Garianonum of the Romans; the Scite and Remains fixed and described,’ London, 8vo, with map and plates; 2nd edit., Yarmouth, 1803. He died of consumption, 9 June 1776, having just entered on his twenty-fifth year, and was buried with his father and grandfather at Belton, Suffolk, where a monument was erected to his memory with a Latin inscription which has been printed by Dawson Turner (Sepulchral Reminiscences of a Market Town, p. 128). His library was sold by auction 3–6 March 1777, including some curious manuscripts, chiefly relating to Suffolk and Norfolk, that had belonged to Peter Le Neve, Thomas Martin, and Francis Blomefield. His coins, medals, ancient paintings, and antiquities were sold in February 1777. Two portraits of him have been engraved. One of them, engraved by P. Audinet from a drawing by Perry, is in Nichols's ‘Illustrations of Literature.’
In August 1773 Ives eloped with Sarah, daughter of Wade Kett of Lopham, Norfolk, and married her at Lambeth Church, 16 Aug. 1773. A temporary estrangement from his father followed. His wife survived him, and married, on 7 June 1796, the Rev. D. Davies, B.D., prebendary of Chichester.
[Memoir by the Rev. Sir John Cullum, bart., prefixed to 2nd edit. of Remarks upon the Garianonum of the Romans; Gent. Mag. lvii. 275, lxiii. 575; Granger's Letters (Malcolm), pp. 101, 296; Lowndes's Bibl. Man. (Bohn), p. 1174; Nichols's Illustr. of Lit. iii. 608, 609; Nichols's Lit. Anecd. iii. 198, 199, 200, 622, 756, v. 386–389, vi. 93; Thorpe's Cat. of Ancient MSS. (1835), No. 869.]
IVIE, EDWARD (1678–1745), Latin poet, born in 1678, was admitted a foundation scholar of Westminster School in 1692, and was elected in 1696 to a scholarship at Christ Church, Oxford, where he graduated B.A. in 1700 and M.A. in 1702. After taking orders he was appointed chaplain to Dr. Smalridge, bishop of Bristol. He was instituted on 27 March 1717 to the vicarage of Floore, Northamptonshire, where he died on 11 June 1745, aged 67.
He was well known to scholars by his ‘Epicteti Enchiridion, Latinis versibus adumbratum,’ Oxford, 1715, 8vo; 1723, 8vo; reprinted, with Simpson's ‘Epictetus,’ Oxford, 1804, 8vo, which was undertaken on the advice of Bishop Smalridge, to whom it is dedicated. Ivie also contributed ‘Articuli Pacis,’ a poem, to the ‘Examen Poeticum,’ 1698.
[Gent. Mag. xv. 332; Baker's Northamptonshire, i. 157; Welch's Alumni Westmon. (Phillimore), pp. 222, 231; Cat. of Oxford Graduates; Lowndes's Bibl. Man. (Bohn), p. 745.]
IVIMEY, JOSEPH (1773–1834), baptist minister and historian, eldest of eight children of Charles Ivimey (d. 24 Oct. 1820) by his wife Sarah Tilly (d. 1830), was born at Ringwood, Hampshire, on 22 May 1773. His father was a tailor, of spendthrift habits. Ivimey was brought up under Arian influences, but his convictions led him towards the Calvinistic baptists, and on 16 Sept. 1790 he received adult baptism from John Saffery at Wimborne, Dorsetshire. He followed his father's trade at Lymington, Hampshire, whither he removed on 4 June 1791. In April 1793 he sought employment in London; he finally left Lymington in 1794 for Portsea, Hampshire. Here he became an itinerant preacher, visiting in this capacity many towns in the district. Early in 1803 he was recognised as a minister, and settled as assistant to one Lovegrove at Wallingford, Berkshire. He was chosen pastor of the particular baptist church, Eagle Street, Holborn, on 21 Oct. 1804, and was ordained on 16 Jan. 1805. From 1812 he acted on the committee of the Baptist Missionary Society. On 19 April 1814 the Baptist Society for Promoting the Gospel in Ireland was formed. Ivimey was the first secretary (an honorary office); he visited Ireland in May 1814, and retained the secretaryship till 3 Oct. 1833. In 1817, and again in 1819, he made missionary journeys to the Channel islands. At Portsea, on 18 Aug. 1820, his father and mother received adult baptism at his hands. He was a conscientious minister, but his strictness caused in 1827 a secession of some fifty or sixty members from his church. His views on religious liberty were not equal to the strain of Roman catholic emancipation; on this ground he had opposed the repeal of the Test and Corporation Acts, and at length separated himself from the ‘three denominations,’ after their meeting at Dr. Williams's Library on 20 Jan. 1829, to promote the emancipation of Roman catholics. He warmly advocated the abolition of colonial slavery; and, to commemorate the abolition, foundation-stones of Sunday-school premises and almshouses, in connection with Eagle Street Church, were laid on 12 Nov. 1833. Ivimey died on 8 Feb. 1834, and was buried on 15 Feb. at Bunhill Fields. A tablet to his memory was placed in the boys' schoolroom at Eagle Street. He married, first, on 7 July 1795, Sarah Bramble (d. 1806), by whom he had two sons and four daughters: a son and daughter survived him; secondly, on 7 Jan. 1808, Anne Price (d. 2 Jan. 1820), a widow (whose maiden name was Spence) with three children; by her he had no issue.