the Playhouse, New York, Oct., 1919, appeared as Costigan in "A Young Man's Fancy"; at the Greenwich Village, New York, Nov., 1919, Peter Cooney in "The Lost Leader"; on returning to London, appeared at the Lyric, Hammersmith, Feb., 1920, as James Cæsar in "John Ferguson"; at the Abbey Theatre, Dublin, 1920, played Natty Murnaghan in "The King's Threshold"; again visited New York, and at the Punch and Judy Theatre, Nov., 1920, played Horatio Webster in "Rollo's Wild Oat"; at the Belmont, June, 1921, James Cæsar in "John Ferguson." Recns.: swimming, walking and boxing. Res.: 8 Hollybank Road, Dublin.
KERR-SMILEY, Peter (M.P. for Antrim North from 1910), is Major Reserve of Officers, late Lieut. 21st Lancers; served in S. Africa 1901-02, on staff; second son of Sir Hugh Houston Smiley, 1st Bart.; b. 1879; m. 1905, Maud, dau. of Ernest L. Simpson, of New York. Res.: 31 Belgrave Square, London, S.W. Clubs: Marlborough, Carlton, and Cavalry.
KERRY, Bishop of, The Most Rev. Charles O'Sullivan, D.D.; was Curate at Millstreet, 1887-1907; Parish Priest of Tralee and Dean of Kerry, 1907-17; Chosen by the Holy See to be Bishop of Kerry, 1917. Res.: The Palace, Killarney.
KILBRIDE, Dennis, tenant farmer; b. 1848; s. of Thomas Kilbride, Lugnacurran, Queen's Co. Educ.: Clongowes; M.P. South Kerry, 1887-95: M.P. Co. Galway, 1895-1900; M.P. for S. Kildare, 1903-18 Res.: Luggacurren, Stradbally, Queen's Co.
KILBRIDE, Joseph, M.A. (T.C.D.); Barrister King's Inns, 1888; Resident Magistrate, Ireland, from 1894. Educ. at Tullabeg College and T.C.D.; son of Thos. Kilbride, of Luggacurran, Stradbally, Queen's Co.; b. 1846. Res.: Cork.
KILBRIDE, Valentine. Educ. at Clonsowes and Ushaw; admitted a Solicitor; Senior Taxing Master Supreme Court of Judicature, Ireland, from 1913; son of Thomas Kilbride, of Luggacurran, Stradbally, Queen's Co.; b. 1851. Res.: 37 Northumberland Road Dublin.
KILCONNEL, Lord, Richard Frederick John Donough Trench, late Royal Naval Air Service; eldest son of 5th Earl of Clancarty; b. 27th Dec, 1891; m., 1st. 1915, Edith Constance (div. 1918), dau. of Major Alexander Rawlinson 2nd, 1919, Corie Marie Edith, dau of late H. H. Spooner, of Thornton Hall, Surrey. Res.: Bourne Court, Bourne End, Bucks.
KILCOURSIE, Viscount (title borne by eldest son of Earl of Cavan.
KILDARE, Marquess of (title borne by eldest son of Duke of Leinster).
KILDARE AND LEIGHLIN, Bishop of, The Most Rev. Patrick Foley, D.D.; consecrated 31st:May, 1896, Coadjutor of Kildare and Leighlin; s. Most Rev. Dr. Lynch, 19th Dec, 1896; B.A. (Lond.); ordained Priest 1881; Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy and Sacred Scripture, Carlow College, 1885-92; President, 1892-96; a Commissioner of National Education, 1905; Member of Governing Body, University College, Dublin; son of late Patrick Foley; b. 1858. Res.: Braganza House, Carlow.
KILKELLY, Chas, Randolph, C.M.G., M.V.O.; son of the late Surg.-General C. E. Kilkelly, F.R.C.S., J.P., I.M.S., of Drimcong, Co. Galway; b. April, 1861; m. Florence Mary, 1893, dau. of the late Hon. Henry William Petre (née B. Petre Colls), and has issue Edward, b. 1897, Major R.A., killed in action Ypres 1917; Gerald, b. 1900, Lieut. VIII. R. Irish Hussars, and Patricia, T.C.D. Eng. School. Educ.: Downside College; Trinity College, Dublin; and Vienna; B.A. (Dub.) 1882; M.B., 1883; B.Ch., 1884; L.R.C.S.I., 1884; D.P.H. (Dub.) 1904, and Lond., 1905. Sen. Mod., Nat. Sc. (Gold Medal), and Surgical Trav. Prizeman. Univ., Dub., 1884. Entered A.M.S., 1885; gazetted Grenadier Guards, 1897; retired Lieut.-Col. Grenadier Guards, 1905. Served personal staff H.R.H. Duke of Connaught, India; Egypt. Campaign, 1898; S. African War, P.M.O. Portland and Transvaal Imp. Yeomanry Hospitals, 1899-1902; Ho. Governor Med. Supt., Osborne, 1903-1908; European War, 1914-18. Dy. Commissioner and Med. Supt. Leopardstown Park Hospital, M. Pensions. Transl. Antiseptic Treatment of Wounds (Billroth, Vienna), from the German of Dr. Hacker. Director Irish Agricultural Wholesale Society. Res.: Drimcong, Moycullen, Co. Galway, and 53 Pembroke Road, Dublin. Clubs: University, Dublin, and County Club, Galway.
KILKELLY, Lt.-Col. Patrick Percy, M.B., late Lieut.-Col. I.M.S., J.P for Co. Wicklow; served in S. Africa, 1898; b. 1869; son of Surg.-Gen. Kilkelly, J.P., of Drimcong, Co. Galway. Educ. at Downside. Res.: Baltyboys, Blessington, Co. Wicklow.
KILLALOE, Bishop of, The Most Rev. Michael Fogarty, D.D.; succeeded Most Rev. Dr. MacRedmond, 29th June, 1904; b. 1859. Educ. at St. Patrick's College, Maynooth; elected Dunboyne Student,