establishment at Grove House, and after struggling in vain to restore the position of the ‘Literary Gazette,’ he brought his connection with the paper to a close on 28 Dec. 1850. He had been sole proprietor since 1842. The price had been reduced to fourpence, and it was brought down under Jerdan's successor to threepence. A new series, started in 1858, restored the price of fourpence, but the paper was still unsuccessful; in 1862 it was incorporated with a new venture entitled ‘The Parthenon,’ and expired with that enterprise on 30 May 1863.
In 1853 Jerdan obtained a pension of 100l. from the civil list, and his friends presented him with a handsome testimonial. He settled at Bushey Heath, Hertfordshire, in 1856, and, despite increasing years, continued to write occasional articles for ‘Fraser's’ and the ‘Gentleman's Magazine.’ In 1852–3 he published four volumes of a discursive autobiography. In 1854 he drew up for the South-Eastern Railway Company a descriptive handbook to the country traversed by their line, under the title of ‘Manual No. 1. Main Line to the Coast and Continent.’ In 1866 he pursued his reminiscences in ‘Men I have known.’ His last work was a series of biographical articles for the ‘Leisure Hour,’ and he was until the end a contributor to ‘Notes and Queries’ under the pseudonym of ‘Bushey Heath.’ His geniality never forsook him, and although without eminent literary ability, many distinguished authors owed much to his kindly encouragement of their early efforts. He took part in few literary quarrels. While still a young man he was threatened by Byron with a challenge on account of some disparaging criticism, and in 1845 Whewell, the master of Trinity, exhibited marked animosity to him on like grounds (cf. Clark and Hughes, Life of Sedgwick, ii. 99). Jerdan died at Bushey Heath on 11 July 1869, in his eighty-eighth year, and a tombstone was erected above his grave in Bushey churchyard in 1874 ‘by his friends and associates in the Society of Noviomagus.’
Jerdan married twice, and by both wives had large families. His eldest son by his first marriage, John Stuart Jerdan (1808–1839), was a stipendiary magistrate in Jamaica (Gent. Mag. 1835, pt. i. p. 334). A portrait painted by G. H. Harlow in 1815 was engraved by H. Robinson for Jerdan's ‘Autobiography,’ vol. i. A sketch by Maclise appeared in ‘Fraser's Magazine’ in 1830, and is reproduced in Bates's ‘Maclise Portrait Gallery’ (1883). Jerdan also figures in Maclise's well-known group of ‘Fraserians.’
[Jerdan's Autobiography, 4 vols. 1852–3, 8vo, is the chief authority, but is ill-arranged, and supplies few dates. See also Jerdan's Men I have known (1866); Notes and Queries, 4th ser. iv. 67; Bates's Maclise Portrait Gallery, pp. 1 sq.; Moore's Diary; Fraser's Mag. i. 605; Register of Biography, 1869, ii. 94; Halkett and Laing's Dict. of Anon. and Pseudon. Lit. iii. 1889, 2396.]
JERDON, THOMAS CLAVERHILL (1811–1872), zoologist, son of Archibald Jerdon of Bonjedward, Roxburghshire, was born in 1811. He received his first appointment as assistant-surgeon in the Madras service in 1835, and began an assiduous study of the birds of India. In 1844 he brought out his ‘Illustrations of Indian Ornithology;’ and his later work, ‘Birds of India,’ 1862–4, has been described as of inestimable value. He came home in 1864, and died 12 June 1872 at Upper Norwood, Surrey. Another work, the ‘Mammals of India,’ 1867, reached a second edition in 1874. The botanical genus Jerdonia was named in his honour by his old friend and fellow-officer, Dr. Wight. His younger brother, Archibald (1819–1874), was also a naturalist. He first published notes in the ‘Zoologist’ in 1841, and died at Allerton, near Jedburgh, in February 1874 (Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinb. xii. 201).
[Proc. Linn. Soc. 1872–3, p. 32.]
JEREMIE, JAMES AMIRAUX, D.D. (1802–1872), dean of Lincoln, son of James Jeremie, merchant, and his wife, Margaret Amiraux, descendant of an old Huguenot family long settled in the Channel islands, was born at St. Peter Port, Guernsey, on 12 April 1802. He received his early education at Elizabeth College, Guernsey, and Blundell's grammar school, Tiverton; matriculated at Trinity College, Cambridge, on 13 Nov. 1820, and graduated B.A. in 1824, M.A. in 1827, and B.D. and D.D. in 1850. He obtained the prize for the Norrisian essay in 1823 and 1825; that for the Hulsean essay in 1824, and the members' prize in 1826, when he was elected to a fellowship. He took holy orders in 1830, became examining chaplain to his patron and friend, Bishop Kaye of Lincoln, and was appointed by Kaye to the prebendal stall of Sanctæ Crucis in Lincoln Cathedral on 20 Dec. 1834, and to the subdeanery on 1 July 1848. He also held the rectory of Winwick, Northamptonshire, in the Bishop of Lincoln's patronage, from 9 March 1843 to 1848. On 7 April 1830 he was appointed by the board of directors to the professorship of classical and general literature at the East India Company's college, Haileybury, Hertfordshire. In 1838 he was dean there. Jeremie found congenial associates among his colleagues, who included Le Bas, Malthus,