Pages in category "Authors-Ma"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,448 total.
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- Author:Leo F. H. Ma
- Author:Ma Yuan
- Author:Maarten Maartens
- Author:Anthony John Maas
- Author:Andries Ferdinand Stockenström Maasdorp
- Author:James Mabbe
- Author:Thomas Ollive Mabbott
- Author:Catherine Charlotte Maberly
- Author:Hamilton Wright Mabie
- Author:Jean Mabillon
- Author:Gabriel Bonnot de Mably
- Author:Raymond Edwin Mabus
- Author:Alexander Macalister
- Author:Robert Alexander Stewart Macalister
- Author:Donald MacAlister
- Author:Stella Avery Macalpine
- Author:Reginald Walter Macan
- Author:Robert MacAndrew
- Author:Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
- Author:Diosdado Macapagal
- Author:Pseudo-Macarius
- Author:Marie Michele Macaron
- Author:Douglas MacArthur
- Author:James Macarthur
- Author:Margaret MacArthur
- Author:Arthur John Macarthur-Onslow
- Author:Clarence Edward Noble Macartney
- Author:Frederick Thomas Bennett Macartney
- Author:George Macartney
- Author:Samuel Halliday Macartney
- Author:Alexander Beith Macaulay
- Author:Catharine Macaulay
- Author:Colman Macaulay
- Author:Emilie Rose Macaulay
- Author:George Campbell Macaulay
- Author:James Macaulay
- Author:Thomas Babington Macaulay
- Author:William Herrick Macaulay
- Author:Zachary Macaulay
- Author:Charles Raymond Macauley
- Author:Patrick J. MacAuley
- Author:Max Arthur Macauliffe
- Author:Alexander Macbain
- Author:Robert Walker Macbeth
- Author:Ernest William MacBride
- Author:James Macbride
- Author:Neil Harvey MacBride
- Author:Thomas Huston Macbride
- Author:James MacCaffrey
- Author:William Maccall
- Author:Lindsey MacCallum
- Author:Denis Florence MacCarthy
- Author:Clay MacCauley
- Author:Dugald Sutherland MacColl
- Author:Malcolm Maccoll
- Author:Norman MacColl
- Author:Henry MacCormac
- Author:William MacCormac
- Author:Henry Mitchell MacCracken
- Author:Gordon MacCreagh
- Author:James MacCullagh
- Author:John Macculloch
- Author:John Arnott MacCulloch
- Author:John MacCunn
- Author:George Grant MacCurdy
- Author:Michael MacDonagh
- Author:Alexander MacDonald
- Author:Alice MacDonald
- Author:Anna Sprague MacDonald
- Author:Ballard MacDonald
- Author:Donald R. Macdonald
- Author:Duncan Black MacDonald
- Author:Frederika Richardson Macdonald
- Author:George MacDonald
- Author:George Macdonald (1862-1940)
- Author:Greville MacDonald
- Author:Hester Alice MacDonald
- Author:Howard Brenton MacDonald
- Author:Hugh Macdonald
- Author:Iain Lom MacDonald
- Author:James Macdonald (1829-1887)
- Author:James Macdonald (b. 1850)
- Author:James Ramsay MacDonald
- Author:James Ronald Leslie Macdonald
- Author:James Simon Macdonald
- Author:Jane Elizabeth Gostwycke MacDonald
- Author:John Alexander Macdonald (1815-1891)
- Author:John Alexander Macdonald (1846-1922)
- Author:John Dann MacDonald
- Author:John Denis Macdonald
- Author:John Farrell MacDonald
- Author:Kenneth Somerled Macdonald
- Author:L. M. Montgomery MacDonald
- Author:Leila Ellen Macdonald
- Author:Neil Macdonald
- Author:Philip MacDonald
- Author:Thomas Harris MacDonald
- Author:William MacDonald
- Author:William Bell Macdonald
- Author:William Rae Macdonald
- Author:Wilson Pugsley MacDonald
- Author:R. M. Macdonald
- Author:Agnes Macdonell
- Author:Alice Clare MacDonell
- Author:Anne Lumb Macdonell
- Author:Arthur Anthony Macdonell
- Author:Blanche Lucile Macdonell
- Author:George Paul Macdonell
- Author:John Macdonell
- Author:Hercules Henry Graves MacDonnell
- Author:John Cotter Macdonnell
- Author:August Rodney Macdonough
- Author:Daniel Trembly MacDougal
- Author:George Gordon Macdougall
- Author:John R. MacDougall
- Author:Patrick Leonard MacDougall
- Author:Robert Macdougall
- Author:Anna Dennistoun MacDowall
- Author:Katherine Sherwood Bonner MacDowell
- Author:Mary Anne MacDowell
- Author:John Ross Macduff
- Author:Frances Laughton Mace
- Author:Douglas MacEachin
- Author:A. J. G. MacEchen
- Author:Alexandru Macedonski
- Author:Andrew Alphonsus MacErlean
- Author:John Campbell MacErlean
- Author:MacEvin
- Author:Constance Ellen MacEwen
- Author:Bernarr Macfadden
- Author:Allan Macfadyen
- Author:Dugald Macfadyen
- Author:Haldane Macfall
- Author:Douglas Macfarlan
- Author:Alexander Macfarlane
- Author:Andrew MacFarlane
- Author:Charles Macfarlane
- Author:James Macfarlane
- Author:John Macfarlane (1857-1914)
- Author:John Macfarlane (1866-1906)
- Author:John Fleming Cullen Macfarlane
- Author:Peter Clark MacFarlane
- Author:William Godsoe MacFarlane
- Author:Colin Macfarquhar
- Author:George Alexander Macfarren
- Author:Charles Macfaull
- Author:James MacGeoghegan
- Author:David MacGibbon
- Author:Elma MacGibbon
- Author:Patrick MacGill
- Author:Evan James Macgillivray
- Author:John MacGillivray
- Author:William MacGillivray
- Author:Alice MacGowan
- Author:John Macgowan (1726-1780)
- Author:John Macgowan (1835-1922)
- Author:Harold MacGrath
- Author:David Hutchison MacGregor
- Author:Duncan MacGregor
- Author:Jessie Macgregor
- Author:John MacGregor (1797-1857)
- Author:John MacGregor (1825-1892)
- Author:Ernst Mach
- Author:Josef Mach
- Author:Karel Hynek Mácha
- Author:Simeon Karel Macháček
- Author:Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis
- Author:Antonio Machado
- Author:Jan Hanuš Máchal
- Author:Agnes Maule Machar
- Author:Josef Svatopluk Machar
- Author:William Briggs MacHarg
- Author:Antonín Machek
- Author:Arthur Machen
- Author:John Gresham Machen
- Author:Niccolò Machiavelli
- Author:John Machin
- Author:George Macilwain
- Author:John Bedell Stanford MacIlwaine
- Author:Thomas Robert Edward MacInnes
- Author:Hugh Macintosh
- Author:Duncan MacIntyre
- Author:Donald MacIver
- Author:Amy Eleanor Mack
- Author:Marie Louise Hamilton Mack
- Author:Solomon Mack
- Author:Denis Mackail
- Author:John William Mackail
- Author:George Henry Mackaness
- Author:Matilda Anne Mackarness
- Author:Aeneas James George Mackay
- Author:Alistair Mackay