Educ.: Trinity College, Dublin; Demonstrator Civil Engineering, 1882-91: Demonstrator in Experimental Physics, Trin. Coll., Dublin, 1893: Vice-President Royal Dublin Society: Warden Alexandra College for the Higher Education of Women; Secretary of the Council, University of Dublin; a Commissioner of Irish Lights; Scientific Adviser to Dr. Steevens' Hospital, Dublin; one of the editors of the Philosophical Magazine from 1901: Royal Medal of Royal Society, 1910: and Boyle Medal of Royal Dublin Society, 1911; President Geological Section British Association. 1908; Member of British Educational Mission to the United States, 1918. Pubns.: Radio-activity and Geology; The Birthtime of the World and other Scientific Essays, 1915; Synchronous Signalling in Navigation; many contributions to Royal Society, Royal Dublin Society, Blackwood's Magazine, Philosophical Magazine, etc., on Geology, Physics, and Navigation, etc., Recns.; gardening, collects minerals, books, and pictures; youngest son of late Rev. J.P. Joly, of Hollywood, King's Co., and Julia, dau. of Frederick Count de Lusi. Res.: Somerset House, Temple Road, Dublin.
JONES, Major H. J., South Irish Horse and 1st E. E. Lancers (attchd. 12th Royal Lancers), 1918-19-2-2: Major in Regular Army. Reserve of Officers, 12th Royal (Prince of Wales) Lancers. Registrar High Court of Justice (Probate) for Cos. Waterford, Wexford and Tipperary (S.R.), 1909; State Solicitor Co. Wexford. 1920; third surviving son of Hugh and Mary Jones. Res.: Waterford. Recns.: hunting, golf, tennis. Clubs: County Waterford, and United Service.
JONES, John Joseph Casimir, C.V.O. (1900). C.B. (1899); Chief Commissioner of Dublin Metropolitan Police, 1883-1900: son of James Jones, of Mallow. Co. Cork: b. 1839: in 1875, Theresa, dau of Robt. MacMahon, of Limerick. Res.: 11 Cumberland Road, Kew, Surrey.
JORDAN, The Right Hon. Sir John Newell, P.C. (1915), G.C.M.G. (1920), G.C.I.E. (1911), K.C.B. (1909), K.C.M.G. (1904), C.M.G. (1897); Student Interpreter. China, 1876; Assistant Chinese Sec. at Pekin, 1889; Secretary, 1891: Con.-Gen., Corea, 1896-98: Charge d'Affaires, 1898-1901; Minister Resident to Corea. 1901-1906: Envoy Extra, and Min. Plen. to China, 1906-20. Received the Freedom of Belfast, 28th Sept., 1910: son of John Jordan, Esq., Bangor, Co. Down; b. 1852; m. 1885, Annie, dau. of Dr. Cromie, Clough, Co. Down. Res.: 12 Portinscale Road, London, S.W.15.
JOYCE, Garrett W., F.R.C.S.I., J.P. for Co. Dublin: Physician to our Lady's Hospice for the Dying, Harold's Cross, Dublin: b. 1870; son of P. W. Joyce, LL.D.. Irish Historian: m. Annie, dau. of late Bernard Smith, J.P., and has issue two sons and one dun. Res.: 20 Lr. Baggot Street, Dublin.
JOYCE, Michael; b. 1854: Mayor of Limerick. 1905 and 1906: Alderman from 1898; a working pilot. President United Kingdom Pilots' Association, 1910; M.P. Limerick City, 1900-18. Res.: The Moorings, O'Connell Avenue, Limerick.
JOYCE, Lieut.-Col. Pierce Charles (1918), C.B.E. (1919;, Legion of Honour; Croix de Guerre; late Major and Bt.-Lieut.-Col. Connaught Rangers; served in S. Africa, 1900-02: Sudan, 1910: European War, 1914-18; son of Pierce John Joyce, D.L., of Mervue, Co. Galway; b. 1878; m. 1921, Colin, dau. of Major-Gen. Robert Hunter Murray, C.B., C.M.G. Army and Navy Club London.
JOYCE, Pierce John, D.L. Co. Galway (High Sheriff, 1912): J.P. town of Galway (High Sheriff, 1867). Educ. at Oscott; late Inspector of Prisons for Ireland: eldest son of late Pierce Joyce. D.L.. J.P., of Mervue, formerly High Sheriff of Galway, and his 1st wife, Jane Mary, eldest dau. of late Francis Blake, of Gregg Castle. Co. Galway: b. 1844: m. 1875. Selina Henrietta (d. 1898). third dau. of late Chas. Geo. Mahon, D.L.. of Mount Pleasant, Co. Mayo, and has issue one son and one dau. Rea.: Mervue, Galway.
JOYCE, Robert D., F.R.C.S.I. Educ.: at Dublin, Berlin, Vienna: ophthalmic and aural surgeon; son of Dr. P. W. Joyce Irish Historian; b. 1874. Res.: 73 Merrion Square, Dublin.
JOYCE, Walter, J.P. for Co. Galway. Educ. at St. Stanislaus' College, Tuliamore, and University College (S.J.), Dublin; son of Walter Joyce, J.P., of Corgary, Co. Galway. and Louisa, dau. of James Daly, of Castle Daly, Co. Galway: b. 1865. Res.: Corgary House, Castleblaktnay, Co. Galway.
JOYCE, Weston St. John. Educ. in Dublin; is an authority on Irish topography. Author of The Neighbourhood of Dublin, and other works: eldest son of lata Patrick Weston Joyce, LL.D., M.A., Irish Historian, and Caroline, dau. of Lieut. John Waters, of Baltinglass, Co. Wicklow; b. 1858: m.. 1st, Isabella (d. 0000), dau. of Charles Elliott, of Dublin; 2nd, Eleanor, dau. of John Graydon, of Harrogate. Res.: 7 Ormond Road, Rathmines, Dublin.
JOYCE, William B., B.A., F.R.S.A., Headmaster Central Model Schools, Dublin. Formerly Headmaster of Leamy's School,