f} {m} | :: belladonna, deadly nightshade |
wolfsmelkfamilie {f} | :: spurge family (Euphorbiaceae) |
wolfspin {f} | :: superseded spelling of wolfsspin |
wolfsspin {f} | :: wolf spider, spider of the family Lycosidae |
wolharig {adj} [of mammals] | :: woolly, having woolly fur hairs |
wolharig {adj} [of plants] | :: densely hairy |
wolk {f} | :: cloud |
wolk {f} | :: visible mass of atmospheric water |
wolk {f} | :: visible mass of matter, in the medium air, resembling an atmospheric cloud |
wolk {f} | :: visible mass of matter in any medium, resembling an atmospheric cloud |
wolkbreuk {f} | :: cloudburst |
wolkeloos {adj} | :: cloudless |
wolkendek {n} | :: A cloud cover |
wolkenkrabber {m} | :: skyscraper |
wolla {interj} [slang] | :: alternative form of wollah |
wollah {interj} [slang] | :: An interjection serving to intensify a statement or to indicate astonishment |
wollen {adj} | :: woolen, woollen |
wollig {adj} [speech] | :: vague, evasive |
wollig {adj} | :: woolly, covered with wool |
Wolmarans {prop} | :: surname |
wolschaap {n} | :: wool sheep (sheep raised for wool) |
Wolters {prop} | :: surname |
Wolvega {prop} {n} | :: Wolvega (village) |
wolvenroedel {m} {n} | :: wolf pack |
wolvin {f} | :: she-wolf, female wolf |
wombat {m} | :: wombat |
wond {f} {m} | :: wound |
wondarts {m} [historical] | :: surgeon |
wondarts {m} [historical] | :: barber who performed surgery |
wonde {f} [chiefly Belgium, usually in Flanders and Limburg] | :: alternative form of wond |
wonden {v} | :: to wound, hurt |
wonder {n} | :: wonder, miracle |
wonderbaar {adj} | :: wonderful |
wonderbaar {adj} | :: marvelous |
wonderbaar {adj} | :: miraculous |
wonderdoener {m} | :: miracle maker, thaumaturge |
wonderdokter {m} | :: quack, alternative healer |
wonderdokter {m} | :: shaman, witch doctor |
wonderkind {n} | :: child prodigy, wunderkind |
wonderkind {n} | :: miraculously born child |
wonderknaap {m} [literally] | :: A boy genius, male child prodigy |
wonderknaap {m} | :: Any wonderboy, boy l.s. (child or man) excelling in something |
wonderlijk {adj} | :: miraculous, amazing |
wonderlijk {adj} | :: queer, odd |
wonderlijk {adj} | :: vagarious |
wonderteken {n} | :: miraculous sign |
wondervol {adj} | :: wonderful |
wonderwel {adv} | :: excellently, extremely well |
wonderwel {adv} | :: remarkably well |
wondvocht {n} | :: exudate |
wonen {vi} | :: to live (in a certain place) |
woning {f} | :: house, abode, residence, dwelling |
woningbouw {m} | :: residential construction, construction of housing |
woningbrand {m} | :: residential fire, housefire (disastrous fire in a residence) |
woningmarkt {f} | :: housing market |
woningtype {n} | :: housing type |
woningvoorraad {m} | :: housing stock |
Wonk {prop} {n} | :: Wonck, a village in Belgium |
woon {f} | :: domicile, residence, home, abode (place of living) |
woon {f} | :: residence, inhabiting (state of residing) |
woonachtig {adj} | :: resident |
woonark {f} | :: houseboat |
woonboot {m} | :: houseboat |
woonerf {n} | :: woonerf |
woonhuis {n} | :: residential building, house |
woonhuisje {noun} | :: diminutive of woonhuis |
woonkamer {f} | :: living room |
woonoord {n} | :: A residence, a place where one lives |
woonplaats {f} | :: any group of houses with a distinct name and identity, regardless of size; includes hamlets, villages, towns, cities and so on |
woonplaats {f} | :: habitat, place of residence |
woonregio {f} | :: residential area |
woonst {f} [Belgium] | :: dwelling, house |
woontoren {m} | :: residential tower |
woord {n} | :: word |
woordafbreking {f} | :: word break, word division |
woordafbreking {f} | :: syllabification |
woordblind {adj} | :: dyslexic |
woorddeel {n} [linguistic morphology] | :: morpheme |
woordenboek {n} | :: dictionary |
woordenlijst {f} | :: word list, vocabulary |
woordenschat {m} | :: vocabulary |
woordenstrijd {m} | :: (verbal) fight |
woordenstroom {m} | :: flow of speech, stream of words |
woordenstroom {m} | :: verbiage |
woordenwisseling {f} [euphemistic] | :: An angry discussion using unfriendly words |
woordgrap {f} | :: pun, play on words |
woordgroep {f} {m} | :: word category or word group |
woordklasse {f} [grammar] | :: word class |
woordsoort {f} | :: part of speech |
woordspeling {f} | :: wordplay, a pun |
woordvoerder {m} | :: spokesman or spokesperson [male or unspecified] |
woordvoerster {f} | :: spokeswoman, (female) spokesperson |
woordvorming {f} | :: word formation |
worden {v} [copulative] | :: to become; to get; to grow; to turn |
worden {vt} [auxiliary] | :: Used to form the imperfect tense of the passive voice, together with a past participle |
wording {f} | :: the act of becoming |
wording {f} | :: the moment of becoming; genesis |
worgen {v} | :: alternative form of wurgen |
worgengel {m} | :: angel of death |
worging {f} | :: alternative form of wurging |
Workum {prop} {n} | :: Workum (town) |
worm {m} | :: worm, vernacular term for various, mostly legless invertebrates; often nematodes or legless arthropod larvae |
wormdodend {adj} | :: anthelmintic |
wormstekig {adj} | :: maggoty, said of fruit damaged by maggots and other insects |
wormvormig {adj} | :: vermiform |
wormvormig aanhangsel {n} | :: vermiform appendix |
worp {m} [veterinary] | :: The act of giving birth in mammals |
worp {m} [veterinary] | :: The group of young animals born at the same time (from the same mother mammal) |
worp {m} | :: throw (flight of a thrown object) |
worst {f} | :: sausage |
worstelaar {m} | :: wrestler |
worstelen {v} | :: to struggle |
worstelen {v} | :: to wrestle |
worsteling {f} | :: something to be wrestled with; struggle |
worstenbrood {n} [chiefly diminutive] | :: hot dog (sausage in a bread roll) |
wort {n} | :: wort (unfermented beer) |
wortel {m} | :: carrot |
wortel {m} | :: root (especially of a plant) |
wortel {m} [mathematics] | :: square root, root |
wortel {m} [mathematics] | :: zero of a function, root |
wortelen {vi} | :: (used with in) to originate (from) |
wortelen {vt} | :: to ingrain, to root |
wortelkanaal {n} | :: root canal |
wortelkanaalbehandeling {f} | :: A root canal treatment (endodontic therapy) |
wortelstok {m} | :: rhizome |
worteltrekken {v} [arithmetic] | :: to find a root |
Wotisch {prop} {n} | :: Votic |
woud {n} | :: forest, woods, jungle |
woudaap {m} | :: Any of the small bitterns of the genera Ixobrychus and Dupetor |
woudaap {m} | :: The little bittern, Ixobrychus minutus |
Wouder {prop} | :: given name |
woudloos {adj} | :: forestless |
woudreus {m} | :: giant tree, towering tree |
wout {m} [pejorative, Bargoens, slang] | :: police officer |
Wouter {prop} | :: given name, akin to Walter |
Wouteringen {prop} {n} | :: Otrange, a town in Belgium |
Wouters {prop} | :: surname |
wouw {m} | :: A kite, certain bird of the family Accipitridae; especially of the genera Milvus, Harpagus and Haliastur |
wraak {f} | :: Revenge |
wraakporno {f} | :: revenge porn |
wraakzuchtig {adj} | :: vengeful |
wrak {n} | :: A wreck (remains of a vehicle, vessel, aircraft or other piece of machinery) |
wrak {n} | :: A wreck (severely damaged creature) |
wrak {adj} | :: defective, derelict, rickety |
wrang {adj} | :: astringent (mouthfeel), tart |
wrat {f} | :: wart (type of growth occurring on the skin) |
wrattenzwijn {n} | :: warthog, certain warty swine from the genera Sus and Phacochoerus |
wrecht {m} [archaic] | :: worker, builder, creator, wright |
wreed {adj} | :: cruel, callous |
wreed {adj} [slang] | :: wicked, cool, awesome |
wreedheid {f} [uncountable] | :: an indifference to suffering or positive pleasure in inflicting suffering; cruelty |
wreedheid {f} [countable] | :: a cruel act |
wreedte {f} [uncountable] | :: an indifference to suffering or positive pleasure in inflicting suffering; cruelty |
wreedte {f} [countable] | :: a cruel act |
wreef {f} | :: the arched part of the top of the foot between the toes and the ankle; instep |
wreken {v} | :: to (take) revenge, to avenge, to take vengeance |
wreken {v} | :: to punish |
wrens {adj} [of horses, obsolete] | :: ruttish |
wrensen {v} [obsolete] | :: to neigh |
wrevel {m} | :: resentment, irritation |
wrevelig {adj} | :: spiteful, cantankerous |
wrijfklank {m} | :: A fricative, consonant sound |
wrijten {v} [rare] | :: to argue, quarrel |
wrijven {vi} | :: to rub |
wrijving {f} | :: friction |
wrijvingswarmte {f} | :: heat produced by friction |
wrikken {v} | :: to pry, wrench |
wringen {v} | :: to wring |
wringen {v} | :: to twist |
wringen {v} | :: to wrest |
wringen {v} | :: to wriggle, to squirm, to writhe |
wrochten {v} | :: to produce, work |
wroegen {v} [rare] | :: to blame |
wroeging {f} | :: repentance, remorse |
wroeten {v} | :: to root, to grub |
wroeten {v} | :: to burrow |
wrok {m} | :: rancor (US), rancour (UK) |
wrong {m} [heraldry] | :: wreath, a ring made of two strips of cloth intertwined used on top of helmets to soften any blow |
wrongel {f} | :: curd |
wrsch. {adv} | :: abbreviation of waarschijnlijk |
ws. {adv} | :: abbreviation of waarschijnlijk |
wsch. {adv} | :: abbreviation of waarschijnlijk |
wubbes {f} {p} | :: irritation |
wuft {adj} [chiefly Netherlands] | :: frivolous, unserious, playful |
wuft {adj} [chiefly Netherlands] | :: capricious, whimsical |
wuft {adj} [chiefly Netherlands] | :: indulgent, sensuous |
wuft {adj} [Netherlands, dated] | :: wandering, itinerant |
wuiven {vi} | :: to wave |
wuiven {vi} | :: to beckon |
wulk {f} {m} | :: true whelk, one of certain whelks (edible sea snails) of the genus Buccinum |
wulk {f} {m} | :: common whelk, Buccinum undatum |
wulps {adj} | :: voluptuous, curvaceous |
wulps {adj} | :: wanton, lascivious |
wurgen {vt} | :: to strangle, to strangulate |
wurggreep {m} [literal, also, figurative] | :: stranglehold, choke |
wurging {f} | :: strangulation |
wurgpaal {m} | :: garrote |
wurgslang {f} [zoology] | :: A constrictor, serpent which kills preys by strangulation |
wurgstokje {noun} [usually, used in plural] | :: nunchaku |
wurm {m} | :: alternative form of worm |
wurmen {vr} | :: to worm, move by dragging one's body around |
Wuyts {prop} | :: surname |
WW {prop} {f} [Netherlands] | :: abbreviation of Werkloosheidswet |
Wynant {prop} | :: surname |