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the U S. Engineers, than in the First, Third, Thirtieth Regular Infantry, till retired as Brig.-Gen. "by operation of law," Dec. 16th, 1904; many years' frontier service: served in Black Hills campaign against Sioux Indians, 1875; Geronimo Campaign against Apaches, 1882; Pine Eidge (Dakota), Indian Campaign, 1894; was the first American officer in Command of troops to land in Cuba after declaration of War, 1898; swam ashore (under hostile fire) from boat; served in Philippine Islands (medal for daring action). Soc.: mem. Army of Potomac; G.A.R.; Loyal Legion (ex-V.-P.); Indian Wars; Array of Santiago: (Congressional medal for gallantry on field in Spanish American War); Philippine Campaigns; U.S. Infantry Association; offered his services for World War, but were declined solely because of his age. Club: The Army and Navy: Religion: Catholic, as all his Irish ancestors were. Res.: The, Wyoming-Washington, D.C.

O'CONNELL, Sir John Robert, Knt. (1914), J.P. Co. Cork; M.A., LL.D., and Member of the Senate of University of Dublin; M.R.I.A., F.S.A.; admitted a Solicitor, 1889, and is head of the firm of Thomas F. O'Connell & Son, Solicitors, Dublin; Director of the National Bank, Ltd.; Solicitor to Dublin and South Eastern Railway Co.; Member of Governing Body of University, Cork; Vice-President Statistical and Social Enquiry Society of Ireland; Member of Board of Superintendence of Dublin Hospitals; b. 1868; only son of Thomas Francis O'Connell, of No. 10 Mountjoy Square, Dublin; m. 1901, Mary, eldest dau. of Thomas Scally, of Deepwell, Blackrock, Co. Dublin. Res.: 34 Kildare. Street, Dublin; Ard Einin, Killiney, Co. Dublin. Clubs: Reform, London; Stephen's Green and Royal Irish Automobile, Dublin.

O'CONNELL, Capt. Sir Maurice James Arthur, Baronet (Unit. Kgd., 1869); M.C. (1916); J.P., D.L. Co. Kerry; J.P. Co. Clare; Capt. Royal Fusiliers; served in European War, 1914-18; Lord of the Manor of Ballycarbery; b. 24th Dec, 1889; son of 4th Bart., and Mary Pauline, dau. of Lieut.-Col. J. F. Hickie, of Slevoyre, Co. Tipperary; s. his father, 1919; m. 1920, Margaret Mary dau. of late Matthew J. Purcell, Burton Park, Buttevant. Res.: Lakeview, Killarney, Co. Kerry.

O'CONNELL, Sir Peter Reilly, Knt. (1908). Educ.: St. Patrick's College, Cavan Queen's College, Galway, and Catholic University, Dublin; M.D.. M.Ch., Royal University, Ireland; Senior Surgeon Mater Infirmorum Hospital, Belfast; J.P. Co. Antrim; High Sheriff, Belfast, 1907; D.L. Belfast; Member of Senate Queen's University of Belfast; President Ulster Medical Association, 1910-11; Lecturer and Examiner Queen's University, 1911-12; son of Patrick O'Connell, Mandabawn, Co. Cavan; m. 1907, Jane Mary, eldest dau. of late Edward Hughes, J.P., Belfast. Res.: Oatlands, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin.

O'CONNELL, Lady Mary Pauline, dau. of Col. James Francis Hickie, of Slevou-, Co. Tipperary; m. 1884, Sir Morgan Ross O'Connell, 4th Bart., who died 1919. Res.: Lakeview, Killarney, Co. Kerry.

O'CONNELL, Thomas Joseph (M.P. for County of Galway from 1922). Res.: * * * *

O'CONNOR, Arthur John (M.P. for South Kildare from 1918, and for Cos. Kildare and Wicklow in Parliament of Southern Ireland, 1921); B.A. (T.C.D.); is an engineer; was Secretary for Agriculture in Dail Eireann, 1921: b. 1888. Res.: Elm Hall, Celbridge, Co. Kildare.

O'CONNOR, Right Hon. Charles Andrew, P.C. (1911), M.A. (T.C.D.); Master of the Rolls, Ireland, 1912; Barrister King's Inns, 1878; Bencher, 1896; Q.C., 1895; First Serjeant-at-Law, 1907-09; Solicitor-General for Ireland, 1909-11; Attorney-General, 1911-12; Senator of the National University of Ireland; Member of Governing Body of University College, Dublin; b. 1855; m. Blanche, dau. of James Scully, of Shanballymore, Co. Tipperary. Res.: 28 Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin. Clubs: Reform and Athenaeum, London, S.W.; Stephen's Green, Dublin.

O'CONNOR, George Richard, Barrister King's Inns, 1894; member of Connaught Circuit; Crown Counsel for Co. Leitrim, 1905-8: appointed Resident Magistrate, 1908; served in Counties of Clare, Cork, and Donegal, and in the Cities of Belfast and Londonderry; R.M. for County and City of Waterford since 1920; eldest son of Meredith Ferrall O'Connor, of Ballunvally, Co. Sligo; b. 1863; m. 1909. Alice Georgiana, dau. of late Isaac Beckett, J.P. of Altamont, Dundrum, Co. Dublin. Res.: Suirville, Waterford.

O'CONNOR, Right Hon. James, P.C. (Irld.), 1917; Lord Justice of Appeal in Ireland since 1918; Judge of the Chancery Division High Court of Justice, Ireland, 1918; Attorney-General for Ireland, 1917-18; Solicitor-General, 1914-17; barrister King's Inns, 1900; K.C., 1908. Educ.: Blackrock College, Dublin. Pubns. The Licensing Laws of Ireland; The Motor Car Acts; The Irish Justice of the Peace; b. 1872: m. Mary Josephine, dau. of Lawrence Kehoe, and has issue. Res.: 58 Northumberland Road, Dublin. Stephen's Green Club, Dublin.