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A.A.G. Assistant-Adjutant-General.
A.B. Bachelor of Arts.
A.C.A. Associate of the Institute of Chartered Accountants.
Acad. Academy.
A.C.I.S. Associate of the Chartered Institute of Secretaries.
A.D. Anno Domini.
A.D.C. Aide-de-camp.
Ad eund. Ad eundem gradum (admitted to the same degree).
Adj. Adjutant.
Ad lib. Ad libitum (at discretion).
Adm. Admiral.
A.D.O.S. Assistant Director of Ordnance Stores.
A.D.V.S. Assistant Director of Veterinary Services.
A.F.C. Air Force Cross.
A.G. Attorney-General; Adjutant-General.
A.I.F. Australian Imperial Forces.
A.I.G. Adjutant-Inspector-General.
A.K.C. Associate of King's College, London.
A.L.I. Argyll Light Infantry.
A.M. Ante Meridiem (before midday); Anno Mundi (in the Year of the world); Master of Arts.
A.M.I.C.E. Associate Member of Institute of Civil Engineers.
A.M.I.E.E. Associate Member of Institute of Electrical Engineers.
A.O.D. Army Ordnance Department.
A.P.D. Army Pay Department.
A.Q.M.G. Assistant-Quartermaster-General.
A.R.A. Associate of the Royal Academy.
A.R.A.M. Associate of the Royal Academy of Music.
A.R.C.A. Associate Royal Cambrian Academy.
A.R.C.O. Associate Royal College of Organists.
A.R.C.S. Associate Royal College of Science.
A.R.E. Associate of Royal Society of Painter Etchers.
A.R.I.B.A. Associate of the Royal Institute of British Architects.
A.R.M.S. Associate of the Royal Society of Minature Painters.
A.R.S.A. Associate Royal Scottish Academy.
A.R.S.M. Associate Royal School of Mines.
A.R.W.S. Associate Royal Society of Painters in Water-Colours.
A.S.A.M. Associate of the Society of Art Masters.
A.S.C. Army Service Corps.
Assoc. So. Associate in Science.
A.V.D. Army Veterinary Department
b. born; brother.
B.A. Bachelor of Arts.
B.A.I. Bachelor of Engineering.
B.A.O. Bachelor of Obstetrics.
Barr. Barrister.
Bart. or Bt. Baronet.
Batt. or Batn. Battalion.
B.C. Before Christ; British Columbia.
B.Ch. Bachelor of Surgery.
B.C.L. Bachelor of Civil Law.
B.C.S. Bengal Civil Service.
B.D. Bachelor of Divinity.
Bd. Board.
B.E. Bachelor of Engineering.
B.Litt. Bachelor of Letters.
B.N.C. Brasenose College.
B.C.S. Bombay Civil Service.
B.S.C. Bombay Staff Corps.
Brev. Brevet.
Brig. Brigade; Brigadier.
B.S. Bachelor of Surgery.
B.S.C. Bengal Staff Corps.
B.Sc. Bachelor of Science.
B.Th. Bachelor of Theology.
B.V.M. Blessed Virgin Mary.
C.A. County Alderman; Chartered Accountant (Scotland).
Cantab. Of Cambridge University.
Capt. Captain
Cav. Cavalry.
C.B. Companion of the Bath.
C.B.E. Commander Order of the British Empire.
C.C. Catholic Curate; County Councillor; County Court.
C.C.C. Corpus Christi College.
C.C.S. Ceylon Civil Service.
C.E. Civil Engineer.
C.F. Chaplain to the Forces.
C.H. Companion of Honour.
Ch. Chief.
Ch.B. Bachelor of Surgery.
Ch.Ch. Christ Church.
Ch.Coll. Christ's College.
Ch.M. Master of Surgery.
Chm. Chairman.
C.I. Imperial Order of the Crown of India.
C.I.D. Criminal Investigation Department.
C.I.E. Companion of the Order of the Indian Empire.
C.I.V. City Imperial Volunteers.
C.J. Chief Justice.
C.M. Church Missionary.
C.M. Master in Surgery.
C.M. Certified Master.
C.M.G. Companion of St. Michael and St. George.
C.O. Commanding Officer.
Co. County; Company.
Col. Colonel.
Comdg Commanding.