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Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 15.djvu/264

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John is known by his plan of Worcester, 1742, a drawing of the guildhall of that city, and ‘an exact plan’ of Kidderminster, 1753.

[Chambers's Biographical Illustrations of Worcestershire, pp. 343–4; Gough's British Topography, ii. 390, 391.]

DOUGHTIE or DOUGHTY, JOHN (1598–1672), divine, born in 1598 at Martley, near Worcester, was educated at Worcester grammar school, and in 1613 was sent to Merton College, Oxford. After he had taken his bachelor's degree, he was in 1619 the successful one of three candidates for a fellowship, one of his competitors being Blake, subsequently admiral. Having obtained his master's degree in 1622, he became a clergyman, and was very popular and successful as a preacher. In 1631 he served as proctor for four months, when he was removed by order of the king for hearing an appeal from the decision of the vice-chancellor, and about the same time he was appointed chaplain to the Earl of Northumberland. In 1633 he was instituted to the college living of Lapworth in Warwickshire, which, to avoid sequestration and imprisonment, he abandoned at the commencement of the civil war, and joined the king's forces at Oxford. Shortly afterwards the Bishop of Salisbury (b. rian Duppa) gave him the living of St. Edmund's, Salisbury, which he held for two years, until the defeat of the royal army in the west rendered it necessary for him to seek shelter, which he found in the house of Sir Nathaniel Brent in Little Britain, London. After the Restoration he petitioned the king for a vacant prebend in Westminster Abbey, on the ground that when prevented from preaching he had ‘justified the cause of the king and the church’ by his pen. He was appointed to the prebend in July 1660, made D.D. next October, and in 1662 was presented to the rectory of Cheam in Surrey. He died in 1672, ‘having lived,’ says Wood, ‘to be twice a child,’ and was buried in the north side of Edward the Confessor's chapel in Westminster Abbey. His published writings are: 1. ‘Two Sermons on the Abstruseness of Divine Mysteries and on Church Schisms,’ 1628. 2. ‘The King's Cause rationally, briefly, and plainly Debated, as it stands de facto against the irrational Misprision of a Deceived People,’ 1644. 3. ‘Velitationes Polemicæ, or Polemical Short Discursion of certain Particular and Select Questions,’ 1651–2. 4. ‘Analecta Sacra; sive Excursus Philologici,’ &c., 1658.

[Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1660; Wood's Athenæ Oxon. (b. liss), iii. 976, Fasti, i. 365, 459; Manning and Bray's Hist. of Surrey, ii. 479; Newcourt's Repert. i. 921; Lysons's Environs of London, i. 149.]

DOUGHTY, WILLIAM (d. 1782), portrait-painter and mezzotint engraver, was a native of Yorkshire, who, after having etched a few portraits, was in 1775, on the introduction of the poet Mason, placed under the tuition of Sir Joshua Reynolds. He remained about three years in the house of Sir Joshua as his pupil, and from 1776 sent portraits, including a good three-quarter length of his patron, the Rev. William Mason, in 1778, to the exhibition of the Royal Academy. Northcote states that about this time, by the desire of Mason, he painted the portrait of the poet Gray (d. 1771) by description and the help of an outline of his profile, which had been taken by lamp-light when he was living. He etched this head as a frontispiece to Mason's edition of Gray's ‘Poems,’ published in 1778. On leaving Sir Joshua he went to Ireland as a portrait-painter, but was not successful, although highly recommended by his master. He returned to London much dispirited, and occupied himself in engraving in mezzotint heads after Sir Joshua Reynolds, most of which are dated 1779, the year in which he exhibited at the Royal Academy a picture of ‘Circe.’ In 1780 he married Margaret Joy, a servant girl in Sir Joshua's house, and with her started for Bengal; but the ship in which he sailed was captured by the combined squadrons of France and Spain. He was taken to Lisbon, where he died in 1782. His widow continued her voyage to India, where she had friends, but died just after her arrival.

Doughty was a mezzotint engraver of great power. His best plates are half-lengths of Dr. Johnson and the Rev. William Mason from paintings by Sir Joshua Reynolds, after whom he engraved also Admiral Viscount Keppel, Mrs. Swinburne, and Mary Palmer, Sir Joshua's niece, afterwards Marchioness of Thomond. He engraved, likewise after Sir Joshua, ‘Ariadne’ and a ‘Sleeping Child.’ There is also a head by him, apparently not quite finished, which is said to represent the artist himself, but this statement is somewhat doubtful.

[Northcote's Life of Sir Joshua Reynolds, 1818, ii. 33–4; Chaloner Smith's British Mezzotinto Portraits, 1878–83, i. 218–21; Catalogues of the Exhibition of the Royal Academy, 1776–1779.]

DOUGLAS, Sir ALEXANDER (1738–1812), physician, son of Sir Robert Douglas of Glenbervie [q. v.], author of ‘The Peerage of Scotland,’ studied medicine at Leyden (1759), and was admitted M.D. of St. Andrews in 1760. He became a fellow of the