Ireland; Translator and joint author of Tappeiner's Chemical Methods of Clinical Diagnosis, and author of numerous scientific and medical papers, including Louis Pasteur ("Catholic Men of Science," C.T.S.); b. 1864; m. 1891, Emlie, dau. of Simon Brazil, of Kingstown, Co. Dublin. Res.: 84 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin.
McWEENY, Henry C., M.A. (R.U.I.); Professor of Mathematics at University College, Dublin, since 1909; ex-F.R.U.I.; member of the Governing Body of Univ. College, Dublin, in the National University; Senator of the National University, 1908-1919. Res.: 21 Grosvenor Road, Rathmines, Dublin.
MADDEN, Right Hon. Dodgson Hamilton, P.C., M.A.; Hon. LL.D., 1891; Hon. Litt.D., 1908, Trinity College, Dublin; Vice-Chancellor of the University of Dublin, 1895-19; Vice-Chairman of the Board of Intermediate Education, 1895-1917; called to the Bar in 1864: appointed Queen's Counsel in 1880, and Third Serjeant-at-Law in 1887; Solicitor-General for Ireland, 1888-89; Attorney-General for Ireland, 1889-92; M.P. for Dublin Univ., 1887-92; Vice-Chancellor of the University, 1895-1919: Railway Commissioner, 1904-14; a Judge of the High Court of Justice, King's Bench Division, 1892-1919: only son of the late Rev. Hugh Hamilton Madden, M.A., Chancellor of Cashel and Rector of Templemore, and Isabella, dau. of Henry J. Monk Mason, Esq., LL.D. (who was the Author of "An Essay on Parliaments in Ireland," and other works); b, 1840: m., 1st, 1868, Minnie (d. 189.5), eldest dau. of the late Lewis Moore, Esq., D.L., of Cremorgan, Queen's Co.; 2nd, Jessie Isabelle, third dau. of the late Richard Warburton, Esq. D.L., of Garryhinch, King's Co. Res.: The Orchard, East Sheen, Surrey. Clubs; Carlton and Athenicum, S.W.; University, Dublin.
MADDEN, Lt.-Col. John Clements, Waterhouse, M.A. (Cantab.), D.L., J.P., Co. Fermanagh (High Sheriff, 1909); J.P. Co. Monaghan (High Sheriff, 1906). Educ.: Eton, Trinity Hall, Cambridge; Barrister Inner Temple, 1895; Barrister King's Inns, 1897: Lieut.-Col. late Comdg. 4th Batt. Royal Irish Fus.; (mentioned for services in connection with the war, Feb. 1917; medal); a member of the Standing Committee of the Ulster Unionist Council 1908-19; a Director of the G.N. Rly. Co., Ireland; a County Councillor for Co. Monaghan; second and eldest surviving son of late John Madden, D.L., J.P., of Hilton Park, Co. Monaghan, and Lady Caroline (d. 1914), sister of Earl of Leitrim: b. 1870; m. 1908, Agnes Mary, third dau. of Sh. Wm. Hy. Tate, 2nd Bart.; and has issue two sons and one dau. Recns: shooting, motoring, and chess. Res.: Hilton Park, Clones, Co. Monaghan. Carlton, and Bachelor's Clubs London.
MADDEN, Major Thomas Edward MacDonnell, J.P, for Co. Wicklow. Educ. at Ratcliffe and Downside; late Major Wicklow R.G A.; Capt. R.G.A., 1914-7; second son of late Thomas More Madden, M.D., J.P., of Tinode, Co. Wicklow; b. 1869. Res.: Tinode, Blessington, Co. Wicklow.
MADDOCK, Sir Simon, Knt. (1921); D.L., J.P., City of Dublin; Governor Royal Hibernian Military School, Meath Hospital, National Children's Hospital, and Westmorland Lock Government Hospital; Member of Council Royal Dublin Society; Director Johnston, Mooney and O'Brien, Ltd., J. H. Webb & Co., and the Commercial Insurance Co. of Ireland; b. 4th May, 1869. Res.: Mount Jerome House, Dublin. Clubs: Constitutional Club, London, and United Service Club, Dublin.
MAGEE, William Kirkpatrick, B.A., T.C.D.; First Assistant Librarian, National Library of Ireland. Pseud. John Eglinton. Pubns.: Anglo-Irish Essays, etc. Res.: 1 Lakelands Park, Terenure, Dublin.
MAGENNIS, Edward, M.D. (Q.U.B.), L.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., L.A.H., D.P.H., J.P. Counties of Down and Armagh; Member of the General Medical Council; Ophthalmic and Aural Surgeon St. Michael's Hospital Kingstown; Examiner in Ophthalmology to the Apothecaries Hall of Ireland; Ex-Governor of the Apothecaries Hall of Ireland; Ex-Governor of the Co. Armagh Asylum; sometime Member, Armagh Co. Council. Educ.: Queen's College, Belfast; King's College, London. Pubns.: Dictionary of Ophthalmic Terms; Eye Symptoms as Aids in Diagnosis; The Eyesight of School Children; The Irish Poor Law System; Hygiene in the Schoolroom; Physical Deterioration in the Schoolroom. Recn.: golfing. Son of Edward Magennis, of Portadown; m. 18—, Minnie Grew, and has issue two sous and one dau. Res.: 86 Harcourt Street, Dublin. Clubs: Leinster, Dublin; Portmarnock Golf; Milltown Golf.
MAGENNIS, William, M.A. (R.U.I.); Barrister King's Inns, 1893: Professor of Metaphysics, University College, Dublin; Advisory Examiner in English, Intermediate Education Board; Professor English Literature, Carysfort Training College, since 1889; Editor Educational Series of English Classics; Member Governing Body, University College, and Member of Senate, National University of Ireland; b. Belfast, 1869. Educ: Belvedere College and University College Dublin, 1st class Honours and 1st class Exhibition B.A., R.U.I.: 1st class Honours M.A.; Studentship in Mental and Moral Philosophy; Examiner, English Literature. R.U.I.; late Fellow, Royal University of Ireland. Editor of Lyceum, 1890-92; of New Ireland Review, 1893. Pubns.; Irish Democracy; Blind Bartimeus, and