married (1) in 1660, Theodosia, daughter of Lord Capel, and (2) in 1670, Flower, daughter of William Backhouse of Swallowfield in Berkshire, and widow of William Bishopp and of Sir William Backhouse, Bart. He was succeeded by his only son, Edward (1661–1724), as 3rd earl of Clarendon; and, the latter having no surviving son, the title passed to Henry, 2nd earl of Rochester (1672–1753), at whose death without male heirs it became extinct in the Hyde line.
CLARENDON, CONSTITUTIONS OF, a body of English laws issued at Clarendon in 1164, by which Henry II. endeavoured to settle the relations between Church and State. Though they purported to declare the usages on the subject which prevailed in the reign of Henry I. they were never accepted by the clergy, and were formally renounced by the king at Avranches in September 1172. Some of them, however, were in part at least, as they all purported to be, declaratory of ancient usage and remained in force after the royal renunciation. Of the sixteen provisions the one which provoked the greatest opposition was that which declared in effect that criminous clerks were to be summoned to the king’s court, and from there, after formal accusation and defence, sent to the proper ecclesiastical court for trial. If found guilty they were to be degraded and sent back to the king’s court for punishment. Another provision, which in spite of all opposition obtained a permanent place in English law, declared that all suits even between clerk and clerk concerning advowsons and presentations should be tried in the king’s court. By other provisions appeals to Rome without the licence of the king were forbidden. None of the clergy were to leave the realm, nor were the king’s tenants-in-chief and ministers to be excommunicated or their lands interdicted without the royal permission. Pleas of debt, whether involving a question of good faith or not, were to be in the jurisdiction of the king’s courts. Two most interesting provisions, to which the clergy offered no opposition, were: (1) if a dispute arose between a clerk and a layman concerning a tenement which the clerk claimed as free-alms (frankalmoign) and the layman as a lay-fee, it should be determined by the recognition of twelve lawful men before the king’s justice whether it belonged to free-alms or lay-fee, and if it were found to belong to free-alms then the plea was to be held in the ecclesiastical court, but if to lay-fee, in the court of the king or of one of his magnates; (2) a declaration of the procedure for election to bishoprics and royal abbeys, generally considered to state the terms of the settlement made between Henry I. and Anselm in 1107.
Authorities—J. C. Robertson, Materials for History of Thomas Becket, Rolls Series (1875–1885); Sir F. Pollock and F. W. Maitland, History of English Law before the Time of Ed. I. (Cambridge, 1898), and F. W. Maitland, Roman Canon Law in the Church of England (1898); the text of the Constitutions is printed by W. Stubbs in Select Charters (Oxford, 1895). (G. J. T.)
CLARES, POOR, otherwise Clarisses, Franciscan nuns, so
called from their foundress, St Clara (q.v.). She was professed by
St Francis in the Portiuncula in 1212, and two years later she
and her first companions were established in the convent of St
Damian’s at Assisi. The nuns formed the “Second Order of St
Francis,” the friars being the “First Order,” and the Tertiaries
(q.v.) the “Third.” Before Clara’s death in 1253, the Second
Order had spread all over Italy and into Spain, France and
Germany; in England they were introduced c. 1293 and established
in London, outside Aldgate, where their name of Minoresses
survives in the Minories; there were only two other English
houses before the Dissolution. St Francis gave the nuns no rule,
but only a “Form of Life” and a “Last Will,” each only five
lines long, and coming to no more than an inculcation of his idea
of evangelical poverty. Something more than this became
necessary as soon as the institute began to spread; and during
Francis’s absence in the East, 1219, his supporter Cardinal
Hugolino composed a rule which made the Franciscan nuns
practically a species of unduly strict Benedictines, St Francis’s
special characteristics being eliminated. St Clara made it her
life work to have this rule altered, and to get the Franciscan
character of the Second Order restored; in 1247 a “Second
Rule” was approved which went a long way towards satisfying
her desires, and finally in 1253 a “Third,” which practically gave
what she wanted. This rule has come to be known as the “Rule
of the Clares”; it is one of great poverty, seclusion and austerity
of life. Most of the convents adopted it, but several clung to
that of 1247. To bring about conformity, St Bonaventura, while
general (1264), obtained papal permission to modify the rule of
1253, somewhat mitigating its austerities and allowing the
convents to have fixed incomes,—thus assimilating them to the
Conventual Franciscans as opposed to the Spirituals. This rule
was adopted in many convents, but many more adhered to the
strict rule of 1253. Indeed a counter-tendency towards a greater
strictness set in, and a number of reforms were initiated, introducing
an appalling austerity of life. The most important of
these reforms were the Coletines (St Colette, c. 1400) and the
Capucines (c. 1540; see Capuchins). The half-dozen forms of
the Franciscan rule for women here mentioned are still in use in
different convents, and there are also a great number of religious
institutes for women based on the rule of the Tertiaries. By the
term “Poor Clares” the Coletine nuns are now commonly
understood; there are various convents of these nuns, as of other
Franciscans, in England and Ireland. Franciscan nuns have
always been very numerous; there are now about 150 convents of
the various observances of the Second Order, in every part of the
world, besides innumerable institutions of Tertiaries.
See Helyot, Hist. des ordres religieux (1792), vii. cc. 25-28 and 38-42; Wetzer and Welte, Kirchenlexikon (2nd ed.), art. “Clara”; Max Heimbucher, Orden und Kongregationen (1896), i. §§ 47, 48, who gives references to all the literature. For a scientific study of the beginnings see Lempp, “Die Anfänge des Klarissenordens” in Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte, xiii, (1892), 181 ff. (E. C. B.)
CLARET (from the Fr. vin claret, mod. clairet, wine of a light clear colour, from Lat. clarus, clear), the English name for the red Bordeaux wines. The term was originally used in France for light-yellow or light-red wines, as distinguished from the vins
rouges and the vins blancs; later it was applied to red wines generally, but is rarely used in French, and never with the particular English meaning (see Wine).
man of letters and director of the Théâtre Français, was born at
Limoges on the 3rd of December 1840. After studying at the
lycée Bonaparte in Paris, he became an active journalist, achieving
great success as dramatic critic to the Figaro and to the
Opinion nationale. He was a newspaper correspondent during
the Franco-German War, and during the Commune acted as staff-officer
in the National Guard. In 1885 he became director of the
Théâtre Français, and from that time devoted his time chiefly to
its administration. He was elected a member of the Academy in
1888, and took his seat in Februrary 1889, being received by
Ernest Renan. The long list of his works includes Histoire de la
révolution de 1870–1871 (new ed., 5 vols., 1875–1876); Cinq ans
après; l’Alsace et la Lorraine depuis l’annexion (1876); some
annual volumes of reprints of his articles in the weekly press,
entitled La Vie à Paris; La Vie moderne au théâtre (1868–1869);
Molière, sa vie et son œuvre (1871); Histoire de la littérature
française, 900–1900 (2nd ed. 1905); Candidat! (1887), a novel of
contemporary life; Brichanteau, comédien français (1896);
several plays, some of which are based on novels of his own—Les
Muscadins (1874), Le Régiment de Champagne (1877), Les Mirabeau
(1879), Monsieur le ministre (1883), and others; and the opera,
La Navarraise, based on his novel La Cigarette, and written with
Henri Cain to the music of Massenet. La Navarraise was first
produced at Covent Garden (June 1894) with Mme Calvé in the
part of Anita. His Œuvres complètes were published in
CLARI, GIOVANNI CARLO MARIA, Italian musical composer, chapel-master at Pistoia, was born at Pisa about the year 1669. The time of his death is unknown. He was the most celebrated pupil of Colonna, chapel-master of S. Petronio, at Bologna. He became maestro di cappella at Pistoia about 1712, at Bologna in 1720, and at Pisa in 1736. He is supposed to have died about 1745. The works by which Clari distinguished himself pre-eminently are his vocal duets and trios, with a basso continuo, published between 1740 and 1747. These compositions,