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See also: دو





Equivalent to the second element in هٰذَا (hāḏā, this) and the first element in ذٰلِكَ (ḏālika, that); compare also their plural forms. Related to Aramaic דִּי () and Hebrew זֶה (ze).





ذُو (ḏūm (dual ذَوَا (ḏawā), dual oblique ذَوَيْ (ḏaway), plural ذَوُو (ḏawū) or أُولُو (ʔulū), plural oblique ذَوِي (ḏawī) or أُولِي (ʔulī), feminine ذَات (ḏāt)) (construct state only)

  1. possessor of, owner of
    Synonym: صَاحِب (ṣāḥib)
    رَجُلٌ ذُو مَالٍrajulun ḏū mālina wealthy man, a man of wealth
  2. (in the plural) relatives, (particularly) parents
    • 2017 October 30, “هون – إعتقال إذاعي شاب شارك فى وقفة تطالب بالخدمات ورحيل بلدي الجفرة”, in Libya Akhbar[1]:
      و قال زملاء للهوني أن عميد البلدية ضالع فى عملية توقيفه عبر ممارسته لنفوذه مع أقارب و مقربين منه فى مديرية الأمن التي لم تقدم لهم و لذويه سبب واضح عن إعتقاله فيما أفاد مركز شرطة هون بأن لجنة القبض التابعة له قد تسلمت زبير من المديرية بعد ضبطه بناءً على أمر من مديرها.
      And colleagues of [Az-Zubayr] Al-Hūnī have said that the head of the municipality is involved in the process of his apprehension through his utilization of his influence by relatives and close friends of him in the Security Directorate which has not issued to them or to his parents a clear reason for his arrest while the police station of Hūn has stated that the Arrestment Department belonging to it had taken over Zubayr from the Directorate after his capture based on an order of its director.

Usage notes


Though syntactically a noun, the word is often used similarly to the English construction "of + mass noun," as in "a man of great strength," "a woman of noble birth," "a child of great talent," "a person of perfect conduct," and so on. Not unlike French du jour meaning "of the day".



Derived terms


See also
