trations, drawings and photographs on very thin paper may be affixed to the back or to the left hand half of the address side. provided they are completely adherent.[1]
(4) A Post-Card must not be folded, ent or otherwise altered.
(5) Cards bearing the inscription "Post-card" are allowed to go at the reduced rate of postage for printed matter, provided they conform to the general regulations respecting printed papers. If they are not in accordance with the regulations for printed papers or with the rules applicable to Post-cards they are treated as letters.
(6) The sender of a reply paid Post-Card is recommended to write his name and address on the stamped side of the reply portion of the double card. The reply imives of double Post-Cards are available for return to the country of origin, and to that country only. If addressed to other countries they are treated as unpaid Post-Cards.
(7) Ordinary international Post-Cards of one country posted in another are treated as unpaid Post-Cards.
- ↑ *These regulations will apply to Post-Cards of all kinds whether addressed to places in the United Kingdom, Sarawak, the Straits Settlements, Federated Malay States or Johore; but, although there is reason to believe that the same course will be generally adopted, no guarantee can at present be given that the same privileges will be allowed by the Post Offices of other Countries.
No. LXIX, 1906.
In the goods of Lew Piang,
pepper planter of Tan Teo
Darian. (Absconded.)
In the goods of Tsai Hin Tet,
and Tsai Jew Shoon. pepper
planters of Paku Chop Jee
Lee, (Absconded.)
In the goods of Lew Choon,
pepper planter of 41/2 mile
Rock Road. (Absconded.)
In the goods of Chai Khun,
pepper planter of S. Tapang.
In the goods of Chop Ban
Chong, Carpenter.
In the goods of Koey Tai Hok.
Chop Tai Hah, cake dealer.
In the goods of Lim Hong Tiew,
Fisherman of Buntal.
In the goods of Chee On.
pepper planter Chop Loong
Shoon, of Paku. (Absconded.)
In the goods of Lai Moh. pep-
planter of 51/2 mile Kock
Road. (Absconded.)
In the goods of Ngin Han, pepper
planter of Tan Teo
Durian. Chop Kee Look,
In the goods of Bong Ti, shopkeeper
of 41/2 mile Rock Road.
In the goods of Jong Lok, pepper
planter of Paku. (Absconded.)
All creditors and other persons having any claim whatsoever against the Estates of the above named are hereby requested to send particulars thereof to the undersigned on or before the 15th February 1907, after which date the assets of the above named will be divided amongst the parties entitled thereto regard being had only to those claims of which notice shall have been given. And all moneys owing to the above Estates shall be paid to the undersigned forthwith.
Resident 2nd Class.
31st December, 1906.
Sarawak Library.
Subscribers are requested to send to the Honorary Secretary lists of such books as they wish added to the library.
Acting Honorary Secretary.
Dr. A. J. G. Barker, Principal Medical Officer, returned from leave on 28th December 1906, and has resumed his duties.
His Highness the Rajah has been pleased to make the following appointments:—
Herbert La Chard Esq. to be a Cadet, and to do duty in Upper Sarawak at Bau, to date 28th December 1906.
Dr. Robert Bruce Low to be Assistant Medical Officer, to date from 28th December 1906.
Miss A. Hastie to the Medical Department as Nurse, to date from 28th December 1906.
H. B. Crocker Esq. Assistant Resident, to do duty in the Resident's Office. Kuching, to date from 8th January 1907.
Tuesday, 1st January, 1907.
The Annual Regatta took place as usual on New Year's Day. The weather was favourable with the exception of a heavy storm which swept over the town during the interval for tiffin. There was a very large attendance of spectators and the entrances for the principal races of the day showed that the enthusiasm of the Malay population has in no way abated.
Judges:— Sir Percy Cunynghame, Bart. and Messrs.
J. M. Bryan, John E. A. Lewis. C. C.
Robison, H. D. Ellis, and The Datu Hakim,
The Datu Muda.
Starters:— Messrs. G. C. Gillan, Stuart Cunynghame
H.A. Adams and The Tuan Belal.
Umpire:—Mr. M. G. Bradford.