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1887; m. 1918, Lady Barbara Helen, dau. of 4th Marquess Conyngham, and has issue one son. Res.: Mount Juliet. Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny; 3 Norfolk Street, Park Lane, W. Clubs: Turf, Cavalry, Carlton, Marlborough, London; Kildare, Street, Dublin.

McCALMONT, Major-General Sir Hugh, K.C.B. Mil. (1900), C.B. Mil. (1885), C.V.O. (1903); served in Red River Expedition. 1870; Turkey, 1876; A.D.C. to Field Marshal Viscount Wolseley on Gold Coast, 1873; Cyprus. 1878; and in S. Africa, 1879; Military Attache, Turko-Russian War, 1877-8; Brig.-Major of Cav. Brig., Egyptian War. 1882; at Tel-el-Kebir in command of Light Camel Regt.; operations on Upper Nile, 1885: Major (Col. 1885) 7th Hussars, 1881-6; Lieut.-Col. Comm. 4th Dragoon Guards, 1888-92; H.P., 1892; in command of the Cork District, 1898-1903; Major-General, 1896; Distinguished Service Reward, 1900; Col. 7th Hussars. 1907; J.P., D.L., for Co. Antrim: J.P., Co. and City of Dublin; J.P., Co. Kilkenny; M.P. for North Antrim, 1895-8; son of late James McCalmont, Esq.; b. 1845; m. 1885, Hon. Rose, dau. of 4th Baron Clanmorris, and has a son, Hugh Dermot, M.C.. Major 7th Hussars; b. 1887. Res.: Mount Juliet, Co. Kilkenny; Abbeylands, Whiteabbey, Belfast Clubs: Army and Navy, Carlton, S.W.; Kildare Street, Dublin.

McCALMONT, Col. Robert Chaine Alexander, D.S.O. (1917); Comdg. Irish Guards since 1919. Educ.: Eton; served in South African War, 1900, with 6th (M.) Batt. R. Warwickshire Regt.; appointed 2nd Lieut. Irish Guards on formation, 1900; Capt. and Adjt., 1904; Major, 1910; Half pay, 1913-14; raised and commanded 2nd S. Batt. R. Irish Rifles (Ulster Div.), 1914-15; commanded 1st Batt. Irish Guards, 1915-17; Temp. Brig.-Gen. Comdg. 3rd Inf. Brigade, B.E.F., 1917; Half pay, 1918-19. Was M.P., Co. Antrim, E., Feb., 1913, to March, 1919; b. Dublin, 1881; only son of late Col. James Martin McCalmont (M.P. Co. Antrim, E., 1885-1913); m. 1907. Recns.: coursing, shooting, yachting, golf; Member of Nat. Coursing Club; Hon. Treas., Army Football and Athletic and C.C. Associations. Res.: 10 Hyde Park Square, London, W.2. Clubs: Kildare Street, Ulster; Guards (London), Carlton (London).

McCANN, P., M.P. (S.F.), East Tipperary since 1918.

M'CANN, Thomas S., B.A. (T.C.D.); Barrister King's Inns, 1892; K.C., 1906, Educ: Beaumont College; Trinity College, Dublin; son of late Thomas S. McCann, of Dublin; b. 1868; m. 1894, Alice, dau. of late John Baldwin Murphy, Q.C., and has issue three sons and two daus. Res.: Frankfipld, Foxrock. Co Dublin. Clubs: Stephen's Green, Royal Irish Yacht.

McCARRICK, Henry, J.P. for Cos. Sligo (High Sheriff, 3902) and Mayo. Educ. at St. Stanislaus' College, Tullamore, and University College, Dublin; eldest son of Roger McCarrick, of Kilglass House, Ballina, and Ellinor, dau. of John O'Connor, of Edenbawn, Co. Sligo; b. 1868: m. 1914, Mildred, dau. of late Frederick Eaton, of Blundellsands, Lanes. Res.: Kilglass House, Ballina, Co. Sligo; Constitutional Club, London, S.W.

McCARTAN, Daniel, B.A. (Lond), 1887; Clerk of Crown and Peace, Co. Down; Gold Medallist Solicitor's Final, 1890. Pubns.: Keys to Solicitor's Final Examinations and Brochures on Registration of Voters; Labourers Acts; Representation of the People Acts, and Proportional Representation; b. 26th April, 1866. Res.: Newcastle, Co. Down.

McCARTAN, Patrick (M.P for King's County, Tullamore Div., April, 1918, to Dec. 1918, for King's County from Dec.. 1918, and for King's and Queen's Co. 1921); L.R.C.P. & S.I.; late House Surgeon, Mater Misericordiæ Hospital, Dublin; b. 1889. Res.: Eskerbuoy Carrickmore, Co. Tyrone.

MacCARTHY, Daniel (M.P. for Dublin City, South Div., from 1920). Principal Election agent for Sinn Fein; Government Whip, Provisional Parliament; President Gaelic Athletic Association. Res.: 4 Raleigh Place, Dolphin's Barn. Dublin.

McCARTHY, Denis A., Poet and Journalist; born in Carrick-on-Suir, Co. Tipperary, Ireland, July 25th, 1870; son of Denis and Margaret (Connolly) McCarthy. Early Education in Christian Brothers School in native town; emigrated to America at the age of fifteen; after several years of travel and adventure settled in Boston. Author of four books of lyric verse-Heart Songs and Home Songs; Songs of Sunrise; A Round of Rimes: and Voices from Erin, published by Little, Brown & Co., Boston. Lecturer on literary and social topics; special writer for the Boston Herald; and many other publications. Clubs: Twentieth Century Club, Boston; Boston Authors' Club, and Paddington Club, Boston. Address: Care of Little, Brown & Co., 34 Beacon Street, Boston.

McCARTHY, His Honour Judge John William, Barrister Gray's Inn and Middle Temple, 1886: Bencher Gray's Inn, 1909; J.P., N. and W. R. Yorks, and Co. Durham; Judge of County Courts Circuit No. 12, 1914-18, and Circuit No. 15 from 1918; eldest son of J. McCarthy, of Kilworth. Co. Cork; b. 1854: m. 1881, Sarah, elder dau. of Capt. Davies, R. Mil. Coll., Sandhurst. Res.: 3 Elm Court, Temple, London, E.C.4.