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ture, Brooke Prize, 1883; First Theological Exhibition, 1885); was Curate of Bowdon, Cheshire, 1885-87; St. John's, Birkenhead, 1888-90; Private Teacher of Theology, 1890-97; Assistant Lecturer in Divinity and Hebrew in the University of Dublin, 1897-1907; Lecturer in the English Bible, 1898-1915; Professor of Biblical Greek, 1906-16; Deputy for the Regius Professor of Divinity, 1907-16; Chaplain to the Lord Lieutenant, 1913-21. Pubns.: Contributor to Hastings' Dict. of the Bible and to Hastings' Dictionary of Christ and the Gospels; Critical Edition of the Latin Writings of St. Patrick, 1905; Edited Dr. Salmon's posthumous Human Element in the Gospels, 1907; Author of Commentary on Pastoral Epistles in Expositor's Greek Testament, 1910: St. Patrick: his Life and Writings, 1920; son of late Rev. Henry Vere White, M.A., Incumbent of Swift's Alley Church, Dublin, and Lucy Reeves, dau. of Hill Wilson, Solicitor, of Dublin; b. 16th Feb., 1860; m. Ethel Catherine, dau. of Rev. George Kirkpatrick, M.A., Rector of Castlepollard, Co. Westmeath, and has issue one son and three daus. Res.: 32 Kenilworth Square, Dublin.

WHITE, Vincent Joseph (M.P. for East Tipperary, Co. Waterford and City of Waterford from 1921), L.R.C.P. & S.I., Alderman of the City of Waterford; Mayor of Waterford, 1921-23. Res.: 21 Broad Street, Waterford.

WHITLA, Sir William, Knt. (1902), M.A., M.D. Queen's University with highest honours, gold medal and special commendation; M.A Royal University (Hon. Causa); LL.D Glasgow Univ. (Hon. Causa): M.D, T.C.D. (Hon. Causa); D.Sc. (Q.U B.) Hon. Causa; Diploma and Medal (1st Class per meriti scientifici), Academy of Palermo; (M.P. for Queen's University, Belfast, from 1918); Hon. Physician to H.M. King George V. in Ireland; Hon. Member Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain; late President of Ulster Medical Society, 1886 and 1902; President N. I. Branch British Medical Assocn.; President of Irish Medical Association, 1901; President of the British Medical Association, 1909-10; Pres. Irish Graduates' Assocn. (London), 1905; Emeritus Prof, of Materia Medica, Queen's Univ.; Consulting Physician Royal Victoria Hospital; Consulting Physician to various institutions and hospitals: Member of the Senate Queen's University of Belfast: late Senator of Royal University and Examiner in Victoria, Glasgow, Cambridge, and Royal Universities; Orator, London Medical Society, 1913; Author of work on "Materia Medica" (ten editions), "Dictionary of Treatment," 6th edition, and 5th edition in Chinese language; Theory and Practice of Medicine, 2 vols., 1908; son of R. Whitla, Monaghau; b. 1851; m. Ada, dau. of George Bourne, Draconage, Staffordshire; J.P. Co. Antrim. Res.: Lenuoxvale House, Belfast. St. Stephen's Club, Westminster, S.W.

WHITTON, Henry McManus, M.A., LL.B. (R.U.I.): Barrister-at-Law, King's Inns, Dublin: Fitzgibbon Gold Medallist for Essay on "Title"; entered service of Land Judge Court, 1889; Private Secretary to Under Secretary for Ireland. 1916-18; Registrar, Land Judges' Court, High Court of Justice in Ireland, 1919; Registrar, High Court of Appeal for Ireland, 1921; m. 1902, Constance Eleanor, dau. of the late Rev. Alexander Beatty. Recns.: golf, motoring, fishing. Res.: Drommartin Lodge, Dundrum, Co. Dublin.

WHITTY, Patrick Joseph. Educ at St. Vincent's College, Castleknock; M.P. for N. Louth, 1916-8: third son of late Dr. Whitty, of Waterford; b. 1874. Res.: 22 Cross Avenue, Blackrock, Co. Dublin.

WICKLOW, Earl of, 1793; Viscount Wicklow, 1785; Baron Clonmore, 1778 (Irid.), Ralph Francis Howard, 7th Earl; late Capt. 2nd Life Guards; elected a Representative Peer for Ireland (1905); J.P., D.L. Co. Wicklow; son of Cecil, 6th Earl, a Representative Peer for Ireland, and Francesia Maria (d. 1877) dau. of Thomas Chamberlayne; b. 24th Dec, 1877; s. his father 24th July, 1891; m. 14th Jan., 1902, Lady Gladys Mary Hamilton (d. 1917), younger dau. of His Grace the Duke of Abercorn. K.G. and has issue one son. Res.: Shelton Abbey, Arklow, Co. Wicklow.

WILDING, Edward, C.B.E. (1919). Educ.: R. N. E. College. Devonport, and R. N. College, Greenwich; Shipbuilder and Naval Architect; Member Royal Corps Naval Constructors, 1899-1904; joined Staff Harland and Wolff, Belfast, 1904; a Managing Director, 1914; Deputy Director of Designs for Con. Gen. Merchant Shipbuilding, 1918-9; b. 25th Nov., 1875; eldest son of Henry Wilding, J.P., Liverpool and Southampton. Res.: 6 Royal Terrace. Belfast. Club: Ulster Reform.

WILKINSON, Sir Hiram Shaw, Knight (1903). Educ: Queen's University, Ireland (B.A., 1864, LL.D., 1881); called to the Bar at the Middle Temple, 1872, (obtained by competition Studentship awarded by Four Inns of Court, Michaelmas Term, 1871); passed Civil Service competitive examination and obtained honorary certificate, 1864; appointed Student Interpreter in Japan, 1864; 1st Class Assistant, 1868: Vice-consul at Neegata, 1877 Crown Advocate in China, 1881; British Commissioner for settlement of Canton Riot claims, 1883: Judge of H.B.M.'s Court for Japan, 1897, and Chief Justice of H.B.M.'s Supreme Court for China and