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Page:Thom's Irish who's who.djvu/19

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K.R.R. King's Royal Rifles
K.S.G. Knight of St. Gregory
K.T. Knight of the Order of the Thistle
Kt. or Knt. Knight
L. 50 (Roman numerals)
£ Pounds (sterling)
L.A. Literate in Arts; Liverpool Academy
lb. pounds (weight)
L.C.C. London County Council
L.Ch. Licentiate in Surgery
L.C.J. Lord Chief Justice
L.C.P. Licentiate of the College of Preceptors
L.Div. Licentiate in Divinity
L.D.S. Licentiate of Dental Surgery
L.P.P.S. Licentiate of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons
L.H.D. (Literarum Humaniorum Doctor) Doctor of Literature
L.I. Light Infantry
Lic.Med. Licentiate in Medicine
Lieut. Lieutenant
Lit. Literature; Literary
Lit.Hum. Classics
Litt.D. Doctor of Letters
L.J. Lord Juctice
L.L.A. Lady Literate in Arts
LL.B Bachelor of Laws
LL.D Doctor of Laws
LL.M. Master of Laws
L.M. Licentiate in Midwifery
Loq. Loquitur (speaks)
L.R.C.P. Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians
L.R.C.P.I. Licentiate Royal College of Physicians, Ireland
L.R.C.S. Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons
L.R.C.S.I. Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland
L.R.C.V.S. Licentiate of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
L.S.A. Licentiate of the Society of Apothecaries
£ s. d. Pounds, shillings, and pence; Money
Lt. or Lieut. Lieutenant
Lt.-Col. Lieutenant-Colonel
Lt.-Gen. Lieutenant-General
L.Th. Licentiate in Theology
L. & N.W.R. London and North Western Railway
L. & Y.R. Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway
m. married.
M.A. Master of Arts.
M.A.I. Master of Engineering (Magister in Arte Ingeniara).
Maj.-Gen. Major-General.
M.A.O. Master of Obstetric Art.
Math. Mathematics; Mathematical.
M.B. Bachelor of Medicine.
M.B.E. Member of the Order of the British Empire.
M.C. Military Cross.
M.C.C. Marylebone Cricket Club.
M.Ch. Master in Surgery.
M.C.M.E.S. Member of Civil and Mech. Engineers' Society.
M.Com. Master of Commerce.
M.C.S. Madras Civil Service.
M.D. Doctor of Medicine.
M.E. Mining Engineer.
M.E.C. Member of Executive Council.
Mech. Mechanics.
Mem. Memorandum.
M.Eng. Master of Engineering.
M.F.H. Master of Foxhounds.
M.I.E.E Member of Institute of Electrical Engineers.
M.J.I. Member of Institute of Journalists.
Mil. Military.
M.I.M.E. Member of Institute of Mining Engineers.
M.I.Mech.E. Member Institution of Mechanical Engineers.
M.I.M.M. Member of Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
M.Inst.C.E. Member of Institution of Civil Engineers.
M.Inst.M.E. Member of Institution of Mining Engineers.
M.I.N.A. Member of Institution of Naval Architects.
M.Inst.W.E. Member of the Institution of Water Engineers.
M.L. Licentiate in Medicine.
M.L.A. Member of Legislative Assembly.
M.L.C. Member of Legislative Council.
Mlle. Mademoiselle (Miss).
Mme. Madame.
Mngr. Monsignor.
M.O.H. Medical Officer of Health.
M.P. Member of Parliament.
M.R.A.S. Member of Royal Asiatic Society.
M.R.C.P.I. Member of the Royal College of Physicians, Ireland.
M.R.C.P.E. Member of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh.
M.R.C.S.I. Member of Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland.
M.R.C.S.E. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh.
M.R.C.V.S. Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.
M.R.I.A. Member of the Royal Irish Academy.
M.R.U.S.I. Member of the Royal United Service Institute.
M.S. Master of Surgery.
MS., MSS. Manuscript, Manuscripts.
M.S.C. Madras Staff Corps.
M.Sc. Master of Science.
M.S.I. Member of Sanitary Institute.
Mus.B. Bachelor of Music.
Mus.D. Doctor of Music.
Mus.M. Master of Music.
M.V.O. Member of the Royal Victorian Order.
N.B. North Britain; (L Nota Bene, notice); New Brunswick.
N.B.A. North British Academy.