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N.C.U. National Cyclists' Union.
nem con. Nemine contradicente (no one contradicting); unanimously.
net, nett (lt.) Netto (free from all deductions).
N.L.F. National Liberal Federation.
non seq. Non sequitur (it does not follow).
N.P. Notary Public.
N.S. Novia Scotia; New Style in the Calendar (in Great Britain since 1752); National Society.
N.S.A. National Skating Association.
N.S.P.C.C. National Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children.
N.S.W. New South Wales.
N.U.T. National Union of Teachers.
N.U.W.W. National Union of Women Workers.
O.B.E. Officer Order of the British Empire.
O.C. Officer Commanding.
O.H.M.S. On His Majesty's Service.
O.L. Officer of the Order of Leopold.
O.M. Order of Merit.
O.M.I. Oblate of Mary Immaculate.
O.P. Ordiuis Prcedicatorum — of the Order of Preachers (Dominican Ecclesiastical Title).
O.S. Old Style in the Calendar (in Great Britain before 1752).
O.S.B. Order of St. Benedict.
O.S.F.C. Franciscan (Capuchin) Order.
Oxon. Oxfordshire; Of Oxford.
Oz. Ounces.
P.O. Privy Councillor ; Police Constable ; Perpetual Curate.
p.c. per centum (by the hundred); post-card.
Ph.D Doctor of Philosophy.
Plen. Plenipotentiary.
P.L.G. Poor Law Guardian.
P.M. Post Meridem (after midday); Pacific Mail.
P.M.G. Postmaster-General.
P.M.O. Principal Medical Officer.
P.M.S. President Miniature Society.
P. & O. Peninsular and Oriental Steamship Co.
P.O. Post Office; Postal Order.
P.O.O. Post Office Order.
P.P. Parish Priest.
P.P.C. Fr. Pour prendre cong (To take leave).
P.R.A. President of the Royal Academy.
Ppeb. Prevendary.
Pres. President.
P.R.I. President of the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours.
Prof. Professor.
Protem. Pro tempore (for the time being.)
Prox. Proximo (next).
P.R.S. President of the Royal Society.
P.S. Postscriptum (postscript); prompt side.
P.T.O. Please turn over.
P.W.D. Pubhc Works Department (roads, buildings, Government railways, telegraphs, etc.)
Q.C. Queen's Counsel.
Q.E.D. Quod erat demonstrandum (which was to be demonstrated), applied to a theorem.
Q.E.F. Quod erat faciendum (which was to be done), applied to a problem.
Q.M.G. Quartermaster-General.
Q.U.B. Queen's University, Belfast.
Q.U.I. Queen's University in Ireland.
q.v. Quod vide (which see).
R.A. Royal Academician; Royal Artillery.
R.A.C. Royal Automobile Club.
R.A.M. Royal Academy of Music.
R.A.M.C. Royal Army Medical Corps.
R.Art. Royal Artillery.
R.A.S. Royal Astronomical or Asiatic Soceity.
R.B.A. Royal Society of British Artists.
R.B.S. Royal Society of British Sculptors.
R.C. Roman Catholic.
R.C.V.S. Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.
R.D.C. Rural District Councillor.
R.E. Royal Engineers.
R.Eng. Royal Engineers.
Rear-Adm. Rear-Admiral.
Regt. Regiment.
Res. Resigned; Reserve.
Rev. Reverend.
R.F.A. Royal Field Artillery.
R.G.A. Royal Garrison Artillery.
R.H.A. Royal Hibernian Academy; Royal Horse Artillery.
R.H.G. Royal Horse Guards.
R.H.S. Royal Humane Society.
R.I. Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours.
R.I.B.A. Royal Institute of British Architects.
R.I.P. Requiescat in pace (May he or she rest in peace).
R.M. Royal Marines; Resident Magistrate.
R.M.A. Royal Marine Artillery.
R.M.A. Royal Military Academy, Woolwich.
R.M.C. Royal Military College, Sandhurst.
R.M.L.I. Royal Marine Light Infantry.
R.M.S. Royal Microscopical Society: Royal Mail Steamer; Royal Society of Minature Painters.